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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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So no one wants to even mention the primary results? (Romney won MD, WI, and DC)

Well, Rick put up a better fight in Wisconsin than I thought he would. Romney didn't manage get break 50% in Maryland or Wisconsin so he's looking like he can't just 'finish the job'.

This is going to be dull but punctuated with ugliness election.

Wonder how much Rick hates newt for being a giant turd


So no one wants to even mention the primary results? (Romney won MD, WI, and DC)

Well, Rick put up a better fight in Wisconsin than I thought he would. Romney didn't manage get break 50% in Maryland or Wisconsin so he's looking like he can't just 'finish the job'.

This is going to be dull but punctuated with ugliness election.

After 2 months of the same thing I think most in GAF stopped caring. Romney is going to be the nominee but his pathetic ass is going to be dragged over the finish line.

I lol'd that Romeny still cannot just outright destroy Rick, there is that much resistance is his own party even though the alternative is a batshit crazy religious nut

And Rick is not going to go away, not with a PA primary in a few weeks that favors him. He has no shot in hell at winning the nomination but by now him and Newt are going to just do it out of spite and future potential speaking/book sales


Fork 'em, Sparky!
That is the pathetic thing. He might lose PA if Romney spent enough time/money there, yet Santorum would probably still hang on. Pathetic loser, really.
It is hard to decide who I want to lose more. :)

Ron Paul never even got a chance to be the not Romney.

There was a slight upswing right before the Iowa primary. And immediately when that upswing started the newsletters went viral.

Now that I think about it I wonder if Ron Paul purposefully let those newsletters become viral specifically to prevent himself from becoming the not-romney. I know it's conspiracy thinking on my part but it's not like there hasn't been sufficient evidence of him blatantly helping Romney.
Going through that site got me to one that had this: http://savecalifornia.com/images/st..._report_card_on_the_natural_family_011412.pdf

If ? meant inconsistent you'd think Romney would be all ?'s.

Also I've never seen such a thing that made me want to vote for Romney before.
You gotta use the George Costanza technique with that card.

BTW, I like the fact that Obama used the line "thinly-veiled social Darwinism" in a speech today.
1) It is accurate; and
2) It uses the word 'Darwinism' which will scare & confuse some people. Maybe they'll look up what it means.
It is a nice Frank Lutzism.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What does that say about Obama?

He tries too hard to compromise and moderate his positions during the regular political season.

I'm surprised Republicans decided to double down on the insane Ryan budget.
Have you looked at demographics trends recently?
You're gonna miss the status quo.

Well I was reading something about some city trying to offer busing on Sabbat its something.

But yea its not looking good nationaly over there. I just really hope something wakes them up. The status quo and the big exceptions for religion really have contributed to this problem. Their kids are in their own little communties and learn nothing but their backwards social systems from the 1st century BC (I´m not arguing antireligion just the fact that women are less, gays are evil, etc. and that society shouldn´t bend over backwords so these people can continue to hold the rest of their society hostage)

But this is the US political thread so I´ll stop there.

But I do agree Israel isn´t really the best place to look for inspiration for social policy.


LOL. Although it should be (re)stated, most of Newt's supporters would vote for Romney over Santorum. He is helping nobody by staying in the race.

I swear that at least in most of the earlier races that if Newt was out the majority of his supporters would flock to Santorum.
the rest of the April primary calendar looks grim for Santorum, they are almost all Dem states or swing states that will swing in Romney's favor.

Rick only has Evanglicals on his side, that's it. Limited strategy thus far


the rest of the April primary calendar looks grim for Santorum, they are almost all Dem states or swing states that will swing in Romney's favor.

Rick only has Evanglicals on his side, that's it. Limited strategy thus far

i would be very proud of my state's (PA) GOP voters if they voted for Romney over Santorum


the rest of the April primary calendar looks grim for Santorum, they are almost all Dem states or swing states that will swing in Romney's favor.

Rick only has Evanglicals on his side, that's it. Limited strategy thus far

Limited strategy? That is Rick's only strategy and has been from the start.

As sad as it is to say its working, he is still technically in it and has quite a few delegates.

Not that anyone reasonably expects it to mean anything but having the Evangelical vote in the GOP is a lot more powerful then you are giving him credit for.

