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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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While I feel you, I also would rather have a dupe legend for the coins than a random white or blue.
So half empty / half full
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.



Neo Member
I get disconnected from the server every 10 games or so. I just have to login again and the game resumes. Anyone knows anything about why this happen and how to fix it? (I play on PC)


What I have learned with 13hrs of maining Tracer

-Use blink conservatively when traversing the map, you want access to at least 2 blinks anytime you engage into a fight. Overuse of blink for map traversal leads to engagements where escape is not possible.

-Be selective about engagements. Not all situations are winnable, don't engage in fights that you are obviously at a disadvantage, use your tools to setup preferable engagements.

-Take pot shots, especially on tank characters. Tracer can really abuse the large hitboxes of tanks to load up on ult meter. See a Road Hog? Unload a full clip into his back and blink out. You will gain tons of ult meter just taking advantage of easy damage against tanks.

-Always be looking to flank.

-Learn the maps. This is obvious for any character but Tracer especially. Tracer has low health and you can't always rewind the damage away. You need to know effective withdrawal paths and health pack location when you decide to blink and bail on an engagement.

-Don't be afraid to run, ever. Tracer has very low health and dying is a momentum killer that hurts the teams defensive or offensive stand/push. Tracer can escape like no one else, abuse that. Often times people will almost instantly give up on pursuit because of how ridiculous chasing Tracer is. Sometimes opening opportunities to surprise reengage and nab a kill.

There are obviously a ton of other things to keep in mind, but I think these are the less immediately obvious lessons I've learned that have improved my play the most.


So people using Master Overwatch website for ranking info, the ranking you're looking at is Rank by hero score right? cz if so

My Torbjorn is 179
My Bastion is 200


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

one of the worst skins in the game imo, I just got it in a box today. Its just so fucking boring and plain. COD indeed

sorry not trying to be a dick, but it takes so long to get a skin, kinda strange you would go with that one. To each its own I guess


Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

It took me forever to decide which skins to buy just because of this. I didn't want to buy some cool looking skins and then find out that I actually hate the character they're for, nor did I want to buy a skin and then get a better looking one in a loot box later.

I decided to go with Zarya's Siberian Front skin because a) most of her other skins are kinda shitty (especially the goth ones) so I was confident I wouldn't get anything better, and b) I played her enough to know I would keep playing her.

I wouldn't buy any skins unless I was 100% sure it was what I wanted.


one of the worst skins in the game imo, I just got it in a box today. Its just so fucking boring and plain. COD indeed

I'm terrible at Soldier 76, like seriously, but I kinda like that skin...

I don't know, it just screams G.I. Joe to me, and I like the Saturday Morning Cartoon aesthetic...
What I have learned with 13hrs of maining Tracer

-Use blink conservatively when traversing the map, you want access to at least 2 blinks anytime you engage into a fight. Overuse of blink for map traversal leads to engagements where escape is not possible.

-Be selective about engagements. Not all situations are winnable, don't engage in fights that you are obviously at a disadvantage, use your tools to setup preferable engagements.

-Take pot shots, especially on tank characters. Tracer can really abuse the large hitboxes of tanks to load up on ult meter. See a Road Hog? Unload a full clip into his back and blink out. You will gain tons of ult meter just taking advantage of easy damage against tanks.

-Always be looking to flank.

-Learn the maps. This is obvious for any character but Tracer especially. Tracer has low health and you can't always rewind the damage away. You need to know effective withdrawal paths and health pack location when you decide to blink and bail on an engagement.

-Don't be afraid to run, ever. Tracer has very low health and dying is a momentum killer that hurts the teams defensive or offensive stand/push. Tracer can escape like no one else, abuse that. Often times people will almost instantly give up on pursuit because of how ridiculous chasing Tracer is. Sometimes opening opportunities to surprise reengage and nab a kill.

There are obviously a ton of other things to keep in mind, but I think these are the less immediately obvious lessons I've learned that have improved my play the most.

Agreed on all.

I decided to do all of that today. I think having the discipline to not be greedy with tracer is how to win with her.

