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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Oh, WOW, just fuc**** WOW :

here is the context they aren't giving you:
This info is not datamined from drivers
It is not related to devkits
It is not complete so I wouldn’t read into “missing features.” It’s not a spec sheet
It is from internal AMD performance testing documents inadvertently posted publicly
They cover some specific set of test cases mostly comparing Ariel and Oberon results
It is dated June/July and is the same source for info “leaked” around that time

The poor sap who uploaded it will surely be fired regardless but I won't link to it because it contains personal data including their resume. It only took like 30 minutes to find, just search for it -- this guy has been quoting whole pieces verbatim

just go to github and search for the codenames


Xboners dream about weaker PS5 deadier than dead
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Where does it show a 320-bit bus? On that PCB from the Project Scarlett reveal trailer at E3? How is that any proof that it's a 320-bit bus?

The video doesn't actually show 12 chips, but on two of the sides there are three chips each. Off assumption we can guess the other two sides have three chips each, totaling 12, for a 320-bit but.

Which is a step down from X's 384-bit bus, but still notable. I'm assuming if PS5 uses GDDR6 as well (no actual proof of it yet; I've been hard on them using HBM because of cost factor and such, but targets for low-cost HBM by Samsung have them saying it'll be ready for 2020 so there's still a slight chance). If so it's possible they could be going for a similar 320-bit bus, or a 256-bit bus if that Oberon 02 stuff is to be believed.

10chips on motherboard. Cant be anything else.

Why would they opt for a 288-bit bus?
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Damn! But I think its 320bit 14Gbps.

Not believing your own source when it disagrees with what you are adamant is true lol.

Surprised you ignored your Twitter guy saying Arden was zen 3 (which when you think about it probably means Arden is the 4700 Apu that has recently surfaced.

Guess that means twitter guys guesses could all be wrong.
Oh, WOW, just fuc**** WOW :


Xboners dream about weaker PS5 deadier than dead
The writing was on the wall when he replied to blue what's his name on twitter to be fair.


Are you saying Spencer is misleading people to believing the new Xbox is 12 navi TFs when it is not?

He never said any particular number, he never even mentioned TFlops to begin with, those 12TF are just fanboys' wet dreams.

But hey, people can believe in what they want to believe, but then again, they have no right to blame others once they face the foreseeable disappointment.
Wether the RT hardware acceleraror is in the same class of PS4 pro as a 4k machine and Cerny is throwing ALL HIS credibility and his long and enviable personal history in this industry in a trash or this leak is not up to date with what Cerny is cooking in for PS5, because that "leak" does not fit into hardware Ray tracing accelerators claim to a Very wide joitnalist.

In Cerny we trust.

Closer to 14tf as I predicted incoming.


Lol July is not old data. Its actually far too late to change anything at that point. Its LOCKED.

its not even old data. Komachi said he wont post details because its sensitive, and Rogame just posted it.

We didnt know :

Bus width
Total BW
Number if CUs for full chip
Cache BW
Memory amount

He literally leaked it all. Komachi just leaked Oberon being PS5 and clock speeds.


Neo Member
Because we dont know what RT implementation they have. We dont even know what kind of RT implementation AMD has, let alone MS and Sony and if they are indeed same or not.

The fact that they cannot find RT in driver data dump doesnt mean it doesnt have it.

Question, since rogame says that the Oberon chip has 18 WGP and 4 SA....
According to this https://gpuopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/RDNA_Architecture_public.pdf

I'm guessing each Shader Array (SA) has to have the same amount of WGP inside. So how come we only get 18WGP? Does it mean we have 2SA with 5 WGP inside and other 2SA with only 4WGP?

Just curious!


Gold Member
Lol July is not old data. Its actually far too late to change anything at that point. Its LOCKED.

its not even old data. Komachi said he wont post details because its sensitive, and Rogame just posted it.

We didnt know :

Bus width
Total BW
Number if CUs for full chip
Cache BW
Memory amount

He literally leaked it all. Komachi just leaked Oberon being PS5 and clock speeds.

