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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Naw, not when Im getting all gold medals in objective time, objective kills, damage done, and eliminations, am almost always pushing the payload with no one else, and am providing a ton of blocked damage as Zarya.

I've seen a Bastion get 5 gold medals on offense.

He was not the most skilled player on that team.
I think it was the right decision. This way people learn to play the game first before jumping into ranked/competitive.
Also it seems blizzard was really unhappy with how the competitive mode was done. I rather have it in a month than patch after patch after patch until they fix it. >>

The game had a beta for a zillion years, so tons of people already know how to play, and it's not like this is a difficult game to learn. Blizzard could also gate lock competitive like they do in HotS, so that's not a concern either.

There's really no excuse for making the competitive version so shitty that it had to be axed immediately before launch. They could have easily ripped off DOTA, CSGO, LoL, or a bunch of other games with competitive modes and had that up and running years ago. Anyone with a functioning brain would have foreseen using the Hearthstone model on this would be a terrible decision.


Before last night I thought Lucio was going to be my favorite support but then, on a whim, I tried out Zenyatta.....

WOW! What a cool character. So much more involved than Lucio, much more difficult to get right but when you do, awesome things happen. Judging who gets what orb and when and then trying to stay alive as a low mobility 150hp character is pretty darn challenging. But then you get a debuff and enough damage to shred most enemies and a really, really powerful ult.

Big downsides, huge upsides, requires thought and careful use but is rewarding as all heck to get right. Now that's the mark of great design!
Zenyatta is my most played and favorite support, it's hilarious how people seem to overlook him. Him having low hp and 0 mobility is annoying, but it's fair. I feel like if he had more hp or some sort of mobility he'd just be flat out broken, which is why I find it funny when people say he underpowered.


Its infuriating to join games that are near the end, where multiple people left and new ones are joining, and its just a sad mess with a sure loss.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Zenyatta is my most played and favorite support, it's hilarious how people seem to overlook him. Him having low hp and 0 mobility is annoying, but it's fair. I feel like if he had more hp or some sort of mobility he'd just be flat out broken, which is why I find it funny when people say he underpowered.

Seems all support gets overlooked most the time. Except Lucio cause he is more visible I suppose.


I have no idea how anyone plays Symmetra. She's so terrible.
She's probably the hardest character to play as, that or Zarya. Feels like your juggling balls with her, keeping your teammates in check with shields, making sure your sentries are in good spots, knowing exactly where to place a teleporter, deciding when to stay back and lob secondary fire or going in for a risky primary fire kill. Mind you, when a good Symmetra is on the enemy team it's utterly terrifying.


I've seen a Bastion get 5 gold medals on offense.

He was not the most skilled player on that team.

..that's bastion tho.

If im pushing the payload by myself with no support most of the time and am still fending off the opponent, while everyone else is doing their own thing then I was the MVP.

Sorry, Im just salty. Especially because Ive gotten majority MVP votes dicking around with Genji and playing the game like COD back in beta. Tanks in general dont seem to get majority votes.
She's very good on certain maps and modes and worthless on others. It's all turret placement. Put those things on ceilings and weird spots on walls to control choke points and cap placements.


Symettra is near worthless as attack on payload maps.

She works better on maps with cielings on the defense team.

I got a PotG as her on Hanamura yesterday.

Used my primary to take out a Lucio, 76, and then a Reinhart.

People don't see her as a threat so they save her to last, which works great for how her weapon actually works.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
The atmospheres in these maps are so good. They're their own little universes, which is hard to achieve with a purely multiplayer zone. I wanna explore them all.


Rolling Girl
I have no idea how anyone plays Symmetra. She's so terrible.

She's wonderful on Defense! It's funny seeing people run into my elaborate turret traps and picking them off one by one! A couple of hours ago I took out 5 enemy team members in about 5 seconds with a combo of my turrets and hitting them with my own beam.

Not gonna lie, Lucio speed buff is pretty god-tier. Can he heal too? I swear he can. Haven't played him yet.

