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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
You know what? Time for rant to drop some truth bombs on this bullshit ass manga.

Kishimoto is trying to convince me and other readers that Team 7 had this deep, meaningful bond, that was broken and tainted by Sasuke when he left to join Orochimaru, god knows how long ago.

Here's the fucking thing Kishimoto:


Let's go all the way back to part 1 and see things for what they really are: Naruto was a fucking moron (still is, really.), Sakura was an obsessive fangirl who when Kakashi asked what she liked ALL of her answers revolved around Sasuke, and Sasuke, despite the fact that he watched his family be killed repeatedly for three fucking days shows only mild (and I"m being generous) mental instability. If you didn't know his backstory he'd just come off as your typical shounen rival who's there to be "serious" and "cool."

All throughout Part 1, Kishi tried to give this idea that Team 7 are at the very least "friends" at worst and really close at best. But here's the thing: They NEVER did anything remotely close to what friends usually do. Did they ever hang out and just straight chill and talk with each other just to have fun and recreation? Naruto is unquestionably closer to Shika, Choji, Kiba, etc based on what's ACTUALLY SHOWN on panel, rather than the horseshit "friendship" Kishi THOUGHT was there, when in reality it wasn't.

Then the plot line of Itachi telling Sasuke, "In order to have these eyes, you must kill your best friend." and Naruto showing up in the background as Sasuke thinks of the implications of that. Um...what? No. Just fucking no. At BEST, Sasuke and Naruto had a mutual respect for one another (which obviously changed after the whole Rasengan vs Chidori incident on the rooftop). These two constantly fought, bickered, and in general didn't get along very well, their only saving grace was Plot No Jutsu. You know how when Sasuke and Naruto came up with a plan back in the Wave arc to free Kakashi from Zabuza? Non-verbally at that? I thought "Okay, this is the start of them starting to bond and not be complete shitheads." Nope. They NEVER show that kind of teamwork again and go back to the status quo of a rivalry that had little-to-no genuine substance and depth.

In short, this whole Team 7 reunion is just simply bullshit fanservice based on bullshit foundation of friendship that was never there. They were never friends. They were simply teammates and acquaintances. In truth, Naruto has been trying to save a guy who was never his friend in the first place and yet has deluded himself into thinking that somehow his "bond" with Sasuke is worth saving despite the fact that he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant such obsession. Sasuke's line of "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" was never more appropriate.

Basically, Kishimoto, get fucked for trying to force feed us this crap that has completely shitted on all three members' character.


Kongou Banchou 105
I was wrong again, Homura and Gokurou did save the day once more. Chibi Kongou seems unnecessary with only one more volume to go. This Kenpei dude is still friggin' annonying, I'm counting on you pretty boy Iai Banchou.

Kongou Banchou 107
That was a good fight but the secret technique was too ridiculous, it's something I'd trust Coward Banchou to pull off, if anyone at all.
In short, this whole Team 7 reunion is just simply bullshit fanservice based on bullshit foundation of friendship that was never there. They were never friends. They were simply teammates and acquaintances. In truth, Naruto has been trying to save a guy who was never his friend in the first place and yet has deluded himself into thinking that somehow his "bond" with Sasuke is worth saving despite the fact that he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant such obsession. Sasuke's line of "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" was never more appropriate.



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Friendship in Naruto is bullshit

You are... not wrong at all.
I've been watching early Naruto on Toonami and Team 7 hate each other so much. It makes me wonder how they're considered friends at all. Especially when they start as unlikeable dicks and continue to be unlikeable dicks.

I still believe Naruto needed a few extra arcs before the Chuunin exam. Use them to introduce the other teams, develop friendships, have the obnoxious jackass of a protagonist develop deeper as a character without requiring a 3 year timeskip.
If anyone else, other than I, was somehow interested, sublime seems to have shared how much it cost to print a yaoi manga (physical).

SuBLime Manga The manga industry doesn't make a long of money and yaoi is a niche genre in a niche industry. Depending on the book and the print run, for a yaoi title, it costs around $14,000 to print a book, which is a lot of money for a genre of books that doesn't sell a lot. Also, scanlations are decimating our ability to make money. There is a noticeable different in sales when we compare a book that was not scanlated to a book that was. That is fact and not opinion. Until yaoi fans better support the industry financially, print just isn't going to be a viable option for all titles. But let me say for the fans that DO support us and buy everything, we are appreciative and they are what is keeping this genre afloat.


