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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Hi everybody,
i just thought about that CES Tweet from Cory Balrog again.. iam not posting it here again cause I hate doing that stuff with my cellphones..
But he said that he hopes to see a lot robots at CES ... So what if that was an hint about PS5 reveal with trailer from HZD 2???


Inaccurate most likely; that's the price HBM2 would cost in a perfect market. But the market is never perfect. SK Hynix and Samsung are on record saying clients are paying a premium for HBM2 and HBM2E; they do not sell them to clients for $120 on a 16GB stack and there are no clients whom they'd sell it to that low, even for companies like Sony and MS.

Also HBM2 is an older implementation of the spec and has probably been supplanted by HBM2E as the majority of HBM in production pipelines.

such as norway? can you show me sources? because, it is more like 95% to 5%.

Norway was a foggy example off the top of my head from what I saw the other user post. Meant places like Hungary, Australia, New Zealand etc. Places where either XSX has a lead (slight or modest) or where the difference between the two isn't that great (within 10-15%).

Going by week-long statistics, anyway...
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Well, I'm ignoring the rest of that. I only JUST recently started following and listening to his podcast and subscribing to his youtube page to get notifications, but from the stuff I see, it's all pretty solid gaming talk from real fans. Even people mocking Tim Dog, regardless of what people think about him on twitter etc, when they go on that podcast, I hear a lot of very reasonable, realistic talk from fans who are excited about the next gen consoles, that who are also critical about Microsoft's first party efforts and how much they need to improve to get it to where Sony's is. Hell, you'll often here Tim saying that Sony is going to bring some pretty heavy shit when they're ready to make their move and that it's something that Xbox should be ready for, so there isn't even any blatant shitting on sony or playstation that goes on in the podcast. There may be a few things here or there, but they're hardly what I would call extreme.

All that aside, i'm a recent listener, but based on what i've heard so far he doesn't strike me as someone who just spews bs. Maybe his videos or social media posts are titled a certain way, I don't know, but when you go in and listen, he sounds pretty reasonable, but this isn't a thread about him, so I'll stop it there.

He appears neutral on his YT channel and one reason for that is because he deleted a lot of his YT videos that were pretty pro Xbox.

Here is one of them that someone downloaded before he deleted it.

Because the XB1X was released they were going around talking about how PC gamers were jealous because because it was going to out perform a GTX 1070.

It's fine if you predict its going to perform so well, but the way they were doing it was just so stupid.

Dealer was one of the main ones spreading this downgrade BS with Spider-Man, and even when people were point out he was wrong, he was complaining. He didn't even admit he was wrong after DF posted the video.


What Phil spencer says is not the same as what reality is.
Whether Microsoft buys a Japanese studio or not is something different, but I'm pointing out they clearly want to. On the other hand, you have no facts whatsoever yet here you are arguing like it's you who makes the decisions.


He appears neutral on his YT channel and one reason for that is because he deleted a lot of his YT videos that were pretty pro Xbox.

Here is one of them that someone downloaded before he deleted it.

Because the XB1X was released they were going around talking about how PC gamers were jealous because because it was going to out perform a GTX 1070.

It's fine if you predict its going to perform so well, but the way they were doing it was just so stupid.

Dealer was one of the main ones spreading this downgrade BS with Spider-Man, and even when people were point out he was wrong, he was complaining. He didn't even admit he was wrong after DF posted the video.

He was full on CrapGamer back in the day lol. The guy just toned down his fanboy antics, but his obvious bias and constantly talking down "PlayStation fanboys" on his podcast gives him away.
Well, I'm ignoring the rest of that. I only JUST recently started following and listening to his podcast and subscribing to his youtube page to get notifications, but from the stuff I see, it's all pretty solid gaming talk from real fans. Even people mocking Tim Dog, regardless of what people think about him on twitter etc, when they go on that podcast, I hear a lot of very reasonable, realistic talk from fans who are excited about the next gen consoles, that who are also critical about Microsoft's first party efforts and how much they need to improve to get it to where Sony's is. Hell, you'll often here Tim saying that Sony is going to bring some pretty heavy shit when they're ready to make their move and that it's something that Xbox should be ready for, so there isn't even any blatant shitting on sony or playstation that goes on in the podcast. There may be a few things here or there, but they're hardly what I would call extreme.

All that aside, i'm a recent listener, but based on what i've heard so far he doesn't strike me as someone who just spews bs. Maybe his videos or social media posts are titled a certain way, I don't know, but when you go in and listen, he sounds pretty reasonable, but this isn't a thread about him, so I'll stop it there.

Such a nice words for TimDog. LOL. First of all he has the most exposure on Twitter than on podcast. First and foremost he should be reasonable on Twitter, not on some podcast.


So we’ve got 490 pages, and I think one thing I’ve been able to deduce from it all, is we all know the square root of fuck all, unsurprisingly.

Honestly it has been 2.5 years since my first PS5 spec guess post that is looking pretty accurate right now as we approach the reveal.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Hi everybody,
i just thought about that CES Tweet from Cory Balrog again.. iam not posting it here again cause I hate doing that stuff with my cellphones..
But he said that he hopes to see a lot robots at CES ... So what if that was an hint about PS5 reveal with trailer from HZD 2???
I thought Cory is working on a scifi game now based in the future and I thought his tweet alluded to his own game?
Quick question, will anyone here really switch alliances because of a couple TF here or there? Say Sony bests Xbox by 25% even, given that the system design of Xbox seems more sound than last gen, do Xbox gamers really care? Same thing in reverse, I think Sony gamers are staying put regardless. I'm referring of course to the hard-core crowd that is entrenched to one side or the other already.
No, and I think BC is one reason why. Do you really think either Sony or MS are going to all this trouble and work to get BC because they loves us? No. They realize that once you have invested in an ecosystem and have maybe 100 games from PS1 - PS4 that you have paid for and want to keep having access to, without the need for multiple consoles, then you will stay with that brand.


Cool. Write a book report on your findings
Chapter 1

The Next Gen Speculation Thread

It was a long thread. 490 pages long, and suspected to continue. And it was full of the so called ‘insiders’. Osiris, not the Egyptian bloke. Timdog, believer of power brick GPU’s. hmqgg, the twitter bloke. That’s all I’ve got for him.

The battles were long and fierce. Insiders posting left right and centre.

It was all a load of bollocks.

The end.


Ps4 paid online was leaked way before their presentation.

No it wasn't. There were rumors that PS4 might have also some nagatives to gamers and people were expecting again like in MS case used games being gone. So when they announced with their shitty video that you can have used game mosts of people ignored ps plus multiplayer stuff.

Xbox 360 domininance? Dominance is hyperbole,

yes X360 sold most consoles in previous era and it was widely more popular than PS3 in US which is the biggest market. They had every right to make Xbox One success and establish even more dominance on market which would then snowball like with every technology. Becuase no one wants to use #6th best streaming service or #5th best console.

that was Sony's fault coming out over a year later at hundreds more and even with tht PS3 outsold xbox360 world wide almost every month upon its release so there was no dominance.

Again wrong. For one like in some sort of retarded history channel everyone forgets that PS3 didn't cost 599 but 499 as there was 20GB model. Secondly PS3 sold record numbers in first year so it was also not the problem with lack of people buying it initially. What killed PS3 initially was that it was piece of shit hardware that no one knew how to develop for and it took serious time for most of developers to run anything on it.
Which killed pace and developers that wanted to release games to make money started to look for other platform to release their game on.
Second issue was release window. Year after X360 and PS3 never really has shown it was worth the wait.

PS4 was going to dominate regardless as it released at the same time and price was great even if it was more it still would gave dominated looking at ps3 history. Cboat leaked important info but only enthusiasts were affected by tht and Xbox switched gears anyway. The messaging was messed up but it was Microsoft tht caused fans to stay away not a Cboat.

I don't know what reality you live in but it is completely untrue. The only reason PS4 dominated this season was because of MS fucking it up.
First they were mess PR wise on announcement, then name (WiiU literally like situation) and despite having much cheaper core console they had to sell it for more because of Kinect and other garbage bolted onto it to emulate TV.
By the time Mattick was fired and Spencer took over it was already too late and people and developers jumped off from hypetrain much like they did when PS3 slip up.

Finally what CBOAT leaked out was widely talked about and literally articles in normal press were written. Like i said CBOAT leaking stuff was critical because it showed people that something like this can happen and when they went to see announcement they were already expecting bad news and were prepared to handle it instantly criticizing it instead of acting like someone hit them in back of the head like in case of PS+ multiplayer.

Yeap it was not MS themselves lol

Tell that to MS it was only joke if they will have CBOAT data and will sue him.
There is plenty of court cases where people leaking private companies stuff were sued and lost.

I mean look at PS+ multiplayer fiasco. Everyone ate that shit up just because there were rumors that Sony might go MS way.
But let switch situation now and CBOAT had brother called crazy breasts on high speed place that said Sony is going to announce that multiplayer would be paid in advance. People would be furious and would be sharpening knives for announcement which would instantly sink down a lot PS4 reception. Just before that shit was up most of PS3 users used lack of paid online on PS as good feature and differentiator between Sony and MS.

