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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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I hate hearing all these outrage about the cia/interrogation/boogieman eating you at night from these people in these "committees". At least half of you are responsible for this being put int place!

Go do you jobs and stop it.


aka andydumi
Wyoming AND Utah, both of which, home to a substantial mouth breather population, are considering the medicaid expansion.

Tennessee's governor discussed it the other day too. Although he has to please the legislature somehow as I believe their approval is required.


With Santorum, Perry, Cruz, and Carson in GOP debates, we are in store for some quality prime time comedy.
I love love love this.

If these goofballs are on the stage in front of a live debate audience of right-wing nutters, it's like setting a trap for the candidates who would prefer to carve-out a more moderate path through the primaries. One of these loons will say something crazy, the audience will go wild, the other loons will back him up, and then the moderates are forced into a nasty choice: do they go along with the crazies, or do they say something reasonable and get booed? Either choice brings forth really unflattering media coverage and reactions from around the political world.

I'll be interested in seeing how many debates are scheduled, the timing, the rules for candidates being allowed to access them, etc etc. If the donors have as much clout as I suspect, we might even see fighting over certain candidates being shut-out, just to tamp-down on the crazies.

Mike M

Nick N
Pretty sure Ted Cruz is ineligible to be the president because he was born in Canada. Article 2 of the Constitution anyone?
"Natural born" doesn't necessarily mean "born in the US," just that you were born a citizen.

But it's never been tested in a legal challenge that I know of.


I dont get why it is so hard to understand. Abolishing the senate and/or retooling it so it better represnts the general population equally leads it to being more democratic because it more closely mirrors the countrybat large. Your comparisons are just nonsense.
How is it nonsense? A body that has 51% women more closely mirrors the population of the country at large, but if all of those women are Michelle Bachmann does make it representative? Democratic?

Assuming that we do abolish the Senate AND eliminate gerrymandering (impossible but let's pretend we did it) this doesn't ensure that the House is more representative or more democratic than it is now. Sure, it matches an arbitrarily selected demographic statistic, but that's not inherently democracy.

What's nonsense is complaining about a system designed to not be democratic and then slight of handing towards proposing solutions that don't make it more democratic (and less representative) but do provide partisan benefit.

The country is no longer how it was in the past, so the minority can control both the House and Senate as we see now.
The "minority" has always had outsized power in the House and Senate, it's nothing new. Especially since there's nothing binding members to the party.

The upper house may have started as a purely class-based instrument, but now that we elect them directly I'd argue that that's ceased to be the case. By being equal in number and elected by the entire state (rather than a particular district), the Senate serves a unique role I'm not sure should be folded into the House.
Yeah, it serves as a body to promote personal political careers at a national level. You're basically anonymous in the House unless you're in leadership positions.

How the fuck did the Dems keep Landrieu's seat since the fucking 1800s? o_0
The same way they kept most of the South until around 2002?



Feinstein admits more violence to come because of Democrats actions!

Former CIA official Jose Rodriguez joined Sean Hannity on "Hannity" tonight to discuss the release of a report on the CIA's enhanced interrogation methods.

"It's a very dark day for the CIA," Rodriguez, the former Director of the National Clandestine Service, said. "I think the CIA's being thrown under the bus."

He explained that politicians are playing "political football" with the agency, asserting that both the Senate and the committee were briefed multiple times on what the CIA was doing.

"We feel that we briefed them, we briefed them thoroughly, and they are hypocritical," Rodriguez said.

He added that only three people were waterboarded during the entire length of the interrogation program.

He also disagreed with the report's conclusion that the enhanced interrogation methods were ineffective at protecting Americans and stated that anyone who was there knows that's not true.
Yeah, it serves as a body to promote personal political careers at a national level. You're basically anonymous in the House unless you're in leadership positions.

If that's the Senate's role, it's failing. Obama was the only Senator to be elected to president since Nixon.


Something needs to be done about the House. If it's possible to run unopposed for a national position, it's not working anymore, besides other problems.

I'd personally just go unicameral.
Something needs to be done about the House. If it's possible to run unopposed for a national position, it's not working anymore, besides other problems.

I'd personally just go unicameral.

I'd personally just tear down the entire goddamn system and replace it with a unicameral parliament w/ MMP

we've basically transformed into a parliamentary system at this point anyway


I'd personally just tear down the entire goddamn system and replace it with a unicameral parliament w/ MMP

we've basically transformed into a parliamentary system at this point anyway

My home state (Nebraska) is the only US state with a unicameral legislature. It's pretty neat.

And then I grew up and found out other states had two houses. Why the fuck does Alaska think it needs a two house legislature? Is their government building a combination Taco Bell/Pizza Hut?

In an undated letter unearthed by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now during the August release of documents from the first of two John Doe investigations related to the governor, Walker responded to a letter from Milwaukee attorney and chairman of the Wisconsin Center District Franklyn Gimbel.

Walker told Gimbel his office would be happy to display a menorah celebrating "The Eight Days of Chanukah" at the Milwaukee County Courthouse, and asked Gimbel to have a representative from Lubavitch of Wisconsin contact Walker's secretary, Dorothy Moore, to set it up.

