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Pitchfork crowns King Kendrick Lamar (Top 50 Albums of 2012)

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I guess I need to listen to it a bit more. Kendrick's album didn't feel very cohesive to me the first few tries... I haven't really felt compelled to go back to it.


I like Swimming Pools and Real a lot, but I haven't listened to the album properly. That Lady Gaga version of Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe is super awful yeah.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I guess I need to listen to it a bit more. Kendrick's album didn't feel very cohesive to me the first few tries... I haven't really felt compelled to go back to it.

Man. I don't even know what to say to this. It may be one of the most cohesive rap albums of all time. Every song is ties to one another and the entire thing tells a story from beginning to end.

*disclaimer - I did not invent this, just reposting for your benefit*

Good Kid, M.A.A.D City: A Short Film by Kendrick Lamar

Setting: Compton


Kendrick Lamar (present Kendrick)
K.Dot (young Kendrick)
Kendrick's Mother
Kendrick's Father
Dave's brother
Keisha's sister
Demetrius (Sherane's favourite cousin)
The Two Brothers (Sherane's younger brothers)
Granny (Sherane's Granny who she lives with)
Sherane's Mother (a crack addict)
Uncle Tony (Kendrick's Uncle who was killed)
Joey (either childhood friend of Kendrick or cousin)
L, Boog, Yaya, Lucky (friends/family members of Kendrick when he was 9)
Unknown Woman (who gets the boys to pray)

The Story:

Sherane aka Master Splinter's Daughter

The story opens as a flash-forward. K.Dot has known Sherane for a number of months by this point. He met her at a party where they flirted and exchanged numbers. They kept in contact with each other over the summer and got to know each other pretty well, he talks about her family's history of gang-banging that made him wary but didn't stop him from hooking up with her.

At the end of this song K.Dot is driving to Sherane's house in his Mother's van, he has sex on the brain. But when he turns up Sherane is outside waiting with two dudes in black hoodies (possibly her two younger brothers, or her cousins, one of which could be Demetrius).

Skit #1 - as K.Dot pulls up at Sherane's house his Mother tries to call him but instead gets his voice-mail. We learn from his Mother that K.Dot said he was borrowing her van for just 15 minutes. She warns him not to mess with “them hoodrats” especially “Sherane”.

****, Don't Kill My Vibe

The content of this song doesn't actually follow the Sherane narrative. It is a song told from the perspective of Kendrick Lamar the rapper and how as he gradually gets more recognition as an artist he sees people around him changing, "I can feel the new people around me just want to be famous." He also talks about trying to maintain his credibility while becoming a more mainstream artist, "I'm trying to keep it alive and not compromise the feeling we love/You trying to keep it deprived and only co-sign what radio does."

Skit #2 – The narrative begins. K.Dot's homies pick him up in their white Toyota with a pack of blacks and a beat CD.

Backseat Freestyle

The most self-explantory song on the album. Young K.Dot cruising around town with his homies, getting high and dropping freestyles in the backseat. This is a life is good moment, living free, no troubles. The calm before the storm.

The Art of Peer Pressure

The narrative begins to build. The pressures of hanging with the homies becomes more than simply having a laugh and freestyling. The usually drug free and sober K.Dot is brought in to a world of drinking, smoking, and violence when with “the homies”. Cruising around in a white Toyota, hitting up girls, jumping dudes wearing rival colours, and bragging about what they just did.

The stakes are upped when K.Dot and his homies rob a house that they had been stalking for two months. Cops pursue them but lose them.

Skit #3 - K.Dot is "faded" because he "hit the wrong blunt", this a true story of young Kendrick hitting a blunt laced with angel dust. The homies talk about dropping K.Dot off back at home, so he can take his Mother's van and go hit up Sherane – and then they can all meet back up later on the block.

Money Trees

K.Dot recaps the story so far.

He talks about robbing the house, "Home invasion was persuasive/From 9 to 5 I know its vacant."

