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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Man, I'm swapping back and forth between The Oreilly Factor and The Ed Show and I cannot decide who the bigger idiots are. The hosts or their guests.


And Obama has never accused Republicans of wanting to end Medicare?

And I'm sure he's said the sky is blue, and water is wet, at some point in his life. Republicans have wanted to end Medicare for decades, and they've tried to end it in two consecutive budgets now, both of which Romney has endorsed. Oh wait, I'm sorry: As we know it.

Politifact is not infallible, as much as they'd like to think they are. They're as shitty and lazy as most journalistic entities in America. The only difference is they focus exclusively on fact checking.


And Obama has never accused Republicans of wanting to end Medicare?

One has foundation in reality the other doesn't. Lots of Republicans have publicly admitted as a policy to wanting to end medicare including lots of the current party leaders at one point in their lives. Obama's statement was made after an actual act of policy legislation passing on a near party line vote to end medicare in current capacity and/or role. Meanwhile every statement Obama has made is in regards to strengthening medicare and even expanding it to include more people. Saying Obama wants to end medicare is bold face lie with absolute ZERO regard to reality.


The people who watch them ; )
That was a weak four-seam over the middle of the plate.
That's what she said!
Man does the GOP live in a bubble, did anyone watch Romney's speech. I love how he said Obama was hiding and that we don't have to wait 4 years to find out what he (Romney) stands for and has planned.

I may have missed something but does someone care to enlighten me on Romney's vast plans for the economy and the US if he becomes President. Because right now outside him agreeing with the Ryan Budget I am at a loss lol
I actually have little idea how Romney would actually govern. He's flip-flopped and equivocated to such a degree that I doubt even he knows. Although, if I were to place a bet, I'd wager on poorly.
And I'm sure he's said the sky is blue, and water is wet, at some point in his life. Republicans have wanted to end Medicare for decades, and they've tried to end it in two consecutive budgets now, both of which Romney has endorsed. Oh wait, I'm sorry: As we know it.

Politifact is not infallible, as much as they'd like to think they are. They're as shitty and lazy as most journalistic entities in America. The only difference is they focus elusively on fact checking.
"As we know it" are the key words.
And Factcheck and the Washington Post also called it a lie. So I guess everyone is wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
Seems like I hear a fair bit about at least one of the Supreme Court Justices retiring during this next Presidential term. Who is expected to leave, and are they liberal or conservative?


Politifact is not infallible, as much as they'd like to think they are. They're as shitty and lazy as most journalistic entities in America. The only difference is they focus exclusively on fact checking.

If Politifact released a top 10 lies list that was composed entirely of statements made by Republicans, they'd be accused of partisan hackery and would be tuned out by every right-leaning person in the country, even if the 10 most egregious lies of the year all did come from Republicans.

It's a shame that so many people think that being objective equates to taking a middle path, as though one side can't be far more wrong than the other.
No, they're not. You can change the Marine Corps into an organization that exclusively gives puppies to sick kids, but they ain't going to be the Marines anymore. That's the same name plastered over something different.

Have you even read the Ryan plan?
It gives the option of a government subsidized private plan or the traditional medicare if you so choose. Why do you hate choice?


Seems like I hear a fair bit about at least one of the Supreme Court Justices retiring during this next Presidential term. Who is expected to leave, and are they liberal or conservative?

Ginsburg and Kennedy, Ginsburg had some health issues and they thought she might step down last year

Ginsburg = Left, Kennedy = Right/Center

Replacing both with Liberals would change the composition of the court and really bind Roberts since he skews to the Right but the majority would be Left


Have you even read the Ryan plan?
It gives the option of a government subsidized private plan or the traditional medicare if you so choose.

It's not traditional Medicare. First of all, he increases the eligibility age. Second, his plan's premium increases are adjusted by overall inflation, not medical inflation costs. Traditional (sort of) Medicare will be there for a while until the medical CPI rises above it. So it won't die immediately, but die it will.

Why do you hate choice?

I hate choices when they're shitty ones provided by shitty people for shitty reasons.

Can we please ban Politifacts?

They are the VG-Chartz of political fact checkers.

This is the second time today someone linked to something that was bullshit by them.

It's a shame that so many people think that being objective equates to taking a middle path, as though one side can't be far more wrong than the other.

While I can't agree more on this sentence, I disagree that this is what applies to Politifacts.

The site doesn't try to get "the middle ground", it just sucks in general. So many of its conclusions are non-sense.
It's not traditional Medicare. First of all, he increases the eligibility age. Second, his plan's premium increases are adjusted by overall inflation, not medical inflation costs. Traditional Medicare will be there for a while until the medical CPI rises above it. So it won't die immediately, but die it will.

