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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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How is voter turnout calculated?

Is it votes over
-Total pop
-Total pop 18+
-Total pop 18+ that are citizens
-Total pop 18+ that are citizens and are not fellons?

Edit: or registered voters? How does that work if the rolls are never cleared?

I've seen two measures used commonly. Eligable voters (total votes / voters over 18) and registered voters (total votes / total registered voters). It depends on what you are trying to measure (and in the case of campaigns, how to best deploy resources).
Republicans have a strange new debt limit strategy: Demand conditions attached but promise not to default if Democrats refuse to comply.

"I think for the president to ask for a clean debt ceiling [increase] when we have the debt the size of our economy is irresponsible," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Fox News Sunday. "I think the president is taking an unreasonable position to suggest that we ought to treat his request to raise the debt ceiling like some kind of motherhood resolution that everybody says aye and we don't do anything, when we have the stagnant economy and this massive debt created under his administration."

Fighting words. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has similarly warned
that Republicans will insist on attaching conditions to any resolution that raises the country's borrowing limit and prevents a potentially disastrous breach in late February. They may tie it to legislation that scraps a stability mechanism in Obamacare that they call an insurer "bailout," Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) signaled.

But what if Democrats reject the demand, as they have vowed to?

"We're never going to default. The Speaker and I made that clear. We've never done that," McConnell said. Boehner's spokesman Michael Steel, calling on the White House to negotiate a solution amenable to the House, similarly said the Speaker believes "we should not default on our debt, or even get close to it."

Do what we tell you or we'll do what you want!


Eh. Not racist, just derptastic.

Calling it "racist" is an oversimplification.

What I would say is that that's part and parcel of the privileged understanding of kyriarchy, in which everybody is self-evidently equal and so anybody claiming bigotry or discrimination is obviously lying in order to manipulate people. This understanding takes it for granted that racism doesn't really exist today, so I think you can safely call it racist in the sense that it's a belief structure that props up and indemnifies racism, without which it would not be possible in today's time.

Do what we tell you or we'll do what you want!

Really an odd article. This is the exact same strategy they have used since day one. Remember last year when I was telling folks nothing was going to happen, since Boehner assured K-Street he would not allow the US to default?

This is a game. They wait until the last minute to appease their base, then fold and blame Obama for not being bipartisan. Every time. Which is why the 2011 fiasco was so grating.
Really an odd article. This is the exact same strategy they have used since day one. Remember last year when I was telling folks nothing was going to happen, since Boehner assured K-Street he would not allow the US to default?

This is a game. They wait until the last minute to appease their base, then fold and blame Obama for not being bipartisan. Every time. Which is why the 2011 fiasco was so grating.
Boehner also assured everyone the government wouldn't shut down

I know the severity of breaching the debt ceiling far outweighs that but I'm not taking Boehner at his word for shit when his caucus is nuts
Boehner also assured everyone the government wouldn't shut down

I know the severity of breaching the debt ceiling far outweighs that but I'm not taking Boehner at his word for shit when his caucus is nuts

A government shutdown isn't really a big deal (as long as it's not too long), whereas a government default blows up the economy. His caucus has nothing to do with it either: the only way the United States would default is if Boehner refused to bring a vote to the floor. And considering he has assured K and Wall Street he won't allow a default, there is literally no reason to be worried.

I think Boehner assumed the shutdown would last a few days before republicans gave up, and then realized that wasn't the case. Which led to him basically letting the party get slapped in the mouth so he could say "you see what happens?"
A government shutdown isn't really a big deal (as long as it's not too long), whereas a government default blows up the economy. His caucus has nothing to do with it either: the only way the United States would default is if Boehner refused to bring a vote to the floor. And considering he has assured K and Wall Street he won't allow a default, there is literally no reason to be worried.

I think Boehner assumed the shutdown would last a few days before republicans gave up, and then realized that wasn't the case. Which led to him basically letting the party get slapped in the mouth so he could say "you see what happens?"
We'll see.

I'm hoping we'll get enough antics out of it to drag the GOP's numbers down.


Sidhe / PikPok

They took it down, but not before it could capped.


I see Kati Jon Sanshalloliver has the inside scoop on government waste at the Postal Service.

