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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I'm still having a lot trouble learning KB/M for this. So many commands I don't know and so many things I can't quite pull off naturally. I'd use a controller if Aim Assist was a thing on PC.

Any suggestions on how to make me better at KB/M?

I bought a gaming mouse and mapped l shift, q, v, r, and e to it so all I have to worry about on my keyboard are just movement and jumping. I'm still shit at KB/M but I find it much easier to play somewhat competently when I don't have to worry about pressing the wrong button constantly.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Stacking alts can help with this. Was in a similar situation and a combo Mei + Pharah alt broke that line real quick.

The problem was the location, it was on a bend so the second you turned the corner you died instantly, there was no way to even get an ult into them as you couldn't get close enough. Trying to flank had the same result, we just couldn't kill them before they killed us with all the healing and damage they had, on top of the Rein shield as well.


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.


Just opened the 2 boxes I got last night and got 3 legendaries from them, commando 76, one of the Mercy imps and blue biker Torbjörn.
I think that makes 5 legendaries at level 13, I'll give you guys some of my luck.

Oh yeah? Well, I just opened a box and got two of the same graffiti tags, so I earned five whole credits! Man, I'm going to be swimming in legendaries soon...

Man, I sure love being rewarded with nothing but graffiti tags and voiced lines...

It doesn't feel like Blizzard is spitting in my eye every time I open a new loot box at all. Not even a little...


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

Potty breaks


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

Gotta give everyone time to use their sprays and emotes. Not like they're gonna use them in-game.


I don't use a mic but I'm in party chat to hear if the team has a plan/strategy and sometimes the chatter is hilarious. Even if I had a mic, I would barely talk anyways. You don't really need all 6 players to chat or it's a cacophony of noises.

I have a mic and I'm the same. I don't talk much, but I do listen when where coming up with a strategy, which I feel is just as helpful.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

Nope, it's fine.

I need that time to spam my emotes and voice lines.

and to check GAF.
Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

You keep your hands off that time, I need it to go to the bathroom and also to set up a hilariously obnoxious web of turrets.


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

I think it's fine. It can be valuable time if you actually try to talk stuff quickly through.
Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.
The 60 seconds is to get in position. Depending of which map and hero you're playing - and whether you have a Lucio or not - those 60 seconds are absolutely necessary. Defending in Hanamura as Roadhog for example, you'll get to the enemy spawn entrance with like less than 10 seconds on the clock to find a place to fight in.
I dunno why people are disagreeing with me, I've recently had Hanzos spidermanning up walls and all around the place and headshotting people mid air and then spidermaning to the nearest healthpack and doing it again. Then ults under pressure and it's just a very hard type of player to kill.

You'd have to vs the kind of Hanzo I've described to see what I mean, some people are playing him as a mid range mobile headshot assassin and it really does keep some teams at bay. Just spidermanning around and eating all your squishies who cant get close enough to do damage and can't jump high enough to meet them.
Thankfully, pretty much all the achievements are things that can happen during the natural flow of the game, so I've been unlocking quite a few. Got Smooth As Silk by accident, for instance.
Speaking of achievements, has anyone had problems with unlocking the "win as defense by holding the first point on a capture map" achievement? I have done this multiple times, even some times where we win the attacking side as well, but the achievement is still locked for me.


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

I think the 60 seconds is fine, but i'll agree with you on the hero selection screen. It's easy to guess why they give you that long on that screen though, to try and make you see what you're missing in terms of composition with the warnings they give out.


I don't even pay attention to them. If I get them while playing great, if not whatever. Forcing yourself to get them sounds like a miserable time.

I don't stress about it. But if I'm playing Reaper, I may try and go for that triple kill in one ammo stock.

I just keep the character ones in mind when I pick that character. I got both of Bastions the first time I played him lol.


Seems like the worst parts of TF2 are really starting to seep into the game already. Seen so many Pocket Mercy players who attatch themselves to one player and ignore the rest of the team. I get that it's fun to dick about with Pharra in the sky but it doesn't work out when you ignore the enemy team pushing the cart and leave everyone to die trying to stop them pushing it.


Some of these achievements are near impossible. Still fun to chase them!

I'm not trying anymore. A lot is based on luck. I actually got a bunch from just playing without trying which is always a nice surprise. Everytime I get one I check what the hell I did lol


I dunno why people are disagreeing with me, I've recently had Hanzos spidermanning up walls and all around the place and headshotting people mid air and then spidermaning to the nearest healthpack and doing it again. Then ults under pressure and it's just a very hard type of player to kill.

You'd have to vs the kind of Hanzo I've described to see what I mean, some people are playing him as a mid range mobile headshot assassin and it really does keep some teams at bay. Just spidermanning around and eating all your squishies who cant get close enough to do damage and can't jump high enough to meet them.
Good players are good with any character.
Water is wet.
More at 11.

Hanzo has pretty terrible mobility. He's fairly slow and any issues you have with one dominating your team then it's the person you're playing against not the hero himself.


I'm not trying anymore. A lot is based on luck. I actually got a bunch from just playing without trying which is always a nice surprise. Everytime I get one I check what the hell I did lol

That's what I feel most are like. Play enough and you will just get that off chance Helix rocket double kill.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member

Bought my first skin, decided on Pharah as it's gorgeous and McCree will get nerfed soon.
Played a few matches with Pharah. Anybody got any tips for her?

She's primarily a flanker, so stay in the air when you can and harass the enemy back line. Remain mobile, take advantage of the routes most others can't. Avoid Widowmakers like the plague they are. Throwing your push-rocket into the middle of the enemy team is almost always a good move, don't bother trying to aim except to avoid a barrier or if you've got the chance to push people off the edge. Don't bother trying to use your ult unless you've got the enemy team dead to rights, an aware Reinhardt can burn most of your rockets, and there's a million ways for them to fuck you up while you're stuck firing.


