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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Sometimes I really think some of the Widowmakers on PC are cheating. It's just seems so impossible what some people can pull off. I don't know man.

Regarding dVA. She is great at taunting other players and distract them from the objective while the team can go in. Without her mech lots of people ignore her and her Mech call ult charges pretty fast. You can do a lot for your team with her.

I came across only one Widowmaker who I believe was hacking - it was the conjunction of her crazy twitch aiming snapping onto heroes behind walls (with her ulti down) and her complete inability to do anything up close. I solo killed her from behind as Lucio at one point and she didn't react at all while she snapshot one of my teammates who popped out of cover, among many other embarrassing flanks. She was on fire for 85% of the game... and she still lost. Was a pretty hilarious victory.

D.VA is amazing, such a flexible and all around fun hero. <3
Lucio's speed buffs do not stack therefore two Lucio's are not good...
They do not stack concurrently, but they can be used consecutively which would result in the exact same distance covered. And Double Lucio (along with Double McCree) is probably the most used and overplayed part of compositions in competitive play right now. It's plenty good.


Holy shit how hard is it to stand inside the big fucking square? What is this Genji doing trying to spawn camp when like half the team is already taking our objective? These people seriously need to either adapt or just go.


They do not stack concurrently, but they can be used consecutively which would result in the exact same distance covered. And Double Lucio (along with Double McCree) is probably the most used and overplayed part of compositions in competitive play right now. It's plenty good.

Ran into a couple teams like that yesterday. Two Lucio/Mccree/Winston teams.


Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

Nope, and I figure sooner or later I will end up with them all one way or another.
So I was thinking about the games balance and team composition, and this has also lead me to consider why some of the cast are pretty lackluster. It seems that pretty typical team composition right now for competitive (tournaments and such) features two tanks, two supports and two flexible roles.

So successful teams will often be something like this


The flexible roles are more interchangeable but the support roles are relatively constant. Lucio's speed buffs do not stack therefore two Lucio's are not good, Zenyatta isn't very flexible so he gets focused down too easily, and Symettra isn't doesn't contribute to team sustain in the same capacity that other characters do.

Tanks generally switch between Reinheart and Winston, with stacked Winston compositions being popular despite the nerf to his shield since the beta, it's still a powerful combination and very capable of focusing down squishy characters while controlling the upper areas of the map.

Concerns regarding defenders

Unfortunately, this style of team composition isn't very interesting in my opinion, while one would think that the attacking and defending characters would make up the core of the team on the attacking and defensive modes, that does not appear to be the case at the moment. Defenders especially are very lackluster and underutilised in competitive play. Taking a look at the competitive usage from the beta, four of the defensive characters were within the bottom seven least used characters.

I think the problem with these characters and the reason that they are not used often at higher levels of play is that their 'defensive' role is something of a lie. Characters like Hanzo and Mei are not remarkable at area denial, and the vastly more flexible attacking characters just ignore their defensive efforts. Genji or Tracer and repear have no difficulty isolating these squishy defensive characters and the end result is that they are often a liability. Even Widowmaker, the only defensive character with a reasonable level of usage is very difficult to make good use of without both an incredibly coordinated team, and a very high skill level from the individual player.

I think a big part of the problem here is the fact that while these characters are labelled as 'defenders' they are not the ones that make the bulk of the defensive meat. Tanks exist as the defensive wall and these are the characters that end up pushing the offensive teams back, and holding the defensive line with both damage mitigation and bot the damage and utility to make an offensive push.

Combned, these tanks and attackers occupy most of that which would be required from the defensive team. They can form an incredible obstruction, and flexibly output very high amounts of damage without feeling as though they present as significant a liability when focused down. A McCree is a better pick than a Hanzo because when Winston does jump at your team, McCree can stun and instantly-kill him, Hanzo and Widow fold under any degree of pressure and they're dominantly long-range orientated weapons make them very hard to utilize on some of the objectives.

If some of the more defense abilities like shielding were placed on these defensive characters they would have been more significant in crafting the defensive wall that ultimately facilitates control of the objective area, but as it stands, they're just squishy targets that offer rudimentary area denial that is often better covered by the more flexible attackers. McCree's stun makes him functionally a better defender than Hanzo will ever be because of his ability to put a halt to and immediately focus down aggressors.

