FnordChan said:![]()
The Fnordth Doctor
Archaix said:I finally just got around to watching the End of Time, and this may not be the place for it...but god damn. That was bad. Like, dumb as hell. Even for Doctor Who. Even for RTD Doctor Who. That was just dumb. Wow. Allow me to be the latest to join the chorus of "ding dong the witch is dead."
Why the hell would that death box exist, exactly? We're going to build this chamber, where one person has to let another out, and oh yeah, it might vent radiation into it. And we'll pretend it's anything approaching air tight, too, even though that's clearly just not the case. Because why not.
mjc said:It was full of holes, I'd agree. It was all worth it to see the last twenty minutes with David though....man it was great.
Seriously. The cause of his death was utterly preposterous and so poorly realized that it sucked out most of the emotional impact there could have been. Such an atrocious send off for Tennant. He deserved better.Archaix said:I finally just got around to watching the End of Time, and this may not be the place for it...but god damn. That was bad. Like, dumb as hell. Even for Doctor Who. Even for RTD Doctor Who. That was just dumb. Wow. Allow me to be the latest to join the chorus of "ding dong the witch is dead."
Why the hell would that death box exist, exactly? We're going to build this chamber, where one person has to let another out, and oh yeah, it might vent radiation into it. And we'll pretend it's anything approaching air tight, too, even though that's clearly just not the case. Because why not.
Dragona Akehi said:Honestly guys, the BBC paid GOOD MONEY for thosenot to mention rebuildingCybus Cyberman costumes. THEY NEED TO GET THEIR MONEY'S WORTH PEOPLE.new Daleks
infiniteloop said:There's another new trailer from BBC America, only found this crappy copy so far:
Mr. Sam said:How comes BBC America gets such a long trailer when Mr. Chump over here is the one paying the license fee? I did like what I could make out though.![]()
infiniteloop said:There's another new trailer from BBC America, only found this crappy copy so far:
The Herald Scotland said:Gillan says she is not the kind to dwell on negative thoughts, so shes cracking on with her life. She has signed one-year contract on Doctor Who. After that, who knows? Its all up in the air whether shell be back so shes been auditioning for other things. Its an odd, but exciting life. Im kind of a nomad, she says. I moved to Edinburgh then London and now Im here in Cardiff so I dont know where my base is. Im not really settled in any way at the moment. And then because thats the kind of person she is she puts a positive spin on it all. It feels like Im starting in a way, she says. It feels like the beginning.
Regulus Tera said:
infiniteloop said:
Green Scar said:Yeah, that'll probably be renewed soon. *crosses fingers*
Regulus Tera said:Also an inteview with the Moff where he talks about River Song, Amy Pond, bringing back companions, and his interest in a multi-doctor special for the fiftieth anniversary (SPOILERS): http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/tubetalk/a210033/video-steven-moffat-bonus-cut.html
Subliminal said:such a tight lipped prick in that interview!
mattx5 said:SOOO STOKED
I've said it before, but this looks to be a return to the "classic" Who sensibility and the writing will hopefully be more transcendent and tackle deeper emotional themes relating to space and time travel.
Regulus Tera said:
DoctorWho said:2 Days: 11 Hours now:lol :lol
You think they would have fixed it by now.
killer_clank said:It says they'll be bringing the opening scene then, I think.
Not the episode.
Spider from Mars said:Quick Question, I loved the old Dr. Whos, especially Tom Baker . I have yet to watch any of the Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant episodes but now I'm in the mood for it. Can I jump right into David Tennants episodes or should I watch the one season with Christopher Eccleston first?
Spider from Mars said:Quick Question, I loved the old Dr. Whos, especially Tom Baker . I have yet to watch any of the Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant episodes but now I'm in the mood for it. Can I jump right into David Tennants episodes or should I watch the one season with Christopher Eccleston first?
Spider from Mars said:Quick Question, I loved the old Dr. Whos, especially Tom Baker . I have yet to watch any of the Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant episodes but now I'm in the mood for it. Can I jump right into David Tennants episodes or should I watch the one season with Christopher Eccleston first?
infiniteloop said:Official BBC Plot synopsis for Episode 2:
The Doctor takes Amy to the distant future, where she finds Britain in space. Starship UK houses the future of the British people, as they search the stars for a new home. But as Amy explores, she encounters the terrifying Smilers and learns a deadly truth inside the Voting Booth.