It was horrible, unsure messaging from Microsoft, kinect and numerous articles dropping at the same time stating that the NSA would be using kinect to spy on you (this shit did damage) Multiple major gaming sites ran with it, being $100 more expensive while also being weaker than PS4. An MS employee getting into public arguments on twitter with trolls, and then saying "and why would I live there" in reference to some guy saying where he lived. And that video by francis who many believed to be his real personality, not knowing he was playing some character also did damage from a pr standpoint, the one where he smashed the xbox 360.

All puff and huff but you used argument about "and why would i live there" which was made by MS PR guy in response to CBOAT leak about digital console when some user asked about MS going full digital with console. Which proves my point.

What CBOAT leak did was to alert everyone to MS actions before they happened so that when they would announce it everyone was ready to pounce on MS.

Good example of not being prepared was PS+ multiplayer. People were focused on other things while Sony quickly changed tune and said that it will improve multiplayer experience and other lies. People ate this shit up and now you have paid online of PS4.

It is obvious that the main fault here is MS but CBOAT had hand in destroying Xbox this generation.

Again if MS would have his adress they could easily argue in court and sack him for maybe even bilions in damages.

He didn't drop nearly as much major information as you all seem to think lol.

No he only release precise information on MS policies with infuriated rightly many people which then allowed people to be alerted ready to pounce on MS when they announced their shitty policies.
You act like he is some random leaker who go maybe one thing right.

I see you do it for second or third time already in thread. If you don't have leaks yourself then maybe you should stop posting or something. CBOAT at least is legit leaker unlike you and your whining about someone making leaks you don't like.
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Pro use Polaris before it dropped tho. I don't see why both of these companies can't use what's coming.

Who knows. Km just waiting for the reveal and ignoring. Pat rumors at this point
PS4 Pro Launch November 10th, 2016 First Polaris GPu launch June 29, 2016
Raja Koduri announce Polaris back in November 2015 and dont forget Polaris was a aggressive push production in market from AMD to catch up Nvidia


Do you think we will have this level?

I've already mentioned it here, I'll be very surprised if we don't reach that level of fidelity next gen. The lighting effects and some of the material work in that Demo don't look as impressive as what the latest Unreal Engine is capable of, so I think In some ways we'll even surpass it.
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PS4 Pro Launch November 10th, 2016 First Polaris GPu launch June 29, 2016
Raja Koduri announce Polaris back in November 2015 and dont forget Polaris was a aggressive push production in market from AMD to catch up Nvidia
Pro design was done before Polaris launch tho
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Chapter 1

The Next Gen Speculation Thread

It was a long thread. 490 pages long, and suspected to continue. And it was full of the so called ‘insiders’. Osiris, not the Egyptian bloke. Timdog, believer of power brick GPU’s. hmqgg, the twitter bloke. That’s all I’ve got for him.

The battles were long and fierce. Insiders posting left right and centre.

It was all a load of bollocks.

The end.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I don't know what reality you live in but it is completely untrue. The only reason PS4 dominated this season was because of MS fucking it up.
First they were mess PR wise on announcement, then name (WiiU literally like situation) and despite having much cheaper core console they had to sell it for more because of Kinect and other garbage bolted onto it to emulate TV.
By the time Mattick was fired and Spencer took over it was already too late and people and developers jumped off from hypetrain much like they did when PS3 slip up.

The only reason?

There's Xbox fans who believe Xbox should be as competitive as the PlayStation 4 based on what happened last generation. However, the argument can be made that the only reason why it was so close last generation is because Sony sold the PS3 at $500-$600 which made the 360 a more attractive product.
Yeah it seems too expensive to keep up the 8x generational RAM increase. But there's mo way you can shift data into DRAM fast enough on a frame for frame basis - even a small fraction (eg 1GB) at 30 fps means you need 30GB/s bandwith .. even Sony's custom solution isn't expected to reach that

I'd be interested to hear what this means for games - as I understand it a 4k texture should be 4x (2x double resolution) the size of a "1080p" one

.. but how does that actually work in practice ..? are current textures actually detailed enough for 4k ? is there a way to cheat on textures ? how much of an average game RAM allocation is texture ? etc etc .....
Its also not needed. No way Sony or MS are gonna skimp on RAM this gen. One thing both companies are trying to do and that's get rid of bottlenecks. PS3 and 360 were limited by RAM. They fixed that in the next Gen. This gen is bottlenecked by the CPU, this will be fixes by going with Ryzen. I also think with faster SSDs this will help the performance of the RAM.


