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Metro 2033 |OT| Fear the Future

Probably won't get to this until after PAX, as it's shipping today, not showing up until next week, and i'm out of town all week.

Looking forward to it. $30 price on amazon helps. Used the $20 BFBC2 promo monies.


Loves Robotech S1
I love how everyone complains about monster fights being less interesting than humans. Um, duh? Isn't that how it is in every game EVER? Maybe people should just stop putting monsters in shooters completely, or give them all guns and human AI.

Seriously, the monster fights in this game and every other game aren't supposed to be "interesting." They are supposed to be scary and tense. What do you want them to do in a story that has humans trying to survive against hordes of mutants? Not have you fight them at all?

I don't understand any of you.

dallow_bg said:
This is how I feel. (minus the weapon/ammo stuff, i get that)

A few hours in, and it's pretty boring. And the sound design is terrible, I nearly muted the game near the beginning when I was looking at the weapon shop because everyone was yelling and I couldn't concentrate at all. I shouldn't be able to hear people that loudly at the end of rooms.

And why aren't the background NPCs subtitled?
I'm playing in Russian with English text like the devs suggested, but they didn't bother to translate anything except for the few main characters.
The way they wrote the subtitles is badly done as well.

You've wronged me GAF, you've wronged me!

I'll finish it though.
PS3 is broken anyway.

That's...kind of the idea. It's a cramped, noisy, uncomfortable hole in the ground where lots of grumpy and desperate people are trying to survive.

Also they subtitle everything of importance. If they subtitled EVERYTHING like you want there would be text all over the screen, then you'd probably complain about that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What an amazing game. I love the atmosphere of it. I'm only an hour in, but everything has been great so far.

The graphics are really quite incredible. The framerate was just barely playable in DX11 mode with everything maxed so I switched to DX10 mode with maximum settings and it runs great while looking almost as good. Some of the animations in this game are really good. Combined with the motion blur, high resolution textures and great lighting and there are some very realistic-looking moments. It's too bad that the character faces aren't very good.

I can't wait for the weekend to really put some time into the game and also dive into Dragon Age - Awakening!
The mutants are not even scary though.
Okay strike that they can be scary when used properly.

Throwing you in a room and having them swarm in 4 to 6 at a time does not make them scary. I'd really like to see some encounters where I'm blowing away Nazis and then boom mutants jump out and start wrecking shit. Seems like such an obvious thing to do.


nods at old men
luka said:
That's...kind of the idea. It's a cramped, noisy, uncomfortable hole in the ground where lots of grumpy and desperate people are trying to survive.

Also they subtitle everything of importance. If they subtitled EVERYTHING like you want there would be text all over the screen, then you'd probably complain about that.
Uh, no.
It's bad sound design. Sounds levels are all over the map as the slightest left or right lateral movements causes someone to be either mute, or as loud as possible.

Just because it's a small area, doesn't mean everyone has to have the same sound level when they're so scattered about.

As for the text, at least put it up when I'm standing next to people and they initiate their 'speech' to me.
Like when I knock on random doors, and the guy opens up to say something while a woman is sitting on his bed.... I want to know what he said!

EDIT: And to be fair, lots of games have this kind of problem with sound levels. For some reason, it's especially more annoying here.
I'd switch to stereo but a user before noted similar problems in 2.1


I'm having a blast with this. Best game of this year so far in my opinion. Already logged 7 hours. It's like a polished Stalker, without all the bugs and annoyances like having to carry bandages and radiation shots around. Unlike Stalker it is very linear but I don't feel that hinders the experience at all, enhances it actually. You spend less time figuring out where to go next.

At least on the PC with everything maxed to full tilt, it competes with Crysis graphically. Blows it away as far as indoor environments go.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
luka said:
I love how everyone complains about monster fights being less interesting than humans. Um, duh? Isn't that how it is in every game EVER? Maybe people should just stop putting monsters in shooters completely, or give them all guns and human AI.

