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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Kongou Banchou 60
This is the best training "arc" ever. Poor Oyanana but I'm also inclined to think that he's become a little stronger, in some way or another.

Kongou Banchou 62
I get what the flashback is supposed to tell us but the melodrama was quite over-the-top and not really justified at times. At least all is now set up for the brotherly confrontation.


I think the series only has like one hardcore fan, which is unfortunate. I thought it was just a bit too mature and felt liked a very dull concept since its just been so much before in other media. The manga felt like numerous scenes were missing and they jumped from place to place. It needed more Naruto cameos.


About Mario :
it wasn't really interesting, like DTL said the one shot was all over the place, sometimes you just don't understand the transitions between scenes. It doesn't look that good (I don't like Kishimoto's art but still) and it's not even original/fresh.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Let's not deny that DTL is right.

Naruto cameos would have made it less boring

Mario is set in the same world as Naruto in a technologically advanced future. Mario has the sharingan.
I read Kishi's Mario today in VIZ's Jump. I actually kinda liked it but his interview made me really curious about the "full" version he originally worked on. What'd you guys think of it?
I think it has a lot of potential. Kishi just needs some rest and the editing team ofJump SQ which is notoriously better than Weekly.

I will win the Jump contest. I will be apart of th new big three. I will be a mangaka.
I know I'm lttp but Team 7 are back yessssssssss!


Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I didn't know people liked Team 7 in the first place. Much less now that all the characters have developed into worse versions of themselves.


Kongou Banchou 64
Here comes the Nazi squad. Man, this manga is keeping throwing twists at me.

Kongou Banchou 67
Huh, it actually makes sense that there are more than one battle royale in whole Japan. I guess this is the final twist, the last arc will be a massive brawl between all of the Tokyo banchous and the victors from the other districts aka the Nazi squad.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't think natsu's biological father is important, igneel raised him that's what I'm saying he is natsu's father even if not my blood

It probably isn't, I'm just wondering how he got there.
So Seven Seas got some new titles:

Dragonar Academy

Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy&#8212;except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the &#8220;number one problem child.&#8221; Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared.
Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before&#8212;in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant.

Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun.

Makai &#332;ji: Devils and Realist

The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash.

A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name is Dantalion, and reveals that William is the "Elector" who can choose the next acting ruler of Hell.

Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky

In 1939, an enigmatic alien force called the Neuroi launched a widescale invasion of Earth, destroying nation after nation. Humanity's last hope at survival is to form an international elite fighting force of flying aces known as &#8220;Strike Witches!&#8221;
Strike Witches are young women with innate magical powers who are equipped with the latest in military technology: Striker Units, which provide the user with a unique array of weaponry that can only be controlled by magic.

Enter a young healer named Yoshika Miyafuji, the newest inductee into the 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING. Yoshika may be opposed to the military, but if she wants to survive, she better learn quick from veteran ace and strict displinarian, Mio Sakamoto, what it means to be a Strike Witch.

There's something for everyone!


Kongou Banchou 74
What the..., he was able to summon a friggin' 200m tower with his voice alone?

Kongou Banchou 77
Amazing, the Coward Banchou is like a more competent version of Shikamaru, in other words he can even hold his own when his trick don't work and more importantly he's a real bastard who puts winning above anything else.


The little sister looks adorable.

Is the older sister really that hated?

She seems fine to me.

Hated? Not really. She's just one of the less interesting ones since she's ... well, kind of normal and boring. And because Nisekoi.

I think it's more just the stupidity of "Oh, I didn't recognize the little sister of the girl I like" thing.


Kongou Banchou 79
Coming from the last fights, it was kind of anticlimactic that mole man went down after only one string of attack. Sasori embedded the bones in her whole body with bolts? Good lord.

Kongou Banchou 82

The silly tattoo aside, I'm hyped for this fight

Kongou Banchou 83
Why :|

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Need more worst girls I guess.

Easy way to get a worse girl than Onodera = create a second Onodera, but make her a bratty half-pint.

Plus we can add Paula in as a Chitoge/Seishirou hybrid who will fail miserably when her turn comes around.

The little sister looks adorable.

Is the older sister really that hated?

She seems fine to me.

The older sister is just a boring, generic character that gets more annoying because the stupid MC spends all his time slobbering over her while repeatedly being too fucking dense to notice that she, and everyone else, is super in love with him. Basically she's just the most boring and clueless of the four existing awful harem cut and paste girls.
Hated? Not really. She's just one of the less interesting ones since she's ... well, kind of normal and boring. And because Nisekoi.

I think it's more just the stupidity of "Oh, I didn't recognize the little sister of the girl I like" thing.

The older sister is just a boring, generic character that gets more annoying because the stupid MC spends all his time slobbering over her while repeatedly being too fucking dense to notice that she, and everyone else, is super in love with him. Basically she's just the most boring and clueless of the four existing awful harem cut and paste girls.

Okay, so she's the token cute girl that unfortunately received the short end of the stick (in regards to personality) from the Author.

Makes sense now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Okay, so she's the token cute girl that unfortunately received the short end of the stick (in regards to personality) from the Author.

Makes sense now.

Every single character in Nisekoi is a Walking Trope. They have no reason to exist and have no real personalities so to speak outside of their deisgnated Trope, e.g. Chitoge is a straight up tsundere, Onodera is a straight up shy girl Perfect Japanese Flower, Marika is a crazy bonkers mildly-yandere and Tsugumi is a bodyguard crush, what-is-this-feeling-you-call-love, type.


Kongou Banchou 84
This made made laugh pretty hard, Kongou still doesn't give a fuck. Not sure how I should feel about the Kongous being a separate biological class yet, it kind of makes sense but it's pretty out there.

