Random complaints I have with the game 2 days in:
Netcode favoring the shooter heavily (getting shot around corners, hearing the press of my keyboard as I use an ability to try to fight while I still have health, only for nothing to happen and a replay where I stood around looking dumb while getting shot for free)
...of course, I can't say how many times such things have worked in my favor, since that is less noticeable
Pharah rocket damage is weak. Especially coming from TF2 Soldier (that may or may not being the crits talking).
Netcode favoring the shooter heavily (getting shot around corners, hearing the press of my keyboard as I use an ability to try to fight while I still have health, only for nothing to happen and a replay where I stood around looking dumb while getting shot for free)
...of course, I can't say how many times such things have worked in my favor, since that is less noticeable
Pharah rocket damage is weak. Especially coming from TF2 Soldier (that may or may not being the crits talking).