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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Biden will be too old in 2016

God, I would love Biden as president.


If the Conservatives somehow split into two parties, how would that effect the right wing misinformation campaign? Which side would Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, etc. side on? Would you have them fighting against each other to push their preferred platform, or would they still be united in fighting the Democrats?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Biden was my ideal candidate in 2008. After Bush and the economic downturn, we really needed somebody who could bring the massive liberal change everybody was drooling for. Biden seemed like the perfect candidate with a senate history of working well enough with others. And not being a woman or black is frankly an advantage if it prevents a default amount of the country from being afraid of you (birthers).

And when you think about it, Obama could have spent the next 8 years in the senate building up his reputation. What if?
Biden was my ideal candidate in 2008. After Bush and the economic downturn, we really needed somebody who could bring the massive liberal change everybody was drooling for. Biden seemed like the perfect candidate with a senate history of working well enough with others. And not being a woman or black is frankly an advantage if it prevents a default amount of the country from being afraid of you (birthers).

And when you think about it, Obama could have spent the next 8 years in the senate building up his reputation. What if

Just think of all the "present" votes he'd have by now
Biden will be too old in 2016
I also think he'd be a one-termer by choice.

His stated intention being to finish the job Obama started (any education/immigration/energy reforms for example) while vetting his VP (probably Cuomo) for the top job.

Above all, I think the man just really wants to be president.
Barney Frank Apologizes For Trayvon Martin Joke At Commencement Speech

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank is apologizing for comments he made about the Trayvon Martin case at a weekend graduation ceremony.

Referring to the hooded academic robe that civil rights leader Hubie Jones received at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth commencement on Sunday, the Democrat said "you now have a hoodie you can wear and no one will shoot at you."

The comment drew nervous laughter and groans from the crowd.
Romney to start lying again and press to let him get away with it again



A senior aide tells us Mitt Romney plans to begin hitting specific stimulus projects as he travels, arguing that President Obama has actually subtracted jobs:
“Were these investments the best return on tax dollars, or given for ideological reasons, to donors, for political reasons? He spent $800 billion of everybody’s money. How’d it work out? It was the mother of all earmarks, not a jobs plan. By wasting all of this money, you had the worst of all worlds: It destroyed confidence in the economy, and makes people less likely to borrow money. Dodd-Frank has been a disaster for the economy. Where are the steady hands? Who’s in charge of energy? Where’s the strong, confident voice on the economy?”

Let's see.

Romney will claim the stimulus destroyed jobs, Obama never created any jobs, etc. Never mind that most economists agree that while the Stimulus did not pan out how the WH expected it, it still saved millions of jobs at a time when the economy needed it the most. Also, that if you don't count job losses before the Stimulus went into effect, Obama has a net positive jobs record. And Obama has had consecutive months of job growth so saying he never created any jobs would also be a lie.

Saying Dodd-Frank has been a disaster for the economy. How? Nobody knows, Romney does though. He hasn't answered what he would have passed if anything to reform Wall Street, nobody has really asked him.

Nobody has asked him what he would have done if he had been President instead of Obama in Feb 2009 when economy was shedding 800k jobs. Would be have passed a Stimulus? Or would he have passed a Paul Ryan like budget plan?

Greg Sargent puts it well,
If the press doesn’t start asking Romney some difficult questions about the core arguments upon which his entire presidential candidacy is based, he may very well get his way.

And you guys know the reason GOP is already drawling lines in the sand for the upcoming debt ceiling fight right? It will fuck up the recovery, even this early.

Romney aide said:
“Were these investments the best return on tax dollars, or given for ideological reasons, to donors, for political reasons? He spent $800 billion of everybody’s money. How’d it work out? It was the mother of all earmarks, not a jobs plan. By wasting all of this money, you had the worst of all worlds: It destroyed confidence in the economy, and makes people less likely to borrow money. Dodd-Frank has been a disaster for the economy. Where are the steady hands? Who’s in charge of energy? Where’s the strong, confident voice on the economy?”

There is so much economic ignorance in this quote. It's impossible to believe Romney actually believes it.


