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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Imagine how many it will be in his first year after re-election. The Nuge is already on record.

Many on the far right seem confident Obama will lose big time; they seem to be relishing the thought. Imagine if he wins a narrow 2004 type victory. The anger and shock would be palpable and I think we'd truly start seeing some crazy, desperate shit

A big Obama win might be even worse for them. Obama would have dared the GOP into throwing their best punch - from gay marriage to a slow economy - and still crushed them. I can't imagine how they'd respond. It would truly be the defining sign that America has changed and isn't going back to the old, whiter days ever again
Dinesh D’souza. Urgh.

Seriously, fuck these people who are making bank by continuously peddling this insinuation that Obama is “the other” to gullible fools.

my favorite quote by him
The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11 ... the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the non-profit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world.[12]
His wikipedia page is fun


A big Obama win might be even worse for them. Obama would have dared the GOP into throwing their best punch - from gay marriage to a slow economy - and still crushed them. I can't imagine how they'd respond. It would truly be the defining sign that America has changed and isn't going back to the old, whiter days ever again

If there’s a big Obama win in November, I see the establishment republicans recognise that they're losing the demographics game and thereby start moderating at least their social platform. Those that constitute the exceedingly wingnut fringe will see a 2012 failure as Mitt Romney the Massachusetts Moderate not passing the purity test and doubling down on their brand of crazy.

el retorno de los sapos said:
my favorite quote by him.

His wikipedia page is fun

I don't think Obama's that decent a person, he's rather a corporate sell out, and his legacy will probably be the lousy economy that didn't get better under his watch. Though he could still make a lot of change in the next 4 years...]

Wait...what the fuck? You're telling me that the biggest financial firms in America are spending close to over 500 million dollars in donations to get him out of office and he's a corporate sellout?
Really? REALLY?!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
the non-profit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world.
Holy shit, haha. Its hilarious seeing the kind of pseudo-cognitive dissonance required in Social Conservatism to hate Conservative Islam because its "the other" while also trying to emulate it because the two, at their core, aren't that different. "We need to keep Islam inspired laws off the books, but it was those durn liberals who pissed off the Islamic world with their sinful ways"
Not even Falwell-esque, he's not saying God is punishing us, he's basically saying al-Queda is right about us and we deserved it.

It's a particularly strange argument; it would seem the logical conclusion of it is that, in order to prevent further attacks from Islamic terrorists, we should...shape our culture to be more like theirs and acquiesce to their vision of the world.

If you have premarital sex and watch Hollywood movies, the terrorists win.
Holy shit, haha. Its hilarious seeing the kind of pseudo-cognitive dissonance required in Social Conservatism to hate Conservative Islam because its "the other" while also trying to emulate it because the two, at their core, aren't that different. "We need to keep Islam inspired laws off the books, but it was those durn liberals who pissed off the Islamic world with their sinful ways"

He's saying if we were more like them they'd hate us less. So he's in a roundabout way confirming the whole "christian convervative = american taliban"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This might be a touch off-topic but since we've talked about Drudge, conservative media, and those who watch/listen to only conservative media before, I encourage everyone to go to Drudge's website right now, look at the poll on the right side of the screen, and click "view results."


It's the first time I've seen him engage in conversation. Usually it's just insane drive-bys.

Don't look at me, I've never taken him seriously.

Secession soon.

welp. It's actually pretty irritating that he started posting a series of what seemed like genuine questions only before completely ignoring the responses and going full-out crazy mode.

Ah well, as I always say, there's someone on GAF with every opinion on Earth.
Sounds like Rick Scott is purging voters in Florida already

One of the major stories of 2010 that isn't talked about much is how many states completely went red - from governor to dog catcher. The effect has already been seen in gerrymandering, and we'll see even more in terms of voting in November, mishaps with ballots, etc.

I'm not going full conspiracy, just pointing out this is something that happens - and can completely turn the tide of a close election.


