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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I hope they arrest that Bundy moron.. He really makes my blood boil, along with all the idiots backing him.

The worse thing is that elected officials and media figures give these guys validation, which is dangerous. The best way to deal with the fringe is to keep it on the fringe - by validating it in the media you justify it, and make "the movement" look larger than it is. These guys are expecting footage of feds shooting innocent women to be projected on Fox News with a sympathetic narrative. And when that happens they expect it will further incite other militias to rise up.

His cattle will be confiscated, it's only a matter of time. And if his people want to shoot first, kill them all.
more info on that ten point Pryor lead poll:

A pro-minimum wage hike organization released a new poll conducted by Opinion Research Associates showing Pryor with 48 percent support to Cotton with 38 percent of the vote. The pollster surveyed 400 likely voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. It was conducted from April 1 to April 8.

Clearly bullshit. The other polls seem fine, but show a close race with the incumbent well under 50%.



Wait...wait...what? Am I losing my mind here, or just being an idiot and reading this wrong? They used an inverted y-axis? So gun deaths increased after 2005? Someone please tell me I'm just being stupid, because if this graph is trying to do what I think it's trying to do, it's the most blatant example of deliberate abuse of statistics I have seen in a long, long time.


Where the hell is this from? And is this real life?

holy heck Reuters did that themselves?

It came a'scrambling across my Twitter Feed this morning and I thought PoliGAF would get a kick out of it. Appears to be from this article; http://www.businessinsider.com/gun-deaths-in-florida-increased-with-stand-your-ground-2014-2

Wait...wait...what? Am I losing my mind here, or just being an idiot and reading this wrong? They used an inverted y-axis? So gun deaths increased after 2005? Someone please tell me I'm just being stupid, because if this graph is trying to do what I think it's trying to do, it's the most blatant example of deliberate abuse of statistics I have seen in a long, long time.

You're not losing your mind, being an idiot or reading it wrong; they flipped the axis so up is down and down is up. I guess they figure, if evolution is just a "theory", why not gravity too?
Theres no freaking way Bundy is gonna pay $1m in back fees. It was stupid of BLM to stand down.

This is far from over.

They will feel pretty stupid and outgunned if some helicopters, snipers, and armored vehicles showed up at the scene.

He may not end up paying the full million dollars. He may be able to cut a deal.
But the more I keep reading about this story, the less sympathy I feel for this guy.

He's just a teabagger nut.
This is far from over.

They will feel pretty stupid and outgunned if some helicopters, snipers, and armored vehicles showed up at the scene.

He may not end up paying the full million dollars. He may be able to cut a deal.
But the more I keep reading about this story, the less sympathy I feel for this guy.

He's just a teabagger nut.
I dont think they are goin to bring the big guns. They should have kept his cattle until the guy paid his fees. Now the Govt does look like the big bad wolf in the eyes of fox news and rightwingers if the feds decide to come back, which I dont think they would. Given the narrative that Obama targeted right wing groups with IRS and and other black panther thugz, I dont think he would want more stories like that.

I just dont want the nutjobs to get away with threats and incitements.
Never had a chance. She's running a campaign like she's in a purple state, and it's not going to work.

Investing here was a dumb idea. Michelle Nunn and Jason Carter could use the money a lot more (though they've been good fundraisers in their own right).

Meh. It always was a real long shot and it is investment in the future. Texas could easily go blue if someone could motivate all the latinos to vote.


Fox News...i keep watching. The Five's Eric Bolling, don't go after Bundy until we go after all illegal immigrants first. It's not exactly a shocking position, it's either that or bringing up Benghazi.
Tea Party candidate’s ‘electile dysfunction’ ad claims Boehner has gone limp.
The advertisement begins like a conventional spot for a drug that treats erectile dysfunction. “Some times, when a politician has been in D.C. too long, it goes to his head and he just can’t seem to get the job done,” a voice-over says atop video of Boehner shaking hands with President Barack Obama.

“Using Winteregg in Congress on a daily basis,” the advertisement continues, “will help you every time the moment is right — for your voice to be heard at the federal level.”

“When using Winteregg, it’s important to note that the borders will be secured, Second Amendment rights protected, Obamacare and Planned Parenthood will be defunded, and common sense will be used in solving the nation’s problems.”

Over a clip of Boehner and Obama politely nodding to each other during a State of the Union Address, the advertisement claims that “other signs of electile dysfunction include extreme skin discoloration, the inability to punch oneself out of a wet paper bag or maintain its spine in the face of liberal opposition.”

“If you have a Boehner lasting more than 23 years, seek immediate medical attention,” the advertisement concludes.
So Politico has a story that says Insurers happy with Obamacare performance are now looking to expand their offerings on the exchanges.

Obamacare keeps on rollin, GOP hatin


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why is this so difficult?

Last week, former presidents and dignitaries celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which bans many forms of employment discrimination and whites-only lunch counters, among other things. This week, a Republican congressman declared that he’s not sure if the Civil Rights Act is even constitutional.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), a freshman congressman aligned with the Tea Party, held a town hall Monday evening in Gainesville where he fielded a wide range of questions from constituents. One such voter was Melvin Flournoy, a 57-year-old African American from Gainesville, who asked Yoho whether he believes the Civil Rights Act is constitutional.

“Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act?” the Florida Republican replied. “I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.”

"Bubububu a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted on the CRA!"
Why is this so difficult?

"Bubububu a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted on the CRA!"

Yoho. That Jackass better show up in Bill Maher's flip-a-district. He's gonna 'unskew' climate change!

KEYES: Droughts and extreme weather have been on the rise here in Florida. Do you think that’s something that’s attributable to manmade climate change?
YOHO: No. I think it’s a natural occurrence. I think we need to be good stewards of the resources we have and we need to get better, which we have, through technology and innovation.
KEYES: Do you think scientists are right on climate change or are they off-base on it?
YOHO: I think there’s an agenda-driven science. I can read stuff that says that the information was skewed. It’s not right. I’m a guy that’s worked out in the weather since I was 16. I can tell there’s climate change. The cause? I’m not smart enough for that.
It's weird when people admit they don't know shit, and are aware that there are people out there who do know shit, but specifically decide to write those people off. If I can't know shit, nobody can know shit!
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