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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Santorum winning Michigan, along with the Windows 8 public beta tomorrow, and iPad 3 next week will make this an incredible few days :) Don't fuck it up Rick. Need the batshit-craziness to keep goin a while longer.

Mike M

Nick N
I would bet a Santorum victory/close loss in MI would translate into a WA caucus win this Sat, even more momentum going into super Tuesday.
Talking very loud=impressive speaking? The southern black preacher cadence also alienates whites, especially blue collar workers.

Romney may not stir the heart with his speeches, but he sparks the brain with substance over flash. This election will be about the economy, not who reads aloud better.

So all the sudden all these people who voted for Bush because they would have a beer with him are going to become expert economists and make a vote against Obama for whatever reasons you can find to think he won't get elected this week? Really?

I also love you you threw in something about alienating whites. Real classy.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but if he's speaking to auto workers of america, then he's already speaking to the same blue collar workers you're saying won't listen to him and that he's alienated.

I can't compromise on abortion, sorry. Other than, I am pretty flexible, based on the candidate's other positions. Political Compass calls me one hell of a centrist, though.

I consider myself a moderate but lean democrat even though I'm not pro abortion. My views have evolved over time. Even though I have some conservative views I'm big on the separation between church and state. People are free to make their own choices (but they'll have to face the consequences at some point).
Mitt Romney has received a larger share of the vote than in 2008 in 62 of the 76 Michigan counties to have reported at least some results so far.

This is a good sign for him and indicates some breadth in his numbers. The 39 percent of the vote that Mr. Romney won in Michigan in 2008 closely matched our forecast for his vote share this year.

Go go Mittens! lol

The black percentage of the Arizona Republican vote? Zero percent.

So is Santorum conceding Michigan right now?

Mittens likely locked up the nomination tonight. He secured all of Arizona's delegates and at least 50% of Michigan's delegates.

Okay, MSNBC just called MI for Mitts.


Mitt is a doomed candidate. Poor Republicans and Evangelicals hate him. That's what is driving the 'not Romney" vote. No Republican can win a national election without their fervent support.

There is no pivot he can make to change it either. No VP selection nor any clever social issue tactic.
I went to vote after work. There weren't many people there, perhaps because I'm in a rather liberal area (Washtenaw). Almost immediately after I walked up to the polling building (a church) a fat lady wearing a Romney shirt blurted out "are you a democrat!?!" and audibly sighed. Then some other person who I assumed to be a Romney supporter started complaining about young people wasting votes and tampering.

There was an old super skinny lady in Ron Paul stuff handing out pamphlets and she asked me to support Paul. She was so nice and I was still SMHing over Romney's people that I voted for Paul.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I went to vote after work. There weren't many people there, perhaps because I'm in a rather liberal area (Washtenaw). Almost immediately after I walked up to the polling building (a church) a fat lady wearing a Romney shirt blurted out "are you a democrat!?!" and audibly sighed. Then some other person who I assumed to be a Romney supporter started complaining about young people wasting votes and tampering.

There was an old super skinny lady in Ron Paul stuff handing out pamphlets and she asked me to support Paul. She was so nice and I was still SMHing over Romney's people that I voted for Paul.

Well, you ARE black, after all. :p

Good man, voting for Paul, at least he isn't a completely deplorable person (outside of race issues, I think)

Always a head-scratcher to see those words together.

Bigger head scratcher is how many poor Republicans there are. Here you have one group saying that welfare is a good and necessary thing to support those unfortunate enough to lose employment or have severe financial issues and another group who demonizes the usage of such programs...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Man, Mitt absolutely KILLED in Arizona, despite what the latest polls would have liked you to believe. EVERYONE was WAY off in Arizona. Maybe that late endorsement by that batshit insane lady, Gov. Brewer really pushed Mitt over the top. He isn't losing any counties and is handily dominating in almost all.
Yeah. A good night for Mitts. Santorum couldn't keep his crazy piehole shut, otherwise he would've won. A lot of superpac money drowned out the competition too.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yeah. A good night for Mitts. Santorum couldn't keep his crazy piehole shut, otherwise he would've won. A lot of superpac money drowned out the competition too.

Agreed. It really looked very positive for Santorum going into tonight. So much so that I told my wife, who is one of the people that believe that since Mitt is Mormon, he is guaranteed to win, that he probably wouldn't win Michigan, and if he couldn't win Michigan that she better start looking up Rev. Wright's church's address. :p

Everything, delegate division aside, looks better than expected for Mitt over what the media narrative has been the past two weeks.


Junior Member
People seem quick to forget that Romney almost lost his home state, and will probably lose most of the midwest and the upper south to RICK SANTORUM.
Man, Mitt absolutely KILLED in Arizona, despite what the latest polls would have liked you to believe. EVERYONE was WAY off in Arizona. Maybe that late endorsement by that batshit insane lady, Gov. Brewer really pushed Mitt over the top. He isn't losing any counties and is handily dominating in almost all.
PPP had Romney cruising in Arizona.

Guessing Santorum could still win Washington and Ohio. He'll still be relevant. Especially since MI isn't winner-take-all.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
People seem quick to forget that Romney almost lost his home state, and will probably lose most of the midwest and the upper south to RICK SANTORUM.

Disagree. Michigan is where he grew up, but he was never a political or business figure in Michigan. Sure his dad was a popular governor, but that was 4 decades ago. He didn't win in a landslide of course, but he got more votes this election than the last... And in what he considers his "home state", New Hampshire, he killed everyone else.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
PPP had Romney cruising in Arizona.

Guessing Santorum could still win Washington and Ohio. He'll still be relevant. Especially since MI isn't winner-take-all.

You are right, I was only looking at the polls which meet NYTimes's methodological standards, PPP wasn't on there. Looks like NYT should drop whatever their standards are and adopt those of PPP and pretty much everyone else besides CNN/Time/Opinion Research. :p
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