An enemy Mercy said this to me last night after I killed her and it made me sad
Don't play a sniper just because Overwatch wiki says it works against turrets, it's a very situational counter where you have to be outside of turret's range. It won't work if you can't find a LoS long enough to be outside of turret's range and certainly not when you are one sniper going up against 3 Torbjorn while a Winston and Genji is on your ass hard countering you all the time.
Just think of it this way, if it worked in that particular would have, but it didn't. A hero slot is being wasted in this case.
In my personal experience 76's rockets are way better anti-turret than anything else in the game.
I do, and I just think her survive-ability is way to high. You can't touch her at close range unless you want to have a bad time, if shes cornered she can icewall, if shes damaged she can freeze herself, and then continue to stay safe as soon as shes out.
Honestly playing widow on attack is so much fun, and even if you don't land your shots it's still so useful. Because the simple presence of a widowmaker makes all the squishies in the backlines of the defense suddenly way more skittish. And since everyone's attention is suddenly focused on you, your whole team can push more easily.
The whole trick is to often change position, take a few shots and unless you took our a lot of targets, immediately move otherwise you're gonna be gunned down
Do you drop shield to aim? When you're in shield the crosshairs are right on your back when you're looking forward unless I'm missing something.
New Update:
- 4 new skins for each character added
- Chance of getting a legendary skin from a loot box increased by 30%
- 4 New Maps added
- MCCree Fan the Hammer damage decreased after roll by 30%
- We are buffing your waifu of choice, just let us know which one by email.
Why would you try fighting her at close range if you can avoid it? She's strong there, stronger than most. Unless she walks in to a corner to Icewall there's no guarantee that she's going to be able to block you off from her, maps are pretty wide open. And if she's cornered what does the Icewall even do other than delay the inevitable? Plus any hero with an escape gets out of her freeze and goes to a range where she loses her advantage.
The heal is ~125HP which isn't much and the cooldown is long enough to where you rarely get to use it twice in a fight. I can't understand anyone who has played her for any length feeling that her iceblock is overpowered. Its good, no doubt but it isn't like she can live forever with it.
Delay the inevitable? I think you mean PLAN YOUR COUNTER ATTACK.
That's not much of a nerf. fan does 420 damage and a 30% reduction after roll puts his second attack at around 300 damage. So it's still 720 damage to a tank super quick. Not seeing what got fixed here.
I've become a new fan of Pharahs concussive grenade. Been throwing people off the stage left and right now. In a couple of cases, used it to get myself out of danger our used it to push the enemy team together into an ult.
I go after Mercy almost exclusively if I see her and one asked me after I killed them, "Why me?"
I felt so guilty...
Well when you lock yourself in with the Lucio-tron then its a whole other ballgame.
I would have figured "we're buffing the waifu of your choice, email us to let us know which" would have tipped it off.
when you get gold in Healing as Soldier but your team has a Lucio
when you get gold in Healing as Soldier but your team has a Lucio
If I damage boost Torbjörn (as Mercy), that translates to his turret right?
Other team complimented on my Winston after their Hanzo apparently was yelling/cussing into the mic about getting the monkey off of him.
Made my night.
Can someone confirm something for me --
If I get a Gold Medal for something like Objective Kills, as a Symmetra, with a grand total of 2 kills, does that mean everyone else on my team had gotten either 0 or 1 Objective kill for the entire match?
Yeah, someone called me a f*****t after winning a match and getting POTG as Zarya. Honestly made my night that I played well enough to make someone so angry. Sometimes I'll say sorta-angry things in chat, but make sure they know it's in good fun.
nope even better, it's a Shutdown, so it gave it to him because he shut his ult down before he could kill anyone xD
New Update:
- 4 new skins for each character added
- 2 new heroes added Sombra and Sven (Torbjorn's nemesis)
- Chance of getting a legendary skin from a loot box increased by 30%
- 4 New Maps added
- MCCree Fan the Hammer damage decreased after roll by 30%
- We are buffing your waifu of choice, just let us know which one by email.
when you get gold in Healing as Soldier but your team has a Lucio
Hey guys am I good enough to use widow?
Just want to confirm, tons of sniper hate in this thread
when you get gold in Healing as Soldier but your team has a Lucio
''because fuck you'' should have been your answer.I go after Mercy almost exclusively if I see her and one asked me after I killed them, -- "Why me?" --
In my personal experience 76's rockets are way better anti-turret than anything else in the game.
''because fuck you'' should have been your answer.
seriously though, she can literally win games with her ult so she should definitely be a priority.
If I damage boost Torbjörn (as Mercy), that translates to his turret right?
If I get a Gold Medal for something like Objective Kills, as a Symmetra, with a grand total of 2 kills, does that mean everyone else on my team had gotten either 0 or 1 Objective kill for the entire match?
- We are buffing your waifu of choice, just let us know which one by email.
I mean I understand that the fire strike is going where you're aiming, obviously, but if you're looking forward you can't see where you're aiming since you just see your backI don't drop it. It doesn't matter where the crosshairs are. That's still where it's going so if it's on your back, feet, or head, that's still where it's traveling to. Also, it does transition to first person view for a half second, so you can adjust even if it wasn't clear.
If I damage boost Torbjörn (as Mercy), that translates to his turret right?
''because fuck you'' should have been your answer.
seriously though, she can literally win games with her ult so she should definitely be a priority.
I mean I understand that the fire strike is going where you're aiming, obviously, but if you're looking forward you can't see where you're aiming since you just see your back
New Update:
- 4 new skins for each character added
- 2 new heroes added Sombra and Sven (Torbjorn's nemesis)
- Chance of getting a legendary skin from a loot box increased by 30%
- 4 New Maps added
- MCCree Fan the Hammer damage decreased after roll by 30%
Sorry Tor, you're on your own!
is this real? I'm so confused
In my experience as playing Torbjorn a lot, Soldier 76 is rarely a problem for me. My two biggest distance issues are Widowmaker and Pharah (in particular Pharah doesn't have to be exactly on target and her damage splashes onto me, not just my turret), and my biggest up close issues are D.Va, Reaper, and Genji. D.Va with her damned ult and Genji flanking my team and murdering me and my turret. And fuck you, Reaper. Teleport and murder.
I generally don't worry about anyone else. Most Junkrats don't have good enough aim to hit my placements before the turret gets them, Tracers try for the turrets but don't have the health and don't dare hang around the same area for long. Bastions can't get into turret mode in LoS without getting creamed. A good Roadhog can do me, but they have to be good, because they'll be fighting me and the turret simultaneously -- generally ends up with all three of us dead.
buff him if he pops molten core though, his dps gets crazy if he's using it right
I picked up the PS4 version at launch. I was staying away from the PC version because I'm a comfy-couch gamer and don't do well with KB/M. But I had a Best Buy gift card and a bunch of friends playing on PC, so I decided to drop the $15, and give it a shot with a controller....
I thought for sure I would get murdered, but I played a quick round of Attack on Dorado at lunch as Pharah and did really well. Went 15:9, and was the last one alive in Overtime until my eventual death. This is probably a fluke, but I'll take it.