Far from locked that far out.


Far from locked that far out.
How do you explain V dev kits going out in June/July? Because these certainly had actual SOC.

Where is this misterious new chip? If Arden and Sparkman are still alive, why would you lump them with "old" Ariel/Oberon chips used for testing?

They are physically locked. Changing amount of CUs or memory bus/controllers is literally years worth of work. They can up the clocks, but change physical chip? Nah...


Gold Member
How do you explain V dev kits going out in June/July? Because these certainly had actual SOC.

Where is this misterious new chip? If Arden and Sparkman are still alive, why would you lump them with "old" Ariel/Oberon chips used for testing?

They are physically locked. Changing amount of CUs or memory bus/controllers is literally years worth of work. They can up the clocks, but change physical chip? Nah...

Same way I explain those early kits not having RT when Cerny himself said the PS5 has GPU RT, they were testing old tech.


Gold Member
Less than a year out from mass production, I don't expect much has changed since then.

You don't suddenly go from a 9TF GPU to a 12+ GPU in two months this late.

Happy to be wrong!

I don't buy the whole 12 TFs anyhow not until something is official.

Digital Foundry directly asked MS and they declined to comment instead wanted to use the 2X the power of the current X PR talk.
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Super long post so let me address these first, starting with Hellblade 2. How do you know that a AAA Hellblade with Microsoft support won't be many times the game the original was, and in essence WILL be like a new IP for them that goes far further with its ambition. You telling me that world isn't one worth more deeply exploring no longer tethered by whatever limitations their 16-20 man team had with their $10 million budget? Hellblade AAA as a Microsoft First Party is essentially effectively like a brand new IP.

Halo Infinite is the right game for 343i at exactly the right time, no project could be more perfect for them. They are making what they were meant to and I believe the game will be incredible. Coalition should ABSOLUTELY immediately follow the amazing Gears 5. I guess they could try something new at some point, but this isn't that time after Gears 5. That game was fucking unbelievable.

It has more to do with creating a new IP and Microsoft having it's own franchise from a development studio that they acquired more than having to do with Hellblade. Hellblade was great but to me, Microsoft/Spencer had the opportunity to create something new from the ground up instead of a sequel to a game that was multi-platform. Microsoft and Xbox's biggest issue was not having first party studios and exclusives but right after that, was the inability to create new IP's and have them become franchises. Sony does it. Nintendo does it. But yet, Microsoft for whatever reason simply can't. Also, I don't believe that Hellblade needed a sequel at all and to me, the ending for the sequel is already known. While I enjoyed Hellblade (8.0/10 for me) overall, it did several negatives/aspects that I didn't like and would have preferred a new IP instead. I also simply look at it as new generation, new start, new beginning, etc. so why not start with a new IP? With that all said, I will still play it day one via Game Pass and while it should be better than the first game, it has more to do with not being what I was hoping for and the direction I believe they should go in.

Another example would be The Outer Worlds from Obsidian. Speculation is that Obsidian will be developing a sequel. My thinking is why? Another multi-platform game that has more of a fanbase on PS4 than Xbox One and instead of once again, creating a new IP for the new generation and all that, basically just going to continue where they left off with The Outer Worlds. Game itself is in the 8 range but I quit it after a few hours simply because im not a fan of Fallout games whatsoever, it's first person which after playing through 25 of them this generation, im completely fatigued with and most of all, the silent protagonist ended any chance the game had of me playing it. Like Ninja Theory, I simply believe that Microsoft/Spencer should be having the acquired studios develop new IP's from the ground up for next gen and go from there. If they're good and the marketing is good, they can be successful.

Halo Infinite is fine but I meant after Halo Infinite. Personally, in my eyes 343 will never be what Bungie was or did with Halo. Same for The Coalition with Gears. Neither are surpassing Bungie or Epic. They just aren't. I also believe that they should at the very least have a new IP in between Halo and Gears. As for Gears 5, I completed it and rated it a 9.0/10 as it's my 5th best game of 2019 but at the same time, the rating was more out of respect for the franchise and wanting to keep the five game series at a 9.0/10 overall average.