Kongou Banchou 86
This guy smells like trouble but we'll get to see badass grandpa in action.

Kongou Banchou 88
...or not, so Kongou won after 2 chapters, there has to be more to this?



I liked this chapter but is Raku blind or something? How the hell couldn't he tell that she was related to the girl he likes, especially when they're practically clones. I'm glad they didn't just move on to the second year without adding some more characters though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

I liked this chapter but is Raku blind or something? How the hell couldn't he tell that she was related to the girl he likes, especially when they're practically clones. I'm glad they didn't just move on to the second year without adding some more characters though.

Raku also doesn't know that Chitoge, Onodera and Tsugumi want to fuck him. What do you think?

I thought people got into a hooplah the last time someone posted instead of linked to an image of a soma chapter before it was in english.

There's only like two people in the thread that can read moonrunes and neither of them read Foot Smut.
I didn't know people liked Team 7 in the first place. Much less now that all the characters have developed into worse versions of themselves.

You know what? Time for rant to drop some truth bombs on this bullshit ass manga.

Kishimoto is trying to convince me and other readers that Team 7 had this deep, meaningful bond, that was broken and tainted by Sasuke when he left to join Orochimaru, god knows how long ago.

Here's the fucking thing Kishimoto:


Let's go all the way back to part 1 and see things for what they really are: Naruto was a fucking moron (still is, really.), Sakura was an obsessive fangirl who when Kakashi asked what she liked ALL of her answers revolved around Sasuke, and Sasuke, despite the fact that he watched his family be killed repeatedly for three fucking days shows only mild (and I"m being generous) mental instability. If you didn't know his backstory he'd just come off as your typical shounen rival who's there to be "serious" and "cool."

All throughout Part 1, Kishi tried to give this idea that Team 7 are at the very least "friends" at worst and really close at best. But here's the thing: They NEVER did anything remotely close to what friends usually do. Did they ever hang out and just straight chill and talk with each other just to have fun and recreation? Naruto is unquestionably closer to Shika, Choji, Kiba, etc based on what's ACTUALLY SHOWN on panel, rather than the horseshit "friendship" Kishi THOUGHT was there, when in reality it wasn't.

Then the plot line of Itachi telling Sasuke, "In order to have these eyes, you must kill your best friend." and Naruto showing up in the background as Sasuke thinks of the implications of that. Um...what? No. Just fucking no. At BEST, Sasuke and Naruto had a mutual respect for one another (which obviously changed after the whole Rasengan vs Chidori incident on the rooftop). These two constantly fought, bickered, and in general didn't get along very well, their only saving grace was Plot No Jutsu. You know how when Sasuke and Naruto came up with a plan back in the Wave arc to free Kakashi from Zabuza? Non-verbally at that? I thought "Okay, this is the start of them starting to bond and not be complete shitheads." Nope. They NEVER show that kind of teamwork again and go back to the status quo of a rivalry that had little-to-no genuine substance and depth.

In short, this whole Team 7 reunion is just simply bullshit fanservice based on bullshit foundation of friendship that was never there. They were never friends. They were simply teammates and acquaintances. In truth, Naruto has been trying to save a guy who was never his friend in the first place and yet has deluded himself into thinking that somehow his "bond" with Sasuke is worth saving despite the fact that he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant such obsession. Sasuke's line of "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" was never more appropriate.

Basically, Kishimoto, get fucked for trying to force feed us this crap that has completely shitted on all three members' character.


Kongou Banchou 90
The mood swing of this manga is quite phenomenal, in one chapter we have our MCs fighting to secure the safety of whole Japan, two chapters later we have them lurking Akihabara and visiting maid cafes.

Kongou Banchou 91
It should have occurred to me earlier but the situation of the Kongou family reminds me of the Mishimas in Tekken, they're both dysfunctional as shit. So Takeshi is the ultimate big bad, it's a shame we never saw Homura doing anything and probably never will now, even Gokurou had a scene or two.
Bleach v43

Bleach must have tumbled or something, Viz had to use the the other color page from v42 for the back cover (uryu). Hachi Soifon was the best fight of the bunch here, with Stark feeling like it could have honestly gone a bit longer, though he and lilynette were just lazy.

Oh the other best moment was Hiyori rushing to attack Aizen...and then Gin's sword knocked her from far away, I forgot that even happened. I think Ill go and try to find the episode it happened, if its been dubbed yet.
Every single character in Nisekoi is a Walking Trope. They have no reason to exist and have no real personalities so to speak outside of their deisgnated Trope, e.g. Chitoge is a straight up tsundere, Onodera is a straight up shy girl Perfect Japanese Flower, Marika is a crazy bonkers mildly-yandere and Tsugumi is a bodyguard crush, what-is-this-feeling-you-call-love, type.

Oh man Grimace, I really didn't have any interest in Nisekoi.

The way you described three of the girls sounds like it would be a pretty disappointing read.

However, no matter how unintentional it was....

Marika is a crazy bonkers mildly-yandere


The yandere fan in me just became a bit interested for the manga.


Kongou Banchou 94
Coward Banchou is MVP once again. Angelic Kongou :lol

Kongou Banchou 97
Oh yes, I knww sexy Mister Machine is gonna be back, robots are totally able to regenerate themselves, who cares about logic.

Kongou Banchou 100
Ok, this heresy guy might be the lowest, worst, most evil, foul rotten bastard at least of this manga. Can't wait to see how he will get a taste of his own medicine.

Kongou Banchou 101
Well, that got resolved quickly, the guy didn't even have to suffer much, color me disappointed in the cruelty of Coward Banchou this time.
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