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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I really want to know whether this is something that the GOP has been focus group testing, considering about three republicans have brought up Lewinsky this month to combat the "war on women" thing. I can't possibly imagine anyone gives a shit about that, outside of republicans.

That's not to say Bill isn't a pos but come on.

people didn't care about it when it happened, let alone a decade and a half later.

That would be akin to making fun of every republican talking about Reagan by saying "lolirancontralol you stupid shit"
But your examples are again so extreme that in aggregate they are nearly meaningless.

How many cupcake specialty stores do you think there are in the US in small enough towns that they are the exclusive source for cupcakes? And as others said, your theory only holds for non critical things, like cupcakes, so customers would simply order during the open hours which are now slightly shorter.

For critical service jobs like plumbers, the work is still there, and since he gets paid per jobs completed and not per hours worked, if he increases his productivity he makes the same amount of money and produces the same amount of work. And if he decides to work less, someone else will pick up the slack, an electrician might learn some plumbing and do a bit of it. There won't necessarily be a second exclusive plumber in the tiny town, but someone will step up and fix critical toilets.

No, my example is the opposite of extreme. You're too focused on the mention of cupcake or specialty. There are hundreds of thousands of businesses that rate to what I'm speaking of. And what happens when the cupcake shop has less cupcakes is less are bought. And no, people don't always to buy it somewhere else, they often just don't buy it.

A plumber cutting by one hour would probably do little to nothing but it could push things back a little. But I would ignore repairs.

If you work in a company and take an extra sick day or two, that isn't exactly made up somewhere else or later. Usually is, but there's enough that escapes forever of rather is pushed back that it rolls over to the future causing everything else pushed back.

The cob knows what it's doing. That's not to say their predictions will be accurate because things change in the economy on the drop of a hat. But the logic behind the predictions are very sound.

If 10k people decide to work 1 hour less per week, some of that production will be lost forever.

Personally, I've gone to the bakery to buy a bread and they were out so I just didn't bother. People do this all the time.
This is good.

The unemployment rate slipped to 6.6 percent from 6.7 percent in December. The labor force actually rebounded a sharp 523,000 in January after dropping 347,000 the month before. Household employment spiked 638,000, following a 143,000 rise in December.
The job numbers just don't make sense then, and we should see some nice revisions in the coming months.

Remember, the jobs and employment numbers are very volatile so in any single month they can say opposite things. The long term trend will converge, though.

Edit: well, the sickle image is terrifying. Looks like something out of a horror movie coming at you if you're in the stadium, heh. Not sure all those tweets were about soviet symbol as opposed to scariness.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Those jobs numbers kinda suck, but let's be real, the only thing most people care about is the UE rate, and if that keeps dropping, people should start getting more confident about the economy.
Right Wingers freak out over Olympic Communism (did they not get the tone of that part?)


all things considered some of that stuff is really cool. it could be the superdoopermegasupercommie in me but the hammer and sickle were always cool symbols.

also gotta be careful with nuance around some conservatives. Anything dealing with russia in anything other than black and white terms gets lost on them.
boy, i'm sure tea partiers in kansas will love this!


The 77-year-old senator went to Congress in 1981 and became a fixture: a member of the elite Alfalfa Club and the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which made him a regular on the Sunday talk shows. His wife became a real estate broker Alexandria, Va., the suburb where the couple live, boasting of her “extensive knowledge” of the area.

But such emblems of Washington status have turned hazardous in a Republican establishment threatened by the Tea Party and unnerved by the defeat of incumbents like Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, who was viewed as a creature of the capital.

Mr. Roberts is now desperate to re-establish ties to Kansas and to adjust his politics to fit the rise of the right in the state. But his efforts underscore the awkward reality of Republicans who, after coming of age in an era of comity and esteem for long-term service, are trying to remake themselves to be warriors for a Tea Party age.

In an interview, the three-term senator acknowledged that he did not have a home of his own in Kansas. The house on a country club golf course that he lists as his voting address belongs to two longtime supporters and donors — C. Duane and Phyllis Ross — and he says he stays with them when he is in the area. He established his voting address there the day before his challenger, Milton Wolf, announced his candidacy last fall, arguing that Mr. Roberts was out of touch with his High Plains roots.

“I have full access to the recliner,” the senator joked. Turning serious, he added, “Nobody knows the state better than I do.”

That assertion would be disputed by Tea Party activists energized by Mr. Wolf’s candidacy.

“In four and one-half going on five years of existence have we been contacted by Senator Roberts or any of his staff? Not once,” said Chuck Henderson, a Tea Party activist in Manhattan, Kan., who mocked the notion of the senator’s “official” residence here.

Cruz, Rubio, Other GOPers Urge Court To Stop Obamacare Subsidies

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, along with other top congressional GOPers, have urged a federal court to block Obamacare subsidies for people who signed up for coverage through HealthCare.gov.

The group of eight -- which includes Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn, Sens. Orrin Hatch (UT), Mike Lee (UT) and Rob Portman (OH) along with Reps. Dave Camp (MI) and Darrell Issa (CA) -- filed an amicus brief Thursday on behalf of businesses and individuals who sued to stop the subsidies from flowing through the federal website, the Washington Times reported.

The case, being heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit next month, centers on whether people can receive tax subsidies through the federal website, HealthCare.gov. More than 30 states rely on HealthCare.gov, while 14 plus Washington, D.C., set up their own websites.

The plaintiffs argue that the Affordable Care Act, if held to its exact wording, allows the federal government to provide subsidies to people only if they sign up through a state-run website. The Obama administration says that Congress clearly intended for people to receive subsidies no matter whether they enrolled through a federal or state website.

