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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Maybe that's why Michelle is allegedly not a happy camper right now. Something needs to be done, and this "no drama/don't overreact/wait until the last minute" shit needs to be thrown out the window.

When is Michelle ever happy? She's a sourpuss. I'm convinced she's sitting in the White House theater room with Barack every night, telling him "you ain't shit", how he's lucky to have a woman like her, and offering backhanded compliments like "oh but you're still cute though, kinda".


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Breaking news, guys. Romney says if he knew he was being secretly recorded, he would have acted way differently:

My favorite part of this is that Romney still, for some reason, thinks this is an acceptable excuse.
You went through when the people who know the truth about America's greatness were in charge and teaching, not these hippy communists who teach now.

This was my AP US History Free Response Question, Its highly appropriate for the debate we're having now.


Analyze the ways in which the Vietnam War heightened social, political, and
economic tensions in the United States. Focus your answer on the period 1964 to 1975

Read some of the selections.

I got a 5!

This was the alternate question:

The college board needs to stand firm, the US history test is a great thing.

Look at the history of the test thought and you'll see why the right is fighting this. It shows America in all its faults.

Meanwhile, at the Economist:

Inside are over 18,000 Indian-Americans, as prosperous and upstanding a diaspora as you will find from the Redwood forests to the Gulf Stream waters. They are willing themselves into the kind of obedient hysteria they were meant to have left behind generations ago in the badlands of Asia, along with hunger and snakes. “Modi, Modi, Modi,” shout the massed oncologists, engineers and entrepreneurs, wearing T-Shirts bearing his face and the slogan “Unity, Action, Progress”. An Americanised Bollywood dance troupe wearing fluorescent military uniforms gyrates to Bruce Springsteen’s anthem “Born in the USA”. The cries reach a lustier pitch. “Modi, Modi, Modi!”
Ben Carson needs to shut the fuck up. Any credibility he had a neurosurgeon. is completely obliterated.

I went through AP history over 10 years ago. o noz guess I need to leave the country and go fight for ISIS.
America's history is littered with corpses, blood, slavery and rape. Violence and death is in our blood. What should we teach our kids in history classes, if not our glorious history?


This was my AP US History Free Response Question, Its highly appropriate for the debate we're having now.


Read some of the selections.

I got a 5!

This was the alternate question:

The college board needs to stand firm, the US history test is a great thing.

Look at the history of the test thought and you'll see why the right is fighting this. It shows America in all its faults.


Aww. They only got back to 2003. I took it in 2002.

I got a 3. Year. I suck.
and anti-GMOs

He just supports labeling. Nothing wrong with that . . . I'd continue buying the stuff.

But many people won't. Just look at the anti-gluten fiasco.

and blindly supports Israel

Definitely supports Israel but hardly blindly . . . he hammers them a lot too. And even hammered an atheist group in the rant linked to above.

He outright denies that Palestine is an occupied territory and stated Israel "didn't lose the high ground" during the recent quagmire AND ignored the human rights watch report in the region of Israel's blatant abuse in Gaza.

It's good when we get 125 prominent Muslim scholars coming out against ISIS. The problem I feel is the examples we have of Islamic countries as they exist now are quite poor. Most of these countries are hotbeds of regressive politics and human rights violations, and the natural thought that follows that is "if this is what happens when a country is predominately Islamic, what does that say about the faith?" Turkey is one of the few exceptions as one that introduced secularism, and even that country has serious problems.

Yes, every country is guilty of sins; but not necessarily equally.

However, I'm of the opinion that Islam alone isn't at fault. All religion is fucking horrible, it's just that Islam right now in its popular political forms seems to be stuck in the 15th century. Christianity went through long periods of that too in terms of political power, but that slowly evolved into the modern age. It seems Islam has to go through that now, and I am of the opinion we do need to therefore push Islam harder than the other major religions due to how assbackwards these countries are.

Most Muslims just take their religion too seriously and that is a problem. You could say "there is a problem with the religion itself" but you can say that about any religion. It isn't like the Bible is up on the pedestal of morality.

Bill Maher does not just single out Muslims for terrorism. He paints the entire faith and its 1.5 billion adherants as the same as the terrorists. He has called for racial profiling of Muslims at airports. Most of the tips aggainst domestic terrorists come from the Muslim communities and mosques in US. Everyone remembers the time square wannabe bomber Faisal shahzad, but no one remembers Aliune Niasse a senegalese Muslim vendor who noticed the smoke from the SUV and alerted the police.

Bill Maher is on record of being "scared" that Muhammad is he fastest growing name in England. He regularly hints that Western Muslims have the same views and beliefs as say those in Iran.

