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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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The article is trying to get racists on board with stopping climate change (which I hate doing, but fuck, Trump and Cruz are leading the polls), but I don't think I used any racial language (please tell me if I did and where) and didn't argue that immigration is bad. I just think people shouldn't be essentially forced to emigrate away from their nation.

Oh, I wasn't accusing at all. I'm just saying it's part 'n' parcel of the larger "dem immigrants are destroying the great country our (read - white) people built!" Insert comparisons of going to the moon where were white dominated to now, etc, etc. Wasn't saying you used any racist language at all.


The article is trying to get racists on board with stopping climate change (which I hate doing, but fuck, Trump and Cruz are leading the polls), but I don't think I used any racial language (please tell me if I did and where) and didn't argue that immigration is bad. I just think people shouldn't be essentially forced to emigrate away from their nation.

I liked it. But my personal feeling is that if the target for the argument is the racists, then they might tend to not agree with global warming as a phenomenon in the first place.



AFAIK he's also visiting Baton Rouge the next day, but no details yet. If anyone happens to know how one can attend, please tell me!
"I was wrong," explained Ryan in the interview, which will air Sunday on "Face the Nation." "I mean, when you do something that it wrong, you should call to it."

"People who go on government assistance, people who are on government benefits, sure, some people are going to exploit the system. Some people are choosing to just, you know, live on the dole and not work because they prefer that. That's a small percentage of it," explained Ryan, who was in South Carolina to host a summit focused on how Republicans can help alleviate poverty in America.

"Most people don't want to be poor," Ryan added. "Most people don't want to be dependent. And if we speak as if everybody is in this category, that's wrong. And so that's what I did, and I was wrong to do that. And so that's why I think we need to respect people for the ambitions and the goals and the dreams that they actually have and then help facilitate their access to it."


How long till the right calls for Paul Ryan's head?
RCP has an agenda?

RCP has a very obvious right-leaning tint to its editorials and how and when they add polls to their average. It's also where the "Missing White Voters" thesis of why Romney lost and added fuel to the fire that the GOP didn't actually need to appeal to minorities at all. It's not Brietbart or even the National Review by any means, but there is a tilt.


Some months ago, perhaps at the second or third GOP debate, Trump made the comment that he hoped Hillary would win the DEM nomination, because she would be easier to beat.

This was merely thought of as just him being cocky and doing his gimmick. Taunting her and playing to the base and the dislike that people have of Clinton.

Yet i wonder whether he was ahead of his time.

The defense of this is quite funny, "There is still time left! This means nothing!". Yet months if not a year ago all we kept hearing was how she was invincible and practically guarantied a White House position.

Its somehow preposterous now to make any judgement that she is absolutely beatable, but back then it was perfectly okay to practically call her the next "prez"


Some months ago, perhaps at the second or third GOP debate, Trump made the comment that he hoped Hillary would win the DEM nomination, because she would be easier to beat.

This was merely thought of as just him being cocky and doing his gimmick. Taunting her and playing to the base and the dislike that people have of Clinton.

Yet i wonder whether he was ahead of his time.

The defense of this is quite funny, "There is still time left! This means nothing!". Yet months if not a year ago all we kept hearing was how she was invincible and practically guarantied a White House position.

Its somehow preposterous now to make any judgement that she is absolutely beatable, but back then it was perfectly okay to practically call her the next "prez"

I mean, I think it's still pretty reasonable to call her the next president. She's virtually guaranteed to win the nomination and the Democrats have a strong position nationally, so she's certainly more likely to be president than any other person in America. In most cases by a lot!

There are still things that could go wrong, but in general they rely on stuff that's unknown happening, not on stuff that's known playing out. The fundamentals are still strongly in favor of Hillary in my view.


Some months ago, perhaps at the second or third GOP debate, Trump made the comment that he hoped Hillary would win the DEM nomination, because she would be easier to beat.

This was merely thought of as just him being cocky and doing his gimmick. Taunting her and playing to the base and the dislike that people have of Clinton.

Yet i wonder whether he was ahead of his time.

The defense of this is quite funny, "There is still time left! This means nothing!". Yet months if not a year ago all we kept hearing was how she was invincible and practically guarantied a White House position.

Its somehow preposterous now to make any judgement that she is absolutely beatable, but back then it was perfectly okay to practically call her the next "prez"

She still is the favorite for the nomination and a slight favorite for the general. Push those odds closer to 100 with Trump. Sure he could do a chameleon about face for the general but there is tape and lots of it to run negative ads against him with. He is not getting away with the trash he's spouted over the course of the campaign. We are very polarized but not that polarized. See IN and MO 2012 senate races.