That's what I feel most are like. Play enough and you will just get that off chance Helix rocket double kill.

Yea, one of those trophies is glitched too so there's no reason to bother until they fix it. Kinda hoping they relax the conditions with a patch where the trophies will pop in new modes they introduce.


Yea, one of those trophies is glitched too so there's no reason to bother until they fix it. Kinda hoping they relax the conditions with a patch where the trophies will pop in new modes they introduce.

A bunch of trophies are and its infuriating. I got the double genji with one reflect kill and the double helix rockets kill and nothing popped. >=(
I wish I could actually play Pharah, my rockets feel like softballs and I can't seem to know how to ult correctly.

Justice rains frDAUGH

Yeah, she's extremely visible and extremely vulnerable, so you're not gonna want to pop it if the enemy team is still up to strength. I mostly use it to clean up towards the end of pitched firefights, when people are distracted and low on health, with cooldowns aplenty.

And use her to destroy turrets and bastions

Turrets, yes, but unless the Bastion in question is deeply stupid she's not great for that.


I happen to come across of stupid Bastions.

Once they are firing they don't want to stop untill they get a kill. Even if that means they are dead.


I wish I could actually play Pharah, my rockets feel like softballs and I can't seem to know how to ult correctly.

Justice rains frDAUGH

If you're on ground, use cover often and make use of the splash damage. Same goes for the air, direct hits are nice but you can do dmg with just hitting near them. As for her Ultimate, try to do it as soon as you boost in the air so they lose track of you or try to sneak it in from behind them.


Does anyone agree that ingame timers are too long? I don't see why we need 30 seconds to choose a hero and then another 60 to prepare to attack (whatever that means). I don't think I ever needed more than 30 seconds to get to a good position on defense. The only hero suffering might be Symmetra because she can't get as many sentry turrets down before the round begins.
Just feels like a waste of time is all.

I usually spend that time riding the walls as Lucio, or destroying everything that's destructible in the spawn room as Winston.

Otherwise I just spam the character emote, and saying hi to everyone :p
Alright Overwatch is a week old. It was a great week, but I need to get back to a normal life now, I've put off a lot of things just to play lately. Getting to level 40 in just a week? Yeesh.

It's probably for the best, lately I'm just getting mad about losing games rather than just having fun like I was the first few days. I'll still play quite a bit, enough to keep up with whatever the current meta is. But hopefully I won't put off other responsibilities anymore.


When people aren't talking I wonder why they're in the party, why play with people if you're not going to chat? It's little different to playing with randoms.
I prefer playing with a group because randoms cannot grasp the concept of not rushing to the point alone. Even if there's no one talking, the people I group with are usually competent enough to understand this.

Plus I need to get a new headset, mine can barely hold a charge. :(


And use her to destroy turrets and bastions

Is she really though? I mean, whenever I've tried to use her for that the turrets and Bastions just lock on to her and blow her away. I know the loading screen tip says to use her from a distance to stay outside of the turrets' range, but most people are smart enough to place their turrets in such a way as to make sure that enemies have to get in range to get line of sight.

I'd much rather use Junkrat to blow up turrets and Bastions. He can do it from behind cover if you're good enough at lobbing your shots.


Is she really though? I mean, whenever I've tried to use her for that the turrets and Bastions just lock on to her and blow her away. I know the loading screen tip says to use her from a distance to stay outside of the turrets' range, but most people are smart enough to place their turrets in such a way as to make sure that enemies have to get in range to get line of sight.

I'd much rather use Junkrat to blow up turrets and Bastions. He can do it from behind cover if you're good enough at lobbing your shots.

Yea, I seem to be fine with that. Wanted to say I shoot them from distance, but also ones from nearby works out. I just need a tank drawing fire or a healer around in that case


Is she really though? I mean, whenever I've tried to use her for that the turrets and Bastions just lock on to her and blow her away. I know the loading screen tip says to use her from a distance to stay outside of the turrets' range, but most people are smart enough to place their turrets in such a way as to make sure that enemies have to get in range to get line of sight.

I'd much rather use Junkrat to blow up turrets and Bastions. He can do it from behind cover if you're good enough at lobbing your shots.

I know this feeling. I get tagged by Bastion all the time for like 1/2 my hp and no one's on support so I'm not getting that back.


And use her to destroy turrets and bastions

bastions ok, turrets are her kryptonite... especially in some maps.

I love Pharah, I use her most of the time and love the constant skyrocketing in the air and bouncing around. ultimate is really powerful but you need to surprise the other team, you're very exposed in those situations.
Alright Overwatch is a week old. It was a great week, but I need to get back to a normal life now, I've put off a lot of things just to play lately. Getting to level 40 in just a week? Yeesh.

It's probably for the best, lately I'm just getting mad about losing games rather than just having fun like I was the first few days. I'll still play quite a bit, enough to keep up with whatever the current meta is. But hopefully I won't put off other responsibilities anymore.

I'm with you there, lol.
Played a few matches with Pharah. Anybody got any tips for her?

1. Don't underestimate her concussion grenade. On certain maps it's absolutely dominant.

2. Learn to peak shoot. Being in the middle of the sky in range of everyone is not the way to do it. The idea is to jump up and spot shoot from angles where the enemy has no shot of returning fire outside of a well placed snipe shot.

3. Understand enemy composition. If a team is lacking ranged heroes, then be more aggressive. If they have ranged heroes, then prioritize understanding their location at all times.
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