The letter is signed, "Thank you again and Molotov."

This guy is certifiably dumb lmao.
I hate hearing all these outrage about the cia/interrogation/boogieman eating you at night from these people in these "committees". At least half of you are responsible for this being put int place!

Go do you jobs and stop it.

this is a lose issue for Democrats, they better let it go because they are painting themselves as palling around with the badguys with this issue


It's hilarious to see conservatives still use the term "Fauxcohontas" like they think it's something people care about.



And that is what Louisiana, and almost the entire South, has become. The victims of the particular form of euthanasia it enforces with such glee are tolerance, compassion, civic decency, trans-racial community, the crucial secular values on which this country was founded… I could keep this list going. But I think you get the idea. Practically the whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely racialized, resentment. A fact made even sadder because on the whole they’re such nice people! (I truly mean that.)

Actually, that’s not quite true. They need Florida, arguably, at least in Electoral College terms. Although they don’t even really quite need it—what happened in 2012 was representative: Barack Obama didn’t need Florida, but its 29 electoral votes provided a nice layer of icing on the cake, bumping him up to a gaudy 332 EVs, and besides, it’s nice to be able to say you won such a big state. But Florida is kind of an outlier, because culturally, only the northern half of Florida is Dixie. Ditto Virginia, but in reverse; culturally, northern Virginia is Yankee land (but with gun shops).
"But it’s not just a question of numbers. The main point is this: Trying to win Southern seats is not worth the ideological cost for Democrats. As Memphis Rep. Steve Cohen recently told my colleague Ben Jacobs, the Democratic Party cannot (and I’d say should not) try to calibrate its positions to placate Southern mores: “It’s come to pass, and really a lot of white Southerners vote on gays and guns and God, and we’re not going to ever be too good on gays and guns and God.”

"It’s lost. It’s gone. A different country. And maybe someday it really should be. I’ll save that for another column. Until that day comes, the Democratic Party shouldn’t bother trying. If they get no votes from the region, they will in turn owe it nothing, and in time the South, which is the biggest welfare moocher in the world in terms of the largesse it gets from the more advanced and innovative states, will be on its own, which is what Southerners always say they want anyway."


Unconfirmed Member
It's looking to me like Operation Watch Republicans Self Destruct is failing hard for the democrats so far.

First Republicans go through 2014 without any major flubs, then they reelected congressional leadership without drama, and now they're waging small enough budget battles that democrats don't get the free win on a shutdown that they would with the big Obamacare attachment, while still being big enough that it still sucks.

We'll still have to wait and see what they do after they officially get control, and presidential candidates start making power plays, but these aren't good signs for those hoping Republicans would be too distracted with pointless drama to enact any real policy, while losing public support in the process.


“Torture is wrong, unambiguously. Period. The end. Civilized nations do not engage in torture and Congress has rightly acted to make absolutely clear that the United States will not engage in torture,” Cruz said during the Q-and-A portion of a speech at the Heritage Foundation.

So Senator Cruz made this statement. A bit surprising.

Here's the FreeRepublic reaction thread. The variety of reactions is entertaining.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Despite a significant rise in income inequality in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry (R) is arguing that it's not something the state ought to be worried about.

“We don’t grapple with that here," Perry told The Washington Post in a recent interview, while acknowledging that the state's richest residents have seen the greatest spike in earnings.


“Biblically, the poor are always going to be with us in some form or fashion,” he added, an apparent reference to Mark 14:7.


I so hope this douche runs again.


“Senate Republicans met behind closed doors Tuesday to debate whether they should reverse changes to the filibuster that made it easier for Senate Democrats to confirm President Obama’s nominees,” the Hill reports:

While many expressed anger over last years’ [sic] move by the Democrats and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to unilaterally change the rules through a procedure known as the “nuclear option,” some say the new rules should be kept in case a Republican wins the White House in 2016. . . .

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told reporters that, while the nuclear option was a “mistake,” he believes the new GOP Senate should keep the rules.

“I don’t think there should be one rule for Democrats and one rule for Republicans,” he said.

In favor of restoring the rule, which effectively required 60 votes to confirm a nominee, is South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, who was a member of the so-called Gang of 14, a bipartisan group that negotiated a 2005 compromise to avert a Republican attempt to go nuclear:

Graham said both veterans and newcomers to the Senate are on both sides of the issue.

“It’s a hard thing to figure out, but it’s always been easy for me,” he said. “Before I got here, the place seemed to work OK. . . .”
I just want to make some kind of joke about that last line.


This is a little surprising but the cynic in me sees Cruz thinking he can use the senate report against Obama somehow...maybe. Or it could be the Canadian in him talking.
It's not to the extent or commonality of a Rand Paul or Mike Lee, let alone Justin Amash, but Cruz has had some occasional lapses in this direction before.

It's one reason I'm not too hard on them as I could be, I mean if we're getting GOP Senators from Texas, Utah and Kentucky, they could at least be a little sane about foreign policy and things like torture from time to time.


8am to 3pm. LOL. Stupid ass hours.

Kind of like the unemployment office here in PA. The enitre state has one tiny call center. If you have concerns you have to call first thing in the morning and it literally takes 40 minutes to get someone on the line.


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