Kongou Banchou (END)

It's been a while since the last time I marathoned a manga and I think you cannot pick a much better title for that purpose than KB. From the fist page on the pacing is at full throttle and it stays that way until the very end and the you only need to read the first chapter to have the full idea about the manga, an intimidating looking and Banchou-like guy kicking asses and saving everyone in need left and right while on the hunt for a certain shady organization. He is the epitome of manliness, doesn't care for the small stuff and always determined to achieve his goal but on the same time caring and protective of even his enemies. But he will not be the only one to care for in this manga as he will find himself a group of close friends who got attracted to him because of his nature. Their relationships are not particularly deep and neither is the plot but that's not necessary a bad thing because that's not the focus of KB, it wants to be a fast-paced, hot-blooded and entertaining battle manga that won't let the readers take breather at any time and I'd say "Mission accomplished". I'd even go as far as comparing KB to Gurren Lagann as both have a highly entertaining cast and specialize in cool and utterly over-the-top action.
Never understood why people liked the yandere archetype. Different tastes I guess.

Kigurumi 1

Story about how there are killer stuffed animals wandering around killing people. The main character, Kurusu Makoto, has a knack for creating stuffed animals and gets a prophetic vision about a supposed stuffed rabbit related to the killings. After being attacked by a stuffed bear, Makoto makes a contract with said rabbit and gets the power (in the form of a rabbit suit) to fight said bear.

It starts of interesting enough. Gives us the exposition needed to understand the basic plot. It calls itself a suspense. However, the story seems to be starting off as a Monster-of-the-Week with stuffed animals thrown in. I'm going to wait a bit to see where exactly this thing goes.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Creating a training arc to explain Luffy's Gears serves no purpose besides explaining the Gears. It didn't introduce some radically new concepts that couldn't be conveyed by actually showing the Gears. Some might want to know how and why but they do not need to in order to understand the story or the fights.

Hmm... it's like this: when characters are dueling each other with pistols for quite some time--with NO indication whatsoever that any of them has any weapons other than pistols--then suddenly one of them whip out a bazooka!

Doesn't that strike you as odd? Even if that character says: "I've been hiding this bazooka all along under my shirt!"

That was my feeling exactly during Luffy's 1st gear reveal.

MangaGAF "foreshadowing" is a loaded term that means, "my preferred manga is superior to yours."

Hahaha, yeah, it seems like it.

People in MangaGAF legitimately don't even know what foreshadowing is. A character saying, "I have a new attack" and then using the attack isn't fucking foreshadowing anyways; that's just laying a foundation for a plot element.

Exactly my thoughts.

You know what? Time for rant to drop some truth bombs on this bullshit ass manga.

Kishimoto is trying to convince me and other readers that Team 7 had this deep, meaningful bond, that was broken and tainted by Sasuke when he left to join Orochimaru, god knows how long ago.

Here's the fucking thing Kishimoto:


Let's go all the way back to part 1 and see things for what they really are: Naruto was a fucking moron (still is, really.), Sakura was an obsessive fangirl who when Kakashi asked what she liked ALL of her answers revolved around Sasuke, and Sasuke, despite the fact that he watched his family be killed repeatedly for three fucking days shows only mild (and I"m being generous) mental instability. If you didn't know his backstory he'd just come off as your typical shounen rival who's there to be "serious" and "cool."

All throughout Part 1, Kishi tried to give this idea that Team 7 are at the very least "friends" at worst and really close at best. But here's the thing: They NEVER did anything remotely close to what friends usually do. Did they ever hang out and just straight chill and talk with each other just to have fun and recreation? Naruto is unquestionably closer to Shika, Choji, Kiba, etc based on what's ACTUALLY SHOWN on panel, rather than the horseshit "friendship" Kishi THOUGHT was there, when in reality it wasn't.

Then the plot line of Itachi telling Sasuke, "In order to have these eyes, you must kill your best friend." and Naruto showing up in the background as Sasuke thinks of the implications of that. Um...what? No. Just fucking no. At BEST, Sasuke and Naruto had a mutual respect for one another (which obviously changed after the whole Rasengan vs Chidori incident on the rooftop). These two constantly fought, bickered, and in general didn't get along very well, their only saving grace was Plot No Jutsu. You know how when Sasuke and Naruto came up with a plan back in the Wave arc to free Kakashi from Zabuza? Non-verbally at that? I thought "Okay, this is the start of them starting to bond and not be complete shitheads." Nope. They NEVER show that kind of teamwork again and go back to the status quo of a rivalry that had little-to-no genuine substance and depth.