Joe Molotov

Ben Carson needs to shut the fuck up. Any credibility he had a neurosurgeon. is completely obliterated.

I went through AP history over 10 years ago. o noz guess I need to leave the country and go fight for ISIS.

They barely even talk about George Washington! Where, oh where will our kids ever find out about George Washington if not an AP US History course??


Sparks fly in final Texas governor debate between Greg Abbott, Wendy Davis - Education and corruption topics discussed in article about the final debate. Texas ranks rather low on education in this country, to my knowledge. Davis remains an underdog but as Incognito has noted in the past, though not mentioned in this article, there is work in trying to get Democrats motivated for turning Texas blue in the future and maybe she can help the down ballot.

Edit-Here's a different summary from a Texas-focused publication: http://www.texastribune.org/2014/09/30/abbott-gets-aggressive-davis-stays-way/

Another issue not discussed in the article, but I caught elsewhere was Greg Abbott bringing up his 33-year marriage when asked about opposing same-sex marriage.

“If a 10-year-old girl asked you whether her two dads should be allowed to get married, what would you tell her?” Garcia said.

“John, I want you to know there are good and decent people on both sides oft his issue,” Abbott replied. “I believe in traditional marriage. That’s what 75 percent of Texans agreed with less than a decade ago when they passed a constitutional amendment in the state of Texas saying that marriage in Texas is a union between one man and one woman. Now, for me personally, this is more than a constitutional amendment. I’ve been married to my wife Cecilla for more than 33 years now.”

Abbott then stopped speaking, prompting Garcia to ask, “Is that what you would tell the 10-year-old?”

“That’s what I just told John,” Abbott said, with a smirk on his face.

I feel this story, from earlier in September, is relevant:
Texas Woman Denied Driver’s License Over Same-Sex Marriage

And just a reminder about Texas' current voter ID law, requiring something like a driver's license.
Bill Maher does not just single out Muslims for terrorism. He paints the entire faith and its 1.5 billion adherants as the same as the terrorists. He has called for racial profiling of Muslims at airports. Most of the tips aggainst domestic terrorists come from the Muslim communities and mosques in US. Everyone remembers the time square wannabe bomber Faisal shahzad, but no one remembers Aliune Niasse a senegalese Muslim vendor who noticed the smoke from the SUV and alerted the police.

That is such bullshit. Would like some cheese with that whine.
The hits keep coming. Ebola case in US less than a month after Obama and the CDC guaranteed it wouldn't happen. I don't think this case is a big deal but obviously it's easily tied into existing incompetence narratives about this administration, the golfing, etc. It just looks bad.

We're heading for Bush territory in the coming months IMO.
But many people won't. Just look at the anti-gluten fiasco.
So people do stupid things and that is Bill Maher's fault? Great logic.

He outright denies that Palestine is an occupied territory and stated Israel "didn't lose the high ground" during the recent quagmire AND ignored the human rights watch report in the region of Israel's blatant abuse in Gaza.
Cite something instead of making claims.

Most Muslims just take their religion too seriously and that is a problem. You could say "there is a problem with the religion itself" but you can say that about any religion. It isn't like the Bible is up on the pedestal of morality.
Indeed . . . the Bible is filled with terrible crap. Fortunately, most Christians ignore most of the terrible stuff. Some don't and they scare me. Fortunately, they are a pretty small fringe. And same with Jews . . . most of them ignore the Torah as mostly old garbage not to be taken literally. But there are a small percentage of them that are loonies. Like those those clowns on the El Al flight the other day that were all pissed off that the airplane was not segregated so they had to sit next to women.

Bill Maher is on record of being "scared" that Muhammad is he fastest growing name in England.

Hey, it scares me too. I don't like this kind of thing . . .



He regularly hints that Western Muslims have the same views and beliefs as say those in Iran.
Many of them are much more extreme than people in Iran.

I do find Islam worrying. Partly because, like the Bible (as you pointed out), the Quran is filled with a lot of completely unhelpful and divisive stuff. Old patriarchal homophobic sexist tribal garbage. But the scary part is the fact that people view it as the literal word of god. Christians can ignore the Bible . . . they just say it is 'inspired by god' and they regularly ignore much of what they rightly realize is just bronze age nonsense. But when someone believes the Quran is the literal word of god . . . that doesn't give you much wiggle room. And that causes a lot of people go wacko with it hence we have Boko Haram, Al Qead, Al Shabab, ISIS, Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna, etc.

Just go to this web page about active conflicts in the world and then do Ctrl-F Islam:
'islam' shows up 150 times!

You may not like my view but I think it is fair to say Islam has a bit of militancy problem.