Seriously, the monster fights in this game and every other game aren't supposed to be "interesting." They are supposed to be scary and tense. What do you want them to do in a story that has humans trying to survive against hordes of mutants? Not have you fight them at all?

I don't understand any of you.

Maybe you should chill out with the religious defending. You did it with AVP earlier and now this. Calm down dude. Let the people have their opinions.


dallow_bg said:
Uh, no.
It's bad sound design. Sounds levels are all over the map as the slightest left or right lateral movements causes someone to be either mute, or as loud as possible.

Just because it's a small area, doesn't mean everyone has to have the same sound level when they're so scattered about.

As for the text, at least put it up when I'm standing next to people and they initiate their 'speech' to me.
Like when I knock on random doors, and the guy opens up to say something while a woman is sitting on his bed.... I want to know what he said!

EDIT: And to be fair, lots of games have this kind of problem with sound levels. For some reason, it's especially more annoying here.
I'd switch to stereo but a user before noted similar problems in 2.1

But they aren't though, I've never had this problem when I play. The person you're talking to is almost always the loudest and everything else is based on their relation to you.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
dallow_bg said:
Uh, no.
It's bad sound design. Sounds levels are all over the map as the slightest left or right lateral movements causes someone to be either mute, or as loud as possible.

Just because it's a small area, doesn't mean everyone has to have the same sound level when they're so scattered about.

PC or console? I don't think I've ran into this on the PC version, but I'll keep an ear out next time I wander into a busy station.


nods at old men
Tokubetsu said:
But they aren't though, I've never had this problem when I play. The person you're talking to is almost always the loudest and everything else is based on their relation to you.
I mean, people directly in front of you are louder and up front, but everyone else is just a few db below them, including people who are out of sight.
The very first weaponshop was the worst offender though, even my girlfiend came in to complain about the "noise". :D

EDIT: Console version, I should add.
Thankfully, this is only an issue in the ''home bases".
Sound is great when you're exploring/fighting.


Tokubetsu said:
But they aren't though, I've never had this problem when I play. The person you're talking to is almost always the loudest and everything else is based on their relation to you.
I've had the same experience as you with the 360 version of the game on my 5.1 system. The positional audio was good enough that I could figure out music was coming from a loud speaker several meters off the ground (which I promptly shot). Definitely not broken for me.

Jtyettis said:
I really love the pacing of this game so far.
Absolutely in agreement with you so well done.


Loves Robotech S1
EvaPlusMinus said:
Maybe you should chill out with the religious defending. You did it with AVP earlier and now this. Calm down dude. Let the people have their opinions.

Religious? :lol I'm freaking out over here.

I'm serious. When has a 1st person shooter featuring both monsters and humans not been subject to this complaint? Maybe people should try understanding why the developers put them in...or maybe they should just make every game like call of duty.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ok, it turns out it actually -does- chronicle your previous autosaves.

If you go to the main menu, and select "load" instead of "continue", you can see all the autosaves and go back to whichever you want to.

This allowed me to go back to mid-save through the escort mission and not lose my money.

I played for an hour and a half past the escort mission, and I've had no problems with the combat at all. It was just that escort mission, the demon things would swarm Bourbon and he'd die almost immediately. Maybe it was a bug? It was -extremely- difficult for me.


Unlimited Capacity
FlyinJ said:
Amazing game. Then, an ESCORT MISSION? That's the first mission of the game? He dies, game over? You have to be kidding me...

Well, after finally getting this absolute brain dead-AI dumbass through a tunnel, after about 20 tries (some of which were falls to death through small cracks between boards... another fantastic design decision) I get to the end.

And guess what? I must have accidentally put my "money" rounds into my SMG, and I fired away all the money I collected up to this point. Well, let me just reload to a previous check... oh, right. It autosaved. So now I'm penniless.

Let's make ammo also money! And let's make it so you can FIRE AWAY YOUR MONEY, and then autosave the game so you can never have it back once you realized that you accidentally shot all your money. What the fuck, seriously.

