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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre


FrenchMovieTheme said:
league advanced! bluemax i might be able to play tomorrow, but i'm not sure when i'll be home. what does your schedule look like?

Can you play tonight in like 10 minutes or so? I just got in and I have the house to myself for the night.

If not tomorrow after 7:30 or so should be fine.



What does your availability look like tomorrow after 10 est? I could play tomorrow during the day, as well, but you may be busy.

Let me know!


Striker said:

What does your availability look like tomorrow after 10 est? I could play tomorrow during the day, as well, but you may be busy.

Let me know!
I'll be home from work around 5 PST (8 EST), so I can play anytime after that.


If people are down huge at the end of the game, hopelessly down and keep trying to score, I'm officially announcing that I am not coming off of the gas. Padding your stats instead of getting the game over is going to go both ways.


GG Luke...besides the fact you have to fucking run up the score. Really?? You're up 42-21 with 2 minutes left and you go for a fucking pass to your HB and try to score? You fumble it and I get a FG for garbage points. You then do the exact same fucking play again to your HB and get a TD. You're up 42-24 with less than a minute and you pass to the flats to your HB and get a TD.

I don't complain about shit in this league. If I lose I probably deserved to lose...I deserved to lose this game no doubt about it because I couldn't stop your offense for shit, but that shit you pulled at the end was just poor sportsmanship and not called for.

If people are down huge at the end of the game, hopelessly down and keep trying to score, I'm officially announcing that I am not coming off of the gas. Padding your stats instead of getting the game over is going to go both ways.

Ya I'm gonna keep trying to score. I might be down to lose the game, but I still want to try to do something. You don't see teams in the NFL who are losing just give up and not try to score. However the team way up typically keeps just running it and eating up the clock. Not pulling that shit you did.




Somnia said:
GG Luke...besides the fact you have to fucking run up the score. Really?? You're up 42-21 with 2 minutes left and you go for a fucking pass to your HB and try to score? You fumble it and I get a FG for garbage points. You then do the exact same fucking play again to your HB and get a TD. You're up 42-24 with less than a minute and you pass to the flats to your HB and get a TD.

I don't complain about shit in this league. If I lose I probably deserved to lose...I deserved to lose this game no doubt about it because I couldn't stop your offense for shit, but that shit you pulled at the end was just poor sportsmanship and not called for.

Ya I'm gonna keep trying to score. I might be down to lose the game, but I still want to try to do something. You don't see teams in the NFL who are losing just give up and not try to score. However the team way up typically keeps just running it and eating up the clock. Not pulling that shit you did.



Eh, I felt like you were trying to pad your stats, and the whole onside kick thing down 42-21 late, if you want to play like you're going to keep coming back, I'm going to keep playing like you're not.

Nonetheless, I'm sorry you feel like I wasn't sportsmanlike.


LukeSmith said:
Eh, I felt like you were trying to pad your stats, and the whole onside kick thing down 42-21 late, if you want to play like you're going to keep coming back, I'm going to keep playing like you're not.

Nonetheless, I'm sorry you feel like I wasn't sportsmanlike.

I'm done and over it. I should not have onside kicked it. I was just caught up with trying to do something since I couldn't all game. I was ticked off for a few reasons (10 of your 16 passes were to your HB granted I did bring pressure). I just didn't like how I had 0 time outs left and you could have just taken the knee and you went for it to your HB in the flats AGAIN, but it's done and over. I'm moving on to the next week.

I was just going to PM you and tell you how I felt there, but you posted and I felt I had to respond.


Luke probably should have have run out the clock, but you did whiff on a hitstick in the flats which turned a relatively small gain into a larger one. Not taking sides, just pointing it out.


We're moving on fellas! It's done and over. I should have followed my gut and just PM'd him and talked to him that way, but I vented on here and so be it. We both did shit we shouldn't have at the end and this is what happened...on to next week!


Moran Norris 5 carries 4 yards 3 TDs.

I knew he was getting it every time he did, I highlighted him every time. I had people hit him in the backfield every time but one (Where I whiffed) and still I did not stop him.


Also that delay of game was ass, yeah I should've called a TO but it gave me like 10 seconds after the injury. I might've converted that third and 4 and iced it. Sigh.
gg blue, definitely lucky to pull that one out. only by the beard of english!

and yes, moran norris did have 3 TD's because i got fucking boned on a couple "official conferences". frank gore got into the fucking endzone give me a break refs.

with the way you were blowing up my center with that DT, i would have been an idiot to try to punch it in with gore.

and SPEAKING of gore, when will this motherfucker stop fumbling? one every game.

finally, regarding the delay of game, i always know if we're still on the playcall menu and its at 9 seconds, you're either going to have to take a timeout or accept the delay. not enough time to get set!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
finally, regarding the delay of game, i always know if we're still on the playcall menu and its at 9 seconds, you're either going to have to take a timeout or accept the delay. not enough time to get set!
I can make it with 8 if I do the hurry up.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
also for the record, bluemax did run one QB run with seneca wallace. he's lucky he didn't leave on a stretcher :lol

That was Jason Campbell and I grimaced a bit. Also it was a designed QB draw and not a deep pass, roll out ran away deal.