Also, see a squishy sniping? Three blinks from cover, unload a magazine, rewind out. You get in, either kill or heavily damage and disappear with all your health back, behind cover.



Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

I got the bone one in a box. Jet aswell. Bone seems rarer though and I love the mask.

Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

I wish I had waited before spending credits on Pharah's Anubis skin since I ended up getting the Raindancer one a couple days later.
anyone else feel like the melee sounds in this game could be more satisfying

its like a wet towel.. i actually forget to melee most times

also where my PSN avatars at
After 20hours i still dont think theres a char as satisfying as Genji, the stuff you can do with him just gets me so pumped.

Edit: Even for a Chibi Genjis head on that there seems waayy to big
one of the worst skins in the game imo, I just got it in a box today. Its just so fucking boring and plain. COD indeed

sorry not trying to be a dick, but it takes so long to get a skin, kinda strange you would go with that one. To each its own I guess

The color pattern and gun mostly. Only thing I don't like is that he doesn't have his mask though I don't think the facepaint is bad. I don't hate it I just don't think I love it. Ah well had to buy it to find out for myself I guess.


its lame that a legendary skin duplicate is worth 200 coin

meanwhile a legendary coin drop is worth 500 coins. Why blizzard?

Dupes are fucking awful in terms of value. Seriously, common dupes are worth 5 coins. 5 coins?! Why even bother at that point? Might as well just say "Yeah, this box only has 3 items in it. Tough shit."

I can't imagine how disappointing a dupe legendary must be. I got disappointed at a second legendary Zenyatta skin just because I can't use both, but at least it's a skin and not some pitiful amount of money.
So I was thinking about the games balance and team composition, and this has also lead me to consider why some of the cast are pretty lackluster. It seems that pretty typical team composition right now for competitive (tournaments and such) features two tanks, two supports and two flexible roles.

So successful teams will often be something like this


The flexible roles are more interchangeable but the support roles are relatively constant. Lucio's speed buffs do not stack therefore two Lucio's are not good, Zenyatta isn't very flexible so he gets focused down too easily, and Symettra isn't doesn't contribute to team sustain in the same capacity that other characters do.

Tanks generally switch between Reinheart and Winston, with stacked Winston compositions being popular despite the nerf to his shield since the beta, it's still a powerful combination and very capable of focusing down squishy characters while controlling the upper areas of the map.

Concerns regarding defenders

Unfortunately, this style of team composition isn't very interesting in my opinion, while one would think that the attacking and defending characters would make up the core of the team on the attacking and defensive modes, that does not appear to be the case at the moment. Defenders especially are very lackluster and underutilised in competitive play. Taking a look at the competitive usage from the beta, four of the defensive characters were within the bottom seven least used characters.

I think the problem with these characters and the reason that they are not used often at higher levels of play is that their 'defensive' role is something of a lie. Characters like Hanzo and Mei are not remarkable at area denial, and the vastly more flexible attacking characters just ignore their defensive efforts. Genji or Tracer and repear have no difficulty isolating these squishy defensive characters and the end result is that they are often a liability. Even Widowmaker, the only defensive character with a reasonable level of usage is very difficult to make good use of without both an incredibly coordinated team, and a very high skill level from the individual player.

I think a big part of the problem here is the fact that while these characters are labelled as 'defenders' they are not the ones that make the bulk of the defensive meat. Tanks exist as the defensive wall and these are the characters that end up pushing the offensive teams back, and holding the defensive line with both damage mitigation and bot the damage and utility to make an offensive push.

Combned, these tanks and attackers occupy most of that which would be required from the defensive team. They can form an incredible obstruction, and flexibly output very high amounts of damage without feeling as though they present as significant a liability when focused down. A McCree is a better pick than a Hanzo because when Winston does jump at your team, McCree can stun and instantly-kill him, Hanzo and Widow fold under any degree of pressure and they're dominantly long-range orientated weapons make them very hard to utilize on some of the objectives.

If some of the more defense abilities like shielding were placed on these defensive characters they would have been more significant in crafting the defensive wall that ultimately facilitates control of the objective area, but as it stands, they're just squishy targets that offer rudimentary area denial that is often better covered by the more flexible attackers. McCree's stun makes him functionally a better defender than Hanzo will ever be because of his ability to put a halt to and immediately focus down aggressors.