Fake edit: actually it's a joke -

"The Postal Services created a stamp with a picture of President Obama on it. The Postal Service noticed that the stamp was not sticking to envelopes. This enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation. After a month of testing and $1.73 million in congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings:

1.The stamp is in perfect order.
2.There is nothing wrong with the glue.
3. People are spitting on the wrong side."
Read the fine print. It can be calculated any of these ways (although I don't think anybody would do it as straight total pop), and it depends upon what the entity doing the counting chooses. The most common two are % of registered voters and % of eligible voters, I believe. If there is no fine print, then you have a useless number because you don't know what it means.

I've seen two measures used commonly. Eligable voters (total votes / voters over 18) and registered voters (total votes / total registered voters). It depends on what you are trying to measure (and in the case of campaigns, how to best deploy resources).

Ive noticed that newspaper articles never say how they get their number.

It is possible for number of registered voters to exceed total eligible voters, right?

Thats what Im getting when looking at some data.

I assume people keep registering, die, move away etc, but stay on the list.

So if a town has a steady pop, amount registered keeps going up.

That should be an issue with the data, right?

Like people say "record low turnout" but that can be meaningless if the registered number goes up while pop doesnt. it will be record low every year
So I remember asking about GDP PPP per capita. So I looked around and found this. Its interesting to see where one's state line's up compared to other countries. I also love how DC is so insanely high. Really puts things into perspective in what this is measuring.


aka andydumi
Ive noticed that newspaper articles never say how they get their number.

It is possible for number of registered voters to exceed total eligible voters, right?

Thats what Im getting when looking at some data.

I assume people keep registering, die, move away etc, but stay on the list.

So if a town has a steady pop, amount registered keeps going up.

That should be an issue with the data, right?

Like people say "record low turnout" but that can be meaningless if the registered number goes up while pop doesnt. it will be record low every year

I think rolls are checked against death records. I remember one year there was an issue where they accidentally removed more than necessary in that "cleanup" and some people had to re-register.
It is possible for number of registered voters to exceed total eligible voters, right?

Exceed? That seems very doubtful to me. There are a lot of unregistered but voting-eligible people. You'd have to do a separate study of roll-clearing to get an idea how badly looking at registered voters is distorting. I couldn't imagine registered voters ever surpassing eligible voters, though, not by a long shot.

But, yes, inadequate roll-clearing could theoretically affect any number given that is looking at registered voters.
Exceed? That seems very doubtful to me. There are a lot of unregistered but voting-eligible people. You'd have to do a separate study of roll-clearing to get an idea how badly looking at registered voters is distorting. I couldn't imagine registered voters ever surpassing eligible voters, though, not by a long shot.

But, yes, inadequate roll-clearing could theoretically affect any number given that is looking at registered voters.

Im looking at NJ data and Im getting a lot of 100%+ registered numbers



Do what we tell you or we'll do what you want!
Dude I cannot stop laughing here. I cannot believe these clowns hold a majority. I weep for this country (as I laugh). Unreal.



The possible presidential contender continued to say that she is “not thinking about” her plans for 2016.

“I have to say, I don’t know,” she said when asked about her political future. “Not a very satisfactory answer, I know.”

“I’m not thinking about it,” she said. “I am trying to get other people not to think about it. I will think about it in the future sometime, but right now let’s think about what we have to do to continue building on our success.

One title that she is looking forward to, however, is one far removed from the Oval Office.

“I really can’t wait, to be honest,” she said of the possibility of becoming a grandmother. “But that’s not my decision."


aka andydumi
Can you register to vote in a different county than that of your residence? I am thinking college students registering to vote in the county of their school but not being residents for the purposes of the initial "eligible voters" counts.


Non-Tea Party GOP to America: "We're just a bunch of trolls with no spine. Sorry about that. At least you know what we stand for now... absolutely nothing."
Smaller counties?

Plus, New Jersey!

Im looking at individual municipalities.

Take Essex Fells Borough.

2010 census
(Confirmed via real census fact finder)

Pop: 2,113
Pop 18+:1,481
(including non-citizens and incarcerated)

But 1,689 registered voters in 2010 election.


114% of eligible voters are registered!

122% if you discount foreign nationals.

Their voter registration drives are SUPER EFFECTIVE.
Im looking at individual municipalities.

Take Essex Fells Borough.

