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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The fact that they asked the question "Are the trees the right height in Michigan" pretty much tells me this is a hack organization.

Oh, you meant MI. Let's check that.

2008 Exits:
46% Male
54% Female

41% Democrat
29 Republican
29 Independent or something else

Woman 56%
Man 44%

Republican 28%
Other 34%

PPP also has the population as older than 2008 Exits.

Try Again?
Only 1 state matters in this election.

Meh. Obama doesn't need to win Ohio to win the election. He would get to 272 with just the Kerry states+NM/CO/IA/NV.

That said if he wins it he wins the election.

quadriplegicjon said:
The fact that they seem to be more accurate than most of the other pollsters out there tells me you can suck a big one. Like a lollipop.
This. It's always funny when right-wingers try to discredit PPP for asinine reasons even though they've got a pretty solid track record.

Even in WI-recall, where they had Walker up 50-47 in their last poll (he won by 53-46), give him the margin of error and it becomes 53-47. They got it.

Black Republican said:
NC dems though i think will cost its state for obama
Obama's organization has been running almost completely independent of the state party in NC, but of all the states he won in 08 besides Indiana, it'd probably be the first to go. I think he'll win Florida by a hair though and Ohio and Virginia by decent margins.
Scale of 1 to 10 with 5 being a toss up and 10 being an absolute Obama victory, I'd put it at a 6. Not currently a toss-up, but certainly not a State Obama will be able to totally ignore.

Obama certainly has some cred with the GM UAW and will get 95% of the Detroit vote, but after a lot of the initial uproar when Snyder came into the governorship, few would argue that Snyder hasn't done a very good job and governs how you would want someone to govern - remain relentlessly positive and not get bogged down in bullshit he knows that just fuels ideological fires (like making Michigan a Right to Work state, which I think Snyder believes in, but he knows it's a boondoggle that will distract from so many other things that he won't bother with it).

Contrast that with former governor Granholm, who is a lock-step Obama ideologue and was an absolutely horrendous governor, and I see independents swinging hard for Romney, who most probably view in the same light as Snyder.

I think there is some logic behind this analysis, namely that save for one thing (the controversial emergency manager law, but that was more the Legislature's own doing), the Michigan GOP and Snyder have both kept things a bit quiet.

I'm more interested personally in the Brown/Mandel race. Mandel is trying to tie Brown directly as being a puppet for Obama, but I'm not so sure it's working.
Polls continue to show Colorado close, it's not a given Obama wins it. I would say NM and Nevada will go blue again though. Reid showed how powerful the dem machine in NV is, and with the local GOP party there fucking up...Obama should win.

All Romney needs is Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.


Polls continue to show Colorado close, it's not a given Obama wins it. I would say NM and Nevada will go blue again though. Reid showed how powerful the dem machine in NV is, and with the local GOP party there fucking up...Obama should win.

All Romney needs is Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.

right, what most people have been saying. Romney needs to win all the swing states to win, Obama needs to win 1.
Polls continue to show Colorado close, it's not a given Obama wins it. I would say NM and Nevada will go blue again though. Reid showed how powerful the dem machine in NV is, and with the local GOP party there fucking up...Obama should win.

All Romney needs is Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.
if obama wins isit true you get banned? lol
Polls continue to show Colorado close, it's not a given Obama wins it. I would say NM and Nevada will go blue again though. Reid showed how powerful the dem machine in NV is, and with the local GOP party there fucking up...Obama should win.

All Romney needs is Florida, Ohio, and Virginia.
I would like to see PPP go into Colorado again soon, they haven't polled it since April.

Unfortunately without a gubernatorial or senatorial election, it's not as fun to poll.

I'm pretty sure it's an avatar bet, but I'd take a 3 month ban bet as long as I get to make one final post on November 7th
lol have you already written your concession speech?

I think a ban bet on like, Dems keeping the Senate would be far more interesting.


Phoenix and Kosmo, are you guys from Michigan? You seem to know a lot about my state. Just wondering. I have lived in Oakland County my whole life.

I will admit I don't know much about the west side of the state. I really just can't imagine this state going for Romney though.


Given NV's unemployment I think it's silly to assume Obama has it simply because of Harry Reid, the most incompetent twit to ever lead the Senate in eons.

The only reason why Sharron Angle lost is because she a total fucking loon and couldn't hide it nearly as well as the other total fucking loons in the GOP who rode a wave to victory in 2010.

Just sayin'.

We're so fucked. Just wait until Europe goes belly up.

Surely you jest - or at least you're being disingenuous. Are you saying there aren't a similar number of super rich supporters on the Dem side as on the Republican side? As for their willingness to part with their own money, that's another question.
Uhh we're talking anonymous donors here. Important people in Fortune 500 companies that Obama loves to rip on could donate as individuals as much as they want, whenever they want, anonymously, if he or she so desired. Think about retailers. Health care companies. Gun companies. Etc. etc. The very nature of the CU decision strongly favors those who are a. rich b. Republican and c. feel targeted by the Democrats proposed taxation and overall economic policies. It empowers basically the wealthiest snobbiest bastards who work for or closely with companies that feel even the least bit slighted by something Obama has done or straight up disagrees with him. Investors too. It all favors the GOP more than anyone else.

