After falling in love with Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 a couple of weeks ago, I went on a bit of a musou buying spree.
More are on the way. lol
Just started playing Fist of the North Star and it's a bit rough around the edges, but a lot of fun when you look past the graphical shortcomings as well as some technical niggles.
Got Pikmin 3 in as well as a second copy of one of my favourite Wii games: Zangeki no Reginleiv, in case something should ever happen to my original. Was a bit cheaper than my mint copy, but the cover seems to have some water damage or something as it's all wobbly. Disk and manual are like new though, so this will be my play copy it seems.
Then picked up ZOE just after the patch went up.
And didn't even know Star Trek TNG Season 4 was due out so soon on blu ray. Had it pre-ordered so it was a nice surprise when it showed up.
Also somehow I'm now the proud owner of the following masterpiece!
Suck it, internet white knights!