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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Did Obama use recess apointments for the CFPB? If so, I would make an ad saying ''Republicans blocked so and so to criple the CFPB, an organisation that, thanks to president Obama's actions, is now investigating so and so for so and so''.

Edit: Maybe add something like: ''Why were the republicans trying to block these investigations blabla?''
"So I told that rich liberal guy, hey- if you think the wealthy should pay more taxes, why don't you just write a check and shut up!"

*Republicans cheer* "I can see it now... President Christie"

One of your GOP rising stars
Chris Christie is such an asshole. NJ people should do a protest drive against him, and call it "hamburger for homeless". Give a cheeseburger to a hobo on your way to work. If their governor is an unrepentant fat ass, there's no reason why the poor should be dying of hunger on the NJ streets.
Chris Christie is such an asshole. NJ people should do a protest drive against him, and call it "hamburger for homeless". Give a cheeseburger to a hobo on your way to work. If their governor is an unrepentant fat ass, there's no reason why the poor should be dying of hunger on the NJ streets.
Over the line. For real.

He's boisterous and obnoxious, but saying that he needs to be ashamed because he's fat and there are hungry people makes you a bigger asshole than you think he is.
How is that over the line?
How is that not over the line? I don't care for Chris Christie at all, and I find his politics contemptible, but lashing out like that is just juvenile. Why should we treat the fact that he's fat like some moral failing for which he should be flogged every time he makes a decision we disagree with? Come on.
How is that not over the line? I don't care for Chris Christie at all, and I find his politics contemptible, but lashing out like that is just juvenile. Why should we treat the fact that he's fat like some moral failing for which he should be flogged every time he makes a decision we disagree with? Come on.

It wasn't that he's fat. That wasn't the point Rusty was making. The point was that Christie is overweight and doesn't apologize for it, doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with it (I'm not saying there is). But when you have the governor who is able to eat enough food to be overweight and yet put in place policy that doesn't afford the same opportunity to find food to those in poverty it can be seen as hypocritical. It may be reaching, I admit that, but it can still be argued.
stupid Santorum is scaring people too much that Mitt Romney may win Michigan after all.

what a momo! I wanted Santorum to win states to push this to convention. But eh he is scaring people with his theology
Over the line. For real.

He's boisterous and obnoxious, but saying that he needs to be ashamed because he's fat and there are hungry people makes you a bigger asshole than you think he is.

Oh spare me the righteous indignation please. We already shame fat people with fat tax. It's not calling him out for being fat. He should know that while he's gorging on 3 angus beef steaks with large fries and a super size pop, there are people on his streets who haven't eaten for a day. I'd say the same thing for asshole governors who yacht and cruise in vacation spots more than usual, while their states are going down the drain.
It wasn't that he's fat. That wasn't the point Rusty was making. The point was that Christie is overweight and doesn't apologize for it, doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with it (I'm not saying there is). But when you have the governor who is able to eat enough food to be overweight and yet put in place policy that doesn't afford the same opportunity to find food to those in poverty it can be seen as hypocritical. It may be reaching, I admit that, but it can still be argued.

It's not clear that you understand the definition of "hypocrisy" if you think being fat and promoting bad poverty policy is hypocritical.

Oh spare me the righteous indignation please. We already shame fat people with fat tax. It's not calling him out for being fat. He should know that while he's gorging on 3 angus beef steaks with large fries and a super size pop, there are people on his streets who haven't eaten for a day. I'd say the same thing for asshole governors who yacht and cruise in vacation spots more than usual, while their states are going down the drain.
And while we're at it, how about that Obama? Playing golf while the nation is in recession? The very idea.


aka andydumi
So glad to see how fast the CFPB is getting up and running.

I thought it was ready to go but it had no way to formally start things without a leader. I had read an article that the work was going on behind the scenes, but without the leader to actually sign for stuff, they had no teeth, so the appointment block was a perfect crippling device.


Over the line. For real.

He's boisterous and obnoxious, but saying that he needs to be ashamed because he's fat and there are hungry people makes you a bigger asshole than you think he is.

Obesity is the ultimate embodiment of the "personal responsibility" talking point that Republicans love to spout.

It's not clear that you understand the definition of "hypocrisy" if you think being fat and promoting bad poverty policy is hypocritical.

And while we're at it, how about that Obama? Playing golf while the nation is in recession? The very idea.