2010 census
(Confirmed via real census fact finder)

Pop: 2,113
Pop 18+:1,481
(including non-citizens and incarcerated)

But 1,689 registered voters in 2010 election.


114% of eligible voters are registered!

122% if you discount foreign nationals.

Their voter registration drives are SUPER EFFECTIVE.

Yeah, but that's not going to happen as you scale up. Take Parsippany-Troy Hills, for example, which is the biggest city in District 11 (from your data).

2010 census pop over 18: 42,164
2010 registered voters (from your data): 31,400

And that's hardly a large municipality.
Really an odd article. This is the exact same strategy they have used since day one. Remember last year when I was telling folks nothing was going to happen, since Boehner assured K-Street he would not allow the US to default?

This is a game. They wait until the last minute to appease their base, then fold and blame Obama for not being bipartisan. Every time. Which is why the 2011 fiasco was so grating.
It is not a game. It is theater. A game implies that there is some uncertainty as to the outcome.
You know . . . I think the GOP is changing a little bit.

We just had this pregnant brain-dead lady down in Texas and she was being kept alive because of the fetus (a horrible sad case). The family wanted to let her die but the hospital kept her alive due to a law requiring her to be kept alive. A judge decided she was dead and no one appealed.

And as far as I know, other than some local yokels, no politicians championed this case. No national GOPers came forward and tried tried to make an issue out of this like they did with Terry Schiavo.

So apparently they are (quietly) changing.

Edit: A funny thing about this change is that this kinda seems to be a double tossing out of their super-duper "principles" concerning the "sanctity of life".
1) Brain dead woman is being euthanized.
2) Fetus is being allowed to die along with the mother's body.

I think they look at the Terry Schiavo polling and the snap polls on this case . . . and realized that they were on the wrong side of history. And for once . . . they changed. But that is because this has nothing to do with giving tax-cuts to rich people or other important things like that.


So food stamps. Bitch bitch bitchy blah blah blah welfare state.

Honest question: doesn't the money that needy families get for food stands... Go right back into the economy anyway? It's not like the money just disappears when it gets hses at the grocery store ( except disappearing into the walton's giant bank accounts).


Also, heard on Fox News, that come March, there is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Americans will lose their health insurance. So... Basically no one will get health insurance according to some numb congressman.
@ppppolls 47s
Chris Christie's net favorability in our national polling has dropped 27 points in one month, from +12 at 43/31 to -15 at 31/46
If this holds up for another year, Hilldabeast will be unstoppable.
Also, heard on Fox News, that come March, there is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Americans will lose their health insurance. So... Basically no one will get health insurance according to some numb congressman.

Why would more people be losing their health insurance now? With the law in effect, shouldn't all invalid plans be already cancelled?

So food stamps. Bitch bitch bitchy blah blah blah welfare state.

Honest question: doesn't the money that needy families get for food stands... Go right back into the economy anyway? It's not like the money just disappears when it gets hses at the grocery store ( except disappearing into the walton's giant bank accounts).

Yes. In reality, over 95% of the money for SNAP goes directly to the recipients of the program. The overhead is minimal.

And in terms of return on investment, food stamps have proven to be some of the most effective forms of stimulus out there.

Whereas subsidies and corporate tax breaks are very indirect forms of stimulus because who really knows how that money is being used. We know it barely trickles down, if at all.

Opponents of the program will largely ignore any factual benefits of the program under the threat of the "moral hazard" and "government dependence" because non-statistical arguments are far more appealing to them.
I'm still not quite sure why people are so vehemently opposed to this.
It feels like the more research I do the more radical I become.

For example I learned the GDP really is hardly the end all be all measurement that people often attribute it as. I feel the same with GDP growth. For example France gets shit on all the time due to having higher unemployment and less GDP growth (recently at least) than Germany despite the fact that the former has the real wages increasing with some of the lowest poverty in Europe while the latter has poverty rate almost double it and its primary base of increasing its GDP is lowering wages. How the hell is that success? Success should be measured how much extra money the people are getting and how little poor people you have. Yet you never ever see anyone anywhere in the media measuring success by this. Even on MSNBC you don't see them mentioning real wage growth but looking at GDP growth. Yes France has high unemployment but why is it a good thing if people are working while being poor? It makes no sense. Developed countries shouldn't start by growing the GDP then figuring out how to raise wages, that's backwards (unless its under certain conditions).