Do I think every Muslim is dangerous? Of course not. But I'm gone take the facts as they are and not as we'd like them to be.
The hits keep coming. Ebola case in US less than a month after Obama and the CDC guaranteed it wouldn't happen. I don't think this case is a big deal but obviously it's easily tied into existing incompetence narratives about this administration, the golfing, etc. It just looks bad.

We're heading for Bush territory in the coming months IMO.




Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The hits keep coming. Ebola case in US less than a month after Obama and the CDC guaranteed it wouldn't happen. I don't think this case is a big deal but obviously it's easily tied into existing incompetence narratives about this administration, the golfing, etc. It just looks bad.

We're heading for Bush territory in the coming months IMO.

Why do you keep mentioning golfing? Haha. Wow. I sometimes can't tell if you are serious or not
Using Anjem Choudray as an example of the UK becoming more radical Islamist is like saying the WBC is an example of America growing more radical Christian.

Also, when the government in the UK has essentially marginalized the Muslim population since 9/11 and where many of the large Muslim communities have double digit unemployment rates, of course people are going to identify with their Arab/Islamic heritage more than their British nationality.
Amazing. In one post you ask me to prove where Bill Maher is bundling all the Muslims with terrorists. In another post you do exactly the same. Before you hide behind "I didn't say ALL muslims with that image, I was just pointing out the extremists!", I know what your motives are. No matter how much the majority condemn these barbarians it falls on deaf ears of "secular rationalists".
So people do stupid things and that is Bill Maher's fault? Great logic.

It is. If things are labeled as GMOs people would ignore those products hurting both business as well as innovation. If people do the same with gluten, they will do the same with GMOs.

Cite something instead of making claims.
That was on the recent episode with Reza Aslan.

Indeed . . . the Bible is filled with terrible crap. Fortunately, most Christians ignore most of the terrible stuff. Some don't and they scare me. Fortunately, they are a pretty small fringe. And same with Jews . . . most of them ignore the Torah as mostly old garbage not to be taken literally. But there are a small percentage of them that are loonies. Like those those clowns on the El Al flight the other day that were all pissed off that the airplane was not segregated so they had to sit next to women.

Hey, it scares me too. I don't like this kind of thing . . .

I do find Islam worrying. Partly because, like the Bible (as you pointed out), the Quran is filled with a lot of completely unhelpful and divisive stuff.
Just go to this web page about active conflicts in the world and then do Ctrl-F Islam:
'islam' shows up 150 times!

You may not like my view but I think it is fair to say Islam has a bit of militancy problem.

Do I think every Muslim is dangerous? Of course not. But I'm gone take the facts as they are and not as we'd like them to be.

While you can make a case toward Muslims living in the mainland having more radical beliefs. This isn't as true with Muslim immigrants. An overwhelming vast majority are very moderate. Hell there is more support for gay marriage among american muslims than evangelicals. Even in Europe most Muslims are hardlythe portrait of an extremist.

Maher is certainly pro-israel and makes some offensive statements in regards to Palestinians, but that statement is absurd.

He asked Oren "has being an occupier changed the Jewish People"

Strange that he basically dismissed Aslan's comment. Heat of the moment?
A new Survey USA poll finds former Gov. Charlie Crist (D) has jumped ahead of Gov. Rick Scott (R) and now leads the current governor by 6 percentage points.

The Survey USA poll conducted for WFLA-TV in Florida found Crist leading 46 percent to 40 percent among likely voters.

That's a 7-point swing for Crist. A previous SurveyUSA poll, conducted from Sept. 19 to Sept. 22, found Scott leading Crist 43 percent to 42 percent among likely voters. That poll was also conducted for WFLA-TV.

From Sept. 26 to Sept. 29 among 750 Floridians.

The Miami Herald noted that the favorable shift for Crist comes as he increases his ad buys in the gubernatorial race.

Makes me feel relieved to be quite honest. I was afraid they'd never get their shit together with the ads in Crists campaign. You see Rick Scott everywhere now. They definitely spent more money in advertising.


Some good, mostly good I guess, some bad:

North Carolina Voting Restrictions Blocked By Federal Appeals Court

WASHINGTON -- A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a lower court to block two new voting restrictions in North Carolina, meaning the state has to reinstate same-day voter registration and allow voters to cast ballots even if they show up to vote in the wrong precinct.

In a two-to-one ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that "whether the number is thirty or thirty-thousand, surely some North Carolina minority voters will be disproportionately adversely affected in the upcoming election" and that it was important to act now, since "there could be no do-over and no redress" once the election was over.


