Just saw this on reddit, team got angry against all Bastion team.
Reminds me of yesterday when we fought against a full team of D.Va's.
"Nerf this!" every 20 seconds.
Just saw this on reddit, team got angry against all Bastion team.
Look at these cheap motherfuckers.
We still took their point.
that's not cheap, that's a terrible setup. I just had my team of pubs try that.Look at these cheap motherfuckers.
We still took their point.
Haven't they said that they don't want load outs and alternate skulls and things like that? They want you to know exactly what the other person is capable of just by looking at their character rather than trying to keep track of every possibility.
Look at these cheap motherfuckers.
We still took their point.
Just saw this on reddit, team got angry against all Bastion team.
sooooooo tired of these turrets.
just played a game that went like this:
round 1: team wins because bastion and another turret are hidden in a corner at the capture point
round 2: we win because we get our turret in the corner at the capture point
round 3: they get up to 99 percent because we can't eliminate their turret in the corner at the capture point. we manage to knock it down, put our turret in the corner and win! from 0 vs 99% we come back and win 100% vs 99%
I mean... when the game boils down to "how the fuck do we get the turret out of there" that's a problem.
Why is joining games and sitting in a corner afking a thing. I don't really care if someones bad as long as they play the objective but not playing at all really annoys me.
One good Tracer wipes those turrets.LoL two or three snipers will be nightmare for that comp.
do they get kicked after a while?
The gameplay in this game is amazing, but it's missing a ton of features that could make it much more enjoyable.
A horrible party system
Can't join a friends game
Cumbersome menu
Can't easily save POTG
Call of Duty had a system where you could save clips and friends could watch highlights like that. How come no other game does this? I should be able to save highlights and have friends view them in game.
There's just a ton of stuff a game like this should have.
its highhhh noon(everyone hides)! Thanks mcree wasnt trying to get a multikill or anything.
Play Genji/pharah. Problem solved.
This explains how the player mechanics work, including health/armor/shields
Well that's all of PC GAF added. Now maybe later I can play with you guys after recovering from these copy/paste cramps!
Yeah, all you need is an all Junkrat counter, hahathat's not cheap, that's a terrible setup. I just had my team of pubs try that.
I love playing as Pharah but I do not like her abilities. The push back projectile isn't that effective.
do they get kicked after a while?
Yup. Wasnt this bad in the Open Beta..sooooooo tired of these turrets.
just played a game that went like this:
round 1: team wins because bastion and another turret are hidden in a corner at the capture point
round 2: we win because we get our turret in the corner at the capture point
round 3: they get up to 99 percent because we can't eliminate their turret in the corner at the capture point. we manage to knock it down, put our turret in the corner and win! from 0 vs 99% we come back and win 100% vs 99%
I mean... when the game boils down to "how the fuck do we get the turret out of there" that's a problem.
Not even a while, it takes like 20 seconds and you're out, I got booted for inactivity because I moved my cat from in front of my monitor.
Overwatch doesn't mess around.
Torbjorn doesn't fuck around.
A well placed turret can make all the difference. The other team just can't cope with it sometimes.
Literally all I do is see where my team typically hangs out on defense. Then, I place a turret opposite them, creating a pincer around the enemy team. Works 100% of the time, 80% of the time.
no, problem not solved. there are certain maps where pharah can't fly above the cap point. And genji is hardly capable of deflecting inside a cap point long enough to kill a turrent before someone else rips him down
Please Gaf, help me. I'm too dumb to figure out how to access the user list so I can add other players.
no, problem not solved. there are certain maps where pharah can't fly above the cap point. And genji is hardly capable of deflecting inside a cap point long enough to kill a turrent before someone else rips him down
In those situations team coordination is key.
sooooooo tired of these turrets.
just played a game that went like this:
round 1: team wins because bastion and another turret are hidden in a corner at the capture point
round 2: we win because we get our turret in the corner at the capture point
round 3: they get up to 99 percent because we can't eliminate their turret in the corner at the capture point. we manage to knock it down, put our turret in the corner and win! from 0 vs 99% we come back and win 100% vs 99%
I mean... when the game boils down to "how the fuck do we get the turret out of there" that's a problem.
its highhhh noon(everyone hides)! Thanks mcree wasnt trying to get a multikill or anything.