I didn't know people liked Team 7 in the first place. Much less now that all the characters have developed into worse versions of themselves.
You know what? Time for rant to drop some truth bombs on this bullshit ass manga.
Kishimoto is trying to convince me and other readers that Team 7 had this deep, meaningful bond, that was broken and tainted by Sasuke when he left to join Orochimaru, god knows how long ago.
Here's the fucking thing Kishimoto:
Let's go all the way back to part 1 and see things for what they really are: Naruto was a fucking moron (still is, really.), Sakura was an obsessive fangirl who when Kakashi asked what she liked ALL of her answers revolved around Sasuke, and Sasuke, despite the fact that he watched his family be killed repeatedly for
three fucking days shows only mild (and I"m being generous) mental instability. If you didn't know his backstory he'd just come off as your typical shounen rival who's there to be "serious" and "cool."
All throughout Part 1, Kishi tried to give this idea that Team 7 are at the very least "friends" at worst and really close at best. But here's the thing: They NEVER did anything remotely close to what friends usually do. Did they ever hang out and just straight chill and talk with each other just to have fun and recreation? Naruto is unquestionably closer to Shika, Choji, Kiba, etc based on what's ACTUALLY SHOWN on panel, rather than the horseshit "friendship" Kishi THOUGHT was there, when in reality it wasn't.
Then the plot line of Itachi telling Sasuke, "In order to have these eyes, you must kill your best friend." and Naruto showing up in the background as Sasuke thinks of the implications of that. Um...what? No. Just fucking no. At BEST, Sasuke and Naruto had a mutual respect for one another (which obviously changed after the whole Rasengan vs Chidori incident on the rooftop). These two constantly fought, bickered, and in general didn't get along very well, their only saving grace was Plot No Jutsu. You know how when Sasuke and Naruto came up with a plan back in the Wave arc to free Kakashi from Zabuza? Non-verbally at that? I thought "Okay, this is the start of them starting to bond and not be complete shitheads." Nope. They NEVER show that kind of teamwork again and go back to the status quo of a rivalry that had little-to-no genuine substance and depth.
In short, this whole Team 7 reunion is just simply bullshit fanservice based on bullshit foundation of friendship that was never there. They were never friends. They were simply teammates and acquaintances. In truth, Naruto has been trying to save a guy who was never his friend in the first place and yet has deluded himself into thinking that somehow his "bond" with Sasuke is worth saving despite the fact that he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant such obsession. Sasuke's line of "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" was never more appropriate.
Basically, Kishimoto, get fucked for trying to force feed us this crap that has completely shitted on all three members' character.