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Military personnel on Xbox One; Microsoft responds

I don't think they'll end their stupid policy over this or anything else. After championing it all this time, there's no way they'd up and reverse this stuff. It's in place and nothing will move it.

Damned if they remove it for the troops, since it's so integral to the experience (their words).
Damned if they don't remove it, because the troops can't play it.
Rachel Maddow is a progressive commentator on MSNBC. She's very well spoken, very politically critical, and very fact based when she goes at people.

Her making a tweet (god damn, I hate that word) about this is a huge deal from a mainstream media pick up. Not only that, but there's no way Fox is gonna let the liberal lesbian be the one standing up to MicroSoft for the troops.

So, yeah, it's kinda a big deal. We'll have to see who picks up on it, but the traction is getting fierce.

Great summary. Should make it pretty clear to our fellow gaffers outside the states.
GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.


When I heard Don Mattrick talk about the Nuclear submarine and say they should get a 360, I took that as a huge FU to the military.
Even if they take these 'features' out at this point, I pretty much feel their reputation has been tarnished to the point where there's no going back with this system.

Same with sony ps3 they recovered from it after wining back consumers trust great first party offering. Microsoft has a long way to go to convince they are a choice.
As someone who's been in going on 10 years and spent the last 4 years living abroad, I say fuck yeah to the OP

Microsoft clearly has no fucks left to give
Rachel Maddow is a progressive commentator on MSNBC. She's very well spoken, very politically critical, and very fact based when she goes at people.

Her making a tweet (god damn, I hate that word) about this is a huge deal from a mainstream media pick up. Not only that, but there's no way Fox is gonna let the liberal lesbian be the one standing up to MicroSoft for the troops.

So, yeah, it's kinda a big deal. We'll have to see who picks up on it, but the traction is getting fierce.
Yeah this is quite a huge deal.
Microsoft what in the world are you doing?? What are you thinking? Stop.


Gold Member
I wonder what Microsoft is doing and thinking behind closed doors. I'm not that old, but I've never seen something quite like this before.


GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

It's getting trashed pretty much everywhere.


GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

Business Insider isn't a gaf sponsored magazine, though..
Someone has an entire list of all MS's coverage. Will probably be here any second.
GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

Anecdotal, I know, but I have three co-workers who are game fans but not Gaffers. All three of them think MS is screwed and they're all buying PS4s. One of the three was 360-only, one was PS3/Nintendo, and the third has both HD systems but plays 360 more.
GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

Just got trashed on Daily Show, and the Maddow tweet shows that other news channels are aware. If she doesn't cover it someone else will. Fox could have a field day with the military stuff, and every news outlet would love to tie the Kinect into the NSA/PRISM debate. Microsoft didn't just announce a shitty console, they announced it at the worst possible time.

Polls on sites like IGN are overwhelmingly in favor of the PS4 too, and PS4 seems to be killing Xbox in preorders. It's not just us.


Same with sony ps3 they recovered from it after wining back consumers trust great first party offering. Microsoft has a long way to go to convince they are a choice.

That's true but all Sony really did was put out a $600 machine that was hard to develop for...


Bloodborne is shit
GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

I'm just one dude but if my Facebook friends are anything to go by, most people seem to fall into one of two camps. They either have no idea the Xbone exists or they're completely on board because its the next Xbox, simply looking at the previous two consoles as an indication of its quality.


GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

Amazon has a poll up on Facebook at the moment: https://www.facebook.com/AmazonVideoGames?v=app_153839431317646&rest=1

The results are a, uh, bit lopsided:



So they said as long as you xbl account is a account for that region then military can play games for that region?

But they can not buy games for another region?
"But if you’re based in Japan, Kuwait or Afghanistan, you’re out of luck."

wait... is Japan truly not on the list of countries inwhich the X1 can work ??
GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

Coverage from Metro. (UK paper, free)

It's getting pretty bad for them.


GAF's Bob Woodward
"But if you’re based in Japan, Kuwait or Afghanistan, you’re out of luck."

wait... is Japan truly not on the list of countries inwhich the X1 can work ??

Yes. They're talking about late 2014 as a possible launch window in Asia. Maybe Japan will get it earlier.


Why doesn't the military get Wii U's? Is it a patriotic thing, that they must get Xboxs?

Have you ever tried LAN on a WiiU? Even a lot of PS3 games don't have good LAN support. They mention Halo specifically because the series has held onto split screen and LAN support for a long time now.
"But if you’re based in Japan, Kuwait or Afghanistan, you’re out of luck."

wait... is Japan truly not on the list of countries inwhich the X1 can work ??

Nope. Not at launch.

Really, all they need to Mattrick's nuclear sub comment and it's off to the races.
MS don't give a damn. Consumers are too damn predictable. All they have to do is slap on a new coat of PR and dangle a copy of Halo and Madden off a fishing hook. They'll be in for a good run in no time.
Microsoft is going to take shit for this debacle no matter what. If they create special Xbones for military that don't require Kinect, online, etc., then the public will still rightfully roast them for it, because then Microsoft has no way to justify those requirements for regular consumers.


GAF is the only gaming forum I read/participate in so I have no idea, but is MS getting trashed this badly outside our walls as well?

I want to be excited about a massive mega corporation feeling the consequences of their consumer-alienating ideals, but I'm a little scared of going outside and seeing people shrug their shoulders as they line of for a One on day one.

Well, Lewis Black on The Daily Show used the Xbone as a pretty big chunk of his last bit on the show. There's Maddow getting at them, the multiple military oriented websites discussing the issue, the pretty consistent poor view of them at every popular gaming outlet...

Anecdotally, my father, who only plays WoW and uses his PS3 as a blue ray player, pays zero attention to gaming stuff, and watches too much Fox for his own good, called me up to ask me why he should upgrade to a PS4 "'cause I'm not really interested in getting a different box to watch Netflix on, but I know there's zero reason for me to pick up an Xbox One from what I've heard from some of the interns at work."

That Lewis Black gif is going to get A LOT of traction.


from what those members described, PS4 would be perfect for them, its region free, so they could go to any game store abroad and purchase their games. No online restrictions etc.

Does PS4 support a system-link type function? That was one of the reasons that was mentioned for the 360 having big support since they can play multiplayer without internet.
MS don't give a damn. Consumers are too damn predictable. All they have to do is slap on a new coat of PR and dangle a copy of Halo and Madden off a fishing hook. They'll be in for a good run in no time.

This is sad but true. I wouldn't be surprised if Xbox One outsells the PS4 this year, and probably the following years as well.
What if a military guy/lady is sent an Xbox One? They can't do shit with it until they activate it when they return. There's also just a lot of misinformation, MS employees are contradicting themselves here too.


Well, Lewis Black on The Daily Show used the Xbone as a pretty big chunk of his last bit on the show. There's Maddow getting at them, the multiple military oriented websites discussing the issue, the pretty consistent poor view of them at every popular gaming outlet...

Anecdotally, my father, who only plays WoW and uses his PS3 as a blue ray player, pays zero attention to gaming stuff, and watches too much Fox for his own good, called me up to ask me why he should upgrade to a PS4 "'cause I'm not really interested in getting a different box to watch Netflix on, but I know there's zero reason for me to pick up an Xbox One from what I've heard from some of the interns at work."

That Lewis Black gif is going to get A LOT of traction.
Lewis black gif? Me see peez?

Game Guru

I'm starting to get serious doubts that the Xbox One is going to outsell the Wii U at this point, and that's doing worse than the GameCube.
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