Widowmaker largely escapes these concerns by being a rather generic OHKing sniper, immediately placing her in a class beyond her peers merely because the character archetype she mimics necessitates extrodinary accuracy contingent damage output to be a component of the characters design. If I were to suggest a resolution it would probably be to provide, Junkrat and Mei with a little more health (50) so that they could provide a more substantial component of the team, enhancing their defensive presence, and I would enhance Hanzo's projectile speed (and fix the forgiving hitbox) so that he possess a higher skill ceiling.

But, I don't know, I feel that something needs to change with these characters and perhaps orientate the team less towards double support & tank anchor so as to facilitate more flexible team compositions too. In either case, the cookie cutter 2/2/2 team comp that's present at the moment renders characters in the support and tank slots over represented. The other possibility is that the meta will just change on its own, but I have doubts as to whether it's liable to shift at all towards a higher utilization of defenders, especially when success in so many of the gametypes feels contingent on mobility and momentum.

Hanzo is going to be forever useless so long as Widowmaker in her current form exists. They have more or less the same job, but Hanzo is considerably more constrained in how he can execute it.

Mei is just horribly designed. She's slow and boring to play and irritating to fight again. Stuns are a horrible mechanic that shouldn't exist in any FPS ever, and a class built entirely around it is BS. It's like Valve said about a scrapped TF2 weapon idea: "The only thing worse than a weapon that everyone hates fighting against is a weapon that everyone hates fighting against that is also terrible at killing people." (Not that this stopped them from making the Sandman a thing). Mei is fortunately useless, but anybody interested in the competitive scene should be extremely wary of anything that makes her viable.
Found some of the chibis


Very good!


Considering I mostly play solo (had under 10 games in a group), 60.7% win region isn't too shabby with Lucio. 107 games.

Surprised at the 1.35 k/d ratio though.


Wow this site ranks you based on how many games you've played the heroes in, turret haters must love you

Haha I bet they do. Honestly tho I played these two a lot at the start but then started playing others like Genji/Hanzo/Lucio/Reinhardt. But the players in my team who usually play Bastion or Tor are so damn shitty at it I have to switch in the second-third rounds to one of them in order to win :D Tor can be much more challenging depending on the map than ppl give credit for
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.

I bought bloodhardt but kind of wish I went with stonehardt, one day i'll have enough coin to buy another skin.


I came across only one Widowmaker who I believe was hacking - it was the conjunction of her crazy twitch aiming snapping onto heroes behind walls (with her ulti down) and her complete inability to do anything up close. I solo killed her from behind as Lucio at one point and she didn't react at all while she snapshot one of my teammates who popped out of cover, among many other embarrassing flanks. She was on fire for 85% of the game... and she still lost. Was a pretty hilarious victory.

D.VA is amazing, such a flexible and all around fun hero. <3

Yeah D.Va is very flexible. Great at pushing and forcing Overtime in matches you might otherwise lose, plus she can sort of Winston her way into sniper countering pretty well.

Hanamura or Anubis last control points when attacking just suck, and I love D.Va for this. Throw up her defense matrix and fly in like a kamikaze pilot, causing havoc and being ON THE POINT for longer than most heroes will be able to. If you coordinate it with your flankers, it can open up a real chance for taking the point entirely, but if not you are at least contesting when no one else is, as is often the case in my experience.

Plus her blaster in close quarters (where I end up being usually) can be pretty handy if you can land some good headshots while jumping around/through enemies.


How do you counter 2 Torbjorns and 2 Bastions defending the final point from multiple different angles? I've come across this set up a few times and right now it seems like a totally unbreakable defence. You come up against that and you may as well quit right away, you can't win.


How do you counter 2 Torbjorns and 2 Bastions defending the final point from multiple different angles? I've come across this set up a few times and right now it seems like a totally unbreakable defence. You come up against that and you may as well quit right away, you can't win.

Depends on which point, but; Junkrat, Pharah, Widowmaker behind a Reinhardt Shield, Genji if you can sneak in, D.VA if you can get her ultimate charged...

So GAF. I havn't followed this game as much as I hear I should have. What's the verdict?

If you like team based shooters, with a mostly casual feel, lots of character options, and feel good vibes, this is a terrific game.