Just think of all the "present" votes he'd have by now


"The AP reported that Obama said the votes represented a small portion — a little more than 3 percent — of the "roughly 4,000" votes he cast as a member of the state Senate."

Voting present can indicate opposition too. *Sarcasm I take it?


Fucking hell, how is Walker ahead in WI? Dems did all that work to get the recall in effect and they're just going to roll over? Really? Why is this happening?

Also, isn't it a bit premature to think that Walker winning = Romney winning the state? I hate the media/pollsters, argh. The GE will be different. The momentum is there in WI, I think, but they have a stupid candidate. If Russ Feingold would have run for Gov there would be no contest.

Feingold lost to a complete unknown novice. He didn't run because he knew it was a huge longshot for anyone to win the recall. It was smart. Why kill your career over a recall?

Agree with you on the Presidential. If the GOP had a decent candidate (I don't think one exists at this point) Wisconsin would go republican in November. But since it's Romney there is no chance. The recall has the GOP absolutely swimming in both money and momentum.

While it probably won't change the state for Romney, I think the amount of money and infrastructure outside groups are dedicating to Wisconsin right now is going to lock the Kohl seat up for the GOP.
I think his point was that many people believed McCain was too old when he ran.
He was. "Old" isn't just your age.

While the news sites continue with Obama doom and gloom stories, even the ones with a liberal slant, wtf...

Anyway, PPP polls MI


Barack Obama won't have to worry too much about holding Michigan for the Democrats this fall- he leads Mitt Romney 53-39 there, a lead little changed from PPP's last poll of the state in February when his advantage was 54-38.

He even leads among White voters.
Here's a poll to cheer you up.

Barack Obama won't have to worry too much about holding Michigan for the Democrats this fall- he leads Mitt Romney 53-39 there, a lead little changed from PPP's last poll of the state in February when his advantage was 54-38.

Romney just doesn't have much of a home field advantage in the state. Only 24% of voters consider him to be a Michigander to 65% who do not. And only 35% have a favorable opinion of him to 57% with a negative view.

It's not just Romney's unpopularity helping Obama in Michigan though. Obama's own approval rating is at a record high in our polling of the state with 53% of voters giving him good marks to 41% who disapprove, including a 50/43 standing with independents.

Obama's crushing Romney on what will doubtless be one of the biggest issues in the campaign in Michigan- 55% think that he's been better for the automotive industry in the state to only 31% who say Romney wins out on that front.
Ed: Beaten. But!

PPP twitter said:
Michigan voters have moved a net 16 points on gay marriage since we polled on it last July
Clearly Obama had no effect on this. Clearly.
At this point, I consider Michigan another New England state. You would have to be a real shitty Democrat to lose them.
Perhaps but lets not forget Romney has basically called on the state's economy to be destroyed. People will never forget that. Suburban voters may dislike the stupidity going on in Detroit but even they realize if the car industry fails, the state fails

I think someone like Christie would play well here


Maybe if Christie ran against a Deep South Democrat (do these even exist anymore?).

Even then, if you want to be Republican Presidential candidate, you have to placate the very same base that Romney/McCain had to. Christie would be no different if he won.

I want to bet on Indiana. Obama wins it with 0.4%. If I lose eznark can select a tag of shame for me.

If he doesn't take that one, I gladly will. You underestimate the white male backlash against Obama in the midwest.


Feingold lost to a complete unknown novice. He didn't run because he knew it was a huge longshot for anyone to win the recall. It was smart. Why kill your career over a recall?
Feingold was the best chance they had, and he would be an awesome Gov. I don't think it would be a long shot if he ran given the fact that he could have capitalized on the anti-Walker angst (but he missed that opportunity obviously).

Agree with you on the Presidential. If the GOP had a decent candidate (I don't think one exists at this point) Wisconsin would go republican in November. But since it's Romney there is no chance. The recall has the GOP absolutely swimming in both money and momentum.

