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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Two Potg with symmetra in a row on offense, on Road 66 and Hollywood, I'm sorry i thought she sucked on offense. That LMB damage.

What if everyone else played so bad the game had no choice but give the potg to an offense Symm?

I have yet to try her on offense. Only played her twice, got a pentakill on one of those even, but still not confortable to go on offense with her.


Nah, she sucks on offense, she is extremely situational (e.g. should never be picked) and she is also not a support, according to this thread! On a serious note, if more people used Symmetra she would be less effective, but as it stands, people tend to underestimate her frequently and then they get melted by her M1.

It really bugs you that people have differing opinions, doesn't it?


Enabled Dolby Atmos cause someone said I'm missing out while using these DT 990's


BRB while I spectate custom bot matches just to listen to this.
This patch is taking forever to download. 10 minutes and I'm only at 23% of preparing to download. PSN downloads are usually fine for me too, never this bad.
Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.


Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Sounds like a soured person, if you ask me.

Yeah, someone called me a f*****t after winning a match and getting POTG as Zarya. Honestly made my night that I played well enough to make someone so angry. Sometimes I'll say sorta-angry things in chat, but make sure they know it's in good fun.
Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.
I think the heal itself is fine, but I think you should be able to destroy the ice block, which takes her out of it and stops the healing, so it's more of a retreat and heal kind of thing.


Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.

Play her then report back.


Just takes practice. Some games will be better than others, but I will a lot of times pick Widow on Payload to make the other team back off the objective then switch to Reinhardt once we're moving. I make sure to mention this ahead of time though so no one has an aneurysm because I'm playing Widow on attack.

Honestly playing widow on attack is so much fun, and even if you don't land your shots it's still so useful. Because the simple presence of a widowmaker makes all the squishies in the backlines of the defense suddenly way more skittish. And since everyone's attention is suddenly focused on you, your whole team can push more easily.

The whole trick is to often change position, take a few shots and unless you took our a lot of targets, immediately move otherwise you're gonna be gunned down


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Zarya is so annoying to play against with her goddamn shield.


Im starting to feel Mei's self heal is op. You can damage her, get frozen, survive and the moment you're about to kill she becomes invincible, heals, and freezes you again and takes you out. She shouldn't have invulnerability in her ice block, she can already separate any character from her with the ice wall.

The biggest slap to the face concerning Mei is that, for some reason, she actually has TWO "get out of jail" cards, both on them on rather short cooldowns. Her heal and the wall.
Even if you wait for her heal to finish she can usually just quickly get a wall up between you two and be just like "later bitch".


Honestly playing widow on attack is so much fun, and even if you don't land your shots it's still so useful. Because the simple presence of a widowmaker makes all the squishies in the backlines of the defense suddenly way more skittish. And since everyone's attention is suddenly focused on you, your whole team can push more easily.

The whole trick is to often change position, take a few shots and unless you took our a lot of targets, immediately move otherwise you're gonna be gunned down

i thought that was how snipers always operated
Totally out of character.

but what if it wasn't
Play her then report back.

I do, and I just think her survive-ability is way to high. You can't touch her at close range unless you want to have a bad time, if shes cornered she can icewall, if shes damaged she can freeze herself, and then continue to stay safe as soon as shes out.
In all honestly, most of the Heroes are OP and need a nerf, except my Hero of choice that could use a buff or two, this is my expert unbiased opinion.
Nah, she sucks on offense, she is extremely situational (e.g. should never be picked) and she is also not a support, according to this thread! On a serious note, if more people used Symmetra she would be less effective, but as it stands, people tend to underestimate her frequently and then they get melted by her M1.

Welp my two potgs (and wins) tell me otherwise, I think I'll keep going. Nothing like putting a flank teleporter and seeing it pay off.


Don't play a sniper just because Overwatch wiki says it works against turrets, it's a very situational counter where you have to be outside of turret's range. It won't work if you can't find a LoS long enough to be outside of turret's range and certainly not when you are one sniper going up against 3 Torbjorn while a Winston and Genji is on your ass hard countering you all the time.

Just think of it this way, if it worked in that particular situation...it would have, but it didn't. A hero slot is being wasted in this case.


Idonteven.gif... it gave it to him because of the amount of damage done in total.

nope even better, it's a Shutdown, so it gave it to him because he shut his ult down before he could kill anyone xD

Based on past comments too, it bases it on how many are in the kill zone and likely to die to the ult, like a McCree with 4 red skulls that gets shot is a very strong shutdown, but one with none isn't. So, it's because he killed himself before he could kill the other team, while 3+ of them were in a clump about to get domed on.
Don't play a sniper just because Overwatch wiki says it works against turrets, it's a very situational counter where you have to be outside of turret's range. It won't work if you can't find a LoS long enough to be outside of turret's range and certainly not when you are one sniper going up against 3 Torbjorn while a Winston and Genji is on your ass hard countering you all the time.

Just think of it this way, if it worked in that particular situation...it would have, but it didn't. A hero slot is being wasted in this case.

In my personal experience 76's rockets are way better anti-turret than anything else in the game.
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