It took me forever to decide which skins to buy just because of this. I didn't want to buy some cool looking skins and then find out that I actually hate the character they're for, nor did I want to buy a skin and then get a better looking one in a loot box later.

I decided to go with Zarya's Siberian Front skin because a) most of her other skins are kinda shitty (especially the goth ones) so I was confident I wouldn't get anything better, and b) I played her enough to know I would keep playing her.

I wouldn't buy any skins unless I was 100% sure it was what I wanted.

that's the exact same skin I got with my first 1000. Spent 250 on a highlight intro for Pharah because that's who I get the vast majority of my POTGs on (Zarya and Zenyatta always get ROBBED). I immediately got 3 in a short period of time afterwards so it was worth it.

I was going to go with Sunyatta and Mechaqueen as my first skins but I randomed Djinyatta and Raptorion so I'll hold off. So my next favorite character is Junkrat which means I'm saving for his scarecrow skin.


This game needs to stop pulling me from full matches and putting me into a skirmish by myself.

The whole "finding a more balanced game" is bullshit. If I need to find a more balanced game, Ill leave and find one myself.

i think it's a rumor but i remember reading that skirmishes fuck finding games sometimes. Thats why I just made sure to have them set to off.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I just want one game where I get to pick Widow and someone else doesn't instantly lock in Hanzo afterwards.

Just one.

The opposite happens about 50 times more at least in my experience. If its solo queue, theres always 1 widow, usually first pick, no matter if its attack or defense. If its a 5 man premade and theres 1 pug, that pug is Widow.

I basically only play Hanzo in premades because of that. Thankfully im mostly playing pres lately


The opposite happens about 50 times more at least in my experience. If its solo queue, theres always 1 widow, usually first pick, no matter if its attack or defense. If its a 5 man premade and theres 1 pug, that pug is Widow.

My experience is largely the same.


Depends on which point, but; Junkrat, Pharah, Widowmaker behind a Reinhardt Shield, Genji if you can sneak in, D.VA if you can get her ultimate charged...

If you like team based shooters, with a mostly casual feel, lots of character options, and feel good vibes, this is a terrific game.

Reinhardts shield is obliterated too quickly to deal with that many turrets, Pharah can't get close enough to be effective against all of them without being sniped by a Torb-turret, D.Va is one ultimate vs. 2 instantly re-built turrets and 2 re-spawning Bastions. I can see Widowmaker might be viable to deal with at least one unless she's being disrupted by a Tracer (or is just stupid).

This Bastion and Torbjorn combo just seems absurdly over-powered to me. I would love to see a video or something of someone overcoming this setup because I'd be interested in how it's done. I guess maybe two Reinhardts to alternate shields with Junkrat/Pharah hidden inside might work, but that's way too much coordination for a pub game.


What level do you 'presige' at ? I've been seeing some high leveled players, and I'm guessing it just continues at some point but the xp leveling starts over.


You like me, you really really like me!
Seems like there's at least one or two Lucios in every game I join now. The awareness of his OPness is spreading like wildfire.


I god damn hate this games matchmaking. "Oh you just won a game? Better find a more balanced game that's just six pro gamers that just steam roll your team for 20+ matches"


people are some serious waste of skin and my time. see 2 zarya's and my team not only shoots them while they are shielded but also clump up everywhere and get sucked into her ult. even with 26 kills i couldn't carry those people. Matchmaking sucks
Reinhardts shield is obliterated too quickly to deal with that many turrets, Pharah can't get close enough to be effective against all of them without being sniped by a Torb-turret, D.Va is one ultimate vs. 2 instantly re-built turrets and 2 re-spawning Bastions. I can see Widowmaker might be viable to deal with at least one unless she's being disrupted by a Tracer (or is just stupid).

This Bastion and Torbjorn combo just seems absurdly over-powered to me. I would love to see a video or something of someone overcoming this setup because I'd be interested in how it's done. I guess maybe two Reinhardts to alternate shields with Junkrat/Pharah hidden inside might work, but that's way too much coordination for a pub game.

