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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Now if they had gone with the 4GB of GDDR5 like they had originally planned then I think Sony would have shot themselves in the foot, but luckily they listened to the developers!

Not really because they would have just used less for the OS & the difference would have been like 3GB for games instead of 5GB for games

devs would have worked around it ,

Old Empire.

Now if they had gone with the 4GB of GDDR5 like they had originally planned then I think Sony would have shot themselves in the foot, but luckily they listened to the developers!

Microsoft advertised its Xbox One console as an entertainment system in 2013. They erroneously assumed households would purchase the console to watch TV and play games and not be bothered much about slight power differences. Sony was shrewd and when devs were able to push higher pixel counts on PS4, they went all out to assert their system was better. It turned out to be a PR nightmare as devs were also battling to make the resolution higher than 720p (Xbox One) at the start of the gen. Microsoft just forgets most console owners are children and young adults and they will receive reactions from their friends about graphics, price and other features and compare. Sony just had the right choice to build the PS4 for gamers.

That's correct about the memory, OS would also adopt some memory from the 4 gigs. Less memory notably will change the graphic textures and environments a game will have. Less memory means less opportunity to make a game stand out.
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Microsoft advertised its Xbox One console as an entertainment system in 2013. They erroneously assumed households would purchase the console to watch TV and play games and not be bothered much about slight power differences. Sony was shrewd and when devs were able to push higher pixel counts on PS4, they went all out to assert their system was better. It turned out to be a PR nightmare as devs were also battling to make the resolution higher than 720p (Xbox One) at the start of the gen. Microsoft just forgets most console owners are children and young adults and they will receive reactions from their friends about graphics, price and other features and compare. Sony just had the right choice to build the PS4 for gamers.

That's correct about the memory, OS would also adopt some memory from the 4 gigs. Less memory notably will change the graphic textures and environments a game will have. Less memory means less opportunity to make a game stand out.

Nahhhh tht power difference wasnt the reason although the messaging did sway hardcores. Again for the millionth time, upon ps3's release, at hundreds more, Inferior multiplats, online going down for months the ppl spoke and ps3 still outsold Xbox 360 worlddwide. Sony's mindshare is crazy. These results would have happened no matter what given Sony's competitive price with the ps4. Some fans are really praying Xbox is more powerful but tht won't change the fact tht Playstation will continue dominating. Ppl are too invested in their first parties and their hardware.
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OH the schilling continues 🤣🤣🤣Directx12 all over again. Sony also has some of the best software ppl and engineers in the world, for every thing a company puts out Sony will have their own version. These posts are deadass fanboy schilling at its best.

They already have the ninjas doing their work. The PS5 reveal spec meltdowns and damage control will be crazy. "they are stronger, but this system is more balanced and has...." smfh
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Von Hugh

Gold Member

Key word here:


I just want Sony to pull ahead in raw performance instead of sad excuses like "but muh DirectX12, ESRAM, VRS, RT" and wink faces.
Totally agree on the split helping with contention , just like extra buses can help with bandwidth ratios and contention

the point I was making was based on the numbers on the leak and having 12 out of 20GB as DDR4.

would you not think that the split the other way would help the consoles performance more ? (12 out of 20 not being the slower memory)

or even following the ps4/pro with only a little of the Total memory being slower ? (I think it’s only around 1Gb in the pro but could be mistaken. that’s currently used to store background apps and possibly system activity in suspend mode)

Although I think the general ‘noise’ is around 4Gb for OS & tasks this time and even then if it’s all GDDR 6, with only lower power memory being used for apps and suspend
I just finished reading the post on page 362 with the gray images and leaked ps5 specs. I didn't know about the ratio, I assume there is some serious research behind this choice (I.E. the benefits far outweigh any possible disadvantage) ... that leaves you 8GB just for the GPU and 8GB + 4GB (games + OS) for the CPU, the PS4 has 8GB combined, most current GPUs have 8GB or less (however the Radeon 7 has 16, the Geforce 2080 super only has 8GB in its current incarnation).