Sounds like Rick Scott is purging voters in Florida already

One of the major stories of 2010 that isn't talked about much is how many states completely went red - from governor to dog catcher. The effect has already been seen in gerrymandering, and we'll see even more in terms of voting in November, mishaps with ballots, etc.

I'm not going full conspiracy, just pointing out this is something that happens - and can completely turn the tide of a close election.
It's not so much a conspiracy as an open plank of the GOP governing platform: the less people vote - specifically, the less minorities vote - the better their chances of retaining power. They've been quite open about it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Sounds like Rick Scott is purging voters in Florida already

One of the major stories of 2010 that isn't talked about much is how many states completely went red - from governor to dog catcher. The effect has already been seen in gerrymandering, and we'll see even more in terms of voting in November, mishaps with ballots, etc.

I'm not going full conspiracy, just pointing out this is something that happens - and can completely turn the tide of a close election.

Since when has not being born in the US meant you couldn't be a US citizen?


Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
This might be a touch off-topic but since we've talked about Drudge, conservative media, and those who watch/listen to only conservative media before, I encourage everyone to go to Drudge's website right now, look at the poll on the right side of the screen, and click "view results."

So most drudge readers believe there is a cabal of capitalists (socialists in disguise?) setting up a new world order?

This makes waiting for the next Assassin's Creed so hard. You know Ubisoft writers are splurging at all the chaos around this election.



Speaking at a Memorial Day tribute event in San Diego with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Mitt Romney honored the nation’s fallen and military families for their honorable service to their country, but he also warned of a shrinking military going the “course of Europe.”

“There are two courses we could follow in dangerous world,” Romney said. “The first is the course of Europe…and the other is the course of America.”

What in the world is Mitt trying to say here? And how is it not completely insulting to our allies?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Is there some anti-European sentiment that occurs in independent American voters? If not, I have no idea why he made that comment. Romney should be focused solely on drawing in the independent voter now that he has the nomination wrapped up. The republican voters are going to vote for him no matter what.
Ezra on the money again


Because it’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which Romney is elected and Republicans don’t hold the House and win control of the Senate, Republicans wouldn’t be stymied by Democratic opposition. They would have the votes to pass their agenda. True, they won’t get a filibuster-proof majority of 60 in the upper chamber, but Ryan’s budget is, well, a budget, which means it could be passed through the budget reconciliation process -- and couldn’t be filibustered. To enact a radical change of direction, Republicans need only a simple majority of votes.

Given that stark reality, perhaps I should rephrase my initial question: Why are we spending so much time discussing what Romney did at Bain ... instead of what he will do as president?

Although to be fair, as Jamelle Bouie that is coming next from Obama's campaign


So has Romney decided how hes going to pay for the increase in Military spending? Magic Pixie dust?

His current economic/budget plan does not say anything about it. It is so vague that it can't be scored properly.

All we know is that he wants massive tax cuts the rich, wants to increase military spending to 4% of GDP and he will pay for them via Spending Cuts and some tax loopholes being closed.

Which cuts exactly or which loopholes he wants to close, he won't say. Media is largely incompetent and won't call him out on it. Just like they didn't call out Paul Ryan for his vague proposal. Republicans call Obama and Democrats party of deficits, Media reports it, but the truth is Romney's budget adds more to the deficit than Obama's.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Ezra on the money again


Although to be fair, as Jamelle Bouie that is coming next from Obama's campaign


His current economic/budget plan does not say anything about it. It is so vague that it can't be scored properly.

All we know is that he wants massive tax cuts the rich, wants to increase military spending to 4% of GDP and he will pay for them via Spending Cuts and some tax loopholes being closed.

Which cuts exactly or which loopholes he wants to close, he won't say. Media is largely incompetent and won't call him out on it. Just like they didn't call out Paul Ryan for his vague proposal. Republicans call Obama and Democrats party of deficits, Media reports it, but the truth is Romney's budget adds more to the deficit than Obama's.