I've found that Hanzo is best for breaking up turret cheese strategies. It's pretty much the only time I'd advocate using him. He's just got all the tools to deal with it. Wall hacks on a short cooldown, long range burst damage, and an ult that's tailor made to break up stationary threats. As long as you're not dying, you'll be breaking sentries faster than anyone can up them up.


people are some serious waste of skin and my time. see 2 zarya's and my team not only shoots them while they are shielded but also clump up everywhere and get sucked into her ult. even with 26 kills i couldn't carry those people. Matchmaking sucks

I lost yesterday in a 51 kill game. Yeah teams can be shitty..such is life aka overwatch


Blizzard wants to improve the POTG system.


At one point, Zenyatta was getting all the POTG because of the huge amount of healing he does with his ultimate.

For something that's completely gameplay irrelevant it's really captured a lot of attention, so it doesn't surprise me they want to tweak it. But yeah in one match yesterday I did the following as Zen while standing on the payload about 2 inches from the goal:

- shut down a Reaper that almost die die die'd our whole team
- immediately popped Transcendence to heal up and block a Soldier 76 from killing myself and two others with tactical visor
- a Genji popped his ult at the same time and was trying to kill our Bastion, but I outhealed it allowing Bastion to shred him

and then a few minutes later I managed to run out of the spawn and drop transcendence again at the very last possible second before the payload hit with nobody on my team alive. It held it off just long enough for us to respawn and wipe them. Easily THE closest game I've ever had.

Who got POTG? Our bastion killing 4 people in the first 20 seconds of the match...keep in mind we got roflstomped so hard right afterwards that we had to defend the final stretch for almost the maximum possible amount of time.

I understand how the points are calculated so I totally understand why the multikill won out, but I'm still salty over it. It's exciting to think about what they'll do with the system in a year or more.

At least my highlights saved that sweet play, too bad there's no easy option to just upload them or save them. I should really run shadowplay but I'm so lazy I still use FRAPS and that tends to crash the game.


Seems like there's at least one or two Lucios in every game I join now. The awareness of his OPness is spreading like wildfire.

I'm not even sure Lucio is the most popular support because he's OP or anything. I think it's just because there's only 3 healing supports and he's by far the easiest to use. You heal just by standing around and you don't die in half a second like Zenyatta. The game says "hey, someone needs to support" and someone is like "fine, if I have to" and they pick him.

If there was another support that could a) attack while healing and b) not die to a Widowmaker body shot, then I could see Lucio skipping a few matches.


Damn I had a game today where I went 18-0 including a clutch quad kill that garuanteed a KOTH steal that ultimately won us the round. I got POTG but no opportunity for commends. =/
Played with an amazing D.va before. I was pushing the first point in Hanamura as a Zenyatta with him and we managed to wipe out the entire team as they attacked from all sides, all 6 down, then I nipped into the building over the way from the first point, took out Symmetra's teleport and we waited at the point and wiped out all 6 players again. I was tagging people with discord orbs and the D.va was shutting them down instantly when they got too close, along with a well timed "transendance" ult and my main fire to chip away at players who got too far away from the control point to finish them off. Was glorious.


If you're only 5 people in a premade, the 1 random will literally always pick Widow and make pretty much no contribution to the team effort. Seen it so often. Though playing against a good Widow can be pretty annoying

Also decided to get 10 loot boxes today and got two legendary skins (Punk Tracer and Ra Zenyatta). Also got some coins, so pretty good overall. I want to buy a Reinhardt skin as soon as I get 1k coins, not sure which one yet


Reinhardts shield is obliterated too quickly to deal with that many turrets, Pharah can't get close enough to be effective against all of them without being sniped by a Torb-turret, D.Va is one ultimate vs. 2 instantly re-built turrets and 2 re-spawning Bastions. I can see Widowmaker might be viable to deal with at least one unless she's being disrupted by a Tracer (or is just stupid).

This Bastion and Torbjorn combo just seems absurdly over-powered to me. I would love to see a video or something of someone overcoming this setup because I'd be interested in how it's done. I guess maybe two Reinhardts to alternate shields with Junkrat/Pharah hidden inside might work, but that's way too much coordination for a pub game.

Look man, I don't know what to tell you. I've seen all of those setups clear out turret nests before.

Of course, I've also been stopped dead by that sort of thing if the team can't get it together.

But why ask for suggestions if you're just going to say nothing works?
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