JonathanEx said:
I'm sure she's expecting it to be bigger when inside.
Ew. Heh. The Doctor can't fire a weapon, huh? Seems to be that he's probably killed more lifeforms than any other living thing in the universe.
Mr. Smith - "What exactly do you do? What good are you to him?"
Martha - " he's lonely."
EDIT 2: Oh, fucks. Emotional scene with the watch letting him see a possible future. Aw, fuck. This is K-9 level of emotion. I shouldn't have doubted the Doctor.
EDIT 3: Oh, double fucks. Don't piss of the Doctor. He's like the living embodiment of The Monkey's Paw. He'll grant your every wish, but you won't like the result. "He imprisoned her in a mirror. Every mirror."
EDIT 4: His lover would have made a fantastic companion. "If the Doctor hadn't chosen this place on a whim, would anybody have died?" Aw, man. Low blow.
EDIT 5: Clearly, I loved these episodes. The epilogue with WW1 was fantastic. These types of episodes really played to Tennant's strengths. The director was not afraid to take off the leash and let him act. He was fantastic in these. I'd really like to see him in another movie or series. The end with the funeral was fucking amazing. Fucking amazing.
EDIT 6: On to Blink.