In short, this whole Team 7 reunion is just simply bullshit fanservice based on bullshit foundation of friendship that was never there. They were never friends. They were simply teammates and acquaintances. In truth, Naruto has been trying to save a guy who was never his friend in the first place and yet has deluded himself into thinking that somehow his "bond" with Sasuke is worth saving despite the fact that he's done absolutely NOTHING to warrant such obsession. Sasuke's line of "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" was never more appropriate.

Basically, Kishimoto, get fucked for trying to force feed us this crap that has completely shitted on all three members' character.

Huh. I disagree with the premise of this post.

While I somewhat agree that Naruto's obsession on Sasuke borders on unhealthy--if not already crossing that border altogether zooming in a Ferrari, hahaha--I personally thought that Kishi did a good job of creating a 'friendship' between Naruto and Sasuke.

Zabuza arc, Chuunin arc where they confronted Orochimaru, fighting Gaara together, etc etc: fighting with someone side-by-side in life and death situations is a good foundation of creating/maintaining a bond of friendship (gah! this sounds so cliche but whatever). Especially considering that Naruto and Sasuke were thrown in the same boat in that they both had their family killed/gone--alluded to when Sasuke chided Sakura for treating Naruto so childishly back then--so they found companionship in each other; "he understands how I feel" kind of feeling.



Get Inside Her!

Alright, I'll bite.

Naruto and Sasuke were never "friends," they were brothers. Brothers hate each other. They are rivals. They grow close through the rivalry, not by hanging and chillin. They identify with each others' loneliness, with each others' upbringings of hardship, which we get glimpses of years before they were ever on Team 7. "He understands me." Naruto and the other various mooks in the village are the kind of shallow play-around-together friends that you don't really care about when it comes down to it, they're just the guys you drink with at the bar. Naruto and Sasuke, through the various missions they went on (on and off panel), the fight against Haku, the forest of death, racing to exceed one another, the entire youth of rivalry before they were even on the same team, they developed something beyond just Chatty Bro-Times. A bond that when forced to express with words, Naruto used "Friend."

Naruto had no friendships his whole life. He gripped desperately to this rivalry. It's like how your "first love" is your most intense one. (Watch it DTL.) Losing that first and only bond is huge to him. Obviously Sasuke does not reciprocate in NEARLY the same capacity, but if he had to choose SOMEONE to identify as his "best friend," it'd pretty much have to be Naruto.

I mean it is a shounen manga I am not going to claim it is some beacon of brilliance. But there is something there, sure.
Huh. I disagree with the premise of this post.

While I somewhat agree that Naruto's obsession on Sasuke borders on unhealthy--if not already crossing that border altogether zooming in a Ferrari, hahaha--I personally thought that Kishi did a good job of creating a 'friendship' between Naruto and Sasuke.

Zabuza arc, Chuunin arc where they confronted Orochimaru, fighting Gaara together, etc etc: fighting with someone side-by-side in life and death situations is a good foundation of creating/maintaining a bond of friendship (gah! this sounds so cliche but whatever). Especially considering that Naruto and Sasuke were thrown in the same boat in that they both had their family killed/gone--alluded to when Sasuke chided Sakura for treating Naruto so childishly back then--so they found companionship in each other; "he understands how I feel" kind of feeling.


Well I have to tell you man. If my friend shoved a electric arm through my shoulder and thats only because I deflected it to avoid my heart, friendship is the least of our problems.

Not to mention the follow up neck breaking. Still shocking to this day that Naruto ignores the fact that Sasuke killed him twice if not for Kyuubi.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Well I have to tell you man. If my friend shoved a electric arm through my shoulder and thats only because I deflected it to avoid my heart, friendship is the least of our problems.

Not to mention the follow up neck breaking. Still shocking to this day that Naruto ignores the fact that Sasuke killed him twice if not for Kyuubi.

Well, that's why I said Naruto's 'obsession' towards Sasuke do indeed borders on unhealthy.

But ridiculous as that may be, it is... well, how should I say this, it is still in-character for Naruto to do just that.

