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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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This is why Obama is going to have a very hard time for re-election.

I agree, Romney will keep shouting things like, Obama's economy is a massive moral failure, or that Obama hasn't created any net jobs, or the Stimulus was a failure or that he has NO Jobs Plan. Media will repeat them, Summer economy slump continues. Romney will lead polls in July.

this reminds me of an article today or yesterday on Steve Jobs and Bill Gates with the quote of "if they were moral leaders they wouldn't be great businessmen"

Although as reilo points out, the same thing happened last time.
Gal civ 2 is like favorite game ever, and somehow I avoided elemental thank god. I still want to try it out though at some point, but yeah I'll wait for princess.

But yeah political machine 2008 didn't have too much strategy, but If I wanted to hammer out a game in half an hour it was perfect for that. And I got to run Obama versus Sarah Palin over and over.


McCain ran against a fictional Obama in 2008, too.

That's because in 2008 Obama was running as a fictional, larger than life character.

He won't be able to win on personality and promise alone this time.

Obama also outspent McCain 10-1 on air in 2008, that is not going to happen in 2012.
Serious? Holy shit that is hilarious. Please cite this so I can use it over and over again in the coming months.
That's because in 2008 Obama was running as a fictional, larger than life character.

He won't be able to win on personality and promise alone this time.

Serious? Holy shit that is hilarious. Please cite this so I can use it over and over again in the coming months.

McCain and now Romney have a 24 hour news network for them though.


McCain and now Romney have a 24 hour news network for them though.



let's start this merry-go-round again!
I told myself I was gonna change my tune and not be all doom and gloom. I know a lot of the data still looks good for Obama. But I am starting to feel exactly the same way I did in 2010; lots of stuff that looks good on its own, but you can just tell something isn't right and won't end well. For example, Walker kind of seems like a prelude to something awful, just like Scott Brown. In any case, Europe and SuperPACs alone are a deadly combination that will no doubt be the thing that ends up pushing Obama way below where he needs to be on Election Day should he end up losing. It's just such a huge handicap he's going to have to overcome, even if we are to look at the situation before the dismal jobs report.

I'm actually kind of burned out on politics. I wish the GOP was sane and Washington wasn't a steaming pile of shit. I'd probably just stop paying attention to politics altogether.

And we still haven't even seen the Court rule on the mandate. This is a depressing month to be an Obama supporter/Democrat in general, and the terrifying thing is, it's just the beginning. :\

I also have to admit that not only am I pissed that SuperPACs are even legal like most everyone else here, but I honestly am having a hard time struggling with facing the reality that this is the result of 30+ years of uber-conservatives trolling the courts, and we have to deal with it. I honestly cannot believe that it's legal, and no matter what we do, we're helpless in terms of trying to stop it. It's an awful feeling. If something that extreme is permitted, what's next?

At this stage of the game, you can't afford not to pay attention to politics.
Eh, not even a great debater could defend Obama's economic record. And if things stagnate throughout the summer it'll be even harder. Romney is no slouch, he's a smart guy who prepares meticulously. And unlike McCain, he's clearly presidential - there are no worries about age, temperament, general understanding of the economy, etc.

I think the debates will be close enough for things to sway wherever the economy is heading - ie the economy will still rule. If things pick up and Obama does well at the debates, he'll win. If things continue to be shitty and Romney capitalizes at the debates, he'll win.

I can't really see Romney denting Obama on foreign policy unless the administration bungles something in the coming months. Is he going to try his "you apologize for America" bullshit to Obama's face? Good luck with that.
But Obama can't debate without a teleprompter.


This election is going to be about social viral campaigns and not TV and billboard campaigns.

Look at how much coverage romneyeconomics and life of julia got.


That's because in 2008 Obama was running as a fictional, larger than life character.

He won't be able to win on personality and promise alone this time.

People should be reminded of the fictional Obama the left thought they were getting in 2008:


Some of these quotes are hilarious:

I've heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who've been intuitively blown away by Obama's presence - not speeches, not policies, but sheer presence

Obama [is] a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.
Seems like the media enjoys playing this game of anticipating what will be taken out of context, then helping to take it out of context. Obama is finished

And to be fair, Obama's comment on the private economy being fine deserves to be propogated. It's the kind of stupid thing he should have known would be jumped on, and technically the private economy isn't fine to begin with. If it was he wouldn't be begging to pass another spending bill


You laugh eznark, but without Obama Girl, American politics would have been a very different place.

Obama can get away with saying the economy is fine because he won't have a Bill Clinton running against him saying that 'he feels our pain'. That's why Romney is the wrong candidate for this year.
You laugh eznark, but without Obama Girl, American politics would have been a very different place.

Obama can get away with saying the economy is fine because he won't have a Bill Clinton running against him saying that 'he feels our pain'. That's why Romney is the wrong candidate for this year.

The thing is Romney doesn't need to convince voters to vote for him, he just has to convince them to vote against Obama.


The thing is Romney doesn't need to convince voters to vote for him, he just has to convince them to vote against Obama.

You don't win an election that way.

Maybe this year is different, but in the past that has never worked.

Romney is also fucked because he can't run on a detailed jobs plan. Obama will merely cherrypick the best parts of it, make the House Republicans vote against it and leave Romney in a peculiar situation. So, Romney has to run on these vague platitudes of improving the economy without any substance behind it.
You laugh eznark, but without Obama Girl, American politics would have been a very different place.

Obama can get away with saying the economy is fine because he won't have a Bill Clinton running against him saying that 'he feels our pain'. That's why Romney is the wrong candidate for this year.