My issues with Gears 5 were - 1) The choice late in the game. So fucking stupid. This is something that the game should decide for you. In other words, the development team should have had the balls to make the decision instead of putting that decision on the gamer which is stupid because in my eyes, the way it will be handled in Gears 6 will be similar to who you choose in the beginning of AC Odyssey. Think about that for a minute and you should understand what I mean. 2) The stealth combat was horrible, simply didn't fit and just no point to it at all. 3) The melee combat was so disappointing and so underwhelming. First, you can only use the Warden's club for melee and despite that he can use it against you an unlimited amount of times, when you use it, it's only for a short period of time due to it having a durability bar which made no sense. Plus, it replaces one of your guns where as it should have been in addition to your guns.

4) The open areas. While the snow level was great, the desert sucked. Bland, boring, empty and both had little side content that was nothing more than upgrade filler for Jack. If anything, the desert chapter should have been before the snow chapter or at the very least, a linear action packed chapter should have been in between to break it up. Back to back and desert being horrible definitely was a major low point for me when playing the game. 5) Wasn't a fan of Jack. The only time Jack was necessary was when you get an upgrade and use that upgrade to advance a few minutes later but rarely if ever needed to use it again. Prefer there to not be a robot droid with you.

Overall, Gears 5 had too many issues and here's my biggest complaint - While I would put it ahead of Gears 3 and Gears 4, Gears 1 and especially Gears 2 are easily superior and better. Like with Halo, I just don't believe that 343/Coalition will ever surpass the best from Bungie/Epic. And if they can't/don't, it's simply time to move on to a new IP and something else.

EDIT: Also, just remembered. The control scheme is outdated for Gears. Give me a weapon wheel, attach grenades to the RB button and let's go. The setup needs to be changed and advanced instead of being obsolete by a decade.
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How do you think they provided V shaped dev kits if not by manufacturing actual APUs lol?

And yea, mass manufacturing starts at March (if its PS4 situation). They have to have bug free and tested chip for at least 6 months before mass manufacturing. These are console chips ffs, its literally infront of you.
Navi 10 was heavily rumoured to have needed to go for a respin as late as January 2019 due to voltage regulation issues. Ended up releasing in volume by 7/7....


Navi 10 was heavily rumoured to have needed to go for a respin as late as January 2019 due to voltage regulation issues. Ended up releasing in volume by 7/7....
"Heavily rumored for respin" > remained the same chip.

We are talking about adding CUs, wider buses etc. If that was such an easy job surely everyone would do it in 6months time.

V dev kit was in dev hands in June/July. Which SOC was inside?
"Heavily rumored for respin" > remained the same chip.

We are talking about adding CUs, wider buses etc. If that was such an easy job surely everyone would do it in 6months time.

V dev kit was in dev hands in June/July. Which SOC was inside?

A weaker one. During every gen you have few iterations of devkits, with numerous features. Final devkits won't be out till summer next year. LOL, Xbone fan hoping for weaker PS5. Weaker than Lockhart. LOL

Btw. with quotes from ERA in few posts before, rogame's leaks are far less credible.
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Gold Member
Man people are having a mental breakdown. Chillax. I’m watering on the mouth just looking at Hellblade 2. I can’t wait to see Sony showing something similar. When it’s all said and done, and we are looking at draw dropping next Gen gfx..you will forget about TF... Can’t wait.

I just want to be able to plug in my external HDDs and have access to my 600+ games day 1 on the Series X.
A weaker one. During every gen you have few iterations of devkits, with numerous features. Final devkits won't be out till summer next year. LOL, Xbone fan hoping for weaker PS5. Weaker than Lockhart. LOL

Btw. with quotes from ERA in few posts before, rogame's leaks are far less credible.
Less credible? That's the most accurate spec for PS5 dev kits so far that was tested in July.
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