It is no less crazy than, say, Luffy accepting Robin back then into his crew despite her past as an underling of a guy who wrecked an entire country while laughing BWAHAHAHAHA all the time.

Shounen protagonists man... they really do consider the word 'friendship' REALLY seriously.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Sasuke never liked Naruto. At most he acknowledged him as a rival. Up until Part 2 started.

After that he didn't acknowledge him at all. Every attempt Naruto made after he saw him at Orochimaru's hideout was fucking idiotic. They're not even rivals. Kishimoto just wants it to be. Rivals acknowledge eachother. This is just Naruto loving Sasuke for whatever stupid reason.
And last time I checked the definition of friendship:

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people

These mothafuckas ain't friends, Sasuke is just playing hard to get, while Naruto wants some of that Uchiha dick.
Sasuke never liked Naruto. At most he acknowledged him as a rival. Up until Part 2 started.

After that he didn't acknowledge him at all. Every attempt Naruto made after he saw him at Orochimaru's hideout was fucking idiotic. They're not even rivals. Kishimoto just wants it to be. Rivals acknowledge eachother. This is just Naruto loving Sasuke for whatever stupid reason.

What? I thought he referred to Naruto as his best friend (Wasnt that a condition of evolving the Sharigan?) on multiple occasions, exclaimed that he was the one he wanted to fight most, sacrificed his body to protect him, and even then always thought of Naruto.


What? I thought he referred to Naruto as his best friend (Wasnt that a condition of evolving the Sharigan?) on multiple occasions, exclaimed that he was the one he wanted to fight most, sacrificed his body to protect him, and even then always thought of Naruto.

Sasuke is his rival, and someone who he respects. I think Naruto would try and save anyone, sasuke just went through the same stuff.

Shikamaru is his friend.


Having reread Naruto up to the chunin arc semi-recently, I just want to point out that Naruto and Sasuke do have little moment scattered throughout the series. Sasuke basically told him that he was willing to die for Naruto's dream when he thought Haku had killed him and Naruto helped recover Sasuke's courage when Sasuke was scared shitless in his fight against Orochimaru and his snakes. On top of that, there are flashbacks to where Team 7 is training together, so a lot of development was done offscreen, which I will agree is still bad writing, but atleast it's there. So even if you're right that they're 'just' teammates, teammates mean a lot to each other since they routinely save each others lives. It's not like they're just co-workers.

Even so, I would agree that Naruto gets easily attached...but then, that's part of his character. For a long time, I thought that the author acknowledged it as a flaw. I thought that because Naruto was alone for so long, he grabbed and held onto every relationship he had with all his strength, beyond the scope of reason. Meanwhile, Sasuke deliberately isolated himself from others as much as he could, but Naruto is the only one who never gave up trying to get through to him, and eventually he respected Naruto as an equal, something he wouldn't do with anyone else, making Naruto special to him. These are not healthy regards that they have for each other, but it made sense that they had them.

And I thought it was good until Kishimoto decided that fucking everyone everywhere has the kind of bond that they could forgive wanton murder just because of friendship. Gaara forgave his father, who tried to have him killed so many times (and his father stopped hating him too for no real reason). Itachi's parents were talking about how proud they were of him as he killed them. Hashirama lubs madara. The Kyubi forgives a lifetime of imprisonment and now he and his captor are BFFs. Orochimaru and Sasuke are now fine with each other, probably with everyone else too. Obito is going to do the same, it's only a matter of time.

Granted, Naruto's forgiveness for Sasuke is extreme even so, considering what he has done, but forgiving things like attempted mass murder is now the norm. Hell, Sasuke actually had the balls to tell the other Konoha 11 off for not letting bygones be bygones for his treasonous crimes. Taking away every speck of hatred that had made the characters what they are today created this world that lacks a certain verisimilitude for me and it took away the uniqueness of Sasuke and Naruto's relationship. Naruto was suppose to forgive Sasuke for his grievous offenses, but how can have that any measure of tension when the rest of the world is as insanely forgiving as he is? The rest of the world should be calling him crazy and want to string sasuke up by his balls. Instead, they agree with him.
Never understood why people liked the yandere archetype. Different tastes I guess.