Its somehow preposterous now to make any judgement that she is absolutely beatable, but back then it was perfectly okay to practically call her the next "prez"
Huh? Hilary is still going to be the next president. These 'doubts' are just noise to keep things interesting during the news cycle. Just slightly less obvious than CNN's 'too close to call.' Bernie Sanders has no chance of taking the nomination by any realistic metric, and there is no Republican candidate that will overshadow her in the general. The GOP is too split. You've got Ted Cruz for the religious and Trump for both the 'temporarily inconvenienced millionaires' and racists. Neither is going to vote with any enthusasim if the other candidate gets the nomination.


Speaking of suing, how likely is it Trump will simply sue if he doesn't win the general election?

I don't see him conceding.
RCP has always leaned right. Didn't they predict Bush would win in a landslide in 2000?
Yes they thought he'd win like 400 EVs lol

And mocked the media for speculating that Gore could win the electoral college while losing the popular vote, and that would be the only way he could win while using some underhanded tactics.

Hm, funny how that worked out.


Speaking of suing, how likely is it Trump will simply sue if he doesn't win the general election?

I don't see him conceding.

I mean, it's not really up to him. Conceding is a nicety to make the process less tedious, but in the end, people can just count the votes and certify Hillary the winner and Trump will just have to deal with it.


I mean, it's not really up to him. Conceding is a nicety to make the process less tedious, but in the end, people can just count the votes and certify Hillary the winner and Trump will just have to deal with it.

I guess I should say I don't think he'll accept he's lost and pursue whatever legal avenues he can to challenge the result.


Speaking of suing, how likely is it Trump will simply sue if he doesn't win the general election?

I don't see him conceding.

Sue who for what? If he loses, it ain't gonna be close. Votes are counted. Electoral points awarded, a winner declared. If he doesn't concede then he will just look like a sore loser, which I'm sure he is, and Hillary or Bernie will still be the president-elect.
Unless there was something to be gained from any potential legal challenges I can't see Trump doing anything like that. Bombastic and offensive as he is, I don't think it would appeal to engage in an exercise in futility while looking like a sore loser.


Whoever. He's already threatened to sue other candidates donors for defamation and his supporters are apparently suing Virginian election officials.

I just don't see him going down gracefully.


I expect the meltdowns will be more entertaining at least.

With Romney there was more room to blame the loss on compromise and the establishment. A Trump loss seems like it would have people railing at the process itself.
I honestly do wonder how some of the extreme Republican voters would react when Trump loses, especially if it's Hillary. I can see them roiting and doing other thing crazy things, which some might even attack some minorities.
I honestly do wonder how some of the extreme Republican voters would react when Trump loses, especially if it's Hillary. I can see them roiting and doing other thing crazy things, which some might even attack some minorities.

If it's decisive nothing will happen. If Democrats win EV while losing PV or something, who knows.


So I was reading a Joe Klein article about Trump:

What the heck? I thought Sharpton was exclusively criticized by conservatives so I am surprised to see it from Joe Klein. Is he unfairly grouping him with Buchanan and Wallace? I am completely out of the loop here on Sharpton being a demagogue.
Reince ducks question about whether or not Cruz is eligible for president:

A topic in the news today: Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Is he constitutionally eligible to be President?

Listen, I don’t get involved. I’m not going to get in the middle of all these candidate issues. It’s a bad place for me to be. I’ll let all these folks argue about this stuff, and I’m going to stay out of it.


David Brooks calls Ted Cruz "Satanic" and makes delusional claims that only a hardcore establishment Republican could make about Trump's momentum stalling. Ted Cruz responds by calling him a leftist:

"Ted Cruz is making headway. There's ... you begin to see little signs of liftoff. Trump has sort of ceiling-ed out. Carson is collapsing. And Cruz is somehow beginning to get some momentum from Iowa and elsewhere," Brooks said. "And so people are either mimicking him, which Rubio is doing a little by adopting some of the dark and satanic tones that Cruz has."

He continues: “If you watch a Cruz speech, it’s like, we have got this enemy, we have got that enemy, we’re going to stomp on this person, we’re going to crush that person, we’re going to destroy that person."


As our positive, optimistic campaign gains momentum, left-wing journalists accuse those of us who believe in traditional American values of being somehow "Satanic". I didn't know they thought that was a bad thing...

(Note: Satanism is basically just a "religion" that is Ayn Rand's philosophy with more ceremonial shit. Also note: Ayn Rand is Cruz's favorite author and his hero).

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