I couldn't get the ball to Campbell much because I was always in second and long. Total boom or bust game on offense aside from one drive. I think the time away from the game got to me there. That and your safety always shadowing my fucking intended receiver, argh. I gotta get better at secondary reads I guess.

Oh and Gore had 2 fumbles thank you very much. And I swear I got jobbed on the review but it wouldn't let me replay the whole thing to see, stupid broken game.

You now have a 2 game lead on me in the win column and a 3 game lead in the loss column, unless I go on an amazing win streak it looks like the NFC West is pretty much locked up.

Rorschach said:
I can make it with 8 if I do the hurry up.

I was mashing A like a mofo. In retrospect the time out would've been the best idea. If I converted that the game was over.

I probably shouldve run out of bounds on my KR TD so that I could've worked the clock. If I took off a minute you would'nt have had enough time for the comeback.

Every game I've played this season has come down to the final drive it seems like. I know at least partially why I can't hold a lead but I haven't figured out how to alleviate that problem.


LukeSmith said:
Eh, I felt like you were trying to pad your stats, and the whole onside kick thing down 42-21 late, if you want to play like you're going to keep coming back, I'm going to keep playing like you're not.

Nonetheless, I'm sorry you feel like I wasn't sportsmanlike.
not for nothing, thats a very quote out of Shawn's script.



BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
If I am getting pasted, I still fight. I almost came back last week after being down 21-0. However, if my attempts only yield more points for the other team, that is on me.


Somnia said:
Guess I'll be a redskins fan this week. Need to keep pace with Wellie! Live...you better win man!
He can beat me now all he wants, but once I get Eli back I have to go on a tear thanks to my end of the year schedule featuring BigAT and DM in weeks 15 and 16. With Eli I was one of the top O's in the league, having scored 89 points in the first three games. Without him I can't do shit - managed 159 yards of offense in my last game. That is pathetic. Frankly my defense has to play out of its mind for me to be able to beat LW.

Also, anyone interested in Bradshaw? 92 Spd rating, he is a dangerous return man when you consider that as an RB he usually breaks the tackles of the gunners (usually low ranked CBs and WRs). I took it to the house last week on Daw and had several amazing punt returns.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson

I will likely not be able to play until Friday evening after 915EST. We can shoot for 930EST on Friday if that works for you.
sableholic said:
Edit: they've moved on so I won't bring it back up.

Anyways storybook when can you play?

I should be able to go this evening. We'll shoot for 10:30 EST if you're available then. What's your AIM? I can shoot you a message if I can go earlier and you're around.
storybook77 said:
I should be able to go this evening. We'll shoot for 10:30 EST if you're available then. What's your AIM? I can shoot you a message if I can go earlier and you're around.

aim name = sableholic

If you can go earlier that'd be great, if not we'll try and work something out. just send me a im


Somnia said:
Guess I'll be a redskins fan this week. Need to keep pace with Wellie! Live...you better win man!

Sorry man, don't think it's gonna happen. No run defense vs. Jacobs/Bradshaw. :/ I'm thinking 35-17 Giants.


LiveWire said:
Sorry man, don't think it's gonna happen. No run defense vs. Jacobs/Bradshaw. :/ I'm thinking 35-17 Giants.
You forget I have a bad run D, much worse than yours. If I fall behind I won't be able to keep up since I can't pass. My D will likely be on the field all game (Daw had the ball 29 minutes to my 11 last game). If you score any points I will likely lose. I shouldn't even play, I should forfeit and not waste my time.
btw leron james is freaking ridiculous. if he gets the corner on you at all its over. then he will hurdle any low hit sticks, and break any high hit sticks! the only thing you can really do is call out a zone where there will be a few guys in the area to the outside by default, but then you are giving up some free yards up the middle unless your D-line blows up the o-line.

p.s. i didn't think morgan got in on the TD replay.... but that was only 1st down!


Wellington said:
You forget I have a bad run D, much worse than yours. If I fall behind I won't be able to keep up since I can't pass. My D will likely be on the field all game (Daw had the ball 29 minutes to my 11 last game). If you score any points I will likely lose. I shouldn't even play, I should forfeit and not waste my time.

