Yes it does and it’s more expensive to upgrade.
So a 5 year old low end gpu can run a game at console settings? Looks like a win to me.Low Vs Ultra GeForce GTX 1060 Performance Review
Viewing the performance found on the 5 year old GeForce GTX 1060 while playing Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition we quickly see it can deliver a struggling 32 FPS. With that performance recorded at 1920x1080 res when running High graphics.
In lieu of those results we would not recommend the GeForce GTX 1060 to run Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on 1440p. However, you could try turning the graphics setting down to Medium, to get a more stable 36 FPS.
Low vs Ultra summary, the GeForce GTX 1060 will be a good match for 1080p on Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition - Low 64 FPS, Medium 48 FPS, High 32 FPS, Ultra 16 FPS.
Low vs Ultra on Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition with GeForce GTX 1060 1080p,1440p,4K
Low versus ultra GeForce GTX 1060 graphics setting FPS comparison for Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on 1080p, 1440p & 4K
What were you saying again?
And you have more games than those systems. Its fair trade.I spent more in hardware in 5 years as PC gamer than the sum of all consoles in my life since Snes to PS5.
Just wait for windows 12, and dx12. I hate tons of shits trying to make some of my games work. You get the feeling of doing detective stuff. Always fixing, and fixing. PC is just a nightmare. at the same time, Its has great feelings, when everything works.Of course you can do anything on pc. Playing older games is the strongest part.
.. but I am over 30. I pc game my whole life and I've realized it is a fucking nightmare and I kinda hate it. Even if you have top hardware. Always problems, always tweaks, launchers and crashes.
While on 360, ps4 and now ps5 I just run games and play... on ps5 they even load way faster. Sure, lower fps or resolution but I don't care at some point. Game is what matters and I will not start playing until I will ocd the shit out of settings on pc and I don't have them on console
For example, I finished ff7r and ff xv recently(I have 3080 pc):
FF7 remake playthrough on ps5 - no loading, no crashes, everything works, controls are well suited, Great screenshot feature on ps5, JUST GAME.
FF XV on pc? random, unstable framerate even with gsync. Had to use RTSS to lock fps. Graphical glitches(grass disappears), game crashes (at least 3times after beating some bosses)... and 20 gfx options, some of which WORSEN the picture quality. So I have to test or research what each option does. DLSS in it is terrible and assets option adds super tall, dense grass that ruins original vision and some quests where you look for items on the ground.. VXAO does shit to improve ambient occlusion and costs 20 fps. Why do I have to know that ?!
I appreciate what pc does. I always had and always will have good pc and huuuuuge steam library.
But it is a fucking nightmare. You can never just sit down with a game and play. I always run rtss but I should not have to. Old games never work anymore just like that. new games are bugged to hell.
I always run af x16 but it breaks some games. Same with vsync. Very few to be honest nowadays.
Gta v with new rockstar launcher straight up don't work for me. Black screen. I gave up...
We tried playing Ascent coop (with xbox one controller) and menu was unusable with a controller due to glitch. Had to use mouse but OK.
Gamepass requires you to confirm game "purchase" but sometime this window is not on top but underneath invisible and you can't start.
Some games start minimized or stutter on a fucking nvme
HDR can sucks ass without system wide hgig integration and generalized solution.
My keyboard sometimes freezes last input due to x570 bug.
Now my picture viewer stopped working lol. Even reinstalling it with powershell didn't help.
hp g2 vr don't work sometimes on x570 due to usb bugs... and many, many more.
Music, movies - you need apps for that. HDR movies? boy get that madvr.. oh you don't know that ?!
On console I get system integration with games, screenshots and videos on a button. Nice music when I hover over games, background change. It feels good from start up.
All super easy problems with solutions I don't even think about. For me it's all OK but generally it is a terrible mess. The more you know and the better experience you have with computers, the more problems you start to notice.
Old games you say? sure... Timeshift don't work on 8 cores, gta 4 is a shit show of problems, old games for windows games? yeah... Securom drm games? oh boy. older games with eax audio? forget about it.
At some point, I would just prefer to whip out ps2 or 360 and just put in the disc with old game rather than play pc versions.