I didn't say that Christie is fat specifically because he eats a lot. But I don't see how you can argue that a person who if indeed overeats and yet puts in place policy that restricts food for others isn't hypocritical.

Obesity is the ultimate embodiment of the "personal responsibility" talking point that Republicans love to spout.

And this too.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Romney proposed cutting the individual tax rate to 28% instead.

Yeah, this will go over REAL well during the general election.

Mr. Romney’s top economic adviser, Glenn Hubbard, said the plan would cut all six current tax brackets — 10, 15, 25, 28, 33, and 35 percent, depending on a taxpayer’s income — by the same proportion of 20 percent. That would produce this new set of tax brackets: 8, 12, 20, 22.4, 26.4, and 28 percent. “It’s a marginal rate cut for every American,” Mr. Hubbard said.

But he added that Mr. Romney is committed to making his plan both “revenue neutral” – meaning it won’t add to the budget deficit — and “distributionally neutral” – meaning that it won’t shift the tax burden from upper-income Americans to middle and working class Americans. Since the largest benefits from rate reduction would go to upper income taxpayers, so will the burdens of “base broadening” reductions in existing deductions needed to keep the government from hemorrhaging revenue, he explained.

Obesity is the ultimate embodiment of the "personal responsibility" talking point that Republicans love to spout.
If he can afford to manage the consequences of his "choice" to be obese, then it's not irresponsible. Just somewhat irrational.

I didn't say that Christie is fat specifically because he eats a lot. But I don't see how you can argue that a person who if indeed overeats and yet puts in place policy that restricts food for others isn't hypocritical.
1. the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc, contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp the pretence of virtue and piety
Apparently you neglected to consult the definition of hypocrisy. If you were to say that his budget is at odds with a Christian imperative to care for the poor, that would be hypocrisy. Eating a lot is not conceptually at odds with having bad poverty policy.

Read my quote again. I mentioned "more than usual". Does Obama play golf more than usual?
What's a usual amount of golf? About 1.5% of the population of the US plays golf. Many or most of them are well-off. It's inappropriate for the President to take part in such a leisurely pastime when Americans are experiencing record economic distress. /kosmo

What you are doing is the same exact bullshit.


Over the line. For real.

He's boisterous and obnoxious, but saying that he needs to be ashamed because he's fat and there are hungry people makes you a bigger asshole than you think he is.
It's a race to the bottom. I'm curious as to who reaches it first.
I suppose this works as a short-term solution. But the primary problem remains a dysfunctional Senate. The institutional norms have been nullified. And absent those norms, the Senate will flounder. Eventually, the Senate will have to reform.

It's not clear that you understand the definition of "hypocrisy" if you think being fat and promoting bad poverty policy is hypocritical.

And while we're at it, how about that Obama? Playing golf while the nation is in recession? The very idea.

BTW, this one of the listings for hypocrisy

hypocrisy (hɪˈpɒkrəsɪ)

— n , pl -sies
1. the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc, contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp the pretence of virtue and piety
2. an act or instance of this

Christie pushes personal responsibility, lifting oneself up, etc. and yet it can be argued that his weight shows that when it comes to food intake he lacks personal responsibility, all the while signing off on law that restricts the same for the poor.

Zero Hero

I'm confused. What does his plan really accomplish if what he says is true and that it's both revenue neutral and distribution-ally neutral? Just shifts some loopholes around?

Less tax revenue paid for by cuts in infrastructure/benefits. Sounds like Greece!
Christie pushes personal responsibility, lifting oneself up, etc. and yet it can be argued that his weight shows that when it comes to food intake he lacks personal responsibility, all the while signing off on law that restricts the same for the poor.
Is Christie's stated objective to keep the poor thin by depriving them of food because he believes that they would be unable to moderate their own diets if their access to food was unrestricted? That would be hypocrisy.




More telling was the quote offered by Tom Allen, a Pittsburgh-based OBGYN who had co-founded the city's first abortion clinic, delivered Santorum's wife, Karen, and gone on to share an apartment with her.

"When Karen told me she was moving out," Allen said, "she said, 'You'd really like Rick. He's a lot like you. He's politically active and he's pro-choice.'"
Is Christie's stated objective to keep the poor thin by depriving them of food because he believes that they would be unable to moderate their own diets if their access to food was unrestricted? That would be hypocrisy.

