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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Anyone else find SOTU completely useless and boring?
Yeah, I don't think I get myself to watch it. They tend to be long & boring.

And I often find them depressing because they'll be things I don't like and none of the stuff that he talks about wanting to work on will happen. You could probably go through last year's speech and find that nothing happened with most of the stuff he talked about wanting to work on. I don't really blame him, just our gridlocked government.

The only thing that seems interesting these days is foreign policy since he doesn't need the House to do that stuff. I am optimistic about doing a deal with Iran . . . I think that could be a game-changer. Iran and the USA were very friendly for a long time. Yes, I know much of that was based on a dictator but I also think the Shia sect of Islam is more open and tolerant and thus there are good prospects for good relations. If both side can let bygones be bygones, it would be great for all involved.
Obama gets to propose stuff he hasn't moved on since year one, again and again.

I'll probably play video games. Tired of hearing we need to give tax breaks to companies that don't ship jobs overseas.

Last year he proposed a raise in minimum wage. Its not one of the things democrats are running on, its pushed multiple states to raise it. He's now even taking action himself. He talked about Pre-K, deblasio ran on it in America's biggest city. He pushed gun control, we got the vote, though unfortunately it didn't pass.

I don't know why people say it doesn't matter, it sets the path forward for the next year. Is the house being controlled by the tea party going to prevent most things from happening soon? Probably but like occupy shifting the debate is just as important. What the president sets as his agenda is what gets covered by the media as 'news' the more he shifts it away from the GOPs agenda the better prospects are for democratic gains and policy wins.


I like the State of the Union because the responses have been pretty good for weeding out 2016 GOP candidates.

And this year, I think 4 GOP folks are responding to it!

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
McCain is getting all mavericky on the Arizona GOP.
PHOENIX — U.S. Sen. John McCain says the Arizona Republican Party's censure of him over the weekend may just motivate him to run for a sixth term.

The censure vote came during a meeting of state committee members who cited McCain's voting record as being insufficiently conservative.

The members say McCain has campaigned as a conservative but has lent his support to immigration reform and funding President Barack Obama's national health care initiative.

In response Tuesday, McCain tells The Associated Press he has a strong conservative voting record and led the fight in the Senate against Obama's health care plan. He blames the censure on uninformed "extremist" party elements.

While he hasn't decided on a run for a sixth term in 2016, McCain says he is now "more seriously" considering it


Obama's executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contracts is pretty smart. It helps a lot of people, has popular support, and really pisses off the GOP, in no small part for how sharply it draws a contrast with them. Hearing the orange one seethe on NPR on the way into work was delightful.


I used to watch SOTUs pretty religiously from the 8th grade up until a couple years ago. Now I find myself hard pressed to care, as I could probably guess what will be said without the pageantry.

Plus the Red Wings and Lobos overlap the address on both sides so...

Joe Molotov

I used to watch SOTUs pretty religiously from the 8th grade up until a couple years ago. Now I find myself hard pressed to care, as I could probably guess what will be said without the pageantry.

Plus the Red Wings and Lobos overlap the address on both sides so...

Plus, Rand Paul's response is gonna be on Youtube later anyway, I'll just wait for that.
I remember reading an article when I was ten years old during a visit to India to visit family that highlighted the reasoning for this quite succinctly.

It told the story of building a walkway for disabled folks in India & China. In India it took years to get it done. In China - 6 months.

Say what you want about China, but they get shit done.
I see the speed in which the subway in Beijing get expended, and it's like magic to my western (and especially Seattleite) eyes.
Now don't get me wrong, some of the slowness you get in the west (and in democracies in general) is for a good reasons, but I think people kinda grown accustomed to such projects going for years and decades so they just think this is as fast as they can go.

Then why is government often inefficient compared to the private sector? Why does Cuba and Venezuela suffer from inefficiency while China flourishes? Why is Sweden, Iceland, and Norway doing so well while having so many of its sectors still nationalized?

China is as laissez faire as they come. India has always been a Soviet proto nation, from the economy to the political parties (Communist party is a powerful entity in India), to military. Since the independence, India was Russia's proxy and (ironically) Pakistan was USA's proxy. There were lot of dirty deals cut behind closed doors during the Sino-Indian war and India-Pakistan wars.

I always thought that China and India rank equally in terms of economic freedom? I assume you are referring to how the state owned corps run things.


