Well it wasn't a badge of honor but I guess it is now.LiQuid!
I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
A few quick questions:
So what is the level cap to this game? (if there is one)
No cap, reach level 100, you get prestiged back to 1, maybe special emblem or some shit
To get everything you need roughly 3.5 prestiges to get everything
And is leveling up going to be the only way to earn loot boxes without paying real money?
Looks like it. Maybe they do bonus loot boxes down the line, like log in everyday and get 1 or some shit
Event based loot boxes too...
And have they announced how competitive ranked is going to work? - Like is it going to be seasons that reset every month or w/e. and hopefully reward some loot boxes and other goodies depending on how high up you place.
I think Rank comes in June (end). 3 month seasons and then reset. If you go to your profile there's an insignia that says Challenger, in guessing the better you do in Rank, the better Rank play you'll get. Think Socom if you've ever played it. Captain ranks had their own lobbies, butterstick (Lieutenants) theirs. Lose your Captain wings brought dishonor, you always wanted them back haha
I knew playing Mei was the right choice. She's the Pyro of this game in both gameplay style and levels of salt they induce.
Every god damn time. When people switch up a team that's obviously working I just want to cry, then they're so slow to try and switch it again when we start to fail, if they ever switch at all.1st round we absolutely wreck the opposite team, making them not even able to get out of their spawn. Round 2, 2 people on my team switch to Widowmaker and I'm thinking to myself "guys plz don't do this" we get decimated. 3rd round they stay as widowmaker, this picture summarizes how I felt.
If the teams were that stacked, I would have gotten out after one match.
You only get a penalty if you drop mid game, not during hero select at the start
Lvl 17
7 hours played
40 Wins, 23 Losses
If I hear Mei's giggle, my blood boils.
No level cap
In the closed beta it was said to be monthly seasons, but they've gone back to the drawing board after community bitching. No word on how it will appear when it goes live.
Every god damn time. When people switch up a team that's obviously working I just want to cry, then they're so slow to try and switch it again when we start to fail, if they ever switch at all.
Just to add on to what you said about rankedI think this what it is. Correct me if I'm wrong
Where do you see your stats?
kinda weird people would complain about having seasons in ranked play. Is having a stagnant rank really better to people? once you hit max rank what is there left to do.
At least with seasons you the constant carrot on a stick mentality. And its also a great way to offer rewards for playing.
kinda weird people would complain about having seasons in ranked play. Is having a stagnant rank really better to people? once you hit max rank what is there left to do.
At least with seasons you the constant carrot on a stick mentality. And its also a great way to offer rewards for playing.
The levels just equals time played. Match making probably uses an internal MMR derived from wins/losses.
Those level 30s are probably just as bad as the level 4 and 6 as far as the game is concerned.
Nah, not a badge of honor, just funny how pretty tame insults by Dota standards send people into a tizzy in this game. I know it's different crowds tho.
How long will it take for randoms to realize this game isn't team deathmatch? My god.
I think this what it is. Correct me if I'm wrong
How long will it take for randoms to realize this game isn't team deathmatch? My god.
How long will it take for randoms to realize this game isn't team deathmatch? My god.
Can we just get a character that is DIO? Tracer is like right there. I just want a guy that actually freezes time as his ult.Whenever Hanzo gets POTG, it's always the lamest thing ever. He screams TOKI WO TOMARE and bam, everything dies. What an amazing player.
Dumb question: how do I change my emblem for my profile card thing.
Career profile and then icons.Dumb question: how do I change my emblem for my profile card thing.
Dumb question: how do I change my emblem for my profile card thing.
Sometimes I feel like the only Hanzo interested in using Sonic Arrow.Pubs never ever fucking learn... KILL THE FUCKING MERCY!
2 Hanzos shooting at a Reinhardt's shield, yes keep agitating him, don't mind the free kill you can flank too
Stupid Hanzo players, most just want to pull their Ultimates, funny enough most people are escaping them, that intimate will become useless soon enough
It will go from a full offensive move to a disperse move ala Winston
How long will it take for randoms to realize this game isn't team deathmatch? My god.
My favorites are the sniper players (Widow, Genji) that ignore even attempting to capture the point. Even when the match will end if they do not help. What goes through the mind?
Career profile > profile picture tab
Career profile and then icons.
In the tabs on the top left side, there's one that says "player icon" and it's where all the icons you unlocked go.
I was playing as Mercy and had something like only 25 seconds on the Payload while attacking because I was flying around trying to prevent my team from getting destroyed.How long will it take for randoms to realize this game isn't team deathmatch? My god.
All I hear from voice chat on ps4 is people saying "God you guys are garbage. Team is trash."
I think they should at least add a TDM, and then allow players to choose which modes they want to play.
Truth.I wouldn't mind pugs playing TDM if they actually killed anything.
How would this even work? The characters are almost completely centered on team-based, objective play.I think they should at least add a TDM, and then allow players to choose which modes they want to play. Maybe in the future, who knows.
Once I played a game where I, as Mercy, had the gold medal for eliminations for the first half of the game then the silver medal until the end.
I wasn't even trying to shoot people but my allies kept dying while I was left to fend for myself.
That wasn't a very pleasant game.