Yeah just have the healing song on and it'll heal any team members in his sight IIRC.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
You're fuming because you WON a copy of the game and it didn't come with a skin? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time. Maybe you should be thankful you didn't have to pay for the game?
I was fuming because Blizzard CS was BM and lame. I'm irritated that I got a "free" car, but I still have to pay the tax on it. Not that ridiculous to me.


I had a match where I absorbed almost 30000 damage as Reinhardt and got 10 objective kills. Most commendations went to a Lucio who healed for 6000 damage and got 12 kills. I gave up on commendations after that point.

Yeah, commendations and the PotG are just random fluff. There's no point in having strong feelings about them. I've had 5 gold medals and not gotten a single vote. The play of the game seems almost chosen entirely at random every game. People should just move on.


There's really no excuse for making the competitive version so shitty that it had to be axed immediately before launch. They could have easily ripped off DOTA, CSGO, LoL, or a bunch of other games with competitive modes and had that up and running years ago. Anyone with a functioning brain would have foreseen using the Hearthstone model on this would be a terrible decision.

When a cast of 21 you only have 4 or so picked on a regular in competitive i'lll say you need to go back to ghe drawing board. All they really did in the length of that beta was drop zen from T1 to dont play me tier.


She's very good on certain maps and modes and worthless on others. It's all turret placement. Put those things on ceilings and weird spots on walls to control choke points and cap placements.

Her secondary fire is also good if the opposing team is bunching up behind a Reinhardt. Shield-ignoring orbs will disrupt that strategy fast.


I'm actually fuming over this


Blizz customer service wants me to call Taco Bell to complain that my free copy of Overwatch that I redeemed a week before their game launched didn't come with a preorder exclusive skin...

Really? Way to get mad over something incredibly small. BM? How is that bad manners?

Be happy you got a free game dude.

Anyaway need to get into so more gaf games! Loving this game still ^_^

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children

Lol exactly.

Yeah, commendations and the PotG are just random fluff. There's no point in having strong feelings about them. I've had 5 gold medals and not gotten a single vote. The play of the game seems almost chosen entirely at random every game. People should just move on.

That's what I tell myself when I don't get them either.

When i do I'm like yup sure am the best. These mean everything and you all should be very jealous.


She's wonderful on Defense! It's funny seeing people run into my elaborate turret traps and picking them off one by one! A couple of hours ago I took out 5 enemy team members in about 5 seconds with a combo of my turrets and hitting them with my own beam.

Yeah just have the healing song on and it'll heal any team members in his sight IIRC.

Man, I swear I last longer with him around. Everyone should play as him,


A neat little trick for people who play Reaper who might not have noticed:

When you go into Shadowform, you can't reload.
But if you press reload and then go Shadowform, the guns are immediately reloaded and you can shoot again once Shadowform ends.

So you get 8 shots, invulnerability and then 8 shots immediately again.


I have no idea how anyone plays Symmetra. She's so terrible.

I just assume every game where I see someone pick her is going to be a loss. The shields are weak and her turrets are a minor annoyance unless en masse. I love seeing her when your back is to the wall in a payload game. Yes, that teleporter is incredibly useful at cutting out that 3 foot walk back to the objective. Now I can get back to the 6 on 5 fight .3 seconds faster.

She can be good with certain teams or situations, but most of the time she's a fucking albatross.
I have no idea how anyone plays Symmetra. She's so terrible.

You crazy big time!

Hiding and clustering her turrets is wicked-satisfying, plus the easy-mode short-range attack hose and then you get to shield your teammates and throw down clever teleport points on top of it all.

I find her to be one of the more satisfying characters.


Yeah, commendations and the PotG are just random fluff. There's no point in having strong feelings about them. I've had 5 gold medals and not gotten a single vote. The play of the game seems almost chosen entirely at random every game. People should just move on.

I feel like people are only a little off about the POTG's is because it seems like every single one of them is a bastion sitting in a corner or a tjorborn turret sitting in the corner.

