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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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"our base is gonna be fired up" - as if that's going to help. Your base is the problem! :lol

It's so funny. A quarter of the Republicans are worried about being primaried in 2014, another fifty percent are so paranoid that anything that they pass can be perceived as a 'tax raise' that they can't act on anything, and the final 25 percent will be gone in a few days and so just don't give a fuck anyway. It's pure fucking hilarity.


There is no way the teabaggers blow up this deal. Just going by the media coverage, they will get hammered by everyone. Even Brit Hume is calling them out on twitter...




Even a bare tax cut will be DOA. They will add their cuts to it. jesus, man.

Simply not fucking true; you expect no deal to be passed then, correct? A bare tax cut can be passed once this bill fails, and then you address everything else immediately afterward. It will be labeled a tax cut now.

I would prefer to just do a big deal that includes taxes/spending cuts, but separating makes more sense now. It's easier than spending hours negotiating over amendments. 300/350k rate, plus the estate and dividend/capital gains tax agreement from previous bill. That's it.

You want to pretend like republicans will blow that up too, go ahead.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wow, I can't believe the GOP is going to let the Teabaggers destroy this.

It's almost as if people don't remember November 2012.

When Brit Hume is calling you out, you know you're screwing up.

Edit: The picture CNN is using of Cantor makes me look like a complete douche.
Simply not fucking true; you expect no deal to be passed then, correct? A bare tax cut can be passed once this bill fails, and then you address everything else immediately afterward. It will be labeled a tax cut now.

I would prefer to just do a big deal that includes taxes/spending cuts, but separating makes more sense now. It's easier than spending hours negotiating over amendments. 300/350k rate, plus the estate and dividend/capital gains tax agreement from previous bill. That's it.

You want to pretend like republicans will blow that up too, go ahead.


Mike Allen ‏@mikeallen
GOP source: If deal had passed, the party would have been split and have lost its way on taxes. Politics were all bad before; now is a draw

There is no way a simple tax cut would be passed now. The eventual deal will happen when there is enough pressure on the House. We'll see how long it takes, though. But they can't pass a simple tax cut right now unless it's an extension at all income levels.

edit: 2nd caucus meeting about to happen for house GOP.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So basically, this sets it up for the dems to pass a tax cut for only those under $250,000 now, correct?

Don't the GOP realize how bad that is going to make them look if they don't pass it?

There is no way a simple tax cut would be passed now. The eventual deal will happen when there is enough pressure on the House. We'll see how long it takes, though. But they can't pass a simple tax cut right now unless it's an extension at all income levels.

edit: 2nd caucus meeting about to happen for house GOP.

That deal was negotiated before the cliff, it's not hard to see why the house rejected it.

Tell me, what is your plan. I've laid mine out, and my twitter page is now full of Obama Tax Cut For America points. It's the most logical way forward now that we're over the cliff. Start fresh, the senate bill is apparently DOA.


This reminds me of a documentary I watched a while back on the first Iraq war. Schwarzkopf commented that at every single stage of the war, Saddam Hussein did the absolute dumbest thing he could have possibly thought of. That is how Obama must feel right now in regards to the GOP.
So basically, this sets it up for the dems to pass a tax cut for only those under $250,000 now, correct?

Don't the GOP realize how bad that is going to make them look if they don't pass it?
It makes them heroes for the select people in the ridiculously gerrymandered districts that elected them and that's all they give any fucks about.


The Autumn Wind
I feel this comic perfectly sums up this situation:

That deal was negotiated before the cliff, it's not hard to see why the house rejected it.

Tell me, what is your plan. I've laid mine out, and my twitter page is now full of Obama Tax Cut For America points. It's the most logical way forward now that we're over the cliff. Start fresh, the senate bill is apparently DOA.

My plan would be to bring it to the american people and put pressure on the House to pass.

Let the markets tank for a bit to add that pressure. They'll move once they see the uproar. And if they don't, it means they won't ever move so it doesn't matter.