I certainly think it looks better than a single bank of 16GB as is rumored for the top of the line Xbox P0rn (SeX get it, this is a very lame naming strategy, but it seems to stick... I get why) series in therms of potential performance, however the xbox may end up with better textures in some instances (it also depends how fast assets can be swapped in and out of memory, which is where I expect the SSD could make a huge difference).

These insiders are about as realistic as me having a 16 inch penis. So not a lot.
Isn't that the average? I mean, this is how long the SeX seems to be anyways, with all those venting holes at the top, I can't imagine that they did not even put a decently sized one hidden underneath the console so that people can show their love of the machine properly.


Key word here:


I just want Sony to pull ahead in raw performance instead of sad excuses like "but muh DirectX12, ESRAM, VRS, RT" and wink faces.

Ah yes, Variable Rate Shading that technology not exclusive to MS.

I wonder how they will compete.

Heard this same MS tech advantage based on their PC heritage.

Sure as shit helped the Xbox One.


One thing that really sticks out to me is that around e3 of 2018 we got a few articles from actual tech sites that said Sony had a hand in helping the design of Navi. It was even speculated that navi would be exclusive to sony for a time. No one has disputed that sony had a helping hand in navi but obviously it being exclusive wasnt true. So here's my question, IF sony actually did have a hand in developing navi, why do some people assume they are going to get the crappy GPU, or will have a significantly weaker one? What benefits would sony have IF they really did help with the development of NAVI? Would they get a discount on mass purchasing chips, exclusive features or first dibs on new technologies?
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Old Empire.

Nahhhh tht power difference wasnt the reason although the messaging did sway hardcores. Again for the millionth time upon ps3's, at hundreds more, Inferior multiplats, online going down for months the ppl spoke and ps3 still outsold Xbox 360 worlddwide. Sony's mindshare is crazy. These results would have happened no matter what given Sony's competitive price with the ps4. Some fans are really praying Xbox is more powerful but tht won't change the fact tht Playstation will continue dominating. Ppl are too invested in their first parties and their hardware.

You forgetting here Sony was dominant for a decade before Xbox even joined the console race. Sony did not impose a charge to use online services. So Xbox 360 achievement can't be denied. In financial terms 360 performed better for Microsoft than PS3 worked for Sony.. Difference this gen Sony also charges for online play, so they're now making considerably higher profits because their userbase accepts to pay to play online. In reality Xbox won last gen and Sony won this gen. Will Sony keep the momentum going time will tell!


You forgetting here Sony was dominant for a decade before Xbox even joined the console race. Sony did not impose a charge to use online services. So Xbox 360 achievement can't be denied. In financial terms 360 performed better for Microsoft than PS3 worked for Sony.. Difference this gen Sony also charges for online play, so they're now making considerably higher profits because their userbase accepts to pay to play online. In reality Xbox won last gen and Sony won this gen. Will Sony keep the momentum going time will tell!

I'm not forgetting any of tht I am just showing tht Sony's mindshare is too strong. Whatever ground Microsoft garnered last Gen thy squandered this gen. They had some advantages last Gen thy no longer had this gen nor it seems will have next Gen e.g. Better online, multiplats, better price etc

Lets not forget ps3 released over a year and a half later last Gen and still caught up in sales.
OH the schilling continues 🤣🤣🤣Directx12 all over again. Sony also has some of the best software ppl and engineers in the world, for every thing a company puts out Sony will have their own version. These posts are deadass fanboy schilling at its best.
Where is mister x media when you need him the most?

The thing is that depending on the memory setup, CPU and GPU cache sizes/ frequencies in each console they could end up having different performance profiles (One machine could perform better in CPU stress cases, the other in GPU stress cases... also, a memory bandwidth or latency advantage could ).