I mean look what its done to Mittens over the past 2 months, he basically tanked his GE chances wholeheartedly because of it

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Have you looked at demographics trends recently?
You're gonna miss the status quo.

Israel is by far the most ass backward country I've ever been to when it comes to marriage in general, the US really shouldn't look at it for inspiration.

And I don't want to get into homophobic competition here, but Israel is a far cry from the super tolerant gay friendly image they like to paint in the media.
Especially outside Tel Aviv.
Fuck, there were violent clashes (up to attempted murder) in all the gay pride parades they ever done in Jerusalem.

That is true. I wasn't talking about tolerance by everyone in the country. I was just talking about legal rights. They have been ahead of the US in that regards.
the rest of the April primary calendar looks grim for Santorum, they are almost all Dem states or swing states that will swing in Romney's favor.

Rick only has Evanglicals on his side, that's it. Limited strategy thus far
Primary wise, dem states matter to Romney but not the general election. Texas is the big prize. If Santorum carries PA he will trudge along.


This made me lol, Scott Brown is avoiding Romney

NBC First Read said:
Scott Brown embraces Obama: It’s not every day you see this kind of press release from a Republican senator: “Two major pieces of legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) will be signed into law by President Obama at White House ceremonies this week. As the first to introduce both the STOCK Act and crowdfunding legislation in the Senate, Senator Brown was invited and will attend both signing ceremonies. ‘I’m honored to receive these invitations from President Obama and I look forward to standing next to him as he signs these bills into law.’”

So we’ve seen likely Democratic opponent Elizabeth Warren star in Obama’s campaign documentary. And now Brown is shouting from the mountain top that he’ll be standing next to Obama at signing ceremonies this week.

Brown has two major hurdles to overcome if he’s going to win a full term: One, he’s trying to win as a Republican in a blue state during a presidential year. And two, how does he avoid getting defined by Romney? Well, we see what Brown is TRYING to do, have photo-ops with Romney’s opponent. Here’s betting we see Brown use his appearances at these signing ceremonies in TV ads while trying like mad to avoid appearances with Romney.
When will the bureau's numbers come out? And why aren't we counting public sector jobs

Isn´t it usually the first Friday of the month?

Also it looks like every politician in AZ is a loon. The state really is trying to out crazy Florida. I think its all the crazy old people who make the politics so much fun.


If what his colleagues in the Arizona statehouse say is true, Rep. Daniel Patterson might be the most feared politician in the state.

But it’s not his politics they say they fear. It’s his angry, threat-filled outbursts that they say are becoming all too normal. One such outburst managed to rattle a fellow lawmaker enough that she says she now sleeps with a weapon at her bedside — just in case.

This week, those same lawmakers said they are now considering throwing Patterson out of office after an ethics investigation uncovered a series of similar outbursts, along with other allegations, including that he once offered to give a lobbyist his vote in exchange for sex and that he regularly smokes marijuana.

The investigation came after prosecutors in Tucson charged Patterson with four misdemeanor counts of domestic violence. The charges, which he has pleaded not guilty to, stemmed from fights with his live-in girlfriend, who also happened to be his campaign manager at the time.

In late February, the woman went public with allegations that he dragged her from a car as she tried to drive away from their house during an argument.

It was the second time in two years a woman accused Patterson of domestic violence. In September 2010, the Tucson Weekly newspaper uncovered that his estranged wife had filed for a restraining order, saying he had been violent with her.

Patterson has refused to resign or apologize since the newest allegations began to surface.

Not sure if this has been discussed, but the Supreme Court ruled on strip searches yesterday. I'm sure many of you heard this on the news.


Dude was arrested on a bench warrant; a minor offense that he had already resolved, and even showed the police his paperwork which he carried around with him.

They weren't impressed. Took him into custody anyway. Gave him the ole bend-over and spread em routine. He was completely innocent and gave them no reason to do a cavity search.

I guess probable cause is really just a thing of the past.

I'm sickened.

I know it probably will not be raised as a political issue, but it should. It was a 5-4 ruling, all conservative justices approving this kind of treatment. This seems more offensive to me than any decision on the health care mandate.

Elections do have consequences.
I feel like I should have an opinion on this issue, but fuck if I'm going to bother researching New Jersey state schools.
So I don't know, Christie is fat?