It feels like the more research I do the more radical I become.

For example I learned the GDP really is hardly the end all be all measurement that people often attribute it as. I feel the same with GDP growth. For example France gets shit on all the time due to having higher unemployment and less GDP growth (recently at least) than Germany despite the fact that the former has the real wages increasing with some of the lowest poverty in Europe while the latter has poverty rate almost double it and its primary base of increasing its GDP is lowering wages. How the hell is that success? Success should be measured how much extra money the people are getting and how little poor people you have. Yet you never ever see anyone anywhere in the media measuring success by this. Even on MSNBC you don't see them mentioning real wage growth but looking at GDP growth. Yes France has high unemployment but why is it a good thing if people are working while being poor? It makes no sense. Developed countries shouldn't start by growing the GDP then figuring out how to raise wages, that's backwards (unless its under certain conditions).

Couple that with the fact that I no longer believe that the amount of public debt matters and that taxes don't fund the government lead me to having radical views in terms of how the economy should be structured. I find this all amusing because before I got into politics I though I would "moderate" my views or "meet in the middle" yet the more I learn and research the more I feel that I am leaping toward my previous direction even further than before.

Honestly the one major thing that has made me a radical politically is the realization that voluntarism (or more controversy the idea that we have free will) is a load of shit and a lot of right-wing politics seems to largely rest on that premise with "you can bootstrap your way out of poverty" problems with inequality and other things is people not taking personal responsibility etc.. or of course some crazy right-wing politics goes into the opposite direction with biological determinism.. which is a another faulty premise.;p

The good thing about radical left-wing politics is that it really does put a huge emphasis on the political economy (capitalism) and the social environment being the main source of crippling inequality problems and the main solution is to radically transform it to be conductive for human flourishing.

But I'll say that you should never cling to any one political ideology regardless of how right it seems because you never know what will happen in the future, plus you don't want to be dogmatic about your politics and there's always a need to question and critique them on a daily basis.

So I looked her up and jesus fuck!
You know I like the sound of a lot of her crazy reforms and it's a good thing there is at least someone pushing stuff like that out there (despite how unrealistic it is) but what are the implications of nationalising a company like Microsoft? because I can see logical arguments being formed arguing against it.. of course it's something that's so unlikely to happen that it might not even be worth discussing heh.
PPP is releasing Kentucky and Georgia Senate polls tomorrow. Hype!

Hoping to see Grimes and Nunn leading.

Their last poll (in December) had McConnell leading Grimes by 1, 43-42. The last poll of Georgia was in October after the shutdown - Nunn was tied with a generic GOP opponent 42-42, but then led 48-42 after respondents were informed that all the GOP candidates supported the shutdown. That's not really an issue anymore though.


Unconfirmed Member
I used to watch SOTUs pretty religiously from the 8th grade up until a couple years ago. Now I find myself hard pressed to care, as I could probably guess what will be said without the pageantry.

Plus the Red Wings and Lobos overlap the address on both sides so...

Outside of just general talk about focusing on income inequality, I feel like the democrats 2014 roadmap is a complete blank slate. The SotU will make it a bit clearer about what exactly they'll focus on and maybe a hint about how they'll do it.
Outside of just general talk about focusing on income inequality, I feel like the democrats 2014 roadmap is a complete blank slate. The SotU will make it a bit clearer about what exactly they'll focus on and maybe a hint about how they'll do it.

With this congress, the SoTU is like a giant cock tease. Lots of cool ideas that have zero chance of gaining traction in the house.
Have you guys seen this video of Bernie Sanders "debating" Bachmann?


It's as lol worthy as you'd expect.

Not really. Due to the fact that we are educated and know things such as Australia minimum wage isn't $20 an hour we understand that this is all silly. However to the average American who knows little to nothing about politics and history they will say they are about "even".

I also hate how they focus so much on factory jobs, there is nothing that makes those jobs special you can find other jobs to transfer into high paying jobs. What's the difference between paying a factory worker $15 per hour and a fry cook?
Honestly the one major thing that has made me a radical politically is the realization that voluntarism (or more controversy the idea that we have free will) is a load of shit and a lot of right-wing politics seems to largely rest on that premise with "you can bootstrap your way out of poverty" problems with inequality and other things is people not taking personal responsibility etc.. or of course some crazy right-wing politics goes into the opposite direction with biological determinism.. which is a another faulty premise.;p

I majored in psychology and I think any sane person would determine that both freewill and biological determinism is false. Also when you think about it both are very racist. It would mean that black and brown people are either naturally criminals or "choose" to be criminals. Sounds very Hitler.