The guy just vetoed the state legislature's marriage equality bill. He doesn't deserve your time or effort spent in his defense.
Just saw Obama singing again. You could see on his face he knew if he messed up it would be replayed millions and millions of times. I love how this stuff is making headlines everywhere and he's actually not doing bad.
Hollywood star announced as Obama national campaign co-chair

(CNN) - The Obama campaign announced its national co-chairs Wednesday, and one Hollywood star made the list. "Desperate Housewives" actress Eva Longoria will be one of the 35 national leaders of the campaign.

The star, who has visited the White House on several occasions and been an active supporter of President Barack Obama, joins a group that includes mostly politicians and business leaders.



I don't know, you tell me? Since we're being awfully pedantic here. What's the usual amount of food a guy can eat without ballooning like a hippo?

2000-2500 calories per day. For an athlete it could be significantly more. The percentage of sugar and simple carbohydrates included in that amount will also have a significant effect.
Is Christie's stated objective to keep the poor thin by depriving them of food because he believes that they would be unable to moderate their own diets if their access to food was unrestricted? That would be hypocrisy.

Is Christie's message about personal responsibility? Yes? Is Christie being responsible by being overweight? No. He's being hypocritical.
The guy just vetoed the state legislature's marriage equality bill. He doesn't deserve your time or effort spent in his defense.
It should be clear that I don't think highly of Chris Christie or anything, I just thought the abusive language was unnecessary.

I don't know, you tell me? Since we're being awfully pedantic here. What's the usual amount of food a guy can eat without ballooning like a hippo?
I give up.

And not just the big 40oz cans, but also the small mini-bottles that dots the country's 7-elevens.
Is Christie's message about personal responsibility? Yes? Is Christie being responsible by being overweight? No. He's being hypocritical.

I think a more effective argument is his opposition to health care reform in spite of his unhealthy lifestyle.

Chris Christe said:
"I have philosophical problems with the individual mandate," Christie said. "What's next? I am mandated to eat broccoli? What happens if Congress decides there is a crisis in the broccoli industry and mandates us to eat broccoli?"

A nightmare indeed.


I'm confused. What does his plan really accomplish if what he says is true and that it's both revenue neutral and distribution-ally neutral? Just shifts some loopholes around?

From Ezra Klein:

Mitt Romney just released his latest, revised tax plan. You can read the full thing below. A quick overview: He’s proposing a permanent 20 percent cut to all marginal income tax rates (which means that the top marginal rate would drop from 35 percent to 28 percent). He’d repeal the estate tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax. And he’d pay for the whole thing through “spending cuts of approximately $500 billion” that aren’t specified in the document.​
The full plan is linked there as well. He's promising the tax cuts, without specifying where the costs would be cut from. Of course, we know they would come from social programs and other supports for the not-wealthy. Romeny is absolutely digging himself into a deep hole in the general by proposing tax cuts for the wealthy, especially with how it contrasts with Obama. Definately a plan aimed at the GOP primary electorate.
From Ezra Klein:

Mitt Romney just released his latest, revised tax plan. You can read the full thing below. A quick overview: He’s proposing a permanent 20 percent cut to all marginal income tax rates (which means that the top marginal rate would drop from 35 percent to 28 percent). He’d repeal the estate tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax. And he’d pay for the whole thing through “spending cuts of approximately $500 billion” that aren’t specified in the document.​
The full plan is linked there as well. He's promising the tax cuts, without specifying where the costs would be cut from. Of course, we know they would come from social programs and other supports for the not-wealthy. Romeny is absolutely digging himself into a deep hole in the general by proposing tax cuts for the wealthy, especially with how it contrasts with Obama. Definately a plan aimed at the GOP primary electorate.
It is another pander to the right wing base.


It is another pander to the right wing base.
It's just the two Santas Clauses again.
Expect to see the same crap in the general election.
Tax cuts is the one GOP policy that has not been thoroughly rejected by the electorate.

The good news (if you can call them that) is that the Tea Party managed to scare the GOP so much that Romney will be on the hook to explain how it will be deficit neutral, and that's where he'll get into trouble (though I'm guessing he'll try VERY HARD to avoid specifics).


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It is another pander to the right wing base.

looks like a pander to everyone. If it were merely a 20% cut off of only the top two rates, I could see it the other way. It is going to be damn near impossible to cut 500 billion out of the budget without big cuts to the military. and he has stated that he wont cut military.
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