Widowmaker largely escapes these concerns by being a rather generic OHKing sniper, immediately placing her in a class beyond her peers merely because the character archetype she mimics necessitates extrodinary accuracy contingent damage output to be a component of the characters design. If I were to suggest a resolution it would probably be to provide, Junkrat and Mei with a little more health (50) so that they could provide a more substantial component of the team, enhancing their defensive presence, and I would enhance Hanzo's projectile speed (and fix the forgiving hitbox) so that he possess a higher skill ceiling.

But, I don't know, I feel that something needs to change with these characters and perhaps orientate the team less towards double support & tank anchor so as to facilitate more flexible team compositions too. In either case, the cookie cutter 2/2/2 team comp that's present at the moment renders characters in the support and tank slots over represented. The other possibility is that the meta will just change on its own, but I have doubts as to whether it's liable to shift at all towards a higher utilization of defenders, especially when success in so many of the gametypes feels contingent on mobility and momentum.

M.J. Doja

I decided against buying skins directly. It gives me something to look forward to during the grind. When I get an epic/legendary skin for Junkrat, Mei, Mercy or Torbjorn (my 4 most played), it will feel like a real lucky day!

I've taken to buying highlight intros, voice lines, emotes and cheaper things. I really don't wanna wait for the randomizer to give me an intro, so I bought one for each of my most played. A lot more satisfying than one legendary skin.

POTGs with Junkster and Mei just put the icing on the cake of a good game. :D


Unconfirmed Member
Its impossible to not play Lucio every round.

The benefit of being able to team fight constantly while eroding the other team in a battle of attrition......that's literally the best ability in the game.

The real MVP.

I love him so much. I don't really play FPS and definitely not multiplayer but his AOE speed boost and healing is godly for someone like me. Plus I feel like I'm helping my team. Best game I had over 10k in healing.


This game needs to stop pulling me from full matches and putting me into a skirmish by myself.

The whole "finding a more balanced game" is bullshit. If I need to find a more balanced game, Ill leave and find one myself.
So frustrating when you get on a team that would rather look for kills instead of working as a team.

me and some friends were against a group like that, they were really good but they all ignored the payload to kill us with 30 seconds left, so a few of my team got in there and won it for us.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I finally have 1000c but I can't decide between the 3 I linked yesterday, I'm going to sleep on it. It took 35 levels to raise this much so I don't want to regret my decision.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
46% here, most of which was solo queue. So if it's any consolation, you're not the worst. I also never drop after the first loss or if I am losing which I suspect might skew the w/l ratios a bit.

Same, solo queue has ruined me. I teamed up with some gaffers last night and that remedied the w/l (though not by much!)
Hate to ask this again, but how can we effectively use Winston on attack? I'm aware that he's a disruptor. Thanks

Going off the few games I've used him, best advice I got is to just...use him as a disruptor. Jump in and annoy the shit out of snipers or kill them outright if they fail to get you off their back. Hit healers if they're not guarded by a turret or McCree. Pay attention to your health and Leap cooldown as you'll eventually have to back off.

Racking up damage for your ultimate is your main goal as you can easily shove targets off the control point or payload once it's available. Almost a free win if you just need one last push.


So are people still looking for skins only? I'd rather get victory poses and emotes honestly.

The problem with emotes is I never use them outside of the starting area, so they're on the same level as sprays and voice lines for me. I never see anyone do any emotes quite frankly. Everyone is too busy playing the game.

Victory poses and PotG intros are great though and I love getting those.


Its impossible to not play Lucio every round.

The benefit of being able to team fight constantly while eroding the other team in a battle of attrition......that's literally the best ability in the game.

The real MVP.

Yup. Now I've started waiting to see if someone else picks him to release me from my burden... Then I get annoyed if they're not as good as me :lol


Played against a troll Bastion team. It was fucking bullshit and we lost, but then played them again and they were on attack and fucking lost miserably since they couldn't be Bastion. Fuck that team.
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