Nah dude. You're supposed to measure from the butthole.Wait, we're supposed to push in a little when measuring? Upgrade.
Nah dude. You're supposed to measure from the butthole.Wait, we're supposed to push in a little when measuring? Upgrade.
Haha! You say it so smoothly it almost doesn't sound like complete BS.Porn will do this. Don't get too high on yourself though. Most people rank above average. The average is brought down by small penises more than it is raised by big ones. You probably are still average :/
Jealous. ~_~Porn will do this. Don't get too high on yourself though. Most people rank above average. The average is brought down by small penises more than it is raised by big ones. You probably are still average :/
Bros my dick size deviates depending on what I'm doing/looking at. What is the optimum activity for Max Dick Size???
nah that's mid-tier, i need some twisted fetish material that can melt church statues to get to my full size
nah that's mid-tier, i need some twisted fetish material that can melt church statues to get to my full size
nah that's mid-tier, i need some twisted fetish material that can melt church statues to get to my full size
But can it bench press 4 kg in Florence?My cock can definitely bench press at least 10kg
The way I see it is like this: Although a girl might be perfectly satisfied with an average sized dick, a larger dick might feel more pleasurable and feel better. Some girls become size queens after being with a larger guy for example. Also, although the vagina might be ~4 inches deep, a longer dick might allow you to do certain positions easier than if you had a shorter one. Especially if you are dealing with women with more curves (I'm not talking about fatties here). This type of research also doesn't consider the men that have truly small dicks, like under 4 inches for length and girth. I'm sure stuff like this doesn't give them too much confidence. But it is true that men worry way too much about their size. Must have to do with the idea that their manhood is determined by their penis.
Having said that, technique > dick size for 99% of cases.
Limitations and Future Directions
The main limitation of this study was the use of a nonclinical population although a number of participants were significantly distressed and too ashamed to seek help. It was, however, initially necessary to recruit a large sample to investigate the psychometric properties of the scale. Future studies will be required to validate the scale in a clinical setting, in different cultures and in conditions such as Peyronies Disease, hypospadias, and a micropenis [37,38].
you missed the micro category
you missed the micro category
But can it bench press 4 kg in Florence?
Best Wishes,
Tell us about your size.Guys,
What the fuck are we doing?
After all these years I finally understand why Danny Glover had to win over Jet Li in LW4a.k.a the Jet Li category.
Ba-Dum Tish,
Tell us about your size.
Warm wishes,
My cock can definitely bench press at least 10kg
Proooove it.
next boner ill pm ya
Is there an app for that?
Your friend,
Haha! You say it so smoothly it almost doesn't sound like complete BS.
You lift them with your dick bro. This is the only way to salvation.Like should I lift some weights first?
Do I grasp it between my thumb and forefinger with my pinky raised?
Link meI genuinely get upset when only 5 people like my dick vids on Vine. Then I go look through my followers feed and see they like dicks way uglier and smaller than mine.
6.5 percentile for erect length and 2.4 percentile for flaccid. According to this study I should have no penile anxiety
Hold it next to it! Then you will get your result.
all my bills are 5"Well, average bill size is about 6.14 inches long. So really, it's only helpful if you're exactly that.
GAF how do you measure a tentacle penis? From the tentacle or the shaft?
Bros my dick size deviates depending on what I'm doing/looking at. What is the optimum activity for Max Dick Size???