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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Naruto 632

Wait, did I read that right?

3 years was how long she was storing chakra and she still needed saving after performing that megaton punch against the spawn.
She didn't "need" saving, it was more to point out that they are working as a team and they have each others back. It's doubtful that would've been killed anyhow seeing as she has megaton punches and plot shield.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Don't worry Kiba-kun. Hinata was listening.

But seriously, the problem with a Sakura powerup is that I never thought Sakura was a good character in the first place. She was a bad character from Chapter 3-632. Does anybody out there really think an entire chapter needed to be wasted on Sakura's powerup (which apparently, what, does the same shit she could always do?)

And of COURSE it can turn into Cell Jr.'s.


Get Inside Her!
Bleach (No chapter, just talkin [a lot, jeeze])

So I've been thinking about Ichigo's zanpakuto. Once we found out about the asauchi, it started to become really weird that Ichigo had a zanpakuto at all. One was never made for him, or given to him. He's had three (and a half) swords, and I'm tryin to figure out what their deal is.

Sword 1 he manifested right after he took virtually all of Rukia's power. This isn't actually Zangetsu, it's just some weird stolen power, and after he got it Rukia was in white robes and had no sword. So I'm assuming that one way or another he actually stole her asauchi here, or its essence. (She probably got a new one forged after the SS arc.) I can deal with that, probably. The reason he was so strong is that her power being injected into him interacted and awakened his own shinigami blood to a tiny degree.

Sword 2 is Zangetsu proper, after Urahara awakens his "own" shinigami powers, but what he's actually doing there is awakening his hollow powers. Which is pretty obvious, Urahara's entire method here is to literally turn Ichigo into a hollow. But once he suppresses his hollow, all of a sudden he's a shinigami, and got a zanpakuto. Later on in his inner world we find out that his hollow and Zangetsu are actually the same power. So maybe Zangetsu was never actually a real zanpakuto. Ichigo's shinigami blood allowed him to contort and manifest his hollow power as a sword, and go through the traditional shinigami transformations. Which might be why his sword's name is so similar to his father's (Engetsu), why they can both do Getsuga Tenshou, and why they can both do Final Getsuga Tenshou. Cause Ichigo's "shinigami half" is literally just a hollowed-up version of his father's power, not actually born of his own zanpakuto. (Cause he never GOT his own zanpakuto.)

Sword 2.5 he has after the dangai training. It's fused with his hand, and doesn't seem to be a shikai or bankai or anything of the sort. It's just "his sword." Aizen's comments on how his sword is the same, also fused to his hand, and suggests this is the "true form" of their swords or something like that. Maybe since both of them had, to varying degrees, "transcended" beyond the shinigami or hollow roles, we were indeed seeing blades that weren't traditional zanpakuto. In Ichigo's case, quite explicitly a mixture between hollow and shinigami power. Tensa Zangetsu, after all, is literally half zangetsu and half hollow Ichigo.

Sword 3 he has after borrowing everyone else's power after most of his is stolen away by Ginjo. Tense Zangetsu made him lose his "shinigami" power, but some of his hollow power musta still been there, since hollow power is the foundation of Fullbringing. I'm not entirely sure what Ginjo actually stole from him in the end, there. His fullbring, sure, but what was that exactly? Was it literally his hollow power? Does he now actually LACK his hollow power? Either way, though, he got stabbed with that shinigami sword just like with Rukia in the beginning, and he's rocking stolen powers again. His current (broken) sword is just another imitation, sorta formed together as a conglomeration of a ton of disparate reiatsus. He was super strong, but I wonder why he was so strong. All his powering up throughout the manga, it wasn't still in him, was it? That was all either burnt out or stolen at that point. So is he that strong only because the sword he got stuck in him was full of so many captain-level shinigami? I'm thinking that's probably the case. Regardless, yes, that sword is a gibberish sword just like his very first one.

So now he's getting forged his fourth sword. If I'm right with any of this, it seems like Ichigo has just never had a proper zanpakuto throughout the entire history of the manga (and didn't even realize it, which was why all the asauchi were kicking his ass I guess), and he's only now finally going to get one. So will it even BE Zangetsu? Zangetsu was heavily based on his dad's sword, and half-based on his hollow. Will this sword be based solely on Ichigo, and end up completely different? Will it end up quincy-inspired in some capacity? I dunno man!!! But I think we might see something pretty radically different.

Quotin my post from yesterday now since we've got people in here who might actually care about Bleach, and like to talk about manga?!

Kinda interesting with how the newest chapter ended, gives credence to the idea that Zangetsu was never Ichigo's actual zanpakutou, just a hollow/Isshin power conglomerate.


It probably took 3 years for Sakura to store the chakra because that was her training (Chakra control), not that it takes 3 years to store that amount of Chakra, she might be able to store it faster afterwards, like Tsunade does.


Quotin my post from yesterday now since we've got people in here who might actually care about Bleach, and like to talk about manga?!

Kinda interesting with how the newest chapter ended, gives credence to the idea that Zangetsu was never Ichigo's actual zanpakutou, just a hollow/Isshin power conglomerate.

I think Zangestu was his zan but due to him being a hybrid it not his true zanpakutou more just his Shinigami side. Now he accepted what he is he created a new one for himself to take advantage of his powers


Surprised by the TOC.... how does World Trigger get so high after being in the bottom 5? The recent chapters haven't exactly lit my world on fire.


That was...something. Why do I always get curious about Guro?