AGAIN - THESE ARE OVERDRAMATIZED EXAMPLES. I am generally fine and don't have too much issues but it just shows how it is.
At the same time I love pc gaming. 4k,120, all games ever released (potentially), best possible graphics, DLSS can look amazing (Death Stranding). It is an INCREDIBLE NIGHTMARE.
What if you own a game from a previous generation or two? Should you not have access to your digital ps3 games, regardless of hardware, especially if your ps4/ps5 is more powerful than your ps3?Xbox and Playstation are backwards compatible with at least one generation and I don't think games older than that sell in any meaningful way.
Wait, why did you go from 1600x to 1700x? Or 1070 to 1080? Sounds like you weren't sure of what you wanted, and upgraded for the hell of it. Majority of PC gamers DON'T do what you did. There are NOT alot of gamers that do what you did. Maybe if they are new to PC gaming, maybe?Sorry to bust your dream but pc gamers upgrade their hardware way more often these days. In the whole PS4 gen, i switched from my Intel Q6600 >Ryzen 1600X>1700X>2700X>3700X. GPU 6870>RX480>GTX1070>GTX1080>RTX2080 Super.
I see a lot of others gamers doing the same, maybe because with Ryzen it’s more easier since they supported AM4 for a long time.
you can
1080p, ultra settings at 30fps, medium-high for 60 fps.
And this is the 3gb version of the card on top of that.
Unless you mean ray tracing, but thats a dumb requirement considering the game doesn't need it to look great.
Sorry to bust your dream but pc gamers don't upgrade their hardware very often these days. In the whole PS4 gen, i switched from my Intel i5 4570 > Ryzen 3700X. GPU GTX 760>GTX 1070.Sorry to bust your dream but pc gamers upgrade their hardware way more often these days. In the whole PS4 gen, i switched from my Intel Q6600 >Ryzen 1600X>1700X>2700X>3700X. GPU 6870>RX480>GTX1070>GTX1080>RTX2080 Super.
I see a lot of others gamers doing the same, maybe because with Ryzen it’s more easier since they supported AM4 for a long time.
Good on them i guess? They can fiddle around all day, touching capacitors and what not. No one gives a shit. No one cares if your pc has RGB or not. Need for Speed Underground is overrated! Hot Pursuit 2 is the better NFS game!It's really not that hard, dude. There are 5 year olds who can operate and maintain a PC now.
Every copy of Metro exodus on pc, after 7 may of this year, is the enhanced edition.It literally says "Enhanced Edition" in my post.
Do you only play old games or something? Seems like an outdated post with what you've mentioned?My copy of FIA GTR1 on disc did not work on WIN7 (and prolly W10 as well). A new copy would set me back $20. If you have a collection of early 2000s games on disc using Starforce? or similar DRM, then you´re prolly buttfucked.
I´m done going under the desk to fix the PC, upgrade shit. Wasted $350? on a useless GTX, only to invest 3x that because the old system died on me anyways.
Also i got no time to fiddle around with 10x different launchers or getting kicked out of the game (to desktop) if there´s an update or what not, nor do i give a wet fuck about config files, tweaking inis or searching the internet for a custom solution because the shitty port is broken or the developer is too slow to release a fix.
It's really not that hard, dude. There are 5 year olds who can operate and maintain a PC now.My copy of FIA GTR1 on disc did not work on WIN7 (and prolly W10 as well). A new copy would set me back $20. If you have a collection of early 2000s games on disc using Starforce? or similar DRM, then you´re prolly buttfucked.
I´m done going under the desk to fix the PC, upgrade shit. Wasted $350? on a useless GTX, only to invest 3x that because the old system died on me anyways.
Also i got no time to fiddle around with 10x different launchers or getting kicked out of the game (to desktop) if there´s an update or what not, nor do i give a wet fuck about config files, tweaking inis or searching the internet for a custom solution because the shitty port is broken or the developer is too slow to release a fix.
Shh. We're enjoying a reading from 'Tales From My Ass: Volume 11 - PC Gaming'.Wait, why did you go from 1600x to 1700x? Or 1070 to 1080? Sounds like you weren't sure of what you wanted, and upgraded for the hell of it. Majority of PC gamers DON'T do what you did. There are NOT alot of gamers that do what you did. Maybe if they are new to PC gaming, maybe?