This is some of the worst design I've ever seen in a game.

How in the hell did you let Bourbon die? I'm playing on Hardcore and he is a beast.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
_tetsuo_ said:
How in the hell did you let Bourbon die? I'm playing on Hardcore and he is a beast.

Like I said, it must have been a bug. I've had zero problems at all with the combat in the game, and no one else has even seen the guy die. There would be about 5 demon things that would swarm us, and I would only be able to kill 3 before 2 were on him. I then immediately shot the two off of him, then another swarm of 5 would come and the same thing happened. By the third or fourth wave of these things, he would die.


Loves Robotech S1
Wow...the Frontline level is ridiculous. :lol

It seems like so much bullshit but pretty much forces you to master stealth. Once I got past the Russian line the rest was pretty simple and satisfying. Throwing knife kills followed by corpse looting is very enjoyable.
Geez this game actually scared me. I'm 27. This hasn't happened since Doom 2 in the early 90s.

It was the section where you're on the train cart near the beginning, and
see ghosts casually walking along the tracks
when waving your torch in the air. Playing this in the dark is simply amazing.


9/10 from Game Informer

GI said:
Despite those nitpicks and a couple frustrating late-game sections, Metro 2033’s greatest success is the consistency of its pacing. You’re constantly encountering new factions, discovering interesting new locations, or being tasked to do something you haven’t done before. With this stellar first effort, 4A Games has handily risen above its team’s past efforts in terms of approachability and fun, if not innovation. Metro 2033 is almost certainly destined to be a cult hit. If you enjoy single-player shooters, you owe it to yourself to get in on the (below-) ground floor.

* Concept:Explore the crumbling tunnels of a post-apocalyptic Moscow as first described in a best-selling Russian novel
* Graphics:Beautiful environments with a surprising amount of detail are aided by fantastic animation
* Sound:The guns don’t sound particularly powerful, but the monster noises will leave you quivering in fear
* Playability:The aiming is looser than most shooters, but once you adjust the settings, you’ll be blasting away like normal
* Entertainment:If you give yourself over to the world of Metro 2033, chances are you’ll enjoy getting sucked in for its entirety
* Replay:Low


360 players may have noticed that a Title Update went live for Metro 2033.

There's a couple of reasons for this - primarily (and you are hearing this here first ) it's to allow the game to accept DLC further down the line – with the game now finished, we have been turning our thoughts to potential DLC. We’ve got some ideas, but nothing we can talk about right now other than to say it won't be new SP narrative content, 'missing levels' or anything like that - it's something we're only just starting production on.

And no, it's not multiplayer! That would be very cool, but sadly not possible...

However, we also took the opportunity to add a new Weapon Select system tailored to the 360 pad. The existing weapon select system was based around the typical PC gaming set-up, and whilst it works 'ok' we got some feedback at recent community events just prior to launch that a more console-friendly system would be appreciated. We think the new change nails it.

Once the title update is applied, you need to select the new Weapon Select scheme from the Game Options. Go to Options / Controls and change Inventory from Linear to Circular.

With the new control scheme applied, some of the buttons will change function:

L / R on the D-Pad now checks your Watch / Timer

Left Bumper Button now applies a Med-Kit

Y Button now changes weapon. A single ‘Tap’ alternates between your Knife and your equipped Ranged Weapon. A ‘Press and Hold’ brings up the Weapon select wheel – use the left Stick to equip a different ranged weapon

This means you are always one button press from your knife, and two moves from any weapon in your inventory

The update also adds an in-game brightness setting (The Gamma Correction option in main Option).

Let us know what you think!