The only reason?

There's Xbox fans who believe Xbox should be as competitive as the PlayStation 4 based on what happened last generation. However, the argument can be made that the only reason why it was so close last generation is because Sony sold the PS3 at $500-$600 which made the 360 a more attractive product.
Also got massive third party temporary exclusive deals by getting the likes of Bioshock and Mass Effect. They cut some big second party deals by getting Gears, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Alan Wake and so on. Microsoft was on the ball last gen.
Somebody threw this up on reset in relation to ps5. Of course like everything else could be nothing 😁

"The recent leaks show the following specs which are most likely to be PS5

CPU: Zen2 8 cores @ 2.8 GHz
GPU: 52CUs@1.9GHz, 12.65 TFlops
POWER VR ray tracing
SSD: 5~ 5.5 GB/s NVMe
Yeah, nah.


Hi everybody,
i just thought about that CES Tweet from Cory Balrog again.. iam not posting it here again cause I hate doing that stuff with my cellphones..
But he said that he hopes to see a lot robots at CES ... So what if that was an hint about PS5 reveal with trailer from HZD 2???
Cellphones? How... How many phones do you use?


Hi everybody,
i just thought about that CES Tweet from Cory Balrog again.. iam not posting it here again cause I hate doing that stuff with my cellphones..
But he said that he hopes to see a lot robots at CES ... So what if that was an hint about PS5 reveal with trailer from HZD 2???

All I know is he Tweeted the "END TRANSMISSION" thing with Morse code saying along the lines of 55 days and then ~55 days later (30th December) he Tweets he's going to CES for the first time hoping to see robots.

No conspiracy here, though.....*tiptoes out of thread*


And GPU Polaris design was done before PS4 Pro design.
By the numbers and dates best day launch for Xbox RDNA 2 is 1st Q of 2021 then
RDNA rumor is that its version 2 is being shown next week. If the design is done why couldn't both use it?


Where are you getting 2021 from?
The 5800 which will be featured at CES next week will have it.
By the numbers and console production timeline happened with 5700XT maybe?????
5800XT launch mid-end 2020...............................
The only APU leaks with RNDA2 is Vang Gogh at the moment i think and we dont have info about Vang Gogh
I'm Sony through and through but you're right. Xbox seem like they've got their shit together and if the right exclusives come along I may have to dip my toe in the water.

Also, we're approaching the pointy end of all this and the excitement is building. I love this time, where we're all a little unsure of whats to come.

As a Sony guy, I can't get a read on them at the moment. Is their relative silence a sign of confidence or worry?
Yeah I'm an Xbox guy, but I want a really strong Sony as well. Hell, I wish Nintendo tried harder with their console power. I have no interest in playing Nintendo games, but I really liked what they did with the GameCube from a tech point of view.


RDNA rumor is that its version 2 is being shown next week. If the design is done why couldn't both use it?
Because you need to start a production line first maybe?
For the same reason RDNA1 shown at January 2019 maybe???
Amd is not McDonald's
No body knows but why you think is more sure a RDNA2 pure chip in hollidays of 2020 that a RDNA1 with implementations from RDNA2?????
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But Pro was a mid gen console with just a overclocked Cpu with implementation of Polaris in Gpu
Already at launch of PS4 Jaguar was a outdated APU

I was just pointing out that it was probably correct to say the PS4 Pro Polaris chip was taped out before the PC chip. A similar thing has been rumoured about the PS5 being the first Navi chip.

I think where things are getting confused is many don't appreciate lead times are in the years and not months for these chips. It means design decisions need to be made about the chips years ahead of time. So we end up with RDNA1 plus RT and plus whatever other custom bits each vendor wants/requires and any roadmap features they can get. If either/both turn out to be RDNA2 somehow then that would be because a decision was made in 2016-17. Same thing with process node.
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By the numbers and console production timeline happened with 5700XT maybe?????
5800XT launch mid-end 2020...............................
The only APU leaks with RNDA2 is Vang Gogh at the moment i think and we dont have info about Vang Gogh

5700 series is just RDNA1.
5800 & 5900 are RDNA2, Sony/MS can’t do Ray-Tracing without one of those cards.
Two years to kill Stadia... I think we can make them give up faster than that!
Watch Google buy up major third party developers to give stadia exclusives. Google could buy companies like Rock Star or EA and not even blink. I predict a period of crazy development house buy outs to give more exclusives. You have seen this in the streaming space with Netflix etc paying massive amounts to have exclusivity for programs like friends and Seinfeld.
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