That's some fake shit right there.Low Vs Ultra GeForce GTX 1060 Performance Review
Viewing the performance found on the 5 year old GeForce GTX 1060 while playing Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition we quickly see it can deliver a struggling 32 FPS. With that performance recorded at 1920x1080 res when running High graphics.
In lieu of those results we would not recommend the GeForce GTX 1060 to run Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on 1440p. However, you could try turning the graphics setting down to Medium, to get a more stable 36 FPS.
Low vs Ultra summary, the GeForce GTX 1060 will be a good match for 1080p on Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition - Low 64 FPS, Medium 48 FPS, High 32 FPS, Ultra 16 FPS.
Low vs Ultra on Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition with GeForce GTX 1060 1080p,1440p,4K
Low versus ultra GeForce GTX 1060 graphics setting FPS comparison for Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on 1080p, 1440p & 4K
What were you saying again?
I meant ray tracing and DLSS in Exodus Enhanced, isn't it obvious?Every copy of Metro exodus on pc, after 7 may of this year, is the enhanced edition.
People need strong eyes to spot the difference. Only way you can spot, is if you play games way too much. I play games, and I have no idea the difference between 4k or 1080p. All I know is 4k is just too bright from YouTube video, which I watched on a 1080p monitor.Yeah, plus this obsession with lifelike graphics, while the game experience is at best shallow at 80% of the games, just makes me wonder why do we really need these uber powerful graphics cards.
Why do you need dlss or ray tracing in the first place. Game runs fine and looks great without thoseI meant ray tracing and DLSS in Exodus Enhanced, isn't it obvious?
Can you run these on a GTX-based system?
What a dumb question. Who would say no to DLSS in the first place?Why do you need dlss or ray tracing in the first place. Game runs fine and looks great without those
?????That's some fake shit right there.
You can't even boot up Enhanced edition of ME with ray tracing and DLSS on GTX. Requires minimum RTX or RDNA 2 (only RT) hardware for that.
"because it doesnt need next gen hardware"
Try running DLSS on your GTX 1060, let's see how that goes.
Can't be helped if the card doesn't support it. Game still looks and plays great regardless, which is sorta the point.What a dumb question. Who would say no to DLSS in the first place?
This is blatantly false but I feel you knew that and just wanted to post a hyperbolic comment.PC gaming needs constant upgrades to keep up with tech.
My card is 5 years old game. Not a rtx 3070. If it can run these games, 2019 cards can run those games at better level.I know what your saying and pc is definitely better at BC than any console ever will be and it doesn't need next gen hardware to play at a "certain level" I feel like you're stating the obvious , Imo getting next gen hardware is just more exciting the whole point of getting that new gen console or next gen pc hardware is the feature set that usually comes with them be that dlss or raytracing etc sure you can play ms FS on your rx570 but at low frames and low res is that really how these new games are meant to be played I mean if your happy you're happy more power to you but many people want more than that though .
But it supports AMD's new FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR).What a dumb question. Who would say no to DLSS in the first place?
Maybe you are not aware because you've not seen good tv. I've seen difference on 27" 4k monitor and now on 48" OLED, the 1080p vs 4k is huge difference. 1080p looks like ancient shit this close.People need strong eyes to spot the difference. Only way you can spot, is if you play games way too much. I play games, and I have no idea the difference between 4k or 1080p. All I know is 4k is just too bright from YouTube video, which I watched on a 1080p monitor.
My monitor is 2014, from a pc, which my dad bought it for us. I used to play the eye patched with a knife on a ship games. I discovered steam late around 2016. After that, I have been buying games cheap.
This is the way, got a pc with a rtx 3090 and a PS5 hooked up to a 65" oled. Like Aerosmith said "I don't wanna miss a thing".Alpha dogs like myself own a high end gaming PC as their main platform, and supplement it with the consoles for exclusives and to compensate for the inevitable shit PC port that shows up from time to time. This renders all platform warring instantly irrelevant.
No, not Metro Exodus. Can you use DLSS 2.0 on GTX?But it supports AMD's new FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR).