Loving the game but I have a few gripes...the whole gas mask thing is cool but it`s a little annoying when you die because for some reason it`s off(maybe one the monsters broke it and I couldn``t put it back on,or it didn`t switch to the next one,I have 13 in reserve I believe),the watch looking bracelet to see how much is left I don`t quite understand,just like the whole recharge the battery for the flashlight thing...I bring that big thing up and press RT but it doesn`t do anything???
This game is so good. That is all. I really like the gritty atmosphere. I got this along with God of War 3 and the new Dragon Age expansion today. Good times.


nods at old men
Bi50N said:
360 players may have noticed that a Title Update went live for Metro 2033.

There's a couple of reasons for this - primarily (and you are hearing this here first ) it's to allow the game to accept DLC further down the line – with the game now finished, we have been turning our thoughts to potential DLC. We’ve got some ideas, but nothing we can talk about right now other than to say it won't be new SP narrative content, 'missing levels' or anything like that - it's something we're only just starting production on.

And no, it's not multiplayer! That would be very cool, but sadly not possible...

However, we also took the opportunity to add a new Weapon Select system tailored to the 360 pad. The existing weapon select system was based around the typical PC gaming set-up, and whilst it works 'ok' we got some feedback at recent community events just prior to launch that a more console-friendly system would be appreciated. We think the new change nails it.

Once the title update is applied, you need to select the new Weapon Select scheme from the Game Options. Go to Options / Controls and change Inventory from Linear to Circular.

With the new control scheme applied, some of the buttons will change function:

L / R on the D-Pad now checks your Watch / Timer

Left Bumper Button now applies a Med-Kit

Y Button now changes weapon. A single ‘Tap’ alternates between your Knife and your equipped Ranged Weapon. A ‘Press and Hold’ brings up the Weapon select wheel – use the left Stick to equip a different ranged weapon

This means you are always one button press from your knife, and two moves from any weapon in your inventory

The update also adds an in-game brightness setting (The Gamma Correction option in main Option).

Let us know what you think!
I was wondering what the update did!

Despite how I feel otherwise, I found the controller settings very useful in this game. Circular is the way to go.


I also agree that the game is very good. The PC version looks really great, some of the best if not THE best textures ever seen in a PC game, and some smoke/lighting effects (in the room at the very beginning where you, Hunter and Alexey have to defend it from invading mutants, look at the back-lit ventilator ducts) are incredibly well done.
The PC and 360 version currently have an 88 and 83 metacritic score respectively. Considering how wrapped up in the hype train mainstream gaming media is and how they always tend to value polish above all else, that's about as good a reception a quirky Eastern European game could ever hope to achieve. Very impressive, I'm looking forward to friday.
Bi50N said:
I found this post on the PA forum and thought I'd share it... This is basically how I feel when I play the game:


Any chance you can get them to patch in an (optional) custom graphics settings option? It can be hidden so as to not scare the masses but generally the current consensus seems to be that the gap between high and very high is way too big. It'd be nice to take some of the very high options (like object based motion blur) without having having to use all the other system raping settings as well. It'd certainly create a lot of goodwill around the hardcore PC gaming community, a community which has pimped this game more than THQ themselves have.


I dunno' why this particular game is making me think about the story and giving me dreams! :lol Just kept thinking of the characters in the game and how bleak it is. Being underground or being topside... you're underground so much you want to go topside, but then there are things out there too.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
brain_stew said:
Any chance you can get them to patch in an (optional) custom graphics settings option? It can be hidden so as to not scare the masses but generally the current consensus seems to be that the gap between high and very high is way too big. It'd be nice to take some of the very high options (like object based motion blur) without having having to use all the other system raping settings as well. It'd certainly create a lot of goodwill around the hardcore PC gaming community, a community which has pimped this game more than THQ themselves have.
Yep, this would be nice.

I can get 60 fps at 720p in DX11 + Very High, but 1080p bogs down quite a bit in comparison. 1080p IS completely smooth in "High", however. Finding a nice mix between the two would be optimal.


Moved from 1920 dx9 to 1680 dx10, still runs fine.

Made it down to Armory station, shit is pretty intense so far. For the nosalise? mob rush, I end up backing myself into a corner and just trying to knife anything that gets close, while AI takes care of the rest. I think I have ten assault rifle rounds left because they take quite a few rounds to take down.