You know I like the sound of a lot of her crazy reforms and it's a good thing there is at least someone pushing stuff like that out there (despite how unrealistic it is) but what are the implications of nationalising a company like Microsoft? because I can see logical arguments being formed arguing against it.. of course it's something that's so unlikely to happen that it might not even be worth discussing heh.

Honestly I think Microsoft would be better ran nationalized. It's not like you can make it worse.


Incidentally, $10.10 is a cent above the minimum wage here in BC (10.25 CAD). Rock on, Barry.

Scratch that, a dollar and a cent. Misread a 1. Rock on hard.


Sidhe / PikPok
I think this is new - the ACASignups website is now tracking under 26 year olds on their parents' plan, giving a better picture of the overall impact of the law (people having their plans cancelled notwithstanding). Don't remember it being on there before.




might want hold back on that affection until after the speech -- obama's never shown anything but the highest regard towards reagan and the guy being quoted in that article is the same person who was calling for social security cuts less than a month ago.

also, it seems like Obama is going to use the SOTU as an opportunity to promote the TPP, so...yeah.


I have to hear it, first.

Also, I wish Obama would just come out and straight up blame the GOP House for DC dysfunction. Call them out on bogus investigations and conspiracy crap and call them out for obstructionism. Make a clear case that the biggest problem in America is the Republican Party. I don't care if some think it would be arrogant or whatever. It's time to finally fight.

I think this is new - the ACASignups website is now tracking under 26 year olds on their parents' plan, giving a better picture of the overall impact of the law (people having their plans cancelled notwithstanding). Don't remember it being on there before.


He always had it in there.

Yeah, but personally, I think it's a tossup between Paul and Cruz. The latter's supposed to be a smart guy, but he comes off as just as much of a yokel as Paul does.

Cruz isn't dumb. I mean, he believes dumb things, but he's smart enough to convince idiots to believe him. His problem is that he's obviously an asshole and completely unlikable, but there's a deviousness about him.

Rand is just a complete dunce. It's different.
I have to hear it, first.

Also, I wish Obama would just come out and straight up blame the GOP House for DC dysfunction. Call them out on bogus investigations and conspiracy crap and call them out for obstructionism. Make a clear case that the biggest problem in America is the Republican Party. I don't care if some think it would be arrogant or whatever. It's time to finally fight.

You can do that without calling them out. There's no reason for an unpopular president to do that. This isn't a presidential election and he's passed the point he can do that with any legitimacy. Attack their ideas but not the party or people (at least Obama).
You can do that without calling them out. There's no reason for an unpopular president to do that. This isn't a presidential election and he's passed the point he can do that with any legitimacy. Attack their ideas but not the party or people (at least Obama).

He has and it has gotten him no where. It's time to start calling a spade a spade.

Call them out for blocking immigration reform. Background checks. Medicaid expansion. Gov't shut down. Min Wage vote. Cutting food stamps while increasing farm aid.

It's time to roll up his sleeves.

Americans like someone who shows balls. And the GOP reaction will be to play the poor victim card, which will again favor Obama since Americans hate whiny losers.
He has and it has gotten him no where. It's time to start calling a spade a spade.

Call them out for blocking immigration reform. Background checks. Medicaid expansion. Gov't shut down. Min Wage vote. Cutting food stamps while increasing farm aid.

It's time to roll up his sleeves.

Americans like someone who shows balls. And the GOP reaction will be to play the poor victim card, which will again favor Obama since Americans hate whiny losers.

That will do nothing but invigorate the base which will be frustrated when nothing gets done as they always do. That will not move voters coming from the president.

I'd rather see him do that while campaigning. Doing it in January just doesn't accomplish anything and sets the stage for the media response being 'obama was mean' instead of 'obama calls for action' or 'obama does this'
That will do nothing but invigorate the base which will be frustrated when nothing gets done as they always do. That will not move voters coming from the president.

I'd rather see him do that while campaigning. Doing it in January just doesn't accomplish anything and sets the stage for the media response being 'obama was mean' instead of 'obama calls for action' or 'obama does this'

No, it would be specifically something designed for Obama to call for action. I think it's exactly the thing the media needs, too.
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