Kigurumi 1

Story about how there are killer stuffed animals wandering around killing people. The main character, Kurusu Makoto, has a knack for creating stuffed animals and gets a prophetic vision about a supposed stuffed rabbit related to the killings. After being attacked by a stuffed bear, Makoto makes a contract with said rabbit and gets the power (in the form of a rabbit suit) to fight said bear.

It starts of interesting enough. Gives us the exposition needed to understand the basic plot. It calls itself a suspense. However, the story seems to be starting off as a Monster-of-the-Week with stuffed animals thrown in. I'm going to wait a bit to see where exactly this thing goes.
Wow this sounds awesome. How many chapters and what magazine is serialized in?


Anyone got any manga suggestions in the shonen depeartment

or the romance department ( extra points if its really good and the mc is a dude, just said watta...watai...wattashi XX shinnai? i need some testosterone )


One Piece vol 7-11

Alright, I finally get why people like One Piece. That was a hell of a story arch. There was payoff to elements that had been set up chapters beforehand, foreshadowing of things to come, and great action. I guess I'm going to keep on reading now.


One Piece vol 7-11

Alright, I finally get why people like One Piece. That was a hell of a story arch. There was payoff to elements that had been set up chapters beforehand, foreshadowing of things to come, and great action. I guess I'm going to keep on reading now.
Everyone turns around eventually.


I don't know about you guys but I am continually amazed at Nisekoi's ability to pull random romcom cliches out of nowhere like its nothing.

It's strangely addicting and it needs to continue.


No Scrubs
One Piece vol 7-11

Alright, I finally get why people like One Piece. That was a hell of a story arch. There was payoff to elements that had been set up chapters beforehand, foreshadowing of things to come, and great action. I guess I'm going to keep on reading now.

Yup, that's basically the baseline for the quality of future arcs. It's all up from here.
One Piece vol 7-11

Alright, I finally get why people like One Piece. That was a hell of a story arch. There was payoff to elements that had been set up chapters beforehand, foreshadowing of things to come, and great action. I guess I'm going to keep on reading now.

aah I remember when the series first clicked with me..I was a man obsessed.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I dunno why people like Marineford. I personally thought it was terrible except for the ending.
The ending made everything great. It was one of the best endings to an arc I've ever seen.

True, the stuff prior was alright (But Impel Down was super fun); but that ending was absolutely superb. I don't think there could've better ending written considering how the setpieces were placed.
I can't think there's a single shitty arc aside from maybe Alvida way back in the beginning
Lol; since we came back from the timeskip there hasn't been a good arc. FI's only good moment was the Tiger flashback. Punk Hazard's only good piece was Law involvement. This current arc is bleh.
What exactly did you find terrible about it?

The art was a mess.

The Black Beard plot was so dumb and manga breaking for one piece. You go a whole manga saying that one DF per person and then BB comes and gets 2 DF. That´s incredibly stupid.

The art was a mess.

Most WB pirates and new world pirates were useless even after these wasted introduction panels.

The art was a mess.

The marines stood and let BB take WB´s DF is hella dumb. Like really?

The art was a mess.

Shanks and the marines allowing BB to leave and become bigger threat while the admirals attack Luffy who is a much smaller threat, is dumb.

The art was a mess.
What exactly did you find terrible about it?

Marineford spoilers
That Spider guy was so dumb falling for Akainu's crap. Then Whitebeard didn't do much except die and get stabbed. Seeing Luffy get smacked around more than 2 times got really old. Plus the general chaos of the arc and how dragged out it was near the middle before Ace dies. The fights were subpar as well.
Marineford spoilers
That Spider guy was so dumb falling for Akainu's crap. Then Whitebeard didn't do much except die and get stabbed. Seeing Luffy get smacked around more than 2 times got really old. Plus the general chaos of the arc and how dragged out it was near the middle before Ace dies. The fights were subpar as well.

Oh man, i forgot this stupid ass part. So dumb.


Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru 1-11

So far, this is pretty much a retread of stuff I've seen in the fantastic anime, except I don't remember the Space or Fire stuff taking place. It doesn't really matter though as this just as funny and charming a series to read as it was to watch.


the holder of the trombone
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru 1-11

So far, this is pretty much a retread of stuff I've seen in the fantastic anime, except I don't remember the Space or Fire stuff taking place. It doesn't really matter though as this just as funny and charming a series to read as it was to watch.

It covers a lot more stuff than the anime did though.

It's a pity that the english localisation went down with JManga. :(
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