Couple that with the fact that I no longer believe that the amount of public debt matters and that taxes don't fund the government lead me to having radical views in terms of how the economy should be structured. I find this all amusing because before I got into politics I though I would "moderate" my views or "meet in the middle" yet the more I learn and research the more I feel that I am leaping toward my previous direction even further than before.
So food stamps. Bitch bitch bitchy blah blah blah welfare state.

Honest question: doesn't the money that needy families get for food stands... Go right back into the economy anyway? It's not like the money just disappears when it gets hses at the grocery store ( except disappearing into the walton's giant bank accounts).
Wouldn't it be awesome for Obama to come out in the SOTU and offer a compromise, means testing farm subsidies in exchange for no food stamp cuts?

Yeah that's never gonna happen.
Calling it "racist" is an oversimplification.

What I would say is that that's part and parcel of the privileged understanding of kyriarchy, in which everybody is self-evidently equal and so anybody claiming bigotry or discrimination is obviously lying in order to manipulate people. This understanding takes it for granted that racism doesn't really exist today, so I think you can safely call it racist in the sense that it's a belief structure that props up and indemnifies racism, without which it would not be possible in today's time.

In a sense it is racism, in the sense that the next phase ends up being combating "anti-white" diversity initiatives through discrimination-by-a-different-name. You see this in the mentality that black people only get jobs at the loss of white jobs, and therefore the only way to combat that racism is by hiring white people (specifically white men).

Racial resentment might be worse now than at any point in recent memory, especially over the last 5 years. The mentality is "minorities are getting everything yet they're still complaining."

As I always say, you see this all the time on GAF in race threads. Unless a burning cross is in a black person's yard, it's not racism.
So classy.

Erick Erickson ✔ @EWErickson
So Abortion Barbie had a Sugar Daddy Ken. No exactly the bio she claimed. http://fb.me/1wrnVJJ3J
8:50 AM - 19 Jan 2014

The GOP fratricide continues . . .

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren lit into fellow network colleague Erick Erickson in a post on her blog GretaWire after he tweeted harshly about Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, characterizing her as “Abortion Barbie.”

Van Susteren posted a large, sweaty photograph of the conservative pundit and headlined it, “What is wrong with this guy? He is such a jerk! He is a repeat offender!”
It feels like the more research I do the more radical I become.

For example I learned the GDP really is hardly the end all be all measurement that people often attribute it as. I feel the same with GDP growth. For example France gets shit on all the time due to having higher unemployment and less GDP growth (recently at least) than Germany despite the fact that the former has the real wages increasing with some of the lowest poverty in Europe while the latter has poverty rate almost double it and its primary base of increasing its GDP is lowering wages. How the hell is that success? Success should be measured how much extra money the people are getting and how little poor people you have. Yet you never ever see anyone anywhere in the media measuring success by this. Even on MSNBC you don't see them mentioning real wage growth but looking at GDP growth. Yes France has high unemployment but why is it a good thing if people are working while being poor? It makes no sense. Developed countries shouldn't start by growing the GDP then figuring out how to raise wages, that's backwards (unless its under certain conditions).

Couple that with the fact that I no longer believe that the amount of public debt matters and that taxes don't fund the government lead me to having radical views in terms of how the economy should be structured. I find this all amusing because before I got into politics I though I would "moderate" my views or "meet in the middle" yet the more I learn and research the more I feel that I am leaping toward my previous direction even further than before.
You absolutely raise a good point.

If a country can maintain low poverty levels while having high unemployment, that's largely a good thing. It shows a more progressive style of labor.

As automation continues to lessen the needs of the workforce in the future, we are going to have a real problem to deal with in regards to how we treat labor.
Right now, there are 3 people for every job opening in the USA. That's a serious problem. People want work and cannot get it. Our output is tremendously high. We do not have a shortage of food or housing. There's no reason why these people need to be denied basic living essentials.

However, the size of our debt does matter to an extent. We still pay interest on that debt. While we don't face a real fear of insolvency, the buyers of our debt are still largely wealthy people. And because they are making returns on our debt and getting rich of public spending (because we choose to issue debt), it's likely contributing to wealth inequality.