Any reason why I should spend 100 ammo for the uhh, stealth armor? Default suit doesn't make that much noise does it? I kind of find the weapon pricing a little odd: Pistol + scope + silencer is cheaper than the pistol + scope.

The book needs to come out in English already.
dark10x said:
Yep, this would be nice.

I can get 60 fps at 720p in DX11 + Very High, but 1080p bogs down quite a bit in comparison. 1080p IS completely smooth in "High", however. Finding a nice mix between the two would be optimal.

Heck, just the option to add the object motion blur to the stock high settings would be great.


brain_stew said:
Heck, just the option to add the object motion blur to the stock high settings would be great.

That's my only gripe with High, the lack of blur. I did encounter some slow down on high today though. Things were blowing up and there were a few soldiers on screen. Wondering if I should uncheck adv. physics.


RS4- said:
Any reason why I should spend 100 ammo for the uhh, stealth armor?

The book needs to come out in English already.

It makes you move silently whilst walking, instead of just crouching, and you get Night Vision with it. It is the best 100 bullets you can spend...


Bi50N said:
It makes you move silently whilst walking, instead of just crouching, and you get Night Vision with it. It is the best 100 bullets you can spend...

lolol, I saw the NVG and didn't think much of it. Thanks!


The game just gets bleaker as you go on. IS exhibition the only decent station? Every other one is fucked in some way or another.
Defending that station or w/e before Polis...only to still have mutants breakthrough is kind of heartbreaking. Everyone is constantly dying and the score isn't helping...and after all that you have to walk through all these failed defenses with ammo and dead bodies lying everywhere.


Just want to go on the record saying that the game is very, very well optimized for the PC. For what it throws onscreen, the performance is excellent.

If anybody tries using the same line of bullshit they used on Crysis - "bad optimization and coding...bla bla" - they instantly lose all credibilty as far as I am concerned.


Been playing the 360 version and so far it has been an awesome ride. I don't think the graphics are getting a fair shake from some people here. Not as good as the PC version obviously but among the best on consoles easily, all consoles. There is so much detail in environments in this game compared to a game like Killzone 2. They each have different approahes to certain things but by no means does K2 outclass this game graphically. Plus it controls a ton better. Just my opinion though as i've enjoyed both games so far.
I am just about to start Dead City. Got few question.

1. Is there a limit on how much ammo you can carry?

2. How does the Pneumatic gun work? I was about to read about the pressure but it disappeared.

3. How many throwing knives do I have to buy next time I go to the market area?

Me and couple of other guys have been updating our posts for Golden Ammo, where ever we find them. Here is a link for those interested.



I love this little scene from very early in the game - a boy is playing and talking to his father - looks phenomenal and is quite touching, setting the mood nicely.



Can`t find the book anywhere around,I guess it will show up at some point....hard game is hard,the new control set-up would of been cool if I started with that but completly changing the way you used the pre patch ones for 3 chapters makes it hard to switch hehe,especially at the part i`m at in chapter 3.

I find it`s a little too vague on what you have to do and also when I use a healt kit,how do I see how much it heals? does it heal completly or like half of your health back?...do I really need the mask where I am now or not? not clear on that...for now I keep dying over and over,went a little farther on my last try doing things stealthy but once 1 guy sees you,you go down pretty damn fast but of course they need like 6 shotgun shells in them to die...i`ll keep at it for a bit,or bring it down to easy,but I read easy is the opposite and too damn easy...


seen replayability mentioned as a plus for this - does it have new game+ kind of thing? do things like stealth armor stay unlocked once you buy them?

(i'm 100% sure i'm buying it, just wondering :D)


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I think this game has one of the best shotguns in any FPS.

People shoot that thing, and it scares the bejesus out of you. Chunks of wall fall out, screen shake, big bass-y boom, tons of particles. It's just awesome.
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