The PS5 is the most revolutionary console we've seen in a very long time. There's nothing "brute force" about it's design approach and an unbiased, objective look at the fact that a 10TF console with a 300+mmsq die is consistently beating a 12TF 360mmsq console in real games should tell you very clearly which one is the more elegant, more efficient console design.
Personal opinions are pretty irrelevant in the face of what the real life evidence demonstrates.
That said, both consoles are excellently designed and built machines. So no one should be disappointed in either.
That's the thing. People need to chill a little on the console warring. Look, it IS impressive that the stronger machine on paper, isn't consistently outperforming the lesser. That's a big deal, so people are going to talk about it. Obviously, it comes down to the overall system design, not just the specs on paper and that's what we're seeing. So fine. But it's not like Xbox fans are going to be sitting in front of games and thinking...'gee, this sucks!' Look, if Microsoft were as good at the console game as Sony (or as in my opinion, if they weren't hampered by deciding to get OUT of the console market and then restarting their plans a few years ago) they'd HAVE a bunch of games as well. Since they don't, it's making people focus even more on these differences, which are generally fairly small and not something that gamers will really register with their eyes.
Once Microsoft has more available for XSX, Xbox fans will be very happy, I'm sure of it. Look, I keep saying this but I had friends who got XB1's when I got my PS4 and they were seriously bummed out when they read about all the differences in the games. 900p when the PS4 was "True HD" 1080p and things like that. But you know what. They soon realized (and I agreed when we compared) that they didn't even notice those differences unless they were seeing a DF video where they blow things up by 300x or whatever. So they ended up just fine and satisfied with their systems.
So if you're a Microsoft fan, you're in it mostly for the ecosystem and the way things are setup there. Same for Sony fans. So...enjoy those ecosystems and the games that will be on each. I think it's a shame MS screwed this up with the game availability (although again in my opinion, it WASN'T a screwup, just a change in plans), but over the next year and a half and going forward from there, you'll have plenty of XSX games to play and enjoy.
I DO think that comparing the differences here and there in the games is fascinating but not for the purposes of bashing each other over the head with 'my toy is better than your toy' stuff. Instead I think if you look at these things rationally, it gives clues as to the different architectures and designs of each box. So I think it's worthwhile from that standpoint. I understand it's a little rough for the Xbox fans right now given the relative smaller number of games they have available but things will heat up. Don't forget guys, you'll probably get to crow about the new Elder Scrolls being an exclusive and I'm betting a lot of people will make up for any shortfalls now, with how much they post about that when/if it happens!