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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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That would explain why FGT makes him lose his Shinigami powers. It was him becoming a full blooded Quincy all at once, supressing his dormant powers until the SS reawkened them, but in the process they also reawakened his Quincy blood, but it couldn't activate until something triggered Zangetsu/Bach's memories and powers to reawaken.

Nah. I think you got this backwards. FGT did sacrifice Ichigo's shinigami and hollow power. However, Ichigo's quincy power, being the glue between his shinigami and hollow side to prevent soul suicide, retained part of those powers.

Urahara, knowing about Ichigo's origins, created a sword perfect for Ichigo to absorb. However, for this to work, some portion of the remaining hollow and shinigami reiatsu had to be pulled away from Ichigo's quincy powers. Thus, Urahar had to let Ichigo be trained by Ginjou so that the hollow and shinigami would be pulled from the quincy side. Ginjou stole some of Ichigo's fullbring. When Ichigo got stabbed by the reiatsu sword, the remaining pool of hollow and shinigami power that was separated from the quincy side was able to be successfully kickstarted again.


One Piece

Wait, could this really an island of fairy tales? Dwarves, fairies and... what was that thing that caught the fish? A giant?
Naruto 633

Spotlight on the other Konoha members (excluding Lee and Tenten) was enjoyable. Didn't have high hopes in the beginning, especially after Kiba used Kage Bunshin, but the Cerberus thing certainly impressed me as well as the jutsu of everyone else.

Don't really know why Sasuke is back to using snakes. Rather like to pretend that its him reverting back to "Dr. Snakes" as a sort of reminder to his banter with Itachi, since I think that would actually be lovely.

I noticed the similarity between Bach and Zangetsu. It makes a lot sense since Bach is the father of all Quincy and part of his power is in every one of them.

One Piece

I will wait a better translation.
The last few OP chapters weren't that great either. Too much time spent on crap that isn't really important.

I'm not going to argue with you about whether the last chapters were good or not but how weren't they important when we've seen the whole Shichibukai vs. Marines conflict being built up and the whole tourney which has introduced several seemingly important characters and might be leading to another confrontation with Blackbeard's crew?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

I never cared about seeing stupid Hinata, Shino or InoShikaCho attacks (I don't get why those three powers are supposed to have practically any battle symmetry anyways). Also, I thought Tsunade was still using Katsuyu. Also also, isn't Manda dead?



I guess Zanpakuto being harnessed hollows really explains where the animosity between Soul Reapers and Quincy comes from. I mean, one hates and destroys the hollows, the other "perverts" it.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Bleach (Better translation): A

I'm never gonna use Mr. Panda again -_-


Holy shit, those Ichigo (and hollowichigo) reaction panels are great. Also, the panel where the five swords are showing up and in the background is the weird one just laid flat the fuck out on the ground, lol.

Pigtail Sword-Girl for Waifu, plz. She can fucking handle my sword any day.

But uh, WHAT? The dude makes Asauchi using hollow? Aizen's technique connects directly to the way Zanpakuto are made? holy shit, Zangetsu isn't really his Zanpakuto? That was the Quincy part of his soul? DAMN.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

The reveal was fine, I just don't get why we needed 15 pages of throwaway panels to get there.

I read this on BA it´s by Black mask and it makes sense.

During Ichigo's Vizard training Shirosaki explained that whichever part of Ichigo was in control at the time would affect the form his inner avatar took.

That being said, Hichigo had full control over Ichigo's shinigami powers once he overtook from "Old man" Zangetsu.

In my view this perfectly explains how Ichigo's Quincy side could be under control and still use shinigami powers.

Yhwach mentioned that Ichigo had awoken the memories in his reiatsu because he had finally fought a Quincy, if we took this explanation into deeper terms this means that Ichigo's Quincy side never knew what it was or which kind of power it had.

This explains why Ichigo's inner Quincy never showed Quincy powers, he simply didn't know he had them.

On the other hand, Ichigo fought Hollows since the moment his powers awoke and hence Hollow Ichigo could take his masked form and shoot ceros from the moment he took over.


Bleach is out on .
You're good that duckroll is busy trolling in Gaming right now, but be careful about mentioning aggregate sites. It's technically not against the rules to mention the sites by name, but this could probably fall under "telling people where to get manga illegally".

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car




I guess Zanpakuto being harnessed hollows really explains where the animosity between Soul Reapers and Quincy comes from. I mean, one hates and destroys the hollows, the other "perverts" it.

Even with panda's shoddy work I called it!
Ok Kubo is awesome!


You guys have to be trolling with 'oh god how did nobody notice that and called that' fuck I remembet posts back when Bach was first introduced that he looks like Zangetsu and that there is probably more to it. Honestly said I awaited this.

The hollow to asauchi thing is quite more interesting.


One Piece

Wait, could this really an island of fairy tales? Dwarves, fairies and... what was that thing that caught the fish? A giant?
Yes, there were a couple hints already, doesn't the one legged toy soldier remind you of any famous story?

Those dwarves could be like the borrowers, lastly shown in Ghiblis Arrietty.

Fanservice chapter for the Konoha 12. Depending on how much you like them this was a either a really good chapter or a waste of space.
Konoha 12-1 dead guy - 2 ignored characters +-1 artist. It's a shame he left Lee and Tenten out.
Gai going all out again still Kisame stole all possible thunder from Lee anyway...