And i don't care about your twitter page.

Jennifer Rubin ‏@JRubinBlogger
@mikeallen this is incoherent on R's part.. they really dont deserve to govern.. and they can't!

Even she is turning on them, lmao
This is truly amazing. I go out to go see Django, and some back to House Republicans making even bigger fools of themselves then I thought imaginable. Republicans are about to take 100% of the blame for this mess, I can only imagine what will happen on Wall Street tomorrow
Obama a terrible potus to have if other side rationally crazy, but may be exact right guy when other side is irrationally crazy, like house
McConnell rationally crazy, can take WH to cleaners. house GOP irrationally crazy. Save O from his own lousy negotiating, make him look big.

Perfect point here. Obama is the perfect foil to pure, irrational obstruction but would get his lunch money (happily) taken by a realistic opposition. Republicans have turned down Medicare age eligibility and Social Security cuts within the last 18 months
I wonder if Obama planned this? :O
He had to know it was a possibility. Win/win either way. Look reasonable in ceding a little ground on tax rates and get a lot more revenue to play with, look reasonable in ceding a little ground on tax rates and having the GOP torpedo a deal before a more liberal Congress comes in.
My plan would be to bring it to the american people and put pressure on the House to pass.

Let the markets tank for a bit to add that pressure. They'll move once they see the uproar. And if they don't, it means they won't ever move so it doesn't matter.

And i don't care about your twitter page.

You're shitting on me while agreeing with half of my argument, wow. We agree Obama should be going to the American people/TV every day hammering the House on this. We differ that I believe the senate deal is completely dead since it was negotiated before the cliff, and a clean tax cut (or bill with tax cuts and spending cuts) would pass.

So why are you being so aggressive against me if we're not far away on points, jeez
You're shitting on me while agreeing with half of my argument, wow. We agree Obama should be going to the American people/TV every day hammering the House on this. We differ that I believe the senate deal is completely dead since it was negotiated before the cliff, and a clean tax cut (or bill with tax cuts and spending cuts) would pass.

So why are you being so aggressive against me if we're not far away on points, jeez

Everyone agrees Obama should be hammering the House GOP. That's obvious.

My problem with you is your contention that Obama lost badly in the previous deal which is ridiculous and your own proposal was barely different (only a swap of lower income level for undefined spending cuts but ignoring that he already swapped in credit phaseouts) yet you harped on how bad it was.

I don't believe a simple tax cut plan can pass this week. period.


pass a better one how!? The House is still gop controlled.

Exactly. What's the guarantee that Obama can get a better deal than his so-called cave (apparently the teabaggers don't think he caved!) after the markets start tanking and all the politicians who aren't nihilists are freaking out?

The GOP has shown that they don't give a fuck about anything but their ideology and if they torpedo this bill, why wouldn't they hold out for more concessions from people who care about the country?


Debbie Wasserman Schultz cutting Rubio up over his no vote. She said that comment to Wolf with extra snottiness, seemed to me.


Hopefully they add a Sharia Law amendment
If we're going for lulz value only, I hope they say they wouldn't pass a bill until Hilary testify on Benghazi.

why does it always have to be 11th dimension chess with you people

why can't it ever just be the GOP being shitlords in spite of being handed everything
For the same reason people love conspiracy theories.
Competence, even malevolent, is more comforting than this fucking clown show.


The Autumn Wind
why does it always have to be 11th dimension chess with you people

why can't it ever just be the GOP being shitlords in spite of being handed everything
We're not saying they're not shitlords. Just that Obama knew they would be shitlords.
The magnitude of the GOP gains in 2010 and the resultant gerrymandering was an exhibition in competence, everything else (and since) has been a clown car straight up


The Autumn Wind
The most I'd give him is that he probably *expected* them to be shitlords but really hoped they wouldn't. The man [still] isn't as polarized as most of us, after all.
Sure, and it's actually the reason he's been willing to compromise. However, he knows if they don't pass this, he has even more leverage. It's win-win for him.
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