I hate choices when they're shitty ones provided by shitty people for shitty reasons.
It's increased 2 years. Big deal.

What's your guy's plan?
You're not being serious. You asked for Obama's plan for Medicare. I gave it to you. Now that I've provided you with some facts, you're deflecting with a question. Unbelievable.
What's unbelievable about it? It's classic Baggins. Plant the flag on something and then run away to shoot at people trying to capture it.


You're right. It's more efficient.

I have to stop now anyway. Women are calling. It's going to be a long night.

Wut? For who is it more efficient? The insurance company profiting off the health of sick citizens? That is the only explanation you could possibly give me that would even begin to make sense. Because it is an absolute FACT we pay more into our current health system and get even less from it on just about every single payer system in the world. More premiums for drugs, more premiums for selective care, hospital visits, preventive care you name it, none of which also leads to bankruptcy of the individual in the single payer system and because it all comes from a single pool it means there is also a cheaper and more balanced system to pay for the services across the board for the nation.
Wut? For who is it more efficient? The insurance company profiting off the health of sick citizens? That is the only explanation you could possibly give me that would even begin to make sense. Because it is an absolute FACT we pay more into our current health system and get even less from it on just about every single payer system in the world. More premiums for drugs, more premiums for selective care, hospital visits, preventive care you name it, none of which also leads to bankruptcy of the individual in the single payer system and because it all comes from a single pool it means there is also a cheaper and more balanced system to pay for the services across the board for the nation.

How the fuck is it more efficient when Medicare has lower administrative costs than private insurance?

You're not being serious. You asked for Obama's plan for Medicare. I gave it to you. Now that I've provided you with some facts, you're deflecting with a question. Unbelievable.


I've noticed that this often happens. Bulbo comes out from under the bridge and says something that angers you guys. Then after he gets you all riled up he disappears only to appear again a few hours later. May I give my previous suggestion again so we can save thread space.
How the fuck is it more efficient when Medicare has lower administrative costs than private insurance?

Puddles? I didn't recognize you.

If insurers are forced to compete for seniors' business, health plans will demand lower prices from doctors, hospitals and drug companies. And so on and so on. What is the incentive in the Medicare (I call it Old Medicare) for keeping prices down?

Flying Phoenix. Calm down. Its alright. I sometimes have an opposing view. And..
I'm a busy man. I can't always be here.
Puddles? I didn't recognize you.

If insurers are forced to compete for seniors' business, health plans will demand lower prices from doctors, hospitals and drug companies. And so on and so on. What is the incentive in the Medicare (I call it Old Medicare) for keeping prices down?

Flying Phoenix. Calm down. Its alright. I sometimes have an opposing view. And..
I'm a busy man. I can't always be here.
Given that the population in question is likely to be one in high need of services, what happens once insurers decide to charge more than the voucher?


Puddles? I didn't recognize you.

If insurers are forced to compete for seniors' business, health plans will demand lower prices from doctors, hospitals and drug companies. And so on and so on. What is the incentive in the Medicare (I call it Old Medicare) for keeping prices down?

This is really great theory that doesn't seem to work in practice. Why do we pay more than every other country in the world for medical care when insurers already have to compete for business in this country?

Anyway, the real way to save costs is to squeeze the pharmaceutical industry and to eliminate unnecessary procedures. Whether we have private insurance or Medicare, it's going to be expensive until we can make the actual care cheaper.
I think the voucher amounts would act as limiters in a way. Maybe.
You think insurance companies will simply elect to charge no more than the amount issued in the government vouchers? Why wouldn't they?

This is why Medicare was invented in the first place. Seniors are particularly unsuitable candidates for private health insurance--no profit-making institution is interested in taking them. The sensible thing to do that every other civilized country does is add younger citizens to the risk pool, driving down costs for everyone. I really do not see how one can rationally oppose this.


Wow, so my 18 year old co-worker today said he voted in the primary the other day. He also let it slip that he voted for Rick Santorum. But he did so because his dad pretty much made him. He didn't know anything about the candidates and didn't think he should vote, but his dad said something like "What, doing what your dad tells you isn't good enough?" And then his dad proceeded to stand right behind him while he voted. What the fuck...
Wow, so my 18 year old co-worker today said he voted in the primary the other day. He also let it slip that he voted for Rick Santorum. But he did so because his dad pretty much made him. He didn't know anything about the candidates and didn't think he should vote, but his dad said something like "What, doing what your dad tells you isn't good enough?" And then his dad proceeded to stand right behind him while he voted. What the fuck...

Sounds like the kid should go to college and get the shit away from him
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