The court did, however, affirm the lower court's decision to allow North Carolina to reduce the number of early-voting days, expand the basis for voter challenges and enact several other new restrictions.
Republican wave, the end of the Democratic Party in America.

All we need now is some good polling from Colorado and Iowa and we can all settle down.

Also no one's paying attention to it but I hope the Dems pull through in Connecticut.

MULawPoll: New Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker at 50% and Burke at 45% among likely voters in governor’s race. #mulawpoll


And the latent racism in the Ebola scare starts to come out (referring to racism and stereotypes about Africa and Africans)

Strange that he basically dismissed Aslan's comment. Heat of the moment?

I didn't watch that episode. But I can imagine that. Its israel and palestine, the entire thing is prone to that.


Makes me feel relieved to be quite honest. I was afraid they'd never get their shit together with the ads in Crists campaign. You see Rick Scott everywhere now. They definitely spent more money in advertising.

I take full credit

Still need to see more polls. One poll can be an outlier and I don't expect to see the race be that far in one direction.
Greg Orman, an independent candidate who has never won political office, now leads veteran Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas by 46%-41% in the most surprising Senate race of the year, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll finds.

In one of the most reliably Republican states in the nation, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback also trails his Democratic challenger, Paul Davis, 46%-42%.

In Kansas poll, Obama and Hillary both have higher favorables than Roberts and Brownback



How will the GOP explain away Brownback if he loses? They can't really call him a RINO. He pushed through almost every GOP fiscal policy wet dream in Kansas.
Sean Sullivan ‏@WaPoSean 1m1 minute ago
BREAKING: A Kansas court has ruled that Dems do not need to replace Chad Taylor on the #KSSEN ballot. Good news for Greg Orman.

I wonder what Metamucil thinks about this.
Marquette's poll with Walker leading by 5 is bumming me out. Gravis had Burke up 5, but between the two I'd believe Marquette sooner. Oh well.

Mellman has Grimes leading McConnell by 2, 42-40. Mellman is a great pollster but I'd assume those undecideds would mostly break for McConnell.
How will the GOP explain away Brownback if he loses? They can't really call him a RINO. He pushed through almost every GOP fiscal policy wet dream in Kansas.

There's still like 5 dems in the state house. They held him back

Marquette's poll with Walker leading by 5 is bumming me out. Gravis had Burke up 5, but between the two I'd believe Marquette sooner. Oh well.

Mellman has Grimes leading McConnell by 2, 42-40. Mellman is a great pollster but I'd assume those undecideds would mostly break for McConnell.

Wasn't this RV?


It is. If things are labeled as GMOs people would ignore those products hurting both business as well as innovation. If people do the same with gluten, they will do the same with GMOs.
One difference is that celiac disease actually exists. Whereas most of the food we've eaten for centuries plus has been "genetically modified" by some standards making it an insanely broad term unlike gluten.


This is semantics, and nothing more
I wonder what Metamucil thinks about this.

Paging Metaphysical.

Oh, you guys.

I haven't looked into the Kansas thing, but my own inclination is that the government can't compel political parties to run candidates. Also Kobach shouldn't be engaging in such blatantly partisan conduct in his official capacity.

(Note that the district court in this case essentially decided the question on the basis of a lack of standing, and only because the petitioner failed to show up or provide any evidence with respect to standing. It did still go on to discuss the relevant statute and legal standards, though.)


College Republican National Committee: Say Yes To Rick Scott
In the latest attempt to woo younger, more diverse voters, a Republican group has released an ad campaign comparing voting for various Republican gubernatorial candidates to Say Yes To The Dress, a reality show centered around women picking the right wedding gown.

One ad, paid for by the College Republican National Committee, shows a young woman trying on a wedding dress and raving about Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) as her mother urges her to pick Charlie Crist instead.

“Mom, this is my decision. And I see a better future with Rick Scott,” the bride says. At the end, she, her mother, and her African American maid of honor squeal and toast with champagne.

CRNC chairman Alex Smith told the Wall Street Journal that these are only the first of several ads meant to make the Republican Party seem “culturally relevant” to “the generation that has their earbuds in and their minds turned off.”


.... I have no words. It has to be fake, right? I mean, the "Republicans are People too" thing was absurd and a little bit creepy, but this is just... just.... wow.


College Republican National Committee: Say Yes To Rick Scott

.... I have no words. It has to be fake, right? I mean, the "Republicans are People too" thing was absurd and a little bit creepy, but this is just... just.... wow.

How much money did Rick Scott scam out of Medicare again?


Also, a pretty shitty way to appeal to young people, when a lot of them are hardly thinking of marriage when they first graduate college. I mean, what with trying to find a job and crushing student loan debt...
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