So food stamps. Bitch bitch bitchy blah blah blah welfare state.

Honest question: doesn't the money that needy families get for food stands... Go right back into the economy anyway? It's not like the money just disappears when it gets hses at the grocery store ( except disappearing into the walton's giant bank accounts).
This is money goes to businesses, almost directly.
But since this program has the side effect of feeding the poor, radical conservatives hate on it - you gotta to keep that lash of hunger in tip top shape.
It feels like the more research I do the more radical I become.

For example I learned the GDP really is hardly the end all be all measurement that people often attribute it as. I feel the same with GDP growth. For example France gets shit on all the time due to having higher unemployment and less GDP growth (recently at least) than Germany despite the fact that the former has the real wages increasing with some of the lowest poverty in Europe while the latter has poverty rate almost double it and its primary base of increasing its GDP is lowering wages. How the hell is that success? Success should be measured how much extra money the people are getting and how little poor people you have. Yet you never ever see anyone anywhere in the media measuring success by this. Even on MSNBC you don't see them mentioning real wage growth but looking at GDP growth. Yes France has high unemployment but why is it a good thing if people are working while being poor? It makes no sense. Developed countries shouldn't start by growing the GDP then figuring out how to raise wages, that's backwards (unless its under certain conditions).

Couple that with the fact that I no longer believe that the amount of public debt matters and that taxes don't fund the government lead me to having radical views in terms of how the economy should be structured. I find this all amusing because before I got into politics I though I would "moderate" my views or "meet in the middle" yet the more I learn and research the more I feel that I am leaping toward my previous direction even further than before.
We'll make a socialist out of you yet!


Sidhe / PikPok
Also, heard on Fox News, that come March, there is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Americans will lose their health insurance. So... Basically no one will get health insurance according to some numb congressman.

What was the rationale here? Obamacare will so undermine the insurance market that every health insurance provider will decide to shut down?

Guess that's a bit of a change to the usual "insurance premiums are going up for everybody!" line.
However, the size of our debt does matter to an extent. We still pay interest on that debt. While we don't face a real fear of insolvency, the buyers of our debt are still largely wealthy people. And because they are making returns on our debt and getting rich of public spending (because we choose to issue debt), it's likely contributing to wealth inequality.

Why not just cut out these buyers (the middlemen) then?

We'll make a socialist out of you yet!

I would commit if one country actually had a successful long term economic model of it.

Venezuela? No. Cuba? No. Yugoslavia? Controversial.


What was the rationale here? Obamacare will so undermine the insurance market that every health insurance provider will decide to shut down?

Guess that's a bit of a change to the usual "insurance premiums are going up for everybody!" line.

Yeah, pretty much. Premiums will go up because not enough young, healthy people with deep pockets sighed up for Obummercare so all businesses in america will somehow dump their employees into the exchange or some shit. Conservative, Anti-Obama Logic 101.

I've been debating a friend over whether sexism or racism is harder to get away with, in politics. Obama is vulnerable largely because he can never truly discuss race without turning half the country off; this leads to people getting to take petty, ignorant punches with no pushback (see: Palin, Gingrich, etc).

So I think republicans will enter this year through 2016 expecting the same rules on sexism: throw rocks and then blame the victim. I don't think it'll work with sexism, which is more blatant and easier to discuss. Gotta say I was surprised at republicans essentially floating a trial balloon on attacking Hillary with Bill Clinton's affair(s) if she dares discuss the "war on women." It's not only tone deaf but one of the stupidest things I've ever heard; I seriously doubt such an attack polls well.

So yea brehs, get ready for 2 years of this shit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rand Paul also said that "if there's a war on women, then women are winning."

I'm sure that line probably sounded better in his staff meeting than it wound up being.
Rand Paul also said that "if there's a war on women, then women are winning."

I'm sure that line probably sounded better in his staff meeting than it wound up being.
I bet Rand Paul is one of those guys who comes up with comebacks in the car to arguments he had 3 days ago


Rand Paul also said that "if there's a war on women, then women are winning."

I'm sure that line probably sounded better in his staff meeting than it wound up being.
It must be great to be a Republican. I can't think of any other field where you can routinely say the dumbest shit and take little to no flak for it. Even the pope is held more accountable than these jokers.
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