I was going to make this point but I'm on my iPod and typing is annoying. If this was Christie, the election would be very different. If would not be hard to make Obama HW Bush, unfortunately republicans chose a candidate who can't do it


I was going to make this point but I'm on my iPod and typing is annoying. If this was Christie, the election would be very different. If would not be hard to make Obama HW Bush, unfortunately republicans chose a candidate who can't do it

If the Republicans had nominated anyone else (non religious nut) this would have been a slam dunk.

Romney literally adds zero votes to the GOP. He'll get the "anyone but Obama" votes but will not add a single "I love Mitt" voter. Pathetic.

Forget MSNBC, NPR is the new FOXNews:

Gallup has Obama leading among Jews 64-29 - hasn't anyone told them they can't vote Democratic anymore because of Israel?

PPP has gay marriage coming closer in Florida, to 42/45 (in September, it was 37/48), largely on the strength of black voters. Hasn't anyone told black people that they have to abandon Obama now instead of coming around to gay marriage?

Al Franken has a 51-41 advantage over Norm Coleman in MN-SEN 2014. Hasn't anyone told Minnesota voters that Al Franken is a radical liberal ideologue and should be replaced by a moderate Republican as soon as possible?

Dammit, we have a narrative to sell!


Gallup has Obama leading among Jews 64-29 - hasn't anyone told them they can't vote Democratic anymore because of Israel?

PPP has gay marriage coming closer in Florida, to 42/45 (in September, it was 37/48), largely on the strength of black voters. Hasn't anyone told black people that they have to abandon Obama now instead of coming around to gay marriage?

Al Franken has a 51-41 advantage over Norm Coleman in MN-SEN 2014. Hasn't anyone told Minnesota voters that Al Franken is a radical liberal ideologue and should be replaced by a moderate Republican as soon as possible?

Dammit, we have a narrative to sell!

Has Franken done anything aside from occasionally run his mouth?
All what needs to happen is Economy needs to get better in VA, PA, NV, OH and Obama wins by default because honestly the other states don't matter too much


Jeb Bush even came out saying he kinda wishes he could be running right now. He didn't say that before because it looked like Obama was going to get re-elected. Now it's a legitimate toss up if not leaning Republican.

All what needs to happen is Economy needs to get better in VA, PA, NV, OH and Obama wins by default because honestly the other states don't matter too much
He'll carry PA regardless. Maybe he'll get VA but a GOP win in WI or MI would offset that and you can rest assured Romney will be dumping PAC money into those states like nobody's business. OH is a lost cause. I am more optimistic for FL at this point. The hispanic vote could really drive it home for Obama there.

And you can forget about NV as well as Harry Reid helping Obama for that matter. Reid won because he's popular enough in his own state and was running against an insane candidate who could not hide her insanity like most of the other Tea Party twits trolling for votes. Simple as that. NV has the worst UE in the US and I doubt that's going to change. Kiss it goodbye.


How about we slam dunk you

Romney just slam dunked himself.

Romney said of Obama, “he wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back on government and help the American people.”

What a fucking idiot. Did he not notice that Walker specifically exempted firemen and policemen? Jesus he is an idiot.


And he still might win.

As I've said for years: If Dubya can ascend to the Presidency anyone can. Especially now with SuperPACs.

Seems like the media enjoys playing this game of anticipating what will be taken out of context, then helping to take it out of context. Obama is finished
Obama's chances look shittier by the day but come on man. If you get any worse at this you are going to be like "That one CNN anchor now twitches her left eye instead of her right if she's questioning something about Obama. He's finished"


You don't win an election that way.

Maybe this year is different, but in the past that has never worked.

Romney is also fucked because he can't run on a detailed jobs plan. Obama will merely cherrypick the best parts of it, make the House Republicans vote against it and leave Romney in a peculiar situation. So, Romney has to run on these vague platitudes of improving the economy without any substance behind it.
I agree with most of your analysis, but when did running on vague platitudes hurt a politician in this country?


Jeb Bush even came out saying he kinda wishes he could be running right now. He didn't say that before because it looked like Obama was going to get re-elected. Now it's a legitimate toss up if not leaning Republican.

He'll carry PA regardless. Maybe he'll get VA but a GOP win in WI or MI would offset that and you can rest assured Romney will be dumping PAC money into those states like nobody's business. OH is a lost cause. I am more optimistic for FL at this point. The hispanic vote could really drive it home for Obama there.

And you can forget about NV as well as Harry Reid helping Obama for that matter. Reid won because he's popular enough in his own state and was running against an insane candidate who could not hide her insanity like most of the other Tea Party twits trolling for votes. Simple as that. NV has the worst UE in the US and I doubt that's going to change. Kiss it goodbye.

Jeb may say that but isn't the Bush name too much of a burden for him to run with?


Now? Not really. He doesn't sound like a neanderthal every time he opens his mouth. He'd have had to prove himself in the primary but if he did a good job he'd be able to overcome enough of the obstacles that come with being a Bush these days to get enough swing voters in the GE.


Romney just slam dunked himself.

What a fucking idiot. Did he not notice that Walker specifically exempted firemen and policemen? Jesus he is an idiot.

Gah, I just want to punch that idiot sometimes. I mean barring the stupid faux pas that Walker exempted firemen and policemen, that's still just a stupid statement. How exactly does cutting back the government jobs help the American people? I mean really, how? Less jobs is somehow good in the economy? Are those people who work those jobs not American people, too? Are they not hard-working tax-paying individuals? I realize the republican party would have you believe otherwise, but this is silly.

More government jobs = more money in the economy = more money and opportunity for private business = everybody wins
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