He mentions ****ing Sherane and bragging about it to his homies, "I ****ed Sherane then went to tell my bros."

He references Backseat Freestyle when he talks about rhyming to beats, "Parked the car and then we started rhyming, ya bish/The only thing we had to free our mind."

And he talks about jumping dudes who looked like they had more money than them, "Then freeze that verse when we see dollar signs/You looking like an easy come up ya bish/A silver spoon I know you come from ya bish."

The line in the chorus "Everybody gon' respect the shooter/But the one in front of the gun lives forever." is deeply important, not just as a life motto, but in regards to the events that later take place in this story regarding Dave and his brother. It's also a reference to Kendrick's Uncle Tony, who was shot and killed at Louie's Burgers; this event is a snap back to reality from the "dreams of living life like rappers do."

Skit #4– K.Dot's Mother leaves another voice-mail. She wants her car back.

Poetic Justice

K.Dot has been dropped off back at home by his homies and is about to go see Sherane. He's probably driving on the way there in his Mother's van. He talks about her and their relationship so far - it appears they may have had some arguments, he talks about her meeting up with her girlfriends to curse him, and going out partying rather than talking with him.

Skit #5 – this is when we catch up with Sherane aka Master Splinter's Daughter. It starts where Sherane ended, and you can tell because that haunting female vocal (used in the beat to Sherane) comes back in this skit. The two dudes with Sherane approach K.Dot and ask him where he and his family are from (trying to work out what gang he is affiliated with). They force K.Dot out of the van and jump him.

Good Kid

This really sets off the theme of the second half of the album and it is all to do with - realisation.

K.Dot talks about getting jumped, "For the record I recognize that I'm easy prey/I got ate alive yesterday."

He discusses the negative effects of gang-culture, and being unable to escape the pressure of people wanting to know what gang he represents, "But what am I supposed to do/When the topic is red or blue/And you understand that I ain't/But know I'm accustomed to." Red or Blue obviously refers to the LA gangs of Bloods and Crips.

The red and the blue in the second verse become police sirens. K.Dot talks about getting no sympathy from the cops because they stereotype him as a gang-banger, making him lift up his shirt in order to look for a gang affiliated tattoo, "I heard them chatter: "He's probably young but I know that he's down"/Step on his neck as hard as your bullet proof vest."

K.Dot is trapped in a violent culture and can't get a reprieve from the gangs or the police.

M.A.A.D City

More self-awareness and realisation of the corrupt city that K.Dot lives in.

K.Dot's recent beat-down brings back early memories of similar situations, witnessing someone with their brains blown out at a burger stand back when he was 9 (I'm not sure if he is talking about his Uncle Tony again, or someone else), he thinks he knows the person who did it but he censors his name. He also talks about how his cousin was killed back in 94.

He talks about his Father telling him to get a job but he got fired after his friends pressured him in to staging a robbery.

In the final verse he tries to let the good shine through and offer respite for the youth and how they don't have to succumb to the temptations and pressures of the street. He hopes that his experience and intelligence can do good for the youth living in similar situations. "Compton, USA Made me an Angel on Angel Dust."

Skit #6 – K.Dot's homies meet back up with him later as planned. They try to boost him back up after his beat-down, and they offer him alcohol to take his mind off it.

Swimming Pools

An anti-alcohol song, that again plays in to the second half of the album's realisation about the vices previously holding Kendrick back. Kedrick talks about growing up around alcohol both within his family and group of friends.

Skit #7 – this is the big impact moment of the narrative. The plan is to take revenge on the dudes that jumped K.Dot. One of K.Dot's homies (possibly Dave) talks about maybe dropping K.Dot back off at home, but this idea is turned down, and K.Dot stays. The homies see the dudes that jumped K.Dot and a shoot-out begins. During the battle K.Dot's friend Dave gets shot. The dudes that shot Dave drive off and K.Dot is left holding Dave as he dies in his arms.