Your D picked off Morrow a few times last game. He's been having the rookie growing pains. :( I predict 1 pick for Webster and Thomas, a fumble from Portis. Giants D comes up huge I think for the win. I might just punt on first down, why bother? :( :( :(


FrenchMovieTheme said:
btw leron james is freaking ridiculous. if he gets the corner on you at all its over. then he will hurdle any low hit sticks, and break any high hit sticks! the only thing you can really do is call out a zone where there will be a few guys in the area to the outside by default, but then you are giving up some free yards up the middle unless your D-line blows up the o-line.

p.s. i didn't think morgan got in on the TD replay.... but that was only 1st down!
I was saying the same thing to someone and I got the :rolleyes like I was making excuses for my bad tackling. High hitstick = bounce off. Low hit stick = auto jump (wish I had this). Wrap tackle = slide off. Jump tackle = bounce off. The only way to tackle the mofo is to get someone to stop his momentum for a second and pray that a couple of teammates are close for the gang tackle because he has mad acceleration and speed. Or just bounce off of him and hope he hits the sideline. :lol If I had him, I'd just run down the middle of the field so I wouldn't get pushed out.

He's the ultimate auto-drive HB... well, except for AD.


I do think that the draft having 3 (or was it 4) 99 spd RBs has messed with the league balance somewhat. My RB, Keller isn't as bad, because he's made of glass and it makes up for his insane skills..but James and Girley (200+ yards in 5 catches last night) are just ridiculous. It sounds weird to see this, but they might have made these guys too good. I know that when I use Keller, it can be almost too easy sometimes. His elusiveness rating means that tackles will slide off of him, and his spd/acc/agil makes one missed hit or opening result in almost a sure TD.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
btw leron james is freaking ridiculous. if he gets the corner on you at all its over. then he will hurdle any low hit sticks, and break any high hit sticks! the only thing you can really do is call out a zone where there will be a few guys in the area to the outside by default, but then you are giving up some free yards up the middle unless your D-line blows up the o-line.

p.s. i didn't think morgan got in on the TD replay.... but that was only 1st down!

I got you for big gains on the same two or three plays. I think that was the most consistent I was able to get the corner. There was also another play were I went inside my blocker and got tackled after a yard whereas if I'd gone outside it would've been another 10 yards at least.

97 speed baby! LeRon is now second in the league in rushing TDs, third in rushing yards, and tied for second in runs of 20+ with 7. Its nice to have a running game to lean on when your passing attack isn't working like it was yesterday.

Fifty said:
I do think that the draft having 3 (or was it 4) 99 spd RBs has messed with the league balance somewhat. My RB, Keller isn't as bad, because he's made of glass and it makes up for his insane skills..but James and Girley (200+ yards in 5 catches last night) are just ridiculous. It sounds weird to see this, but they might have made these guys too good. I know that when I use Keller, it can be almost too easy sometimes. His elusiveness rating means that tackles will slide off of him, and his spd/acc/agil makes one missed hit or opening result in almost a sure TD.

Well LeRon does have a few downsides, number 1 he turns yellow for stamina after about 3 successive carries. Number 2 he seems to get hurt near the end of the game fairly often. He's missed the end of two games for me. And three he has a tendency to fumble at bad times. His fumble didn't cost me last night but it has other times.

Unless he gets a stamina boost in the offseason I don't think he will ever be a 20+ carry guy. 15 or so carries plus maybe 2 or 3 receptions is where I can safely use him.

He doesn't even see the field on most third downs which sucks.


bluemax said:
I got you for big gains on the same two or three plays. I think that was the most consistent I was able to get the corner. There was also another play were I went inside my blocker and got tackled after a yard whereas if I'd gone outside it would've been another 10 yards at least.

97 speed baby! LeRon is now second in the league in rushing TDs, third in rushing yards, and tied for second in runs of 20+ with 7. Its nice to have a running game to lean on when your passing attack isn't working like it was yesterday.

Only because AP is out.



DenogginizerOS said:
If I am getting pasted, I still fight. I almost came back last week after being down 21-0. However, if my attempts only yield more points for the other team, that is on me.
It's one thing to throw pick sixes, but it's an entirely different thing to execute an offense to score, rather than to chew up clock and end the game. Game against Sable and Somnia i was down big and fought my last couple of drives to get something going. I don't expect to have dudes have a pick and dive at the five to run clock out.

Also dude mentioned he was out of timeouts. three knees and it may leave the man like 20 seconds left. I don't whatever. The league is a shame anyway becuase of DCX trading Turner right? :/



Seeing Livewire and Wellie try to out eeyore each other is a bit annoying! :lol I'll kick both your asses when we play! :D

Fifty said:
I do think that the draft having 3 (or was it 4) 99 spd RBs has messed with the league balance somewhat. My RB, Keller isn't as bad, because he's made of glass and it makes up for his insane skills..but James and Girley (200+ yards in 5 catches last night) are just ridiculous. It sounds weird to see this, but they might have made these guys too good. I know that when I use Keller, it can be almost too easy sometimes. His elusiveness rating means that tackles will slide off of him, and his spd/acc/agil makes one missed hit or opening result in almost a sure TD.

I got pasted by him on a short dump off pass, let him break free and he is gone!

But he doesn't like to get hit. I got some mean linebackers (Briggs and Lach beastin!), and I got Leron back causing him to fumble the ball away for a go ahead td! You have some nasty linebackers too, just don't let him get into open space and you should be ok!
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