Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
didnt even have to spend money
Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
Which is impossible in pubs.
didnt even have to spend money
Which is impossible in pubs.
Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
Which is impossible in pubs.
Does anyone have tips for how to get better at playing an FPS? They're not usually my thing but this is a great game and I play with friends on PC. I use mouse and keyboard, but I die SO MUCHI do okay with Torbjorn and Bastion but shooting is tough.
I'm noticing frame drops while playing today... Yesterday I couldn't play because of work, but the day before it was fine and I didn't change anything.
Anyone with the same problem?
Go to settings and adjust the sensitivity while zoomed in to your liking. I personally use 45 while zoomed in and feels more responsive and quicker to get my shots in. Try that out in the practice range until you feel what's good.Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
Is there a way to save/export your game/potg? I know on the menu it saves your highlights but I didn't see a way to save them somewhere. I haven't checked the game directory to see if it stores them there.
sooooooo tired of these turrets.
just played a game that went like this:
round 1: team wins because bastion and another turret are hidden in a corner at the capture point
round 2: we win because we get our turret in the corner at the capture point
round 3: they get up to 99 percent because we can't eliminate their turret in the corner at the capture point. we manage to knock it down, put our turret in the corner and win! from 0 vs 99% we come back and win 100% vs 99%
I mean... when the game boils down to "how the fuck do we get the turret out of there" that's a problem.
Yea, I've been seeing some as well, not sure if that's due to the drivers I just installed (the latest nVidia) or what.
Also: the fucking game starts in windowed mode ALL the time now...apparently a known bug, but holy fuck is it annoying.
Are the Origin skins exclusive to the Origins version of the game or can I unlock them later?
Does anyone have tips for how to get better at playing an FPS? They're not usually my thing but this is a great game and I play with friends on PC. I use mouse and keyboard, but I die SO MUCHI do okay with Torbjorn and Bastion but shooting is tough.
Does anyone have both ps4 and pc copies? Does your stuff and levels cross over if you link battlenet?
Does anyone have tips for how to get better at playing an FPS? They're not usually my thing but this is a great game and I play with friends on PC. I use mouse and keyboard, but I die SO MUCHI do okay with Torbjorn and Bastion but shooting is tough.
Is PS4 public voice chat off by default?
I just realized I haven't heard 1 person speak in pubs for the last 3 days.
Are the Origin skins exclusive to the Origins version of the game or can I unlock them later?
Is PS4 public voice chat off by default?
I just realized I haven't heard 1 person speak in pubs for the last 3 days.
So everyone who's uploaded a POTG to youtube has done it through a secondary source?
I'm fairly certain you can't unlock them later.
They are exclusive to the Origins edition.
Console recording, Nvidia Shadow Play, or Windows 10 Record That.
Aw, that's a shame. Does everyone just happen to own capture devices then? There seem to be a whole lot of potg gifs out there.
it's possible. i was playing with randoms and everyone was using their abilities and healing and buffing and we destroyed the other team. it was pretty fun.
There's no quick way to do it through console though right? You need to edit the 9 minute clip, or is there a better way?
Zenyatta is quickly turning to my favorite character. Played right he is as much an offensive weapon as a defensive one. So awesome being on defense with him on a payload setting. I think I average 18 or so kills while doing over 7k healing with him.In a big company HR meeting and all i can think about is how i am going to enlighten people with Zenyatta.
There's no quick way to do it through console though right? You need to edit the 9 minute clip, or is there a better way?
Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.
that's just PS4. nobody talks ever.
haven't heard many speak during pub games either on PC.
It's very rare that anyone speaks in public chat on PS4 unless you play COD. The you can be sure to hear some dumb teenager.
I'm noticing frame drops while playing today... Yesterday I couldn't play because of work, but the day before it was fine and I didn't change anything.
Anyone with the same problem?
Any tips to playing Widowmaker?
I just got a legendary skin for her so I want to rock it for a bit, but I can't hit shit with her.