Sing About Me

Verse 1 – from the perspective of Dave's brother. He says the blood is on Kendrick's hands because the whole situation happened out of revenge for something that happened to Kendrick. But he says he appreciates that Kendrick was there for his brother and held him while he was dying. Dave's brother wonders if he will ever discover a passion like Kendrick to get him out of the hood – he says he hopes Kendrick will remember him and sing about him when he makes it big, and if he dies before the album drops...pop, pop, pop – he gets killed.

Verse 2 – from the perspective of Keisha's sister. She is mad at Kendrick for putting her sister on blast (on Section 80) without even knowing her properly. She talks about how she is living the same life as her sister, as a prostitute, and is proud of her living and what she does. She claims not to be just another woman lost in the system. She says her sister died in vein. Unlike Dave's brother she doesn't want to be sang about on the album. She feels great and says she'll never fade away....but then she does, her vocals slowly fade out in to obscurity...perhaps she died or just became another nameless "hoodrat".

Verse 3 – from Kendrick's perspective. Looking in the mirror. His fear of death. He speaks to Dave's brother, agreeing that Dave was like a brother to him. He speaks to Keisha's sister saying that Keisha's story was the one that drove him to write something that powerful and real – he didn't mean to offend. He talks of how music saved him and pulled him away from the drugs, money and guns.

Skit #8 – K.Dot's homies talking after Dave has been killed. Some of them want to go back and get revenge. K.Dot finally snaps and says he is tired of this ****.

I'm Dying of Thirst

Kendrick talks about been tired of running and gunning people down. It's just a circle of death. The perpetual struggle.

Skit #9 –(EDITED) K.Dot is still angry and upset over Dave's death. An unknown woman (perhaps a passer-by/shop-keeper) approaches the boys, she sees that one of them has a gun “That better not be what I think it is.” She tells them that they are dying of thirst and that they need to take a new path and let Jesus in to their lives. She makes them prayer. From here on K.Dot begins to live a new life as Kendrick Lamar.


This is Kendrick disregarding the street life and turning his back on gang-banging, drugs, alcohol, violence etc. The different meanings of being “real”. Are you real because you represent your hood and shoot people? Are you real because you try to escape that life and make something of yourself?

Verse 1 – about certain girls (but could be Sherane). She loves handbags, French Tip, bank slips. But what love got to do with it when you don't love yourself?

Verse 2 – about certain homies (but could be Dave's brother). He loves fast cars, fast women, beef, streets, ducking police, hood-life. But what love got to do with it when you don't love yourself?

Verse 3 – about Kendrick. He explains the previous two verses - “I love first verse cos your the girl I attract.” and “I love second verse cos your the homie that packed burner.” “I love what the both of you have to offer.”

He wonders if he should hate her for what happened or should he hate his homies for convincing him to seek revenge. Or should he hate the fact that none of that **** makes him real.

Skit #10 – voice-mail from his Father. He tells Kendrick not to make the same mistakes he did, and that none of this stuff makes him real and that he should get out and make something of himself. His Mother tells him that Top Dawg called and wants him in the studio – she tells him to take his music career seriously – that it is his chance to get out and tell his story to the kids of Compton so that they have hope. This is technically the end of the story in a narrative sense - the tape is ejected and then rewound.


The narrative is over. This song is after Kendrick has made it and is now giving back just like his Mother told him too. It's a positive outlook of a city that is often full of darkness and violence.

Skit #11 - the narrative starts over again when K.Dot borrows his Mother's van.


Shocked that Tennis didn't make the list. No First Aid Kit? I wonder if they considered it a 2011 release? Maybe it was on their list last year.. surely Emmylou should be in the top 100.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
well damn just hand him the fish lol.


