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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I wish I could believe him. He says the right things when he wants to but when it comes to action... no bank investigations lol.

Also yea this basically proves why Romney isn't winning shit imo, and if Santorum gets the nomination rofl. It would be a massacre. I really hope Santorum gets the nomination just to see the astronomical damage it would do to the republican party.

I don't think Santorum voters realize just how badly Santorum is actually going to do when put up against Obama 1 on 1.

and God bless em, every one.


Newt Gingrich To Afghanistan: 'Figure Out How To Live Your Own Miserable Life'
"We're not going to fix Afghanistan," he said. "It's not possible."

The solution, he added, was to tell Afghans: "You know, you’re going to have to figure out how to live your own miserable life. ... Because you clearly don't want to learn from me how to be unmiserable."
If he truly believes the situation is irremediable, why has he not advocated our withdrawal? Nevertheless, aside from being patronizing, he unwittingly touched on a rather significant problem I'm fairly certain I mentioned in a previous post. This incident has only intensified the already substantial fissures that had developed between American military and diplomatic officials and their Afghan counterparts. Training and advising is intended to be the linchpin of our strategy for a successful withdrawal. And although the focus on the armed forces and the ANP is a red herring, it was the one aspect at which we were supposedly succeeding. Only, problems have been festering for a while, and this incident merely exposed the antipathy that's developed. Trust has deteriorated greatly. I can't imagine how they'll rectify it. If it wasn't obvious before, the situation is pretty damn hopeless.
Talking very loud=impressive speaking? The southern black preacher cadence also alienates whites, especially blue collar workers.

Romney may not stir the heart with his speeches, but he sparks the brain with substance over flash. This election will be about the economy, not who reads aloud better.

nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk

You know you were gonna get these responses though, I think.
I like the notion of the GOP rewriting history. They tried so hard to make this about the economy that they're pivoting on birth control, and Obama being a snob, etc. is basically conceding defeat.

In fact you could probably ignore all news and just watch candidates' speeches from now until election day and have a good idea on who's winning. If the GOP's not talking about the economy, they got nothin'.
I thought about it but I think most of you can probably think of a better headline than I can, hence why I'm asking/reminding you guys here.

The collective will of the poligaf chooses YOU to create the OT

Headline suggestions

PoliGAF Feb 28 Primaries: From here to Santorum
PoliGAF Feb 28 Primaries: Whoever wins, Detroit loses


I kind of like the notion of the GOP rewriting history. They tried so hard to make this about the economy that they're pivoting on birth control, and Obama being a snob, etc. is basically conceding defeat.

Anecdotal, but every republican I've talked to about the election over the last month or so is already admitting that Obama is going to be re-elected.


Anecdotal, but every republican I've talked to about the election over the last month or so is already admitting that Obama is going to be re-elected.

Wasn't there a poll that showed Romney leading in a matchup posted a few days ago? I'm pretty sure it was from Rasmussen.


Even McCain thinks these GOP primaries are tough to watch.


Former GOP presidential candidate John McCain said yesterday he fears Republicans will be stuck with a bloodied nominee so sapped by months of campaign attacks that he can’t beat President Obama — even as the party’s four combatants prepare to do battle again today in Michigan and Arizona.

“This is like watching a Greek tragedy,” McCain told the Herald. “It’s the negative campaigning and the increasingly personal attacks ... it should have stopped long ago. Any utility from the debates has been exhausted, and now it’s just exchanging cheap shots and personal shots followed by super PAC attacks.”
I can't wait until campaign Obama kicks in in full force. Its going to be nice to see the GOP have to defend the ridiculous things that have been said.


Professional Schmuck
Before: PoliGAF 2012 - MI/AZ Primary |OT| Academic Snobs Blowing Santorum All Over Romney's Right-Height Trees

After: PoliGAF 2012 - MI/AZ Primary |OT| Michigan Bails Out Mitt Romney Anyway


PoliGAF 2012 - MI/AZ Primary |OT| Santorum Fever Catches Romney From Behind


Junior Member
and why anyone thinks the gop candidate whomever it may be could come close to
touching this guy is astounding.

Its easier to understand when you realize that the GOP isn't really running against the actual president of the United States. They're running against a character they created back in 2008; a Marxist, socialist, Islamo-fascist, racist, foreigner who wants to destroy America and put old white people into Fema camps.

So yeah, against that guy, they have a chance.


Its easier to understand when you realize that the GOP isn't really running against the actual president of the United States. They're running against a character they created back in 2008; a Marxist, socialist, Islamo-fascist, racist, foreigner who wants to destroy America and put old white people into Fema camps.

The Daily Show I think did a segment on this last week, they played the clips from 2008 about the GOP saying the world was going to end if Obama took office and how we were going to be invaded and a number of other wild claims. Then played the clips from the 2012 debates where even more outlandish claims were being made.

2012 is going to be HOPE and CHANGE vs CRAZY and DELUSIONAL lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
There was actually a Doonesbury comic about that back in '08 about how he has remained steadfast and unwavering in his desire to be president (And that his name was now Mike).

Can never find it when it occurs to me to look for it...


Hmm, probably not it. Official archive does not go back that far.
Google lets you do date range search...
Haven't they been fairly on point so far?

Ras is in line with other polls when they feel like it and need to build up their legitimacy. Otherwise they're just pushing a narrative. I'm not sure if they've ever caught something the other pollsters missed--they usually just abandon their shitty agenda shortly before an election and fall in line to appear accurate.

Mike M

Nick N

Hmm, probably not it. Official archive does not go back that far.
Google lets you do date range search...

As previously mentioned, guy hates Romney. Turned out there was quite a lot of such comics, heh.

Pretty sure it was a Sunday comic though, that certainly narrows it down.


I'm actually excited for tonight's results. It's the first intriguing result since Iowa.

I think Santorum sneaks it out by less than two percent.
Hope she's OK and all, actually. That's really out of nowhere.

What's the situation with Dems in Maine? Maybe that will be a contest unlike some of these other Senate races.

Maine is a lock for Obama (he's in trouble if it isn't), Dem senator candidate could most definitely ride on the coattails. Snowe's incumbency and moderate-ness would have easily carried her.
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