There aren't nearly as many rich liberals in this country who are going to feel that sense of urgency to donate to Obama, and he's going to come up short.

We're totally fucked.
Byakuya769: not a single person has been willing to take the bet. I guess my record scares them off

Phoenix and Kosmo, are you guys from Michigan? You seem to know a lot about my state. Just wondering. I have lived in Oakland County my whole life.

I will admit I don't know much about the west side of the state. I really just can't imagine this state going for Romney though.

I live in Michigan (Ypsilanti) ie Washtenaw County. Very liberal college town area

The internals of the PPP poll are inline with the Michigan electorate. Take a look at the history of the poll that has it close in Michigan, it's the only poll that has had Romney with a lead there (several times) over the last 18 months. It has been and will continue to be a clear outlier.
We are only into the 1st week of June and it's been pretty shitty for Obama's campaign. I wonder how the poll numbers in July will look after this month is done.

As far as the EC goes, Ohio is pretty irrelevant for Dems. They can lose Ohio and still get to 270 simply by defending CO, NV, and NM.

All of which are not swing states anymore

CO Swing state currently. Romney has best chance of winning it if economy goes at the same pace or goes down.


As far as the EC goes, Ohio is pretty irrelevant for Dems. They can lose Ohio and still get to 270 simply by defending CO, NV, and NM.

All of which are not swing states anymore.

This is an overly optimistic view. It's not a must win, as in 2004, but it's still the single most important state in the election and it will be quite close barring something strange.


Yeah. I wouldn't say OH is irreverent. It's just no longer a win-or-lose state for Dems in an EC sense. As for CO, it's a lean Dem state. It'll be close, but Obama will ultimately win the state, I think. I'm far more interested to see if Obama can win VA again. It's a state he always polled well in, and winning it makes the EC math for the GOP much harder. All Obama has to do is hold on to Kerry's states and win CO and VA and he wins.
Yeah. I wouldn't say OH is irreverent. It's just no longer a win-or-lose state for Dems in an EC sense. As for CO, it's a lean Dem state. It'll be close, but Obama will ultimately win the state, I think. I'm far more interested to see if Obama can win VA again. It's a state he always polled well in, and winning it makes the EC math for the GOP much harder. All Obama has to do is hold on to Kerry's states and win CO and VA and he wins.

Or 2004 + CO, NV and NM
Haha. Doubt anyone is taking that bet now. The truth at how close this is going to be seems to have sunk in for everyone.

You know what fuck it. I'll take a bet with Phoenix (this place is getting boring as hell lately anyhow).

If Barrack Obama loses the next election, I, Flying_Phoenix, will not only change his avatar to text saying "I personally jinxed Obama's victory for the 2012 election", but will also request a mod for the tag "Worst poster in NeoGaf history".
If that's what you want to tell yourself.

Demographics have shifted too much in CO. Whomever carries the Latino vote in CO this Nov will win CO.

So why do recent polls from CO show a toss up?

Romney needs OH or its over, whereas Obama could lose it and still win the election. Still, if Obama loses Ohio I think it would likely signal some major problems, and likely result in a loss imo.

Florida's nonsense tends to convince me Romney will squeak out a win there. Demographics suggest Obama will win Virginia, as do recent polls, but it's a state I think can shift (unlike say, New Mexico) depending on the economy/surprises/debates.

In short, there could easily be a domino effect that swings things to Romney in those three states - and ultimately win him the election. With Europe on the brink and Israel itching to start a war, there are just too many potential factors to fuck things up - not to mention the already stagnating economy. When I take these things into effect I don't see Obama winning. It's like sailing through an ocean of land mines. You could make it through but it's likely you'll get hit by one


lacks enthusiasm.
You know what fuck it. I'll take a bet with Phoenix (this place is getting boring as hell lately anyhow).

If Barrack Obama loses the next election, I, Flying_Phoenix, will not only change his avatar to text saying "I personally jinxed Obama's victory for the 2012 election", but will also request a mod for the tag "Worst poster in NeoGaf history".
Beat you to the punch :eek:

Hopefully PD obliges.
You know what fuck it. I'll take a bet with Phoenix (this place is getting boring as hell lately anyhow).

If Barrack Obama loses the next election, I, Flying_Phoenix, will not only change his avatar to text saying "I personally jinxed Obama's victory for the 2012 election", but will also request a mod for the tag "Worst poster in NeoGaf history".

I'll take that too, but I don't want a new tag. Just an avatar of your choosing saying whatever you want for a year

I feel like I'm taking candy from children here
yeah, I still feel okay about Obama's chances. But the whole Citzen's United thing is the wild card that just throws this whole election into uncertainty.
Mason-Dixon poll of North Dakota Senate finds Heidi Heitkamp (D) up by just a 1 point margin - hardly the Likely R many pundits have pegged it at.

Best plausible Senate results for Democrats is holding 2 of MO, MT, ND, losing NE, and holding VA and WI while winning MA and NV. Keeps them at 53 while King wins the Maine seat.



Silver's electoral map gives me some relief.
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