I got both consoles and I felt the same way until I got game pass and played hellblade and then Doom eternal and probably no mans sky after that.
If you didn’t own a Xbox one or dont buy a lot of games every year there are so much games you can play with games pass and everything runs really fast and smooth on the series x.
Game pass is enough to hold most people over until the next big thing comes out for Xbox. I am not making excuses for the lack of exclusives but what I am saying is their actually is a lot to play on the console right now because of games pass.
If someone havent owned xbone(x), then why would they now buy expensive series x to play mostly/only last gen games + pay expensive gamepass?
lets assume that it takes a year to get good exclusives = you pay 500€ + 120€ (or 156€ with live gold)
lets assume that you are hardcore gamer whom doesnt do anything else and play 1 new game every week = 52 games (casuals play probably 5 in a year max)
So is it really smart or worth it to pay +600€ to play old games while waiting for new games?
When you can buy used xbox one x for 100-150€ (because xbox isnt popular, even one x can be bought really cheaply easily) and then used last gen games for 5-10€ each, even with 50 games it would be about the half of xsex + gamepass. and often new xbone games are 5-15€ on stores
or getting xsex + buying used games for 120€ = you could get up to 20-30 games with some luck.
If you say that gamepass is great value for old games, then it should be much cheaper than buying those old games, right?
I get it that prices arent the same over the world, but still game pass is way too praised for what it is = rental service
"netflix for games" sounds cool, but unlike on video services, you cant play hundreds of games / month as playing game takes much more time than watching a movie or episode of series
Even you say that you have played two(2) games and now it is worth it, 2 games that you could have bought really cheaply. Doom eternal were like 14-15€ around black friday and still is less than 20€.
gamepass is "quantity scam", makes people think that they get great deal because there is so many games, but they dont even think that how many they really want to play. Similar to PC steam hoarders whom literally can have like 15 000 games "because they were on sale!"