I base this off the chat room in my games each time one of these happen. I think they need to just adjust how often those characters get those POTG's.

Id honestly rather the POTG goto a person who gets 1 bad ass kill rather than bastion melting 4-5 dudes in turret mode.


Teleporter's amazing in a map that needs to have guys far away tho.

I'm not really sure what she does the rest of the time though


Speaking of smoke bombs, I wonder if Sombra will get smoke bombs. Seems like something a support sniper will get.

Smoke bombs for a Support hero would be interesting, especially if you could use them to disrupt a Torbjorn's turret momentarily, while your teammates get into position.
Teleporter's amazing in a map that needs to have guys far away tho.

I'm not really sure what she does the rest of the time though

We had an offense symmetra last night...bitch built a teleporter right into a chokepoint where junkrat/pharah spam explosions

NEVER play with randoms if you can help it. They're bad.
I just assume every game where I see someone pick her is going to be a loss. The shields are weak and her turrets are a minor annoyance unless en masse. I love seeing her when your back is to the wall in a payload game. Yes, that teleporter is incredibly useful at cutting out that 3 foot walk back to the objective. Now I can get back to the 6 on 5 fight .3 seconds faster.

She can be good with certain teams or situations, but most of the time she's a fucking albatross.

Symmetra is bonkers good in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, especially on defense. Her beam ignores shields and the turrets can be hidden in amazing ways to fuck with people. I've seen tons of good Symmetra POTGs where she completely dismantles a team hugging the payload.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Probably jealous he didn't get his 10th potg in a row as Bastion.

Takes the fun out of it really. That was after saying stuff like "no skill heal gun", "no skill hero", bitching every time I revive a few people and he just dies again ignoring the fact that I revived other players in better positions to help out, and "no upvotes for no skill hero" at the end of games.

Oh well :) Had tons of awesome games too. Love this game.
I have no idea how anyone plays Symmetra. She's so terrible.

Symmetra is fantastic on capture the point maps. When given the opportunity to set up her turrets, she can effectively shut down a single point of entry. She's also a secret damage god, her gun does ridiculous damage when you can channel on someone. Her alt shot also has its uses, like going through shield and dropping spirit bombs down halls. Her teleporter is also one of the most powerful mechanics in the game to counter group wipes.

She however is pretty bad for payload and king of the hill due how much mobility is valued in those map types. With how popular Winston is on KOTH maps, her turrets are basically worthless on the point as he can cleave them all to death instantly, otherwise there would be some value to switching to her when your team caps and has control.
love seeing her when your back is to the wall in a payload game.

People in pubs are afraid to change heroes at the end of game and it is infuriating. When the payload is about to cap, we don't need you off in the corner failing to snipe people or trying to set up turrets. Nothing worse than seeing "OVERTIME" and you lose because Hanzo and Widowmaker refused to go stand on the cap point or Torb is hammering away on a turret somewhere.
Symmetra is bonkers good in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, especially on defense. Her beam ignores shields and the turrets can be hidden in amazing ways to fuck with people. I've seen tons of good Symmetra POTGs where she completely dismantles a team hugging the payload.

THIS. I played with a Symmetra last night that completely dominated the enemy team. First time I've ever seen a unanimous MVP vote.
Offensive Torbjorn, that was another one we saw last night. I think that was the one class that's just a straight "do not pick if you're on offense". His turrets were quickly out of place and quickly taken down, when he could have been something more useful like a roving DPS, a tank, or a healer.


Takes the fun out of it really. That was after saying stuff like "no skill heal gun", "no skill hero", bitching every time I revive a few people and he just dies again ignoring the fact that I revived other players in better positions to help out, and "no upvotes for no skill hero" at the end of games.

I also play mercy and you gotta love it when you revive someone and you watch them stand completely still and die again. Its like they didnt realize they could be revived and went and checked facebook or something.


I need to look up a character guide for Symmetra. Other than her turrets, I don't understand anything else about the way she plays.
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