Do you need to use DLSS 2.0? I don't know why you are so fixed on these small details.No, not Metro Exodus. Can you use DLSS 2.0 on GTX?
your points make no sense, take some time to gather your thoughts cause your argument is flawed and largely pointless.....PC gaming is more expensive than ever, to play games at a stable framerate without any hiccups is almost impossible.....look at the ascent reviews which isn't demanding, look at RE Village which had a ton of stuttering issues. PC gaming is flawed and largely annoying and a pain in the ass.Your new pc games are old, because they are on the system, which the old games are in.
I wanted to use 1 platform system. I was on work, when I made the post. Messed up badly, trying to build my points.
4A Games next project is confirmed to require minimum RTX card because their engine's whole lighting pipeline is fully ray traced now, no rasterization.Do you need to use DLSS 2.0? I don't know why you are so fixed on these small details.
You can play everything currently in the market with a GTX 16XX at good quality and performance, thats what matters.
Can the console even use this system you talk?No, not Metro Exodus. Can you use DLSS 2.0 on GTX?
When is this game coming out and will i want to play it?4A Games next project is confirmed to require minimum RTX card because their engine's whole lighting pipeline is fully ray traced now, no rasterization.
Are you and OP still gonna say "next gen hardware isn't needed" then?
Sorry to bust your dream but pc gamers upgrade their hardware way more often these days. In the whole PS4 gen, i switched from my Intel Q6600 >Ryzen 1600X>1700X>2700X>3700X. GPU 6870>RX480>GTX1070>GTX1080>RTX2080 Super.
I see a lot of others gamers doing the same, maybe because with Ryzen it’s more easier since they supported AM4 for a long time.
How is devs lazy port means pc gaming is bad?your points make no sense, take some time to gather your thoughts cause your argument is flawed and largely pointless.....PC gaming is more expensive than ever, to play games at a stable framerate without any hiccups is almost impossible.....look at the ascent reviews which isn't demanding, look at RE Village which had a ton of stuttering issues. PC gaming is flawed and largely annoying and a pain in the ass.
And yes, I have a 3080 and a newly built PC that cost me 4 grand.
The guy is right in his opening post.
A 12 year old CPU will still play every game under the sun today
A 9 year old budget GPU can still play every game under the sun. ( didn't check older gpu's )
Metro exodus is fully playable on older hardware, RT and DLSS are nothing but "higher then high settings' its not remotely needed to play those games.
This PC would be builded under PS3 generation and can still perform today in the PS5 area perfectly fine.
PC is all about flexibility. And frankly what happens a lot is higher end PC gamers losing track of reality of how games really run and need performance wise.
There is nothing normal about this even remotely. i straight up upgrade multiple times the same generation of no performance gain in gaming.
How is devs lazy port means pc gaming is bad?
Cyberpunk2077 is much better looking than those games, and runs perfectly fine on 3080. Your points makes no sense.
That is re village on gt 1060. Way cheaper than 3080.
Ascent had pc issues, due to the game being their 1st game. And it was not optimized that well. Its not pc fault.
Here is ascent on gt1060 again
This is 2016 card.
Graphic wise, yes. Actual pc wise, not really. As its progress gets carried on each windows OS upgrade. Like PS4 to PS5. Graphic upgrade, but PS5 can actually play ps4 games.Well you actually need to upgrade it to next-gen hardware.
Can you use DLSS 2.0 on GTX? Doesn't it require new-gen hardware?Can the console even use this system you talk?
The card is using the same thing the consoles are using. You are trying to argue about a technique which is only available to a pc card.
The cheapest card is rtx 2060, which supports dlss 2.0. That one costs 500$ due to scalpers and crypto farmers. And its much powerful than next gen console cards in term of ray tracing. And its launch price was 350$, and should have been cheaper by now.
Biggest disappointment for consoles. The game was designed mainly for PC systems, its why old gen consoles struggled hard.THATS THE PROBLEM, most of the time console games run fine, they don't stutter which is far worse than crashes imo that happen infrequently. Making excuses doesn't mean these problems don't exist, if that's your argument 90% of released games have lazy ports that ruin the game.
Also please don't bring up cyberpunk, the biggest disappointment of the last decade.