Also, Sony has proven themselves much better than MS in therms of extremely optimized/low level APIs as far as I can tell.

Another point, doesn't the PS4 PRO have some sort of VBR implemented to facilitate stable performance in the VR titles? Maybe I am mixing things up with some other features. Either way, I suspect VBR is a hardware feature that MS decided to expose through their API, now they tout is as something "special" to them, just like they did with mega textures early in the xbox one days... and they claim some magic asset streaming techniques, just like they did to explain the small esram size the last time around.

How much time will it take for people to differentiate PR from a complete specs sheet?
I'm not forgetting any of tht I am just showing tht Sony's mindshare is too strong. Whatever ground Microsoft garnered last Gen thy squandered this gen. They had some advantages last Gen thy no longer had this gen nor it seems will have next Gen e.g. Better online, multiplats, better price etc

Lets not forget ps3 released over a year and a half later last Gen and still caught up in sales.
I suspect that if they release a truly compelling product they can get some serious traction, they would have with the One (if it made sense as a product).... But as of now, it seems way too bulky and big for a lot of places (I like how it looks, but it will take up quite a bit of room).

Ms also needs to step up their game in all regions, Sony did not make a name by not caring about the local markets, they bought studios in all major markets of the world early on, and they made sure they were culturally relevant. All I see from MS is some lame excuses for their sales team not doing their job (maybe it's a ressource problem, but there is no way people would not buy a good product "just because").

Old Empire.

I'm not forgetting any of tht I am just showing tht Sony's mindshare is too strong. Whatever ground Microsoft garnered last Gen thy squandered this gen. They had some advantages last Gen thy no longer had this gen nor it seems will have next Gen e.g. Better online, multiplats, better price etc

Lets not forget ps3 released over a year and a half later last Gen and still caught up in sales.

Yes Microsoft messed up and Sony seized advantage of that. It not like Microsoft released a console comparable in 2013 and consumers decided to just go with Sony instead. They went with Sony as the PS4 was more powerful and better economical with the price. Will Microsoft ever get back those customers that shifted over is unknown? I agree Sony would have to mess up for people to leave the Playstation. It too early to tell what will happen in 2020.
Fine, since we're posting prediction specs...


**8 core/16 thread Ryzen
**ARM or RISC-V based coprocessor (background OS tasks)
**20GB GDDR6 via 10x 32-bit 2GB chips, 2Ghz chip clock (max clock 2GHz) , 320-bit bus, 640 GB/s bandwidth
**1TB Samsung SSD via NVMe over PCIe 4.0 @ 4GB/s (x2 PCIe 4.0 lanes) (replaceable)
**64-96GB PCM-based (i.e Optane DC Persistent Memory) memory cache @ ~ 25GB/s (non-replaceable, DRAM-style memory controller)
(speeds of around DDR4 RAM, read and write performance/alterability of DRAM, permanent storage abilities of NAND)
**$499.99 MSRP


**8 core/16 thread Ryzen
**ARM or RISC-V based coprocessor (background OS tasks)
**24GB GDDR6 via 12x 32-bit 2GB chips, 1.5 Ghz chip clock, 384-bit bus, 576 GB/s bandwidth
**1TB Samsung SSD via NVMe over PCIe 4.0 @ 2GB/s (x1 PCIe 4.0 lane) - 4GB/s (x2 PCIe 4.0 lanes) (replaceable)
**64-128GB PCM-based (i.e Optane DC Persistent Memory) memory cache @ ~ 25GB/s (non-replaceable, DRAM-style memory controller)
(speeds of around DDR4 RAM, read and write performance/alterability of DRAM, permanent storage abilities of NAND)
**499.99 MSRP
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Gold Member
And you think the XBox X is a big case...

On that one, people laughing at the Size of series X had better pray the PS5 is the same, as physics is dictating that power there...

I have been saying all along that 30x15x15 (12x6x6) is not that big. It just looks plain.
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