The star is actually level 200+ if is to be believed.
I don't think that original 0-99 exists anymore, it starts at the bronze portrait now.
The star is actually level 200+ if is to be believed.
989MB on my PS4~70mb on ps4
~70mb on ps4
The star is actually level 200+ if is to be believed.
Two Potg with symmetra in a row on offense, on Road 66 and Hollywood, I'm sorry i thought she sucked on offense. That LMB damage.
I don't think that original 0-99 exists anymore, it starts at the bronze portrait now.
The first guy to reach 100 played 13 hours a day.
my 1.03 patch is 1gb lol wtf
well 989.0mb
Nah, she sucks on offense, she is extremely situational (e.g. should never be picked) and she is also not a support, according to this thread! On a serious note, if more people used Symmetra she would be less effective, but as it stands, people tend to underestimate her frequently and then they get melted by her M1.
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
I wonder how this game would play if all the nerf/buff expert's suggestions would make into the game.
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Sounds like a soured person, if you ask me.
I think the heal itself is fine, but I think you should be able to destroy the ice block, which takes her out of it and stops the healing, so it's more of a retreat and heal kind of thing.Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.
Every character would be deleted from the game and we would all be forced to play Battleborn
Hook + Shotgun feelss o good when landed
Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.
After playing both for a few nights, Winston and Zarya are gamechangers. Underrated
Just takes practice. Some games will be better than others, but I will a lot of times pick Widow on Payload to make the other team back off the objective then switch to Reinhardt once we're moving. I make sure to mention this ahead of time though so no one has an aneurysm because I'm playing Widow on attack.
anyone else have the problem where their in game chat just randomly stops working?
is there any way to fix it?
Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
Honestly playing widow on attack is so much fun, and even if you don't land your shots it's still so useful. Because the simple presence of a widowmaker makes all the squishies in the backlines of the defense suddenly way more skittish. And since everyone's attention is suddenly focused on you, your whole team can push more easily.
The whole trick is to often change position, take a few shots and unless you took our a lot of targets, immediately move otherwise you're gonna be gunned down
Totally out of character.
Play her then report back.
Zarya is so annoying to play against with her goddamn shield.
Nah, she sucks on offense, she is extremely situational (e.g. should never be picked) and she is also not a support, according to this thread! On a serious note, if more people used Symmetra she would be less effective, but as it stands, people tend to underestimate her frequently and then they get melted by her M1.
Lol wow I'm seeing advertisements for powerleveling in the main menu chat now. We full MMO now
Idonteven.gif... it gave it to him because of the amount of damage done in total.
Don't play a sniper just because Overwatch wiki says it works against turrets, it's a very situational counter where you have to be outside of turret's range. It won't work if you can't find a LoS long enough to be outside of turret's range and certainly not when you are one sniper going up against 3 Torbjorn while a Winston and Genji is on your ass hard countering you all the time.
Just think of it this way, if it worked in that particular would have, but it didn't. A hero slot is being wasted in this case.
An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad