Jeffrey C. Miller 10 hours ago
Bring it on! Another civilian militia showdown is in order.
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WhatTha Jeffrey C. Miller 10 hours ago
We're ready!
849 ReplyShare
camp50 WhatTha 8 hours ago
It is time for state law enforcement personnel to start arresting these federal agents.
393 ReplyShare
redbird camp50 8 hours ago
Same with local LEO's. They need to be telling Feds to re-route their illegals South, all the way back to the southern border.
Mayors, City Council, etc. need to be at the front lines with their constituents making sure No illegals are dumped in their town.
Take your illegal Aliens back where they came from.
130 ReplyShare
Factory_Hag redbird 7 hours ago
Would love to see some elected officials standing with the people. It would really help, even if it only keeps the Federales from getting too rough.
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koolaid Factory_Hag 7 hours ago
If you are anywhere near Murrieta CA get your b u tt down there and support these protesters. Numbers matter, it's time to take a stand right NOW
rainesson koolaid 7 hours ago
Go if you can, go as if your life depended on it.
If the Brownshirt Feds from DC can crush resistance in Murrieta, then they'll be free to do it anywhere they please. Every border town from Galveston to San Diego will be under the DC Jackboot. And the Welcome Mat out for anyone from the Narco-Corruptocracy that runs from Mexico to Panama.
Even if you're 150 miles away, ride, walk, run or crawl; stand up for the law. The future of the country hangs in the balance.
89 ReplyShare
OBAMUNISM rainesson 6 hours ago
This situation consisted of economic and biological warfare by Barack Hussein Obama on the American people. Now he has escalated it to actual warfare. Obama's legacy to the U.S.A.: "If you like your Infectious Tuberculosis, you can keep your Infectious Tuberculosis."...and..."If you don't like your Infectious Tuberculosis, I have stockpiled millions of rounds of hollow points, one has your name on it." I will not be surprised when Obama sends surviving family members a bill for the bullet used to kill their loved one. Fricking Banana Republic Dictator.
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Abigail Park rainesson 3 hours ago
I'm in La Jolla and going to check it out!
The is unacceptable. Obama basically tells these poor fools that they will be given the world if they sneak into our country. After all, he won't deport or arrest them. And then big Sheila Jackson Lee shows up at the border with goddamn lollipops.
What has our country come to? Enforce our laws and this won't be an issue.
Why are we obligated to house these ILLEGAL people? They already get FREE healthcare at hospitals. Whats next - giving them free food, voting rights, and a EBT card / welfare check? Good grief! Americans like myself are struggling. Im employed (temp work) but cant afford health insurance. I dont drive much either cause I cant afford gas. My basic $19/month car insurance from Insurance Panda (thank god for it) probably wont cover me for huge accidents either. I cut cable and internet and I havent been out to eat or to the movies in god knows how long. It infuriates me that these people who dont even belong here are getting more freebies than tax paying, law abiding citizens like myself!
Illegal aliens show up and all of sudden the govt. can buy a college to house them.
13 ReplyShare
redbird John (magnum) 3 hours ago
If obama brings in the U.N. Migrant Council to re-settle the ALIENs under a phony Refugee status, that opens the door to UN peacekeepers, many already here. It won't be us Patriots that fire the 1st shot.
God Bless the U.S.
2 ReplyShare
larryl212 George 8 hours ago
Please tell me you're on some kind of "Buzz." In all my years on Disqus this post is the most disjointed... ever. These are demonic times. Think. Be articulate. Our way of life is imploding. So please... don't post such gibberish. It just gives the collectivist movement fodder for their point... "We're all bigoted... ill- educated hayseeds... that need a grand king to tell us all what to do."
14 ReplyShare