Any advice for Farah?
Snipers who can shoot are the bane of your existence. If there's one out there, you're probably best off staying low, or picking a different guy.
Any advice for Farah?
Any advice for Farah?
corners? hmm... 50 health? hmm...
I feel like most of the people asking for more healers don't play support
Yeah, really my only notable complaint about the game.I'm surprised there's not more noise about the console aiming being borked. Blizzard's inexperience with console shooters shows here.
There's some kind of sensitivity / deadzone issue and it drives me nuts, it's like I'm fighting the controller to aim.
I'm surprised there's not more noise about the console aiming being borked. Blizzard's inexperience with console shooters shows here.
There's some kind of sensitivity / deadzone issue and it drives me nuts, it's like I'm fighting the controller to aim.
RNG blessed me with the Explorer Winston skin but I can't figure out how to use him effectively :/
RNG blessed me with the Explorer Winston skin but I can't figure out how to use him effectively :/
Any advice for Farah?
RNG blessed me with the Explorer Winston skin but I can't figure out how to use him effectively :/
You're a gorilla, act like one.
I wonder if it's the same as using a controller on PC because I haven't really noticed any issues on this side. Which console are you on?
Any advice for Farah?
- circle jerk in post game about how many eliminations/kills everyone got. Meanwhile my gold medal objective time gets 0 commendations.
- which leads right into everyone playing this as TDM. Just so frustrating.
I noticed this a lot late this afternoon when I was playing. First time for me, but it happened like 3 games in a row. I literally had 4 min 48 seconds on objective with my payload as Reinhardt and got outvoted at the end by players who scored high kills/kill participation. I started the game as Tracer thinking our team might actually worry about objective, but about 45 seconds in and 4 members of my team fighting an enemy Reaper (and losing) and I said fuck it.
Felt bad, man. I had a Mei helping me every once in a while and playing a decent defensive game, and if she had been up for a medal I would've voted her, because it's very likely a lot of my success on the payload was her routing the enemy team away from me while I singlehandledly pushed the cart.
I noticed this a lot late this afternoon when I was playing. First time for me, but it happened like 3 games in a row. I literally had 4 min 48 seconds on objective with my payload as Reinhardt and got outvoted at the end by players who scored high kills/kill participation. I started the game as Tracer thinking our team might actually worry about objective, but about 45 seconds in and 4 members of my team fighting an enemy Reaper (and losing) and I said fuck it.
Felt bad, man. I had a Mei helping me every once in a while and playing a decent defensive game, and if she had been up for a medal I would've voted her, because it's very likely a lot of my success on the payload was her routing the enemy team away from me while I singlehandledly pushed the cart.
Any advice for Farah?
Guys I just love playing McCree. 5 hours on him already with the next closest heroes being at 1 hour each. And I switch a lot. McCree just works out a lot lol.
If you worry about getting post-game regocnition you should play as a healer. I get a shitload of votes just for ammount of healing done.
This is true. It's like they assume everyone's played TF2.The game could definitely use better tips (less "HEY, THERE'S NO SNIPER ON YOUR TEAM" and more "Someone needs to be near the payload for it to move etc)
Guys I just love playing McCree. 5 hours on him already with the next closest heroes being at 1 hour each. And I switch a lot. McCree just works out a lot lol.
2 tracers in team both useless goodjob. more ppl to add to my avoid list.
I feel bad for you guys. I rarely encounter bad team mates.
My secret is that I am the bad team mate
Xb1 with an elite controller. No issues with any other games. It makes it really frustrating to play when you're battling with the sticks.