I could explain it in more detail as to why this merger is a bad idea. However, much like the Boeing fiasco in Charleston/Washington, it's essentially a regional matter, which is more important for the big picture than it is for the minor details.

However, I suppose I will offer more details on this entire deal since I'm procrastinating at work for the moment:

- Christie pushes through a pension reform deal in New Jersey aimed at tampering down the massive cash payments due to public employees in New Jersey.
- Christie needs help to get this deal through the legislature. He turns to George Norcross, South Jersey Democratic power broker for help (think: mobster). I understand where reggie is coming from, but George Norcross is more Boss Tweed than someone genuinely concerned with Democratic principles and ideals. In other words, I'm saying he doesn't count.
- Christie gets Norcross' help and pushes through his pension reform deal.
- Christie commissions a report aimed at trying to reform higher education in New Jersey, by dealing with how New Jersey can fix its UMDNJ problem. This is New Jersey's medical school, which has been rocked by a multitude of scandals (medicare fraud, students cheating, politicians having no-show jobs, etc.) that exposed it as a corrupt institution.
- The report is released. Inside the report are some common sense ideas that everyone can get behind such as breaking up UMDNJ.
- The nuts and bolts of the report include spinning off Robert Wood Johnson Medical School from UMDNJ (it's the only scandal free part of the school) to Rutgers in New Brunswick. This part of the plan is well detailed with many supporting facts to show why this is a good idea, and the benefits to both institutions.
- However, inside the report there is also a suggestion that Rutgers-Camden gets spun off from Rutgers-New Brunswick and joined with Rowan University to create a comprehensive research university for South Jersey.
- Rowan University is already affiliated with a medical school in New Jersey - Cooper Hospital. This is a school that is operating at a hospital where George Norcross is also a board member.
- Rowan University is also a school that is also facing a host of problems as a result of opening this Cooper University school. Such problems include a ruined credit rating for its bonds.
- Rutgers-Camden students and professors immediately protest this merger. They protest the merger by stating that they don't want to: A. Lose their Rutgers affiliation. (Rutgers is an AAU university, which means it's one of the best research universities in the world.)B. Get merged in with an inferior university.
- Rowan University counters by publishing a report that includes a comparison of their SAT scores to Rutgers-Camden SAT scores. It turns out that this data was falsified.
- New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney (Norcross goon) states that Rowan University has the country's #3 ranked engineering program according to U.S. News. This is correct. However, he doesn't realize that it's the #3 ranked engineering program for regional schools that don't offer doctoral programs. It's the #3 ranked engineering program out of 3 schools at this level that offer engineering degrees.
- Chris Christie barges into the situation stating that this merger is going to go through, and he'll do it by executive order if necessary.
- Chris Christie then argues with a Rutgers-Camden law student at a town hall about this issue, calling him an "idiot" and a "jerk."
- The New Jersey Office of Legislative Services butts in and says Christie can't do it by executive order.
- New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg wades into the issue stating that he sent a letter to the Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to investigate this merger to see if it's essentially a pay to play deal.
- Frank Lautenberg also has some questions about the merger. He notes that the supporters haven't put together any statistical information that supports their claims this merger will actually help the state of New Jersey. They haven't put together any information that shows the costs of said merger. Finally, he points out that they haven't addressed the thorny issue about renegotiating the union contracts of the Rutgers-Camden faculty.
- Chris Christie calls him an idiot. The South Jersey Democrats agree with Christie. They say Lautenberg is an old fool that is out of line. Neither group offers any answers on the questions that Lautenberg raised.

Edit: I actually think Rowan is a pretty good teacher's college. That is what it has historically been. However, I think its expansion into research university territory has been incredibly reckless.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Obama is a trekkie?

Dude. Where have you been? Apparently he is a big time trekkie.



Nimoy told reporters. "I know for sure he's a Star Trek fan," he said, because the first time the two men met, President Obama made Spock's traditional V-shaped finger spread.

I think he also said he has a model of the enterprise as well.

just found this:




I could explain it in more detail as to why this merger is a bad idea. However, much like the Boeing fiasco in Charleston/Washington, it's essentially a regional matter, which is more important for the big picture than it is for the minor details.

However, I suppose I will offer more details on this entire deal since I'm procrastinating at work for the moment:
Thanks for that.