Hey, if nothing else, it will show people that it's really not just another boilerplate rap album with the typical Song for the Streets, Song for the Club, Song for the Ladies, Conscious Song and Swag Track, etc. A lot of thought went into GKMC


Man. I don't even know what to say to this. It may be one of the most cohesive rap albums of all time. Every song is ties to one another and the entire thing tells a story from beginning to end.

*disclaimer - I did not invent this, just reposting for your benefit*

Haha, I'll definitely give it another few listens and will read through this when I get a chance. I keep seeing it come up when I finish an album on rdio and I just haven't felt compelled to do it since the week it released. I hope it clicks for me like so many others.


Shocked that Tennis didn't make the list. No First Aid Kit? I wonder if they considered it a 2011 release? Maybe it was on their list last year.. surely Emmylou should be in the top 100.
Tennis was really weak this year. Their first album was good, this year's sounded too produced. Kind of like the case with Best Coast.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Haha, I'll definitely give it another few listens and will read through this when I get a chance. I keep seeing it come up when I finish an album on rdio and I just haven't felt compelled to do it since the week it released. I hope it clicks for me like so many others.

no prob,bob.


Another list that leaves me thinking I need to listen to different stuff. I have a pretty limited musical taste.


I've listened to none of these albums.

It always blows my mind how much great music is released every year.


Haha, I'll definitely give it another few listens and will read through this when I get a chance. I keep seeing it come up when I finish an album on rdio and I just haven't felt compelled to do it since the week it released. I hope it clicks for me like so many others.

If it makes you feel any better, it took me about 2-3 listens until it grew on me.


Tennis was really weak this year. Their first album was good, this year's sounded too produced. Kind of like the case with Best Coast.

Sometimes having better and/or flashier production can be a good thing. :p I found Young & Old to be far superior to Cape Dory personally. As far as Best Coast goes, I was a little put off initially by the difference in their sound but it grew on me quite a bit over time. I'm not sure I consider it better than Crazy For You, but I definitely am a big fan of The Only Place now.


Another list that leaves me thinking I need to listen to different stuff. I have a pretty limited musical taste.

Here are 20 songs from this year I really loved (no specific order). There are lots more.. just some that I've highlighted. I'd recommend giving some of them a listen!

1 Disconnected
Keane - Strangeland (Deluxe Version)

2. The Only Place
Best Coast - The Only Place (Deluxe Edition)

3. Runaways
The Killers - Battle Born (Deluxe Edition)

4. Hail Bop
Django Django - Django Django

5. Thinkin Bout You
Frank Ocean - channel ORANGE

6. I Love It (feat. Charli XCX)
Icona Pop - Iconic EP

7. Hold On
Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls

8. Sail Away (Aeroplane Remix)
The Rapture - In The Grace Of Your Love - Deluxe Edition

9. Little Talks
Of Monsters And Men - My Head Is An Animal

10. Comeback Kid
Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

11. The House That Heaven Built
Japandroids - Celebration Rock

12. Vowels = Space and Time
Grimes - Visions

13. Emmylou
First Aid Kit - The Lion's Roar

14. All Of Me
Tanlines - Mixed Emotions

15. Slide
Jake Bugg - Two Fingers EP

16. Breathing Underwater
Metric - Synthetica

17. Same Love (feat. Mary Lambert)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - The Heist

18. Vegas
Tennis - Young & Old

19. Madness
Muse - The 2nd Law

20. Irene
Beach House - Bloom

Beach House's Bloom was my AOTY.


I youtubed a few songs from each album from the top 7. Most were pretty meh, but Kendrick Lamar is really fucking good. Frank Ocean sounded nice too.
Their second LP was overproduced and boring. A lot of the rough edges that defined the first album and gave it character were conspicuously absent, replaced with trite lyrics replete with tons of pronouns. The only keeper on the album is Younger Us, which is about two years old. Yuck.