Smoky B.B.

Underage smoking, illegal payment of amature athletes...

so rebellious!

That sucked, doubt it lasts long.


Ruri is apparently a midget unless the perspective is that fucked up.
It is messed up. Look at how tall Marika is, there's no way she's only at Tsugumi's shoulder.

I suppose that's the only way to distinguish the main girls from each other, since they all pretty much have the same face.
Smoky B.B. 1

I think its quite impressive that so many of these sorts of things evade the eyes of both the proofreader and quality checker (too many panels to point out), its like Hungry Joker quality at times :(

I like the character design in some panels though kind of dislike it in others, the drawings make him look really weird sometimes especially in the page spread. But in terms of plot I guess he's alright, good pitching skill and the catcher is not that bad either, if he can also manage to stay relevant then this should be somewhat enjoyable. Im not sold on the whole plot about the money and bankrupt school though even if it is an attempt to try to be original. I would have rather the characters be motivated by things just to become number one in the world or even in ginga. Unless that will be the change of focus once they win the tournament, etc.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
guys you do know they were all just saying they want to be hokage as a show of solidarity right they don't actually want to all be the hokage as a legit goal


Browser/ download to own PDFs for their boy's love manga
Browser and apps for everything (nook, kindle, their own in app services) - swiftly getting their old OOP series up and all current manga are there

Im always complaining about out of print manga, this is great news!

EDIT: Forgot that Viz's digital stuff is all region locked :/

Maybe someday


Holy FUCK at that Nisekoi spread. I couldnt believe Onoderas dress - complete with watermelon tits (ooh, those are new).. but then I saw dwarf Ruri.


Actually, remove Rakus dork friend and she looks normal. Perspective and what not. Maybe he is just gigantic.


Really liked Bleach and Naruto this week. You guys are never happy - Sakura is useless and you complain, she isnt and youre still not happy. And having it be an asspull is so inconsequential. Like 2/3rds (generous) of Naruto powerups and abilities are asspulls.

Lots going on in Bleach as well. Perfect setup chapter.. really interested in what Mayuri is cooking up and what Ichigo will end up with. Appearance by Soi Fon guarantees involvement in next arc, hellz yeah.


Maybe Shu is wearing stilts in the Nisekoi color spread. It would explain why he isn't reacting to being stabbed in the foot by Ruri at least.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The manga never really got me but the anime sure as hell did. Hughes funeral is one of the hardest things to sit through for me, it gets me every single time.

That's because in the manga, Hughes' death occurs in chapter 10 (out of 108), and is primarily a plot device to spur Mustang into action (though there is some foreshadowing to the ultimate plot/goal of the series' antagonists as well). The focus is not on his death or the impact to his family, but what it does to Mustang.

In the first Full Metal Alchemist anime (not Brotherhood), it's a major event meant to mark the halfway point of the story, over a relatively minor detail, and done primarily for shock value.



Good Chapter... I definitely think now that Ichigo's discovered his sword's nature... being a hybrid Shinigami / Quincy / Hollow.. his new sword will take advantage of that... we'll probably see Ichigo fight with his sword, use blut to protect himself, and hollowfy to up his power. As for the captains... clearly they're preparing to power up as well. Kurosutchi being the most interesting because I think whatever he took from Hueco Mundo... he's probably working on it now.


Great Chapter... Naruto looked like he regressed here in stature... he's reverted back to his whiny ways... but Sakura showing her Tsunade powers is not surprising... especially considering each one of them took one of the Sannin's signature powers.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car

Seriously though, I feel like only a 13 year old would seriously enjoy this chapter with how ridiculously cheesy it was. Everyone talking about nostalgia...do they not remember the shit they had to go through, individually, as kids, to rescue Sasuke's deserting ass? And now they're all talking about nostalgia and hokage business as a class? Team 7 reunited?

Kishi plz.

You want your reuniting to have impact, you have to write the separation well. The last time the split between Naruto and Sasuke was written well was at The Valley Of The End, that was more than 5 years ago. Ever since then it's been terrible.

Honestly, making Sakura somehow good now is a slap in the face to Sakura fans. All 4 of them. After having her be nothing more than nuisance to Naruto and Sasuke for years, it seems so forced. But more specifically, after her pathetic lapse in judgment to show up in front of Sasuke attempting to 'kill' him, this just makes any character development that was supposed to have brought about from that... disappear. That seemingly crucial scene may as well have never happened. That scene was supposed to be the scene where Sakura finally saw what everyone else saw, and that Naruto was to be the only one who would look to Sasuke as redeemable. That scene was supposed to finally push Sakura over the edge, maybe not to hating Sasuke, but to being "meh" in the same way everyone else was. Naruto, as the protagonist with a goal, was supposed to then become the only person in the entirety of the manga that would see his goal of redeeming Sasuke through - as a possibility, even. We understood when we got Sakura's stupid scene with fake Neji that she still had feelings for him - okay - whatever, but for her to act as if that moment never happened, just wow, Kishi.

And then to make it even more of a joke, we have Sakura performing a stupid move that has 0 consequence to the story overall. There's no reason some schmuck from WhatsitVillage couldn't have done that. I have no reason to believe that Sakura will be doing anything of importance in the big scheme of thing because she had to "charge" up this move; and if this is Team 7 working together than I'd rather see Hinata and Naruto holding hands for 20 pages.

Kishi plz.

The color page was nice, though. But Kishi's usually always are.
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