Yes, there were a couple hints already, doesn't the one legged toy soldier remind you of any famous story?

Those dwarves could be like the borrowers, lastly shown in Ghiblis Arrietty.

Konoha 12-1 dead guy - 2 ignored characters +-1 artist. It's a shame he left Lee and Tenten out.
Gai going all out again still Kisame stole all possible thunder from Lee anyway...

Yeah thanks for killing Neiji for nothing at all Kishi :/

And yeah the whole of Bleach is the best this week and in years (for Bleach).
I'm actually floored at how the whole thing was brought up and all


You're good that duckroll is busy trolling in Gaming right now, but be careful about mentioning aggregate sites. It's technically not against the rules to mention the sites by name, but this could probably fall under "telling people where to get manga illegally".

Whoops, thanks for the heads up. I'll edit it out.
I thought I'd seen people do it before, so I didn't think it'd be bad. Makes sense though.

Sai's appearance was just sad and the whole thing here really lost its impact without Lee, Ten-Ten and... oh yea.


Lots of silliness in this chapter and I find the five swords kinda stupid but otherwise pretty cool. Some great panels thrown in as well. Can't wait to see Ichigo's real Zanpakuto.



How can hollow ichigo be part of Zangetsu?


You guys have to be trolling with 'oh god how did nobody notice that and called that' fuck I remembet posts back when Bach was first introduced that he looks like Zangetsu and that there is probably more to it. Honestly said I awaited this.
The art style made them look distinctively different, this is the first chapter in years where old Zangetsu appeared. Now that seems to be the only reason Kubo used a younger one for Tensa Zangetsu, because their similarity would have been to obvious. Anybody agreeing with the that?


the holder of the trombone
Nobunaga no chef 29

That tongue and nose slicing is hilarious.

Looks like we're about to get some backstory with the ninja.

Lots of silliness in this chapter and I find the five swords kinda stupid but otherwise pretty cool. Some great panels thrown in as well. Can't wait to see Ichigo's real Zanpakuto.

How can hollow ichigo be part of Zangetsu?

Because they are both part of Ichigo´s soul.

one piece

I guess the one who caught the fish must be fishmen since they said humans and ran away. The last 2 pages were interesting but most of the chapter was boring.



Funny that Bach was the first to tell Ichigo about the utilization of Reishi...Fuckkkkkkk

So Ichigo's bankai wasn't really his bankai? Snap, son.

Because they are both a part of Ichigo's soul.
It's starting to make all kind of sense now, his bankai was really kinda like a mix, he expulsed reishi and modelled it like a quincy would do to make his own cloak like Kierge did with everything around him.
We probably have never seen his bankai actually!

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Yeah, but that doesn't really make Hollow Ichigo part of Zangetsu now, does it?
Yeah, it does, because Zangetsu isn't really a separate entity. There's only one soul and in Ichigo's case there are multiple things that meld into it. They are all a part of one another.
Yeah, but that doesn't really make Hollow Ichigo part of Zangetsu now, does it? I mean, it shouldn't look like this:

but that's how it sounds

Yes it does. Zangetsu and Hichigo are part of Ichigo´s soul. Zangetsu and Hichigo are the same entity, and not to separate entities withoin Ichigo´s soul.


Yeah, but that doesn't really make Hollow Ichigo part of Zangetsu now, does it? I mean, it shouldn't look like this:

but that's how it sounds
Zangetsu is part of Ichigo and so is Shirosaki. Or better Shirosaki <=Ichigo => Zangetsu with Z and S stemming both from Ichigos soul.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
that's some very liberal use of "part"

It's not that farfetched, I don't think. They did fuse during the FGT training, as well. Ichigo is the single example we have thus far in the manga of a Quincy inside of a soul where a hollow also resides so I don't think it's too outside the realm of possibility.

And this:
They're all the same entity since White breaks down the barrier between shinigami and hollow.
Which is logical given what we know.
that's some very liberal use of "part"


They still are one and the same. If they were not, then how were they able to become one being during Deicide?

Zangetsu may look like the Yhwach of 1000 years ago because he is a representation of Ichigo's Quincy powers, but he was still born of Ichigo's soul, and he was the one who allowed Ichigo to awaken Zangetsu in the first place.


One Piece
That was fun, I like the dynamics of the hostage exchanging group way more than the current tournament, Law is still a boss. So I guess dwarves = fairies rather than being separate species?


If Zangetsu is based on Ichigo's Quincy powers and Hollow Ichigo is Ichigo's true Zanpakuto. Does that means Ichigo is able wield 2 bankais at the same time? Not mention if he still got his fullbring powers he can pull a Zorro.....triple swords.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
If Zangetsu is based on Ichigo's Quincy powers and Hollow Ichigo is Ichigo's true Zanpakuto. Does that means Ichigo is able wield 2 bankais at the same time? Not mention if he still got his fullbring powers he can pull a Zorro.....triple swords.
When one materializes it seems the other recedes...if they fused it seems it would result in Mugetsu.

However, I believe that a literal bankai is based on a Shinigami's Zanpakuto; what Ichigo has been using this entire time was Bach's bastard version of a bankai (essentially trolling Ichigo and giving him a bankai that can't do much of shit), so it wouldn't technically be two bankais if the two could be released separately.
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