Try out someone else than. It's real frustrating to butt your against a hero but the sooner you accept that, at least right now, you're not good with them the faster you can move onto someone else you might be way better at and will have a lot of fun playing.Feels bad everytime I use Tracer. I'm just not useful with her![]()
I am sick of pubs treating this game like TDM. I'm the only one pushing the payload and I'm playing fucking Genji. Everyone else is off doing their thing including our tank.
These people are double digit levels so they should know better too. UGHHHH. If anyone wants to group up on PS4 I'm bmc811. Should be playing for a while longer with a break or two.
Feels bad everytime I use Tracer. I'm just not useful with her![]()
Any GAF group for PC? I was just playing with some buddies but they were on the east coast and went to bed. Would love to play some more coordinated matches with voice chat. PUG matches leave a lot to be desired.
I'm darkatnight#1407
I am sick of pubs treating this game like TDM. I'm the only one pushing the payload and I'm playing fucking Genji. Everyone else is off doing their thing including our tank.
These people are double digit levels so they should know better too. UGHHHH. If anyone wants to group up on PS4 I'm bmc811. Should be playing for a while longer with a break or two.
You're not going to get better if you don't keep trying. Use a few matches to "grind" her out, learn backroutes of the map and health pack locations.
Don't just randomly switch characters for the sake of switching characters. I personally feel that is awful advice that could lead to further frustration as now you're struggling with "insert another character here."
I played like 5 matches with Lucio last night. Do I get less experience points for not killing as much as other characters?
Can anyone recommend a headset? I don't need anything super fancy. I would just like something that is comfortable. Preferably >$50
I'd be down, but no voice chat on PC currently. Could join up on the Discord app though if it's required.
Can anyone recommend a headset? I don't need anything super fancy. I would just like something that is comfortable. Preferably >$50
And I learned that Zarya is insanely good.
She gave me 11/1 ratios when I usually have ones that look more like 4/6 and on defense our team was unbudgable from the objective and I was getting actual kill streaks.
With a good Mercy and solid support very little can beat that combo.
Good times
People that are skilled with Tracer terrify me..Had 1 game last night with a Tracer that just tore us apart, couldn't do anything to her as no one could keep up.
I typically find myself running into good Tracer's when I'm playing characters that match poorly against her such as Lucio
You're on my friends list. Let's playjust stopped for tonight but tomorrow!
Yup. When I've got a good matchup the Tracers are just fine or bad. When it's a bad matchup then suddenly they are pro beast mode tearing not just me, but the entire team, apart.
This is why I wished Ranked was still in. Quick Play is worthless to me outside of warming up and familiarizing youre Main/Sub Heroes. There's is no incentive to play strategically at all right now. Nothing you do now matters atm.
Most time I played so far and overall feel like I'm just garbage at this.
Best times were Mercy just supporting since I was at least doing something useful even though I think my team lost every match. Just not sure how to deal with avoiding opponents out to get me.
Had a good stint as Reaper but that was an AI battle so I'm not sure that counts at all. Like Zarya too.
I want to get better but I largely just feel like a burden to any team I'm on.
I am sick of pubs treating this game like TDM. I'm the only one pushing the payload and I'm playing fucking Genji. Everyone else is off doing their thing including our tank.
These people are double digit levels so they should know better too. UGHHHH. If anyone wants to group up on PS4 I'm bmc811. Should be playing for a while longer with a break or two.
People that are skilled with Tracer terrify me..Had 1 game last night with a Tracer that just tore us apart, couldn't do anything to her as no one could keep up.
Added you!
I've used this for the past few years and love it.
I bought Overwatch and love it, but man, it's such a blatant rip-off of Team Fortress 2. There are so many similarities, it boggles my mind that they can get away with it!
So, is the plan to add free characters and only paywall is for cosmetic stuff?