i got bored and made smugboss. Took me a couple of minutes.
Can you do a smugsnake?
i got bored and made smugboss. Took me a couple of minutes.
What about 4?
We don't judge here, Meat. This is a safe place to be a weird pervert.
I am going through my ps3 backlog at the moment and started replaying mgs 4 yesterday. It's the only main metal gear solid, i have only finished once so far. And about a couple hours in, I find myself less and less motivated to continue. The game just doesn't click with me... The writing, the gameplay, and the levels(at least at the beginning) ... It all feels kinda off. Btw.. I love mgs lore but Jesus, how much bowel movement stuff can you put in one scene.
I just think it's not a very very good game and I'm happy to see, Kojima got back on track with mgs pw.
I'm just an old man, fired up by seeing Joosten.
I'm no "weird pervert". Never was, never will be. I'm just an old man, fired up by seeing Joosten.
That's the unofficial definition of "weird pervert". ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Then weird perverts we all are!
Haha, on the subject of quiet, or rather Stephanie joosten, there was a kojima station episode a while back where everybody was drooling over her and somebody said something along the lines of " I would crawl belly down, naked through five miles of broken glass just to suck the last dick that fucked her."
Beginning of TPP is my guess.
Then weird perverts we all are!
Also known as Team A.The definition for both weird and pervert is 'hentai'. I heard it also means "the Kojima fanbase".
The definition for both weird and pervert is 'hentai'. I heard it also means "the Kojima fanbase".
Like this?
I don't know why they cut it but I hope we see it in TPP because that few seconds expression said everything.
i got bored and made smugboss. Took me a couple of minutes.
What happens is a fiery whale eats the XOF chopper just before it collides with the MSF one.
There is a theory (and actually a pretty good one), that the events in Ground Zeroes might be a VR Mission. You know like Raiden, he basically did the whole Shadow Moses mission in VR. So my guess is, we will see all these (cut) cutscenes how it really happened. Because there might be changes in the outcome. The user who did this VR Mission failed to findThey are doing new voice recording for Paz and I doubt those are Tapes. I seriously believe she is still alive and this really was a VR Mission.the vagina bomb inside of Paz.
If this turns out to be wrong, I will feel pretty stupid.
Like this?
There is a theory (and actually a pretty good one), that the events in Ground Zeroes might be a VR Mission. You know like Raiden, he basically did the whole Shadow Moses mission in VR. So my guess is, we will see all these (cut) cutscenes how it really happened. Because there might be changes in the outcome. The user who did this VR Mission failed to findThey are doing new voice recording for Paz and I doubt those are Tapes. I seriously believe she is still alive and this really was a VR Mission.the vagina bomb inside of Paz.
If this turns out to be wrong, I will feel pretty stupid.
But what if GZ is from someone else's perspective(Skullface?) and TPP will retell the story from Snakes perspective?
There is a theory (and actually a pretty good one), that the events in Ground Zeroes might be a VR Mission. You know like Raiden, he basically did the whole Shadow Moses mission in VR. So my guess is, we will see all these (cut) cutscenes how it really happened. Because there might be changes in the outcome. The user who did this VR Mission failed to findThey are doing new voice recording for Paz and I doubt those are Tapes. I seriously believe she is still alive and this really was a VR Mission.the vagina bomb inside of Paz.
If this turns out to be wrong, I will feel pretty stupid.
What about 4?
Play mgs 4 and then play peace walker. That way by the time MGS V rolls around the story is still fresh in your mind.
I always liked the 4chan theory that GZ is actually a propaganda film, hence the weird film markings that people frequently mention.
Ground Zeroes was the dream Chico had while having his sex change operation.
I am going through my ps3 backlog at the moment and started replaying mgs 4 yesterday. It's the only main metal gear solid, i have only finished once so far. And about a couple hours in, I find myself less and less motivated to continue. The game just doesn't click with me... The writing, the gameplay, and the levels(at least at the beginning) ... It all feels kinda off. Btw.. I love mgs lore but Jesus, how much bowel movement stuff can you put in one scene.
I just think it's not a very very good game and I'm happy to see, Kojima got back on track with mgs 5.
Night & Day options have been confirmed for #MGO Would you spend more time sneaking under cover of darkness or scouting in the light of day?
Voice actor and director David Hayter has recently confirmed a hidden video game Easter egg that he placed in the 2014 horror film Wolves.
Hayter, best known for his role as Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, was sent an image from Twitter user Cody Paugh regarding a certain object he spotted in the directors film.
The object featured in the image is a license plate that has the words Vic Boss engraved on it, with Hayter saying that Cody is the first to catch this.
The phrase Vic Boss was used in Hideo Kojimas Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walkera title that Hayter starred in as the voice of protagonist Big Bossas the Sandinista soldiers start chanting the motto after they save Big Boss from KGB soldiers.
Hayters final appearance as the voice of Big Boss was in 2010s Peace Walker, with Hideo Kojima opting for 24 star Kiefer Sutherland as the new voice actor in 2014s Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
Starring Lucas Till, Jason Momoa and Stephen McHattie, Wolves was released on August 28th, 2014.
Waifu conversation has passed but the fact my ultimate waifu didn't even get a mention ;_;
That's because she was a skank
I am lost for words.
I'm sorry bruh, the last thing I want to do is insult your waifu... But it was part of the job. Volgin, Snake, perhaps Sokolov... And that's just who we know. Wrap it twice dude, I hear she has a case of the anal leakage due to proctitis. Plus she's got fake boobs.
I couldn't find a screen shot with the full medical history, but here's a sample. Man, Kojima is one silly chap. I can't believe he actually put that stuff in the game lol.
I'm sorry bruh, the last thing I want to do is insult your waifu... But it was part of the job. Volgin, Snake, perhaps Sokolov... And that's just who we know. Wrap it twice dude, I hear she has a case of the anal leakage due to proctitis. Plus she's got fake boobs.
I couldn't find a screen shot with the full medical history, but here's a sample. Man, Kojima is one silly chap. I can't believe he actually put that stuff in the game lol.
yeah. i can't remember the tape, but there was one tape of kaz's backstory in PW where he rather strongly implied that his mother died from syphillis, and was possibly a prostitute at one point, i think
It's in the Metal Gear Wiki. Kaz was conceived as a result of her work. Syphilis can go the brain and make you loopy, ultimately killing you.
There is a theory (and actually a pretty good one), that the events in Ground Zeroes might be a VR Mission.
That's because she was a skank and we know what she looks like when she gets old.
Bit much.
Naw. She was a little more than just promiscuous.
Also not a fan of Eva.
Sorry, it's a term that really grinds my (metal) gears. Fictional character though, so who cares?
It's all good. It is on the harsher side of terms you could use. Generally I'd usually use the term promiscuous to describe someone, regardless of the level of promiscuity, when discussing a real person.
Can't wait for "The addition of zombies really affects the serious tone of the game."
Can't wait for "The addition of zombies really affects the serious tone of the game."
Can't wait for "The addition of zombies really affects the serious tone of the game."