Romney 2012, because our problems are too big for a nerd.
It is hard to decide who I want to lose more. :)

Ron Paul never even got a chance to be the not Romney.

That's because they don't want him to be the nominee. The government and the collation of mega-corporations did everything to make sure that Paul's grassroots campaign on freedom didn't catch on.


Romney to win PA by double digits please

The way I see it, the more Romney beats Santorum, the smarter your state is. I'm disappointed in my state that Romney didn't get 50%.
Agreed. This part in particular...

Republicans are still weighing whether to allow insurers to continue charging higher rates to women than to men for the same coverage.

There is a reason for this. Women can become pregnant which complicates their health insurance plans. Another way to think about it is that men are charged more for car insurance because statistics paint them as riskier drivers. Women can become pregnant which is an expensive medical procedure. That is why their insurance is more.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm only willing to keep a certain amount of info in my head regarding the republican primary and caucus process, so I'd love if somebody could help me out here..

Major news outlets (in a bid to find fucking anything to call a "milestone") have focused on the fact that Romney has just passed the "halfway mark" in terms of delegates necessary to secure the nomination. Obviously this is pretty arbitrary but it really made me start wondering.

This is the breakdown at present:

Is is still even possible- literally possible, not practical or likely- for Santorum to get the nomination?

Well, obviously it's mathematically possible, if he gets 888 of the remaining 1166 delegates up for grabs. But if he were to win every remaining primary with close margins, would the states with proportional distribution allow him to wind up with enough?

Just to simplify what I'm talking about, if every state remaining awarded delegates proportionally and they all split down the middle, just Romney and Santorum, that'd be 1238 for Romney (clinching) and 856 for Santorum, still a full 310 delegates away from the nomination.

I guess my question is, are we past the point yet where this process is completely meaningless, and if not, when is that point?


When will the bureau's numbers come out? And why aren't we counting public sector jobs

The BLS report comes Friday. ADP is a payroll processing firm and only has private-sector clients, so they only report private sector.

Related, the ISM non-manufacturing reading was strong:

Growth in the nation's non-manufacturing sector slowed slightly last month but compared against a very strong February. At 56.0, the ISM non-manufacturing index fell 1.3 points, pulled back by slowing growth in new orders and business activity both of which however remain very healthy. Health is evident by a strong gain in the employment component which rose one full point to a 56.7 level that's near January's recovery high of 57.4.
Details on the positive side include a rising rate of inventory build, rising volumes of imports, and a slowing in input price pressure. On the negative side is a marginal monthly contraction for backlog orders.

This report tracks a broad sweep of the economy and is signaling solid rates of growth in the months ahead. It's also signaling strength for Friday's jobs report.
The forward looking readings were strong, which implies continued good news for the next couple months.
I'm only willing to keep a certain amount of info in my head regarding the republican primary and caucus process, so I'd love if somebody could help me out here..

Major news outlets (in a bid to find fucking anything to call a "milestone") have focused on the fact that Romney has just passed the "halfway mark" in terms of delegates necessary to secure the nomination. Obviously this is pretty arbitrary but it really made me start wondering.

This is the breakdown at present:

Is is still even possible- literally possible, not practical or likely- for Santorum to get the nomination?

Well, obviously it's mathematically possible, if he gets 888 of the remaining 1166 delegates up for grabs. But if he were to win every remaining primary with close margins, would the states with proportional distribution allow him to wind up with enough?

Just to simplify what I'm talking about, if every state remaining awarded delegates proportionally and they all split down the middle, just Romney and Santorum, that'd be 1238 for Romney (clinching) and 856 for Santorum, still a full 310 delegates away from the nomination.

I guess my question is, are we past the point yet where this process is completely meaningless, and if not, when is that point?
January 3rd.

I'm being a bit of a churl here, but (hello, hindsight!) Romney has been the overwhelming favorite to win from the get-go, despite some apparent challenges along the way. It was never possible that Rick Santorum would capture the nomination, any more than it was possible that Donald Trump or Michelle Bachmann would. That hasn't really changed.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It remains that ultra-conservatives and evangelical Christians would rather have philanderers, cheats, liars and weasels than vote for Romney or Paul in a primary. Romney's biggest roadblock will still be his biggest voting bloc in the GE, though, interestingly enough.
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