While it probably won't change the state for Romney, I think the amount of money and infrastructure outside groups are dedicating to Wisconsin right now is going to lock the Kohl seat up for the GOP.
I think people forget about the difference between a midterm election and Presidential election in states like WI. If Obama can get high turnout in WI the Senate seat should survive. If not that's going to likely play a huge role in giving the Senate back to the GOP.

And even if the GOP had a good candidate I don't think they'd be that competitive in WI against Obama honestly.

Aaron Strife said:
(For the record, I think the 2016 ticket will be Biden and Cuomo)
Whaaaaaat? No way. I can't see Biden running in 2016, way too old. And by then Cuomo could just run for President if he wanted. I think Cuomo is the best thing Dems have going for them for 2016.
Whaaaaaat? No way. I can't see Biden running in 2016, way too old. And by then Cuomo could just run for President if he wanted. I think Cuomo is the best thing Dems have going for them for 2016.

He's even more of a corporate shill than Obama, and doesn't like unions. Good luck with that


And even if the GOP had a good candidate I don't think they'd be that competitive in WI against Obama honestly.

Just curious, what are you basing that on? When the GOP has had a strong candidate, the state has been pretty much evenly split. Hell, Bush tied it in 2000 and only lost by 4 in 2004. Reagan carried the state both times. I think Bush/Dukakis was a three point race? Obama's landslide was the first double digit win for either side in decades. It's always close.

I guess it depends on your definition of competitive, but it's a real rarity when Wisconsin is anything but.

Also lol Feingold.
I think people forget about the difference between a midterm election and Presidential election in states like WI. If Obama can get high turnout in WI the Senate seat should survive. If not that's going to likely play a huge role in giving the Senate back to the GOP.

What is Diablos doing being more optimistic than me?


Oh yeah, and in terms of turnout, this recall will probably have a higher turnout than the Presidential. If Walker wins big I will actually give Romney a shot since it will keep the money energized within the state.
what has obama got to do to win the vet vote? romney beats him 56/38 according to gallup
Does that poll specify which wars the respondents are veterans of? In any case, like cartoon_soldier says, if you examine the composition of the Army or consider the demographics of the people likely to be veterans, there's no reason to see that polling result as suprising, even though I think the Obama Administration has been fairly good for veterans.

I'm a political homer .. so I'm always pulling for the local guy (Sherrod Brown).
I have a hard time seeing someone that perpetually disheveled on the presidential stage. Stupid reason, I know.


Just curious, what are you basing that on? When the GOP has had a strong candidate, the state has been pretty much evenly split. Hell, Bush tied it in 2000 and only lost by 4 in 2004. Reagan carried the state both times. I think Bush/Dukakis was a three point race? Obama's landslide was the first double digit win for either side in decades. It's always close.

I guess it depends on your definition of competitive, but it's a real rarity when Wisconsin is anything but.

Also lol Feingold.
Yeah I am well aware of the voting history in WI. It's just that I think enough Dem voters will be fed up that a. Walker is still Gov and b. Dems couldn't find a viable candidate to beat him and they will channel a lot of that negative energy into their vote against Mittens. It might be close but I still think Obama will carry the state no matter what happens with Walker.


Yeah I am well aware of the voting history in WI. It's just that I think enough Dem voters will be fed up that a. Walker is still Gov and b. Dems couldn't find a viable candidate to beat him and they will channel a lot of that negative energy into their vote against Mittens. It might be close but I still think Obama will carry the state no matter what happens with Walker.

That's bizarre. If they were so motivated why not just, ya know, vote Walker out? I personally think the opposite is more likely to happen, Dems will be dejected (especially kids and minorities) and turnout will be low in November.

Plus don't forget the secret GOP weapon, voter ID.
News from Ohio!

Ohio’s Supreme Court on Friday dismissed a challenge brought by anti-gay groups hoping to block a referendum on retiring the state’s constitutional ban on gay marriage and replacing it with gender neutral language that would allow same-sex couples the right to marry.
So in 2013, there will be a vote in Ohio to legalize same-sex marriage.

I think it'd fail, but it'd be awesome to see Ohio, the state that handed Bush the election in 2004 because of gay marriage, legalize it so quickly.
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