Amen. The change they underwent is a fucking travesty. post nothing had this messy stream-of-consciousness sound which perfectly matched the band's themes of living curiosity and the loss of innocence, etc. The second album is extremely calculated; every sound, every perfectly timed "oooh" belted by the drummer, all of that was painfullypremeditated. The album is called celebration rock and it's basically the antithesis of the genre

Am I the only person who remembers nocturne by Wild nothing?

album falls victim to the "I cannot differentiate a single track on here" problem. It has a nice sound but it doesn't really peak; it merely exists. So basically its entire purpose becomes pleasant background music--which is fine--but Gemini was pretty dynamic in places. It had a handful of standout moments, like the intro to bored games where the drum machine is front and center for the first time. This guy went to my college which is p cool

I've seen that Actress - R.I.P. being pimped on various sites, so I decided to check it out.


It was quite a while ago I've listened to an album that has divided me so. Most tracks are dreadful(ly boring), but once in a while a pretty fucking good tune pops up. What an uneven album, leaning more on the "shit" side than the "good" side.

oh my god


Oh hey, one metal album made it onto the list. Pallbearer's debut album was pretty good.

Here's their Metal list.
There are a lot of good albums on there, and some I should check out.

I've only listened to a fifth of that overall album list, so it's time to get to it.


Poet Centuriate
I know like...none of the artists on this list, out side of maybe Burial and Flying Lotus and GS!YB.

And I don't even listen to them at all that much.

Though I really loathe Pitchfork so that's not very much of a surprise.

Oh hey, one metal album made it onto the list. Pallbearer's debut album was pretty good.

Here's their Metal list.
There are a lot of good albums on there, and some I should check out.

I've only listened to a fifth of that overall album list, so it's time to get to it.

That's more like it, but no Periphery? No Cloudkicker? :/
pretty excited i know just about nobody on this list.

except money store and not NO LOVE DEEP WEB? shit's wack. NO LOVE is so much better.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
couldn't disagree more, i fuckin love it. rosie oh, new town burnout, and amanita are instant classics.

I disagree, I guess. (No mention of Monkey Riches? Dude!)

Jay Sosa

It's good, but no Grand Don't Come For Free

that was one amazing story, totally caught me off guard when I first listened to it. Like I said I wish there were more records like that. I know (and own) about 6 and 4 of them are Masta Ace records. That one was pretty fun too:



that was one amazing story, totally caught me off guard when I first listened to it. Like I said I wish there were more records like that. I know (and own) about 6 and 4 of them are Masta Ace records. That one was pretty fun too:

I imagine it's fucking difficult to manage both macro and micro story lines at once. GKMC and AGDCFF are remarkable because songs like Backseat Freestyle and Blinded By The Lights work within the grand narrative and in a context free vacuum.


I completely agree with this. I mean I dunno about it being a classic necessarily but it's definitely a great album and one of the best to come out of the west coast.


Wow, after reading that list it seems like GAF really does read a lot of Pitchfork, or have the exact same tastes. Most of those were albums that kept popping up in the album of the year thread.


Wow, after reading that list it seems like GAF really does read a lot of Pitchfork, or have the exact same tastes. Most of those were albums that kept popping up in the album of the year thread.

It's not like there's an infinite amount of good music released in a year, of course there is going to be some overlap / consensus. Pitchfork gets a really bad rap (in my opinion) from the crowd who hate on 'hipsters' just because their tastes might reach a bit further than the radio or heavy metal or whatever.

I am shocked some people don't know some of these albums. I feel like many are far from "obscure", honestly.

It happens with every thread like this. The people who know nothing either don't bother with music much or are heavily interested in a very small niche.


Yeah, Pitchfork isn't as bad as some people claim it to be. How closely one agrees with their opinions on music will vary wildly (hit and miss with me personally) but when it comes to just literally finding out about new records or tracks, it does an admirable job.


I confess, I haven't listened to a single album on this list apart from bits of Hot Chip. I spent most of the summer listening to Talking Heads, various bits of older music and some film soundtracks...
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