He wants MASSIVE tax cuts on the rich?


Fucking hell, how is Walker ahead in WI? Dems did all that work to get the recall in effect and they're just going to roll over? Really? Why is this happening?

Also, isn't it a bit premature to think that Walker winning = Romney winning the state? I hate the media/pollsters, argh. The GE will be different. The momentum is there in WI, I think, but they have a stupid candidate. If Russ Feingold would have run for Gov there would be no contest.
He wants MASSIVE tax cuts on the rich?


Tax Policy Center site is down otherwise I would link there
Romney doesn’t back away from ‘birther’ Trump


“You know, I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in,” Romney said. “But I need to get 50.1% or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

Anything for a vote....SMH

Do you expect anything less from that smarmy, privileged clown?
Things like immigration are and important issue as well. Who wants to be colonized by people who have nothing in common with the native population of said state?

You're right.

Let's kick everyone who doesn't have Native American ancestry out.

as a proud Hispanic-American, a hearty fuck you to you, too
You're right.

Let's kick everyone who doesn't have Native American ancestry out.

as a proud Hispanic-American, a hearty fuck you to you, too

I have a good five different European nationalities in me, and my cousins all have some Latin American (though I think it may be Hispanic by way of the Caribbean or something for two of them) on top of that. Should we all be kicked out because we're too multicultural?

I seriously don't understand this mentality. This country was formed by a bunch of misfits from Europe intermingling with each other and with the natives. How can you say multiculturalism is bad when that's the only reason we're even here?

It just seems so closed minded. "I don't want to get to know people that aren't exactly like me." And it seems so... limiting and lame. I only knew white, conservative, Southern Louisianian Christians growing up, and then I went to college and got online, and I met so many people from all sorts of backgrounds and nationalities, and I realized people, in general, are far more similar than they are different, and had I avoided these people for being strange and foreign on the surface, I'd have so many less awesome friends than I have now.

The fact that some people are unwilling to get to know others because of mostly superficial differences boggles my mind.
Many on the far right seem confident Obama will lose big time; they seem to be relishing the thought. Imagine if he wins a narrow 2004 type victory. The anger and shock would be palpable and I think we'd truly start seeing some crazy, desperate shit

A big Obama win might be even worse for them. Obama would have dared the GOP into throwing their best punch - from gay marriage to a slow economy - and still crushed them. I can't imagine how they'd respond. It would truly be the defining sign that America has changed and isn't going back to the old, whiter days ever again
Obama could win with 80% of the vote and there'd be a segment of the GOP that would insist the only reason Romney lost is because he wasn't conservative enough for America. Apparently America plays this gambit every four years where they'd rather let a socialist librul democrat win than a moderate Republican, because that way when America is destroyed, the conservative white (I emphasize white) knight can rise from the ashes and make America great again.

That said, I think there's a general complacency with Obama for a significant majority of Americans - I'd say about 60% or so. You can see this in the "Regardless of who you support, who do you think will win in 2012" questions, where Obama outpolls Romney pretty highly. So most everyone thinks Obama will win, and the media has already practically anointed Christie as the GOP nominee in 2016. Somehow though, I don't think the conservative base will be happy with yet another supposed moderate nominee.

In fact I could see conservative outrage reaching such a fever pitch that they'll split off into their own thing while the Republicans scramble to moderate their own platform. If that happens, you better believe the Democratic nominee in 2016 will get a free trip to the White House, but obviously people have made that prediction before and it's amounted to nothing.

Still, all you have to do is look at the two past election cycles, where Olympia Snowe, Lisa Murkowski, Mike Castle, Dick Lugar, among many others were all dumped in favor of tea-flavored alternatives. I'm sure if the movement conservatives split off into their own party, even siphoning 2-3% of the Republican vote would create all sorts of calamity making Clinton, Cuomo or Biden's electoral prospects somewhat easier. (For the record, I think the 2016 ticket will be Biden and Cuomo)
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