Cruz and company side with the plaintiffs.

“To judicially amend that provision now would change the terms of the deal, striking a new bargain that Congress did not and could not have struck,” they wrote, noting their "distinct perspective" as members of Congress -- though none of them voted for the ACA.

A federal district judge rejected that argument in January, ruling that subsidies should continue to be delivered through HealthCare.gov, which sent the case to the appeals court.

Pathetic. While this has no chance of working, what strikes me most is the intention: to fuck people (including constituents of every senator and congressman who filed the briefing) over. For what? Hypothetically in an alternative, Diablos-esque universe where this worked, millions of people would be forced to cancel plans they just paid for, and lose coverage for the rest of the year. It's not like there's some quick fix alternative for congress to quickly pass and save folks from financial stress. It's like filling a room of your house with gasoline and throwing a match: why?

I understand some of this is just "me too" bandwagoning; some idiot thought of this plan, and senators jumped on so they can say "I tried everything to end Obamacare, however my opponent didn't do x." But it's also a sign of the radicalism that controls the GOP right now. It's the same with unemployment benefits. If you believe Obama is ruining the economy, he won't negotiate, there is no hope for new jobs to be created...then how can you also refuse to extend unemployment benefits to those suffering from Obama's horrible policies? Clearly they can't find jobs due to Obama, so why make their suffering worse? It makes no fucking sense, unless you don't give a shit and are just playing games.

Pathetic. While this has no chance of working, what strikes me most is the intention: to fuck people (including constituents of every senator and congressman who filed the briefing) over. For what? Hypothetically in an alternative, Diablos-esque universe where this worked, millions of people would be forced to cancel plans they just paid for, and lose coverage for the rest of the year. It's not like there's some quick fix alternative for congress to quickly pass and save folks from financial stress. It's like filling a room of your house with gasoline and throwing a match: why?
To deny Obama any accomplishment. That has been their mojo for the past 6 years he has been in office. It went from blocking him on everything so people who don't pay attention to their antics blame him for the economy or healthcare, to just blocking him to deny him a legacy now. They succeeded somewhat in their efforts. Obama is still trailing Reagan and Clinton during their second terms.

That's why winning in 2012 was so important for Obama. To solidify the healthcare law.


Yep, it's all about fucking things up as much as possible now and blaming Obama. They know they have no chance in 2016 short of something on the scale of Lehman 2.0 completely fucking up the economy. The problem is all they are doing is delaying the recovery, not stopping it. If things start really accelerating in a couple years instead of right now, all the worse for them.
Yep, it's all about fucking things up as much as possible now and blaming Obama. They know they have no chance in 2016 short of something on the scale of Lehman 2.0 completely fucking up the economy. The problem is all they are doing is delaying the recovery, not stopping it. If things start really accelerating in a couple years instead of right now, all the worse for them.

I worry about the Student Loan stuff collapsing before the 2016 elections (I worry about it in general for many reasons...this is but one of those reasons).


Unconfirmed Member
Ugh. The food stamp cuts and UI extension failure makes me sick to my stomach. :(
Even more annoying is Obama parading the bill around Michigan like it's a victory. I'm not opposed to cutting food stamps, but these cuts were specifically done to fuck over certain people, while the bill continues to drown farmers in handouts. Fuck that.
Even more annoying is Obama parading the bill around Michigan like it's a victory. I'm not opposed to cutting food stamps, but these cuts were specifically done to fuck over certain people, while the bill continues to drown farmers in handouts. Fuck that.

Why? What single purpose does that serve?
Why is food not a basic human right?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Sippy Cupp is abhorrently insufferable on Real Time...

She had some really condescending looks and facial expressions when the other guests were talking. I also kinda find it annoying that she calls herself S. E. instead of her full name. Like she is trying to make herself sound more unique than she is.
Why? What single purpose does that serve?
Why is food not a basic human right?
In better economic conditions with less institutionalized unemployment (especially in inner cities) would I support a 1% cut in food stamps in a larger package of spending reforms (including a similar cut in farm subsidies)? Yes. I don't believe one has to be conservative to agree to trading minor cuts. If the economy was better, one could point to the recent CBO report and argue better healthcare security could lower the burden of small food stamp cuts (example: increased reimbursement rates due to Obamacare=more doctors seeing Medicaid patients=less money spent traveling to find doctors who will see you).

The point is that now is not the time to cut the program, especially when the overall impact on the deficit is so minor: all this does is allow asshole republican lawmakers to tell their constituents they helped cut the "free money" minorities get to purchase Jordan's and smartphones with.
I'm not a citizen, so am I allowed to do jury duty?
When will you be eligible to take the citizenship exam? I help immigrants in my city study for the citizenship exam and our study guide lists serving on a jury as a "responsibility that is only for United States Citizens" (that's one of the things they could ask you on the citizenship exam)...
She had some really condescending looks and facial expressions when the other guests were talking. I also kinda find it annoying that she calls herself S. E. instead of her full name. Like she is trying to make herself sound more unique than she is.

I had to look it up thinking maybe it was a long ass greek name or something. It stands for "Sarah elizabeth"...I don't get it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
When will you be eligible to take the citizenship exam? I help immigrants in my city study for the citizenship exam and our study guide lists serving on a jury as a "responsibility that is only for United States Citizens" (that's one of the things they could ask you on the citizenship exam)...

I'm already eligible, I just haven't gotten a chance to take it.
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